Asias next top model 2 ep 9

There’s a lot of things that I liked about the episode last night and just a few missed that I didn’t care about at all after waking up this morning. I loved the fact that my two home-girls got the first and second call-outs, whoot hoot! And ofcourse, the photoshoot this week was j’adore!!!! I’m not that disappointed with the girl that was sent home, only if you will based the episode on their body of works all throughout the competition but to boot her out with that picture was a travesty! For this episode, the girls went to Sarawak in Borneo. During the shoot, resident judge Mike Rosenthal was their photographer so the girls were very nervous and all. It was the best concept of the season for a shoot if I may say so, let’s all check them out…


This for me is beyond incredible! It’s my favorite shot of the season! This is a very strong photo and could easily land Jodilly a spot in the finals!


I just love this girl! She keeps on producing great shot after another! I’m not gonna be mad if I’ll see her walking the final runway.


I love me some baby Katja and she’s looking fierce as hell here! I love that she also reminds me of a tribe princess here jungle warrior princess theme since the outfits says so little about the latter.


This shot is too grotesque for me in the face. I wished Marie could’ve soften it a little but nevertheless, it was still a good shot face down.


Remove the shoes and I can totally picture this in a National Georgraphic feature. I just love the composition of this shot! There’s so much to look at and it’s really interesting!


Nicole’s magic seems to be not working this time – she’s totally losing it. Cmon’ girl! It’s the final stretch!


Wow! Sheena is looking so luminous! I love her body movement and I love that I can still see Sheena! Like always, it’s smashing!

So who went home this episode?

Call Out Order First Call Out: Katarina 2nd: Jodilly 3rd: Sheena 4th: Marie 5th: Josephine

Bottom Two: Natalie & Nicole Eliminated: Natalie

pictures via Asia’s Next Top Model

This entry was posted in Brands, Models, Places, TV Show and tagged Asia's Next Top Model, Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 2, Borneo, Jodilly Pendre, Josephine Tan, Katarina Rodriguez, Marie Nakagawa, Mike Rosenthal, Natalie Pickles, Nicole Lee, Sarawak, Sheena Liam. Bookmark the permalink.

The girls went abroad to the jungles of Sarawak, Borneo. Unlike other girls who brought small bags for the trip, Sheena decided to bring her big suitcase. She eventually regretted it as they had to cross over some creeks in the jungle on foot bringing their own belongings. In the jungle, they were challenged to make their own tents for staying overnight there and to eat fried maggots for their dinner later in the evening, which disgusted all of the girls. For photo session, they had to be made over by makeup artist Rob Scheppy, each with different jungle persona accordingly. Katarina and Jodilly excelled, while Nicole and Natalie had struggled, despite very good direction from Mike Rosenthal. For the judging session, the models had their second outdoor judging panel at Rumah Melanau on Sarawak Cultural Village. Katarina received the best photo title from Nadya, while Sheena who broke down after receiving critique from the judging panel for her less-than-stellar photo, turned out to be called third. Nicole and Natalie hit the bottom two spots, the latter of whom being eliminated from the competition.

Here Is my Comments for there photos

First is Jojo

The face is good ,very mysterious , the hand is kinda awkward , no neck , but a good photo.

Next is Sheena

I love the story that she;s telling to the photo, but its a little bit stiff, she should’ve relax her lips . but i like it though


It’s kinda boring , a big step-down from last week , the face is boring , but i think its because of her make-up, but i like the body.

Next is Jodilly

BAAM, The face , the body the hands ,the background , I LOVE IT, Breath taking photo.

Next is Natalie

If she look ti the camera or even in the air ,this photo would be great , the hand’s are a little bit awkward , and she looks short.


The face is Boring , the legs are great ,And she looks fat

Lastly Katarina

The more i look to the photo ,the more i get in love with it , Breath-taking , the eyes is giving me chills ,Laser beam eyes , the hand is inviting ,i Really really love it , Air bender , diamond on the rough , Pocahontas. TOTALLY LOVE IT.

There photos are like-able , the tribal make-up destroy it , but i love the theme.

SO here is the COO:

  1. Katarina[Big step up ]
  2. Jodilly [HOT]
  3. Sheena
  4. Marie
  5. Jojo
  6. Nicole
  7. Natalie

Well Here is My COO

  1. Katarina[Pinoy Pride]
  2. Jodilly
  3. Marie
  4. Jojo
  5. Marie
  6. Nicole
  7. Natalie

I think next week its either Jojo or Katarina will be out next week if they dont step up next week because there fellow contestants are tough like sheena and jodilly!!

Who won Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 2?

Sheena LiamAsia's Next Top Model - Season 2 / Winnernull

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