What is a strategic alliance What are the three major types of strategic alliances firms form for the purpose of developing a competitive advantage?

"Strategic" may be an overused word in business today, but in the world of corporate alliances, it carries a special weight. A strategic alliance is formed when two or more companies join forces to achieve a mutual benefit. The idea is to help both partners share knowledge, pool resources and add profit to their bottom lines.

What Are Strategic Alliances?

Strategic alliances happen when two or more businesses work together to create a win-win situation. For example, Company A and Company B may decide to combine their distribution facilities so they can share mutual resources and cut the costs associated with shipping.

You can form a strategic alliance with any company and for any reason. Often, businesses seek out strategic alliances in the areas of design, product development, manufacturing, distribution or the sale of goods and services, but you can enter into an alliance to further any business objective.

Some Strategic Alliance Examples

To give you an idea of the scope and breadth of strategic alliances, here are some examples:

  •  An adhesives manufacturer forms a strategic alliance with a research laboratory to develop a next-generation adhesive that runs clean on production lines.
  • A commercial design company forms a strategic alliance with a digital marketing agency to improve its marketing efforts.
  • A clothing retailer forms a strategic alliance with a single manufacturer to ensure consistent sizing and quality.
  • A commercial maintenance company partners with a commercial real estate agent to write a regular column in the real estate agent's newsletter, adding value to readership and expanding the maintenance company's marketing reach.
  • A coffee shop partners with a bookstore so people can browse the latest bestsellers and take a coffee break all in one go, thus expanding the customer base for both partners. This alliance actually happened between Starbucks and Barnes & Noble, and has stood the test of time.

Types of Strategic Alliance

Joint ventures [JV] are often called strategic alliances — and they are, although we are more likely to call them by their proper name. A JV is established when two companies, Company A and Company B, establish a subsidiary or child company, Company C, to perform the alliance's business goals. If Company A and Company B each own 50 percent of Company C, then it is a 50-50 joint venture. But, they can allocate the ownership in whatever percentages they wish.

A similar structure is the so-called "equity alliance," where Company A buys an equity percentage in Company B [or vice versa]. If Company A bought 45 percent of Company B's shares, for example, an equity strategic alliance would be formed.

Most times though, when businesses talk about strategic alliances, they are referring to a much looser structure. A contractual strategic alliance is created when two or more companies sign a contract to pool their resources and seek mutual benefits together. This arrangement is less involved and less binding than equity purchases and JVs. Instead, the two companies remain autonomous, while exploring new opportunities together.

Benefits of Entering into Strategic Alliances

Cooperating with a good strategy partner can be a powerful way for small business owners to grow their businesses. Strategic alliances can get you more leads, more customers and more profits; they can also help you to cut costs. Here are just some of the ways a strategic alliance can add value to your business:

  • Improve the quality and efficiency of your operations
  • Economies of scale from combining resources
  • Knowledge-sharing —

    that is, the ability to learn from the strategic partner
    Expanding the customer pool
    Ease the learning curve for new projects and pursuits
    Shared risks and costs
    Multiply the quality and effectiveness of your referrals
    Gain low-cost access to complementary resources
    Pooling resources for large capital projects
    Innovating new technology standards; for example, Panasonic and Sony created a strategic alliance  to produce a new-generation television
    Speed up the development of new products
    Startups can achieve a low-cost entry into the market, and established companies achieve a low-cost entry into new industries
    Gain access to restricted markets

Entering into strategic alliances can also change the competitive environment. It is perfectly possible — and legal — for two companies to form an alliance to establish economies of scale, reduce prices to customers and push out competitors, thus gaining market share.

Who Makes a Good Strategic Partner?

The key word here is "strategic" — you need to find someone who works as hard as you do to achieve common goals. The idea is for all partners to benefit, and benefit equally, for the duration of the alliance. Another term for alliance here is "symbiotic relationship." If the alliance is not working for both partners, then it is not truly strategic.

How do you know if a partner will be truly strategic to your business? Generally, it will meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • It is important to the success of a business goal, such as reaching new customers, developing strong industry relationships, developing new products or cost reduction
  • It can help you develop or scale a core competency. Does the partner fill your gaps?
  • It blocks a competitive threat, such as the airline alliances that share routes to stop lower-cost competitors gaining a foothold 
  • It reduces a serious risk to your business, such as the threat posed by online retailers to bricks-and-mortar stores who do not have a national shipping and distribution capability.

At first glance, you may not have much in common with a proposed strategic partner — few people would have imagines how successful a partnership between a coffee store and a bookstore could be. But if there's scope for you to give something, as well as getting back, then the relationship could be worth exploring.

Risks of Strategic Alliances

No business arrangement is entirely risk-free, and there are certain challenges to consider when establishing a strategic alliance:

  • Partners may exaggerate or misrepresent the benefits they bring to the table. Are you giving more than you are getting?
  • One partner may commit more than the other, leading to frustration and conflict. Is the alliance only strategic to one partner in the alliance?
  • Differences in how the two partners operate can cause conflict, even if the goals of the alliance are clear.
  • With long-term alliances, the parties will become mutually dependent. What impact does this have on your autonomy? What if you become more dependent on the partner than the partner is on you?
  • The alliance stops adding value to your business and becomes no more than a conventional business relationship. Can you get out?
  • Partners may fail to use their complementary resources effectively. This can harm both parties; at the very least, it will hinder the performance of the alliance's goals.

Even a short-term alliance will require you to open your business and proprietary information to another party. Do this lightly at your peril. The bottom line is, there must be a great deal of trust between the two partners.

What are the three major types of strategic alliances firms form for the purpose of developing a competitive advantage?

There are three main types of strategic alliances: a joint venture, an equity strategic alliance, and a non-equity strategic alliance.

What are strategic alliances?

A strategic alliance is an arrangement between two companies to undertake a mutually beneficial project while each retains its independence. The agreement is less complex and less binding than a joint venture, in which two businesses pool resources to create a separate business entity.

What is strategic alliance and types of strategic alliance?

Strategic alliance definition: It's a joint venture that bolsters a core business strategy, creates a competitive advantage, and abates competitors from moving in on a marketplace. It allows individual companies to achieve more together than they would have on their own. In other words: Coopetition.

What is a strategic alliance and what purpose does it serve?

A strategic alliance [also see strategic partnership] is an agreement between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon objectives needed while remaining independent organizations.

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