At the core là gì

Photo by Alex Haney on Unsplash

"Rotten to the core" = thối từ lõi, rữa từ trong ra ngoài, nhà dột từ nóc -> nghĩa là chỉ tình trạng xấu, tệ.

Ví dụ
Plausible [hợp lý]. But doesn't go far enough. He's not just an asshole. He's also a traitor [kẻ phản bội] and a criminal. He's not just ignorant [ngu dốt] or uncouth [thô lỗ]. He's rotten to the core. He's a bad man hurting America because he thinks it benefits him to do so.

Because right now, Butler says, the political system only works for rich, white people. So he started a group called the Black Future Project, which pushes for racial justice and demands criminal justice [tư pháp hình sự] reforms like defunding the police. For Butler, that is just a small step towards dismantling [phá hủy] an entire system that is rotten at its core.

Nothing about the familiarity of this practice, however, makes any of it remotely legal. Like any number of commonplace [tầm thường] white collar crimes, the scheme is just another example of how the wealthy and powerful maintain a disproportionate [bất cân xứng] choke hold on the control of our government. The whole thing remains rotten to the core and needs to be treated as the kind of criminal behavior it is.

To Sally Christenson, when Obama left office unemployment was 4 percent. Under Trump it is between 10 percent and 14 percent. Do the math!! Concerning the virus, this administration knew about it back in December and our failed leader did nothing, but kept it under wrap [giữ kín]. If he had mandated [ủy nhiệm] "masks" and "social distancing" we would not have the death toll. He's rotten to the core and doesn't care about the deaths. The deaths are mostly the elderly and people of color.

Thu Phương

Bài trước: "Spoil one rotten" nghĩa là gì?

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