Bài giảng tiếng anh lớp 8 unit 5

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 8 - Unit 5: Festivals in Viet Nam - Lesson 1: Getting started

  1. 1 2 3 Elephant Race Festival Cow Racing Festival Hue Lim LeFestival Mat Snake festivalFestival Tet Whale 8 Buffalo-fightingFestival 4 Festival 7 6 5
  2. Buffalo-fighting Whale Elephant Race Festival Festival Festival HHeldTUeldose worshipin ina Don bambooAn Village,Giang the snakewhaleProvince.ElephantsTo worship performanceand Eachand pray thetheir race for toincludestheWater ridersretell good race theGodtwo fortune story to pairsin the Do of of of cows,theSonLesound fishermenMat, andHai of Village drums, theyPhong arein controlledgongs and by the two Tet QuangCity Nam cheeringyoung crowds. men Le Mat Snake Festival Lim Hue Cow Racing Festival festival Festival
  3. Tet Lim festival
  4. Period 34 Unit 5: FESTIVALS IN VIET NAM Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED [PAGE 48 - 49]
  5. - recommend [v] : giới thiệu, khuyên - oriental [n] : [thuộc] Phương Đông - royal court music [n]: nhã nhạc cung đình - human chess [n] : cờ người - five-fruit tray [n]: mâm ngũ quả - swing [v] : đánh đu - wrestling [n] : trò đấu vật
  6. five-fruit recommend tray 1 2 wrestling swinging 3 6 oriental 3 4 royal court human chess 7 music 5 4
  7. 1. Peter will come to Vietnam in A.A Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter 2. Duong recommends Peter to see the Festival. A. whale BB. Lim C. Cow Racing D. Le Mat Snake 3. Ao dai fashion show, Oriental night show, royal court music performances are the activities of the AA. Hue Festival B. Lim Festival C.Tet holiday D. Whale Festival 4. People prepare a five-fruit tray, make jam and Chung cake to celebrate the . Festival A. Hue Festival B. Lim Festival CC.Tet holiday D. Whale Festival 5. Singing on dragon boats, swinging on huge bamboo swings, and wrestling are activities of the Festival A. Hue B. Buffalo fighting C. Tet D.D Lim
  8. 1. When is the Hue Festival held? 2. What can visitors see there? 3. What does Duong’s family do to welcome Tet? 4. Why does Duong say ‘’ It’s hard to explain on the phone’’ ? 5. Where and when is the Lim Festival held? 6. Why do you think Duong recommends the Lim Festival?
  9. 1 9 2 8 3 10 7 4 6 5
  11. 1. When is the Hue Festival held? * In April.
  12. What can visitors see in the Hue Festival? They can see a grand opening ceremony, an Ao dai fashion show, a Dem Phuong Dong or oriental night show, royal court music performances and sporting activities.
  14. What does Duong’s family do to welcome Tet? * Duong’s family prepares a five- fruit tray and makes jam and Chung cakes.
  15. Why does Duong say “It’s hard to explain on the phone’’ ? * Because there are so many interesting things to see and enjoy, it would take too long to describe them.
  17. Where and when is the Lim Festival held? * In Bac Ninh, on 12th of the first lunar month.
  19. Why do you think Duong recommends the Lim Festival? * Because it’s near Hanoi, it takes places right after the Tet holiday.
  20. 1. When is the Hue Festival held? 2. What can visitors see there? 3. What does Duong’s family do to welcome Tet? 4. Why does Duong say ‘’ It’s hard to explain on the phone’’ ? 5. Where and when is the Lim Festival held? 6. Why do you think Duong recommends the Lim Festival?
  21. Be ready for the new lesson: A Closer Look 1
  22. - recommend [v]: giới thiệu, tiến cử - oriental night show [n]: đêm Phương Đông - royal court music [n]: nhã nhạc cung đình - five-fruit tray [n]: mâm ngũ quả - explain [v]: giải thích - swinging [n]: trò chơi đánh đu - bamboo swing [n]: cái đu bằng tre - wresting [n]: trò đấu vật
  23. 1. Peter will come to Vietnam in A.A Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter 2. Duong says that Peter should come to . A. Danang B. Hoian CC. Hue D. Dalat 3. Duong recommends Peter to see the Festival. A. whale BB. Lim C. Cow Racing D. Le Mat Snake 4. Aodai fashion show, Oriental night show, royal court music performances are the activities of the AA. Hue Festival B. Lim Festival C.Tet holiday D. Whale Festival 5. People prepare a five-fruit tray, make jam and Chung cake to celebrate the . Festival A. Hue Festival B. Lim Festival CC.Tet holiday D. Whale Festival 6. Singing on dragon boats, swinging on huge bamboo swings, and wrestling are activities of the Festival A. Hue B. Buffalo fighting C. Tet DD. Lim

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