What does it mean when Excel says objective cell contents must be a formula?

I want to visualize these 2 scenarios in my Excel Report . will please gives us an idea how I can do that?

1. To present the block wise variation in students’ performances for both the subjects as well as the passing percentages of schools.

2.top 10 tribal majority blocks which have good proportion between tribal teachers and tribal students in their schools .

Exam year Gender of students Social category of students Total Enrolled students in school Total tribal students enrolled in school First Language Score in First Language [%] Score in Math [%] Division
2020 Boys GEN 181 23 Bengali 39% 24% Fail
2020 Girls ST 45 29 Bengali 36% 25% Fail
2019 Boys GEN 42 9 Bengali 75% 38% Pass
2018 Girls BC 280 54 Bengali 49% 18% Compartment
2018 Boys ST 376 46 Bengali 41% 30% Pass
2019 Boys GEN 90 0 Bengali 88% 56% Pass
2018 Girls ST 90 59 Bengali 37% 30% Pass
2019 Girls GEN 277 135 Bengali 64% 31% Pass
2018 Boys ST 40 27 Bengali 48% 24% Compartment
2018 Boys SC 243 7 Bengali 48% 30% Pass
2020 Girls ST 108 80 Bengali 54% 46% Pass
2019 Boys GEN 60 46 Bengali 40% 37% Pass
2020 Boys ST 90 59 Bengali 46% 58% Pass
2020 Girls GEN 453 161 Bengali 66% 32% Pass
2019 Boys GEN 358 97 Bengali 80% 85% Pass
2019 Boys GEN 243 7 Bengali 26% 22% Fail
2018 Girls ST 351 66 Bengali 52% 30% Pass


mike says:
July 13, 2021 at 8:40 pm

] AAu Press is trying to determine which of 36 books it should publish this year. The data in the Problem2 worksheet gives the following information about each book:

• Projected revenue and development costs
• Pages in each book
• Whether each book is geared toward an audience of software developers [indicated by a 1 in column E]

AAy Press can publish books totaling up to 8,500 pages this year, and must publish at least 5 books geared toward software developers. How can AAu Press maximize its PROFIT [is profit the same as revenue]? To avoid points to be taken away, please make sure that you set this up so that the constraint can be seen next to data as it is shown in the exercise above [see the figures from the previous page]. Book pages Cost Revenue Developer book
1 911 177.98 29.15 1
2 911 47.88 99.52 1
3 911 83.24 94.19 1
4 911 104.3 85.76 1
5 911 78.62 68.98 1
6 911 36.38 41.78 1
7 911 56.16 96.97 1
8 911 50.62 68.20 1
9 911 130.04 71.32 1
10 911 142.14 91.55 1
11 911 40.55 60.82 0
12 911 53.43 186.35 0
13 911 81.13 174.39 0
14 911 80.01 129.90 0
15 911 66.23 8.59 0
16 911 18.9 32.28 0
17 911 71.21 38.72 0
18 911 73.36 158.37 0
19 911 61.47 184.70 0
20 911 80.73 133.53 0
21 911 72.01 63.63 0
22 911 27.37 105.87 0
23 911 45.95 174.76 0
24 911 30.58 116.21 0
25 911 41.16 157.58 0
26 911 78.82 3.07 0
27 911 80.82 151.72 0
28 911 18.12 44.24 0
29 911 38.53 136.70 0
30 911 46.56 10.13 0
31 911 70.27 124.69 0
32 911 72.64 69.87 0
33 911 48.31 4.28 0
34 911 36.29 99.06 0
35 911 62.87 138.95 0
36 911 83.17 58.63 0


Sanjeev Banerjee says:
January 12, 2021 at 2:02 pm

The advertising director a large retail store in Columbus, Ohio, is considering three advertising media possibilities: [1] ads in the Sunday Columbus Dispatch newspaper, [2] ads in a local trade magazine that is distributed free to all houses in the city and northwest suburbs, and [3] ads on Columbus’ WCCTV station. She wishes to obtain a new-customer exposure level of at least 50% within the city and 60% in the northwest suburbs. Each TV ad has a new-customer exposure level of 5% in the city and 3% in the northwest suburbs. The Dispatch ads have corresponding exposure levels per ad of 3.5% and 3%, respectively, while the trade magazine has exposure levels per ad of 0.5% and 1%, respectively. The relevant costs are $1,000 per Dispatch ad, $300 per trade magazine ad, and $2,000 per TV ad. The advertising policy is that no single media type should consume more than 45% of the total amount spent. Find the advertising strategy that will meet the store’s objective at minimum cost.

Can You Please Solve this problem for me?


Michael says:
September 23, 2020 at 4:57 pm

I work for a German company so my Windows 10 is in German with a comma as the decimal separator. Most of our spreadsheets need to be in English for our international clients. If I change the decimal separator from within Excel 2016 from the system decimal separator [comma] to a decimal point, I find that non-integer Solver constraints get altered by themselves. For example if I enter 1.2 as the value of a constraint on a cell and run Solver I get the solution I would expect. If I then rerun Solver after changing a value somewhere in the spreadsheet I get a different answer, because the value of the constraint has been "magically" changed to 12. If I use the system separator [comma] in Excel the Solver does not remove the decimal separator from the contraints.
Does anyone else have this problem? Have you found a solution - apart from calculating the sheet with the system separator then changing the decimal separator for the printout, that is?

Btw, the GUI of MS Office is in English on my computer.


Selçuk says:
April 16, 2020 at 6:08 pm

Hello everyone, I have a question and solver giving error , could you help me on that ı am writing question below;
Many Thanks

The Dakota Aliens is a new professional basketball franchise in Dakota. The team’s general manager, Martian, and coach, Michael Jordan, are trying to develop a roaster of players. They drafted seven players from a pool to which the other teams in the league each contributed two players. However, the general manager and coach perceive these acquisitions to be no more than role players. They believe that the nucleus of their new team must come from the free agents who are currently available on the market. The team is well under the salary cap, and the owner has made 50 million per yer available to them to sign players. The coach and general manager have put together the following list of 12 free agents, with important statistics for each, including their rumored asking price in terms of annual salary.
Pre-Game Averages Projected Annual Salary
Player Position Point Rebound Assists Minutes
Pound Back court 14,7 4,4 9,3 8,2 millions
Bang Front court 12,6 10,6 2,1 34,5 6,5 millions
Bupkus Back court 13,5 8,7 1,7 29,3 5,2 millions
Blanko Back court 27,1 7,1 4,5 42,5 16,4 millions
Nawt Back court 18,1 7,5 5,1 41 14,3 millions
Balrog Front court 22,8 9,5 2,4 38,5 23,5 millions
Gud Front court 9,3 12,2 3,5 31,5 4,7 millions
Destructor Front court 10,2 12,6 1,8 44,4 7,1 millions
Ulysees Front court 16,9 2,5 11,7 42,7 15,8 millions
Cyrax Back court 28,5 6,5 1,3 38,1 26,4 millions
Bilaterus Front court 24,8 8,6 6,9 42,6 19,5 millions
Sylvester Front court 11,3 12,5 3,2 39,5 8,6 millions

Jordan and the Martian want to sign five free agents. They would like the group they sign to have at least 80 points, pull down an average 40 rebounds per game [8 per players], dish out an average 25 assists, and have averaged 190 minutes [ 38 per player] per game in the past. Their immediate object is to identify the players who as a group would meet their objective in minimum cost.

If they do not want to sign more than two front court and three back court players, which players as a group should they choose?


Shyam says:
June 27, 2019 at 7:31 am

A theatre company needs to determine the lowest cost production budget for an upcoming theatre show. Specifically, they will have to determine the lowest which set pieces to construct and which pieces must be rented from another company at a pre-determined fee. The time available for constructing the set is two weeks after which rehearsals commence. To construct the set, the theatre has two part-time carpenters who work upto 12 hours a week and each at $100 per hour. Additionally, the scene artist can work 15 hours per week at $150 per hour.

The set design requires 20 walls, 2 hanging drops with pained scenery and 3 large wooden tables serving as props. The number of hours required for each piece for carpentry and painting is given below.
Carpentery Painting
Walls 0.5 2.0
Hanging Drops 2.0 3.0
Wooden Tables 3.0 4.0

Flats, hanging drops and props can also be rented at a cost of $750, $5000 and $3500 each. How many of each unit should be built by the theatre company and how many units should be rented to minimize costs?


Slava says:
May 1, 2019 at 9:42 am

Hello there!

I have a problem with production scheduling.
We have three wire cutting machines and 90 different tools for contactor crimping and seal application [automotive harness business] that are being used on these machines as active processing parts for the different wires and other harness components. Operation on each of the machine is similar except that combination of tools is different, first the machine unroll the wire form the spool, then it cuts the wire on a predetermined length, then applies a seal [water protection] and then crimp a contactor. There are operations where we use two seal applicators and crimping tools on a single machine, so both ends of the wire are sealed and crimped. The combination depends on the wire cross-section, seal specification and contactor specification [crimp parameters vary based on the client specification]. Goal - is to prepare the production plan with minimum change over of the tools and eliminate the situations when the tools are needed on more than one machine. The replanting has to be flexible, even daily. Some tools are available in more than one unit [two three]. The changeover of applicators is longer than for crimping tools [1.5 hours vs. 30 min]. Would be good to have a tip how to solve this complex task.

Look forward to hear from you!


Lily says:
April 9, 2019 at 2:04 pm

Hi. I’m very new to solver and was asked to solve this question:
Mathew is the business owner of a laundry shop located at City Plaza. He has operated the
business since June 2018 and after operating it for 6 months, he has realised that in certain
months, the sales revenue is sufficient to cover the operating expenditures, while for certain
months the sales revenue is not enough to cover the operating expenditures and he has to rely
on his personal savings to tide through.
It is now the last week of December 2018 and he realises that moving forward, it is better for
his business to have access to loan facility from the bank to ease out his operation. However,
he is unsure of which loan package to sign up and has approached you, a close friend, to help
him as you are trained in financial planning. To perform the analysis, you have requested
Mathew to give a projection of the sales revenue and operating expenditures for the next
twelve months. The estimates are as follows:
Month Sales Revenue [$] Bills [$]
January 4,000 6,000
February 3,000 5,000
March 3,000 4,000
April 3,000 3,000
May 5,000 4,000
June 9,000 1,000
July 3,000 6,000
August 2,000 6,000
September 1,000 4,000
October 2,000 2,000
November 6,000 1,000
December 10,000 1,000
Based on the whole year projection, Mathew will make $8,000 net profit at the end of the
year. However, since all expenditures must be paid in full by the end of every month,
Mathew may be short on cash in some months until he sees the big sales in certain months,
e.g. June and December. Mathew has two sources of loan:
 Annual loan at 12% of interest per year, e.g. he borrows $100 at the beginning of
January 2019 and pays back $112 at the end of December 2019. Early-pay-back is not
allowed and Mathew can get an annual loan in January only.
 Monthly loan at 2.5% of interest, e.g. he borrows $100 at the end of March and pays
back $102.5 at the end of April. Early-pay-back is not allowed and Mathew cannot get
a monthly loan in December.
He needs your help to determine whether he should just take up the annual loan with effect
from January, or a mixture of both types of loan facilities. Assume that Mathew has zero cash
balance at the beginning of 2019.

I have tried to look up similar questions online but the prob is I don’t understand how the solution was derived. Can someone help please? Thank you.

What is an objective cell in Excel?

The Objective cell [Target cell in earlier Excel versions] is the cell containing a formula that represents the objective, or goal, of the problem. The objective can be to maximize, minimize, or achieve some target value.

What is objective function Solver?

The objective function in a Solver problem is a cell calculating a value that depends on the decision variable cells; Solver's job is to find some combination of values for the decision variables that maximizes or minimizes this cell's value.

What is the maximum number of cells you can select for the set objective variable in the Solver parameters dialog box?

You can specify up to 200 variable cells.

What are the components of defining a problem in Excel so that it can be solved using Solver?

The Solver tool has three main components:.
Objectives: When working with the Solver tool, your objective is the number that you want the equation to output. ... .
Variables: Variables are the numbers that the Solver tool solves for. ... .
Constraints: The constraints are any limitations you want to add to the problem..

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