What does it mean for a language to be nonprocedural give some examples of non

With the advancing technologies and disciplines in engineering, science, IT, and many more fields, we are in constant need of better computing models. It has become very tricky for an average human to reach their conclusions of complex problems using human capabilities. Thus, we require computational problems that can provide large-scale storage and computational environments for all. Such systems make use of such languages. There is a difference between procedural and non-procedural languages. The non-procedural ones are always function-oriented while the procedural languages depend on given commands.

Added to this, the non-procedural languages function to represent various programs in the form of a relation between various expressions of mathematics [these are dependency-based]. Conversely, the procedural languages function to perform the computations in the form of statement sequences that can easily manipulate data and store them until we reach the desired result.

Read ahead to understand more differences between procedural and non-procedural language. First, let us know what each of them does.

What is Procedural Language?

We write the program code in a procedural language in the form of a sequence of various instructions. A user must specify what the machines need to do and also specify how to do it [by mentioning a procedure indicating individual steps]. The execution of these instructions occurs in a sequential manner. The instructions typically exist for solving a specified set of problems.

In these types of languages, the concerned user only needs to specify what the device or system needs to do. We don’t have to specify how to perform the specified operation. A non-procedural language is also called functional or applicative language. Its mode of operation comprises function development from other given functions [for the construction of more complex and large functions].

Difference Between Procedural and Non-Procedural Language

Parameters Procedural Language Non-Procedural Language
Writing of Language We write this language in the form of a set of the required instructions. We write this language in the form of natural instructions of a language.
Mode of Operation A programmer needs to provide a sequential set of instructions regarding what the system/machine needs to perform and how it needs to perform them. A programmer only needs to provide the information regarding what the system/machine needs to do and not how to do it.
Language Driving It is a command-driven kind of programming language. It is a function-driven kind of programming language.
Return Function We can apply the return function to a specific set of data types only. The return function, in this case, is capable of supporting all types of values and data types.
Length This programming language is lengthier than the non-procedural one. It is because it does not consist of a predefined class and library. This programming language is usually lesser in length as compared to the procedural one. It is because it consists of a rich set of classes and libraries.
Efficiency of Memory These are more efficient with the available memory. These are less efficient with the available memory.
Approach These types of languages mainly aim at solving a particular set of available problems. These are domain-specific types of languages, for instance, web development, databases, etc.
Mathematical Instructions These are capable of supporting the simple type of mathematical instructions. These can easily support all kinds of the complex as well as easy types of mathematical instructions.
Recursive Calls This type of language supports recursive calls as well as iterative loops. This type of language only supports recursive calls and not iterative loops.
Change in Memory Location In this language, as soon as we execute the next statement, the memory location tends to change immediately. In this language, one single memory location is capable of executing a set of sequential instructions.
Dependency This language mainly depends on the execution order. This language mainly depends on a parameter’s values from the given function.
Code Concept Reuse This language does not have a well-developed system of code concept reuse. This language consists of a well-developed system of code concept reuse.
Resources This language needs fewer resources for compiling as well as interpreting. This language needs many resources. They also include many classes and libraries for the same reason.
Speed of Execution The speed of execution is faster in these types of languages due to the lesser number of resources. The speed of execution is slower because it works with multiple resources.
Examples A few examples of these types of languages include Fortran basic, Cobol, Fortran, etc. A few examples of these types of languages include C++, SQL, Java, etc.

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What does it mean for a language to be nonprocedural?

In general, a non-procedural language [also called a declarative language] requires the programmer to specify what the program should do, rather than [as with a procedural language] providing the sequential steps indicating how the program should perform its task[s].

What is the difference between a nonprocedural language and a procedural language give an example of each?

Users intensify on describing the input and output instead of the steps of the program. Examples of non-procedural languages such as Java, C++, SQL, RGP, etc. The procedural languages are command-driven or statement-oriented. The non-procedural languages are fact-oriented.

What is a nonprocedural language quizlet?

nonprocedural language. A programming language in which thesoftware developer writes English-like instructions or interacts with a graphical environment to retrieve data from files or a database.

Which one of the following is a nonprocedural language?

Explanation: Domain and Tuple relational calculus are non-procedural language. Query language is a method through which database entries can be accessed.

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