What are the 3 stages of the GAS model?

General adaptation syndrome [GAS] is a theory that describes the physiological changes the body experiences when under stress. The syndrome includes three stages: the alarm stage, the resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage.

The alarm stage

The first GAS stage contains two substages:

  • In the shock phase, body temperature and blood pressure both decrease. Loss of fluid from body tissues also occurs.
  • In the countershock phase, the body’s fight-or-flight response is triggered. Heart rate and blood pressure increase as stress hormones and adrenaline are released.

The resistance stage

Following the alarm stage, the body begins to repair itself. If the stressful situation is resolved, the body continues to repair itself until it returns to its pre-stress state. If the stressful situation is not resolved, the body remains on high alert, eventually adapting to the higher stress level. Stress hormones and blood pressure remain elevated. This can lead to hypertension and heart problems as well as irritability, frustration, and poor concentration.

The exhaustion stage

This stage occurs during prolonged or chronic stress when the body’s adaptation to higher stress levels starts to break down. The body no longer has the strength or resources to fight the stress. Signs of the exhaustion stage include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Severe loss of concentration
  • Fatigue
  • Depressed mood
  • Trembling or jumpiness
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Crying spells
  • Stress-related illnesses

For short-term or mild stressors, the alarm stage is not harmful. It is a natural mechanism that is designed to protect the body from danger. However, when prolonged or chronic stress is experienced, the body may not be able to repair itself in a timely manner, which can lead to the exhaustion stage.

Understanding the stages of GAS can help with the identification of personal stress signals, which can help with the reduction of stress levels.

The fight-or-flight response [also called the stress response] is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived threat or danger.  This enables the body to take action quickly, and is intended to keep us out of [physical] harm’s way.  Unfortunately for our health, this response also occurs when we are not in any immediate physical danger, but are still experiencing stress.  For example, this can happen when someone is running late for an appointment or class, and is feeling stressed about trying to get there.

The physical changes that occur during this response can cause wear and tear within the body if the perception of stress persists.  Here are a few examples of such bodily changes:

  • Heart rate increases
  • Blood pressure increases
  • Blood sugar [i.e. glucose] levels rise
  • Respiration rate increases
  • Muscles tense up
  • Perspiration increases
  • Pupils dilate

For additional information about how these physiological changes occur, click here to read more.

The fight-or-flight response is also recognized as the first stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome.

General Adaptation Syndrome

Stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome

Homeostasis is a state of physiological calmness or balance, and occurs when our bodily functions are running smoothly in conjunction with low stress levels.  When exposed to stressors, this causes an imbalance to occur as the body responds to the perceived threat, and then tries to return to normal functioning.

The general adaptation syndrome [GAS], developed by Hans Selye, describes the pattern of responses that the body goes through after being prompted by a stressor.  There are three stages:  alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.

  • Alarm – This occurs when we first perceive something as stressful, and then the body initiates the fight-or-flight response [as discussed earlier].
  • Resistance – If the perceived stress continues, the body stays activated at a higher metabolic level in an effort to offset the persistent stress.  The body cannot maintain this level indefinitely, and its resources will eventually deplete.
  • Exhaustion – Prolonged exposure to the stressor will result in the depletion of the body’s resources, and the resulting wear and tear will suppress the immune system and cause bodily functions to deteriorate.  This can lead to a variety of health issues and illnesses, including heart disease, digestive problems, depression, and diabetes.

These changes will occur in the body regardless of whether the perceived stressor is considered eustress [positive or pleasant] or distress [negative or unpleasant].  Ultimately, this means that we need to take active steps in managing all of our stressors, as it can build up and potentially cause harm to our health otherwise.

What are the 3 stages of stress response?

[18] This syndrome is divided into the alarm reaction stage, resistance stage, and exhaustion stage. The alarm reaction stage refers to the initial symptoms of the body under acute stress and the "fight or flight" response.

What are the 3 stages of fight or flight?

There are three stages of fight-or-flight: Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion, the body's healthy response to a life-threatening crisis.

What is the first stage of the GAS model?

Alarm Reaction Stage This is the first stage of general adaptation syndrome. During this stage, your body sends a distress signal to your brain.

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