What is the purpose of audit trail and logging generate evidence for actions?

An audit trail [also called audit log] is a security-relevant chronological record, set of records, and/or destination and source of records that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, event, or device.[1][2] Audit records typically result from activities such as financial transactions,[3] scientific research and health care data transactions,[4] or communications by individual people, systems, accounts, or other entities.

The process that creates an audit trail is typically required to always run in a privileged mode, so it can access and supervise all actions from all users; a normal user should not be allowed to stop/change it. Furthermore, for the same reason, the trail file or database table with a trail should not be accessible to normal users. Another way of handling this issue is through the use of a role-based security model in the software.[5] The software can operate with the closed-looped controls, or as a 'closed system', as required by many companies when using audit trail functionality.

Industry uses[edit]

In telecommunication, the term means a record of both completed and attempted accesses and service, or data forming a logical path linking a sequence of events, used to trace the transactions that have affected the contents of a record.

In information or communications security, information audit means a chronological record of system activities to enable the reconstruction and examination of the sequence of events and/or changes in an event. Information put away or transmitted in paired structure that might be depended upon in court. An audit trail is a progression of records of computer data about a working framework, an application, or client exercises. Computer frameworks may have a few audit trails each gave to a specific sort of action[6][circular reference]. Related to proper apparatuses and systems, audit trails can help with distinguishing security infringement, execution issues and application issues. Routine log audits and investigation are valuable for distinguishing security episodes, approach infringement, fake movement, and operational issues soon after they have happened, and for giving information valuable to settling such issues.[7] Audit logs can likewise be valuable for performing forensic investigation, supporting the associations inside examinations, setting up baselines, and distinguishing operational patterns and long run issues.

In nursing research, it refers to the act of maintaining a running log or journal of decisions relating to a research project, thus making clear the steps taken and changes made to the original protocol.

In accounting, it refers to documentation of detailed transactions supporting summary ledger entries. This documentation may be on paper or on electronic records.

In online proofing, it pertains to the version history of a piece of artwork, design, photograph, video, or web design proof in a project.

In clinical research, server based systems such as clinical trial management systems [CTMS] require audit trails. Anything regulatory or QA/QC related also requires audit trails.

In pharmaceutical manufacturing, it is a Good Manufacturing Practice regulatory requirement software generate audit trails, but not all software have audit trail functionality built-in. The first 'generic' audit trail generating software came out late 2021.[citation needed] The software is called Audit Trail Control, capable of fulfilling regulatory requirements for any software used in pharmaceutical manufacturing.[citation needed]

In voting, a voter-verified paper audit trail is a method of providing feedback to voters using a ballotless voting system.

Audit trail or audit log is a record of events made by a computer system, an automated data logging. It puts in black and white how a transaction was completed and creates an auditable record that can be referenced later. With all this talk about fraud and embezzlement, there is one thing you can do to help deter it: implement an audit trail.

Alice Bled • Libeo

Published on Oct 26, 2022 | Updated on Nov 7, 2022


  1. What Is an Audit Trail? Types, Purpose and Example

  2. What Should an Audit Trail Include?

  3. The Importance of an Audit Trail in Accounting

  4. How to Create a Reliable Audit Trail

  5. Connecting Accounting Tools: How Libeo Helps Accountants Build Strong, Reliable Audit trails

What is an Audit Trail?

The term 'audit trail' comes from accounting, where it refers to a set of records that shows how transactions have changed over time. In financial analysis, an audit trail keeps tracks of any changes made to financial statements and other important documents. These records allow financial decision makers to track the history of the document, and to help auditors assess the validity of your financial statements:

  • If you’re auditing the books of another company, you may need to see the audit trail for their financial statements.

  • If you’re an accountant preparing financial statements for your own business or clients, you should maintain an audit trail so that you can support your statements with evidence when necessary.

The main purpose of an audit trail is to provide proof that transactions were recorded accurately and that no unauthorized changes were made.

What types of organizations use audit trails?

Nowadays, nearly all Industries rely on audit trails to meet compliance standards, improve security, and maintain operational control over their business processes. From CRM softwares like Salesforce to Cloud computing platforms like AWS, most tools provide their users with an audit trail to track user activity and API usage.

In process and research fields, whether it be in financial analysis or clinical research, audit trails are used to create a step-by-step record of how qualitative studies are conducted.

What is the difference between audit log and audit trail?

  • An audit trail is a recording of all user actions. Its purpose is to prevent/detect malicious use.

  • A log is a recording of what happens on a system. One of its main purposes is to analyse system malfunctioning, but it can also be used to investigate malicious use and other things.

Audit trail: example

For example, if you have an invoice with a list price of £1000 and you send it through multiple stages [e.g., approval and payment], each stage may create an audit trail entry in your accounting system. This will show how much money was added at each stage. If there are no errors or fraud involved, then these entries should match up perfectly at the end of the process [i.e., when the transaction is complete]:

If someone tries to change an invoice after it's been approved but before it's paid for [e.g., they add a few extra items], then there will be discrepancies between their records and yours once you check them against each other manually or automatically by running reports on both systems at once.

What should an audit trail include?

The Audit Trail may include information about the transaction, such as the date and time it occurred, as well as information about why it was processed. Audit trail requirements vary depending on the type of business and industry, but typically include:

  • Transaction data : Information about each transaction that was processed by the system. This might include fields such as date, amount and type of transaction [purchase order, refund, etc.]. It might also include information about who initiated or authorized the transaction.

  • Event data: Information about each event that triggered processing of a particular transaction. This might include fields such as time stamp and user ID for each event that caused a change in status [e.g., when an invoice was approved].

In accounting, an audit trail consists of two parts:

  1. The chronological order of all changes made to account balances or transactions;

  2. The identification of who made each change and when it occurred.


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The Importance of an Audit Trail for Accountants and Bookkeppers

Companies use audit trails for internal control purposes, as well as for regulatory compliance and legal purposes.

For financial organizations, which are subject to regulatory audit and outside reviews, financial sector regulations are enough reason to implement sound and secure audit trails to maintaining a successful business. In addition, having audit logs provides evidence of a mature organization that demonstrates a commitment to compliance and control.

The Importance of Audit Trails to streamline audit process

Audit trails help accountants and bookkeepers ensuring accuracy and compliance with accounting standards such as GAAP [Generally Accepted Accounting Principles] or IFRS [International Financial Reporting Standards].

In order to provide value added services in invoice processing, accounting firms offer audit trails. This allows auditors to trace back through all transactions in order to verify that no errors were made during processing. Through this function, auditors can ensure that each entry was made correctly and accurately reflects its source document.

In the case of invoice processing, a company may want to know who approved the purchase order and when it was approved. This information can be stored in a database so that when the invoice comes in, accounting teams can check the database to trace back who approved the purchase order and when they approved it. If someone were to dispute the validity of this transaction, accounting teams could rely on the database entry to prove that there has been an approval.

How to Create a Reliable Audit Trail

The exact nature of an audit trail will vary from one organization to the next. Some companies may back up every transaction to disk, while others may create a hash value for each transaction log entry. Regardless of the method employed, however, the purpose of an audit trail is always the same: maintain full visibility into all changes made to information stored within your system.

It provides financial and compliance teams peace of mind that no unauthorized changes have been made and that only authorized personnel have access to data within the accounting software program. There are several ways you can implement an audit trail in your accounting operations:

  • Create an automated email reminder. You can set up automated email reminders so that every time someone pays or receives money, they'll receive an automatic notification from their bank account saying that the money has been received or sent out. This will help ensure that all payments are recorded properly and nobody misses anything important during busy seasons or long days at work!

  • Use software with built-in audit trails. Most accounting software has built-in auditing capabilities, which means you can create an audit trail right inside the application itself. If you use QuickBooks Online, Oracle or Xero for example, you can set up a receipt rule to automatically generate an audit trail for every transaction you record. This will show all the details surrounding each transaction so that you can see exactly what happened when it happened.

Connecting accounting tools: how Libeo helps accountants build strong, reliable audit trails

Libeo is a fully integrated and automated business-to-business payments platform, bridging the gap between invoices, payments, reconciliation and accounting. The platform allows for end-to-end management of the purchasing cycle:

  • One single platform to manage and pay all your supplier invoices

  • Scans and sorts all of your invoices

  • Reduces manual processing errors and secures payments to prevent fraud

  • Digitization of your approval workflows

  • Simple and secure payments without chasing bank account details or logging into your online banking

  • Integration with several accounting tools

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From invoice reception to its final archiving Libeo provides accountants and their clients with optimal transparency on the entire supplier invoice management process. The solution provides its users with a reliable and reinforced audit trail thanks to its integration with accounting softwares such as Xero and QuickBooks, covering the end-to-end supplier cycle.

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What is the purpose of audit trail and logging generate a chronological sequence of actions?

An audit trail, also known as an audit log, is a chronological set of records that provides documentary evidence. The purpose of an audit trail can be used to trace a specific event, operation, or procedure. For example, your grocery store receipt can be used as a record of your purchases.

What is the purpose of the audit log?

Audit logging is the process of documenting activity within the software systems used across your organization. Audit logs record the occurrence of an event, the time at which it occurred, the responsible user or service, and the impacted entity.

What is the purpose of a digital audit trail?

An audit trail is important because it's used to verify and validate financial, software, and business transactions by tracking selected user activities or accounting financial statement amounts back to the transaction, event source, and data access used to create or modify a record.

What is the difference between audit trail and logging?

Logs tell you what an actor [user or entity] did. This is enough if you want to monitor who did what when. Audit Trails tell you what sequence of actions occurred in order for a certain state to be created. This is what you want if you need to confirm how and why the system or the data is in a certain state.

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