Why did Europeans avoid venturing into inland Africa during the fifteenth century quizlet?

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Review for World History Test over Renaissance and Exploration

Terms in this set [44]

Johannes Gutenberg

Introduced movable type to Western Europe in the 15th century. Credited with greatly expanded availability of printed books and pamphlets. The significance is that his innovation allowed the Renaissance to progress, as printed items were more widespread so literature, research, and art became more widespread.

European-style family pattern

originated in the 15th century among the peasant and artisans of Western Europe, featuring late marriage age, emphasis in the nuclear family, and a large minority that never married. The significance of this is in its representation of the changes in social standards in Europe while Europe was reborn.

Martin Luther

German monk; initiated Protestant Reformation in 1517 by nailing 15 theses to door of Wittenberg castle. Emphasized primacy of faith over works stressed in Catholic Church. Accepted state control on church. Martin Luther's reformation brought about much political change as well as religious change in terms of belief systems

The Edict of Nantes

Grant of tolerance to Protestants in France in 1598; granted only after lengthy civil war between Catholic and Protestant factions. This is significant because this was a step forward for the Protestants in their quest for acceptance in Europe


Class of working people without access to producing property; typically manufacturing workers, paid laborers in agricultural economy, or urban poor; in Europe, product of economic changes of 16th and 17th centuries. This group was a result of the changes of the Renaissance and they were also the group that felt its benefits the least as they were the lowest class


a new religious order founded during the Catholic Reformation; active in politics, education, and missionary work; sponsored missions to south America, North America, and Asia. The significance of this group was that it sponsored mission trips that also aided in exploration that began in Europe during this period. They also represent another sect of Christianity that arose during this period.


A group that believed in the concept of God that as current during the scientific revolution; the role of divinity easy to set natural laws in motion, not to regulate once process has begun. The significance is that this was another sect of Christianity that adhered to the new scientific proofs arising during the Renaissance.

Cottage Industry

A usually small-scale industry carried on at home by family members using their own equipment. This was significant because people had cottage industries that were prevalent during this time period


intellectual movement centered in France during the 18th century; featured scientific advance, application of scientific methods to study of human society; belief that rational laws could describe social behavior. This was significant because the enlighten was a big part of the rebirth of Europe with its intro as a global power


Economic theory that stressed governments' promotion of limitation of imports from other nations and internal economies in order to improve tax revenues; popular during 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. Previously Europe was the disadvantaged in trade relationships and this popular concept gave Europe dominance in world trade

Characterize the period from 1450 to 1750 in the West with respect to government, science, and family

Feudal Monarchies came to an end as noble began to lose influence after wars. Heavy wars required more taxes and better administration. Absolute monarchies were prevalent where parliament did not meet, castles were blown up, a bureaucracy formed from merchants and lawyers, representatives were appointed to provinces and a professionalized army came to be. Mercantilism was strong during this period. In Britain and the Netherlands, a parliamentary monarchy developed as the king slowly became just a figurehead to the government.
Science affected intellectual life and promoted change. Copernicus brought in a lot of change in terms of introducing Hellenistic theory. Science became the focus of Europe. Research was able to overrule and test existing theories. Galileo conflicted with the church over the laws of gravity as many new theories also undulated Europe. The West became a center of advancement.
In terms of family, the nuclear family became favored as later marriage ages became common. Children didn't marry until they inherited land, which didn't happen until their parents died. Affection between husband and wife became expected and children were allowed more freedom. Their parents didn't beat them and encouraged education and free interactions.

Put the following in chronological order- absolute monarchy, Enlightenment, Protestant Reformation, Renaissance

Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Absolute Monarchy, Enlightenment

In what ways did humanism impact society?

Humanism was a new way of thinking during the Renaissance that stressed that people should enjoy life and question the Bible and interpret it as they wished. Humanism was more independent from the Roman Catholic Church and allowed thought beside religion. Artists began portraying humanist ideas making people believe that life was all about earth and that the afterlife was unimportant. It also revived interest in Greek and Roman ideas.

What was the impact of the Renaissance on politics and commerce?

The Renaissance brought a new political theory by Niccolo Machiavelli, that the ends justify the means. Political rule became based on ability to improve well-being of the city and the glory of the city. There was increased diplomacy as the exchange of ambassadors became common. State sponsored trading companies were important and the kings were still limited by the power of the local lords. Feudal monarchies came to an end and the only governments remaining were absolute monarchies and parliamentary monarchies. Either way, the nobles had decreased influence and heavy wars required more taxes and better administration. There was improved banking as merchants became more profit seeking. There was greater commercialization and increased trade with new goods. This caused inflation and lower lending rates. Even agricultural communities began to gradually transition into commercial farming. The Renaissance also brought mercantilism. John Locke created a political theory based off the power of the people. There was an increase in processed products and entertainment as people were willing to pay for these things. There was the start of capitalism!!

What accounts for the decline of the Italian Renaissance ca. 1500?

There was an increase of French and Spanish invasions. Additionally, the Atlantic trade routes rendered Italy's geographic position useless and Mediterranean importance decreased. The Renaissance then spread to France, Germany and England.

Why did Luther pick up widespread support among the German elite?

Because the German elite thought that by becoming Protestant and joining with Martin Luther, they would be able to overcome the Holy Roman Emperor's influence and seize control on state lands. Thus, the princes supported Martin Luther allowing them to control the church in their individual regions

Describe the commercial revolution of the sixteenth century.

Socially, The merchants became wealthier and proletariat's became poor and went into poverty and moved into the cities. The stimuli to greater trade was the price inflation that occurred as good were brought in from the New World. There was an inability of supply of goods to keep up with demand as people began to spend this money. This encouraged investment and borrowing. Governments set up trade companies and European merchants began to supplant Arab and Indian traders in East Asia. Trade and colonial markets served to create a demand for manufactured goods. Even in agriculture, there was a distinct shift towards production for the market. Population grew by nearly 20%. Urbanization accompanied population growth. The increase in disposable wealth among all classes led to higher standards of living.

What countries had absolute monarchs in the sixteenth century? How did they operate?

France was the country most associated with absolute monarchies. Prussia and Austria-Hungary and Spain also had absolute monarchial governments with strong centralized authority, strong armies, and national economic plans. France showed mercantilism, Prussia and Austria-Hungary under Louis XIV. Rulers centralized authority and formed a professional bureaucracy and military. Nobles were too busy to interfere with state affairs.

Which country retained a parliamentary regime?

Both Britain and the Netherlands retained parliamentary regimes where power was derived from the people and that kings governed in public interest.

What did Adam Smith's economic theory advocate?

Adam Smith was a Scottish Philosopher that argued against mercantilism as the father of modern economics and a major proponent of laissez-faire economic policies. He basically promoted capitalism. That government avoids regulation in favor of the operation of individual initiative and market forces

In what century did the following occur: Agricultural changes, commercialism, and manufacturing had combined to produce a rapidly growing population in the West.

Mid 18th Century

Which of the following changes associated with the treatment of children was associated with the Enlightenment?

Parents became more interested in freer movement and greater interaction for young children

What was the basic principle of Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment was the intellectual movement in France during the 18th century featuring scientific advance and application of scientific methods to study human society. There was a belief that rational laws could explain social behavior. [Relativism, Rationalism, Individualism] Society's goals should center on improvements in material and social life; religions that relied on faith or refused to tolerate diversity were wrong; human beings are naturally good and can be educated to be better

What new areas were brought into the global commercial network after 1450?

The new areas brought into the global commercial network after 1450 were the Americas, new parts of Africa, Polynesia, and South America

Who was the first in Western Europe to explore?

In Western Europe, Portugal with Spain on its heels, led the pack in exploration.

Why did the initiative in early conquest and exploration pass to northern European nations in the later sixteenth century?

-Spain and Portugal were defeated in a critical war with the Ottoman Empire. -the Dutch and the British improved the design of oceanic vessels, producing faster ships than their Catholic rivals.
-famine and disease disastrously reduced the population of the Iberian Peninsula after 1588.
-the French and Danish business infrastructures were more developed than in the Iberian Peninsula countries.
-the Spanish defeat of the English Armada cut England off from further advance in Europe and forced English attention to foreign conquest.

In what region of the world did the Dutch challenge the Portuguese for commercial dominance?

In Indonesia [Southeast Asia]

In what way were the early Dutch and British exploration and trade projects different from those of the Iberian nations?

They allowed the establishment of trading companies. Dutch and British exploration owed much to private initiative of merchant groups and the formation of chartered trading companies

How did Europe's maritime dominance change the world during this period [economically, politically, and environmentally]

It soon ended with a period of Japanese maritime dominance while creating a new world economy involving the fuller inclusion of Africa and the Americas in international trade. It created the conditions for direct Western penetration of some parts of the world through the formation of colonies. It created a new international pool for basic exchanges of foods, diseases, and a few manufactured products. The Europeans spread disease killing many indigenous peoples.

Which continent contributed which items to the other during the Columbian exchange?

European diseases such as smallpox and measles to the Americas and Polynesia
New World crops, particularly corn and potatoes, supported population growth in areas as diverse as China and Europe
European and Asian animals were introduced into the Americas, which had previously lacked animal power
Americas- Potatoes, corn, tobacco
Europe-wheel, guns, domesticated farm animals and monotheistic religion

What was the impact of the introduction of American crops into Europe?

The staple crops from the Americas, corn and potatoes, supported large population boosts in Europe and Asia

What was important about the port of Nagasaki?

Japan's rulers maintained isolation except for the single Dutch enclave near Nagasaki.

Why did the Spanish fail to hold a position of dominance in world trade?

Spain's internal economy and banking system were not sufficient to accommodate the bullion from the new world, and the Iberian nation lacked significant manufacturing capability.

Why did more coercive labor systems develop during this time period?

Because of dependence in the world economy. The necessity for cheap products produced in the Americas resulted in exploitation of indigenous populations or use of slaves. In the Dutch East Indies and British India, peasants were forced into labor systems. Consequent need to produce unprocessed goods cheaply

Which non-European regions were most interested in Western guns?

China and Japan

What was the British economic policy regarding cotton textiles in Mughal India in the seventeenth century?

Britain placed tariffs on the Indian Cotton Industry in order to protect the British cloth industry.

What was the nature of trade between eastern and western Europe in the seventeenth century?

Western Europe imported grain in increasing amounts from Eastern Europe in return for art objects and manufactured goods

Where did Christianity take root in Asia?

The Philippines

How did the developments in the colonies affect Western Europe?

Economically, the colonies spurred Western Europe into the industrial revolution with increased world trade, specifically African slave trade. Wealth was brought in as capital to be reinvested. There was reduced dependence on agriculture with additional tax revenues for the government making militaries grow. Colonial rivalries created national conflicts in Europe [Seven Years' War]. Sugar became a widely spread food consumed by all classes, setting a precedence for Europeans, of quick satisfaction and easy pleasure.

How did the French and British colonies differ from those of the Iberian countries?

In Spanish and Portuguese settlements, mestizo societies emerged. Peoples of varied ancestry lived together under European rule. Typically, whites owned the land and held the power, mixed races performed much of the manual labor, and Africans and Indians were treated as slaves. The French and English missions were less successful than the Spanish. North American populations were not settled or captive, English colonists had little interest in converting indigenous peoples, and French missionaries worked actively, but met only modest success.

Which civilizations were fully part of the global trading network in the sixteenth century?

The New World [The Americas], Polynesia, and Indonesia. India was also involved while China and Japan were not interested in global trade

Why were Europeans limited to the coast and not able to control inner regions of Asia in the sixteenth and seventeenth century?

Little inland territory was conquered in Africa or Asia; the Europeans sought secure harbors and built fortifications to protect their commerce and serve as contact places for inland traders. When effective indigenous states opposed such bases, Europeans gained protected trading enclaves within their cities.

Differentiate between core and dependent zones.

Core area refers to the area, especially in Western Europe, that profited from the new global economy. It controlled international and commercial services such as shipping, and it exported manufactured goods in exchange for new raw materials from foreign countries. Dependent zone refers to areas beyond Western Europe in the world economy that produced low cost goods, such as precious metals and cash crops [sugar, spices, tobacco, and later, cotton]. Africa joined this zone through the export of slaves.

What British commercial institution ruled India for most of the eighteenth century?

The British East India Trading Company

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Why did Europeans avoid venturing into inland Africa during the 15th century?

Why did Europeans avoid venturing into inland Africa during the fifteenth century? Europeans were not immune to African diseases. Diseases like malaria, yellow fever, and dysentery quickly killed any Europeans who ventured into Africa's interior until the mass development in quinine in the nineteenth century.

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What catalyzed the spread of the Renaissance?

At its core, the Renaissance was about new ideas [such as humanism] overthrowing old views and customs [such as religious beliefs and practises and feudal traditions]. Therefore, the invention of the printing press allowed these new ideas to spread and further enhance the overall Renaissance.

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