What are 5 appropriate behaviors in the workplace?

Every employer's dream would most likely be to have employees with glowing behaviors, making management of employees an easy task. With so many issues in the workplace, employers breathe a sigh of relief when they receive the gift of an employee not laden with issues and constantly on the brink of – if not fully – causing problems within the office, or at least at their own desk.

Positive 'Can-Do' Attitude

Being ready, available and willing to get the job done, and done well, should be traits that employees keep on the front burner. You should appreciate employees who seek out quality work to remain busy and productive for the company and who eagerly desire to go above and beyond their normal duties to bring further success to your company. Businesses that devote resources in deliberate cultivation of these employees create benefit with a higher skilled labor force that is loyal.

Courteous and Friendly

Employees who do their best to be courteous and friendly to their coworkers, managers and customers make office life much more pleasant than those who seek to cause disturbances or drama. These employees brighten the office and leave their egos and outside problems at the door in the name of being good workers and trying to maintain a good work atmosphere. While no one is perfect and everyone has bad days, these employees manage to rise above the fray.

Consistently Meets Deadlines

Employees who meet deadlines will also likely be well organized and responsible. Since you have given your employee a particular deadline, you expect that she will meet it. If she maintains a clean, organized workspace and is present at work and particularly at meetings pertaining to her project deadline, she will very likely timely meet her deadlines.

Gladly Takes Responsibility

While confessing an error can strike fear in the hearts of employees, those who value their work, their word and their future with your company will take responsibility and tell you the truth. Making errors may or may not cause great problems with a project or with your company, in general, but when an employee honestly and earnestly explains an oversight or mistake he has made, you have a better understanding of the issue and, even better, you understand that your employee values his integrity and your trust in him.

Good Attendance and Punctuality

Being at the office and arriving on time help you know that you can trust your employee to be there each day. Employers know all too well about employees who frequently arrive late with a variety of excuses, possibly missing or at least being late for early morning meetings, so a punctual and available employee will provide peace of mind.

Too often, rewards and recognition in the workplace are based on measurable performances of the employees. Reaching sales targets, closing a significant deal, lowering the time of solving the complaints- all these are examples of when employees deserve to be recognized and understandably so.

But if we reason, these are the basic things why the employees are hired in the first place.

Employees look forward to going to their jobs, but not with the sole aim of reaching their goals. So here comes the role of company culture. It is the first thing that employees say when asked what they like about their jobs.

Typically the reverse is true too. If people dislike their jobs, it is because they work in a hostile environment.

Every member of the company has the responsibility to establish and curate the culture. And it also goes on to be a big part of the success stories that they share. And yet, many employers spend very little time acknowledging and honoring the myriad small ways employees encourage a unique company culture.

The most noticeable thing here is the role of employee behaviors.

In simple terms, employee behavior can be defined as the employee's reaction to a particular situation in the workplace. It is one of the top factors that create a positive work environment. And like all other skills and potentials, good behaviors needs to be appreciated to get the best from the employees. So here are some salient employee behaviors that should be recognized.

Top 6 Employee Behaviors That Really Need To Be Recognized

1. Humility

Everyone loves to take credits, but only a few will accept their own mistakes. And when such an employee is identified, pay attention. It calls for immediate recognition for his readiness to change and learn. Only when employees take accountability for making things right that the workplace will see a refreshing change.

2. Adaptability

Employees with the ability to adapt and respond to the changing demands of the organization should be appreciated. They are the ones who would take-up challenges and still perform quite efficiently.

It is an essential trait in start-ups, considering the speed of changes that it faces. Without adaptive employees, they won't be able to stand up to the market expectations.

3. Teamwork

We already live in a competitive world where everyone sees the other as a threat. Hence, having workers who communicate very well with each other is a boon. And this quality in them should be recognized by praising them publicly or through tangible rewards. Moreover, it will encourage more and more employees to come together and work as a team, without which a company cannot succeed.

4. Problem-solving ability

Rather than merely stating the issue, if your employee brings you the resolution, keep them happy. They will make the best decisions to keep the company ahead and take you to the next level proactively. In short, they have the makings of leaders and deserve the best of recognition.

5. Confidence

A confident employee is more likely to succeed. Conversely, many workers who lack self-confidence are uncertain about their job, causing their performance to suffer. As an employer or owner, it is your job to make sure that the employees feel good about themselves.

Recognizing and rewarding employees can instill confidence and help the employee feel that the company needs him and that he's thriving at his job.

Also download: A Complete Guide to Rewards and Recognition

6. Dependability

Dependable workers need less supervision and can be put in charge of confidential or sensitive issues. It is one of the most important qualities that employers look for in employees. With them, no work keeps pending, and the company functions smoothly. Thus, it is prudent to recognize dependable employees.

That's it for our list of employee behavior that is worthy of recognition. Do you have any characteristics in your workplace that you respect and reward? Share them in the comments section.

This article is written by Susmita Sarma, a digital marketer at Vantage Circle. She was involved with media relations before shifting her interest in research and creative writing. Apart from being a classical music buff, she keeps a keen interest in anchoring and cooking. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

What are 5 responsible behaviors in the workplace?

The main principles of professional work behavior include:.
Treating your managers, colleagues and clients with respect..
Projecting a positive attitude..
Being polite..
Showing good judgment..
Being ethical..
Dressing appropriately..

What is appropriate behaviour in the workplace?

Acceptable behaviour Work co-operatively with others in order to achieve objectives. Manage performance in an appropriate and fair manner. Give and receive constructive feedback as part of normal day-to-day work. Such feedback should be evidence-based and delivered in an appropriate manner.

What are some appropriate behaviors?

Walk at all times..
Keep hands/feet to yourself..
Be kind to others..
Use manners..
Be a good listener..
Allow others to learn..
Respect others/property..
Complete assigned..

What are 3 ways you could use appropriate behavior in the workplace?

So to help you maintain appropriate workplace behavior, here are some tips you can follow: Establish clear boundaries between your personal and work-life. Build a professional image by dressing appropriately. Demonstrate integrity and take accountability for your actions.

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