ubuntus là gì - Nghĩa của từ ubuntus

ubuntus có nghĩa là

Ubuntu is an ancient african word, meaning "I can't configure Debian"


I installed Ubuntu yesterday, it was way more easier than Debian

ubuntus có nghĩa là

1. An African phrase meaning "humanity towards others".

2. A distribution of Linux


1. "A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."

2. Ubuntu is a nice distro. I dual boot between Ubuntu and Windows.

ubuntus có nghĩa là

A linux distribution for people that fail at life.


Noob: I finally installed Linux, does that make my uber leet?
Linux Guru: What distro?
Noob: Ubuntu...
Linux Guru: You suck assballs

ubuntus có nghĩa là

Ubuntu is a distribution of Linux.
Some good points of Ubuntu are:

-It has decent package manager.
-It has very good repositories.
-It is easy to use.
-It comes with good freeware by default.
-It has many sub-distributions to choose from.
-It is easy to install.
-It has some nice utilities.
-It is decently easy to configure.
-It can be loaded from a fully functional Live CD or installed on your hard drive.
-It has lots of packages available to suit your needs that can be downloaded with a few clicks.

Some people think Linux is "copying" Windows, its not.
Some people say Linux is a religion, its not [although there is a large Linux community]
Some people insist that Linux is HARD to use compared to Windows, it isn't, it is just different.


1: Mike was so happy with his decision to install Ubuntu on his computer.

2: Jim installed Kubuntu because he preferred KDE over Gnome.

3: I think people have to come to the realization that there isn't a "best OS", they all have their own good qualities.

ubuntus có nghĩa là

The most well known linux distribution, comes with the GNOME environment and a complete set of tools for everyday use. It is also very easy to use, and to install. It has 2 main variants: Kubuntu and xubuntu in which each uses a different environment. Kubuntu uses KDE, and xubuntu uses xfce. It is also very easy to switch to if you were a windows user.


Guy1: Yes i just got windows Vista! W00t!
Guy2: Wow, good luck.
Guy1: Why, it just cost me 500 of my hard earned cash! It must be great.
Guy2: If you use windows, your a slave to microsoft and profit companies.
Guy1: Then what should i use?
Guy2: Ubuntu.
Guy1: Uh, ok.

ubuntus có nghĩa là

An isiXhosa word that can be freely translated as 'I am, because we are". It emphasizes the role of the community in caring for each othe. The Xhosa is a South African nation, primarily found in the Eastern Cape. Billionaire used the word Ubuntu to describe the freeware that his company distributes.


Ubuntu is the primary reason why impoverished rural communities can continue to survive.

ubuntus có nghĩa là

Currently, the world's favorite Linux distribution. Ubuntu is a free distribution developed and managed by Canonical. There are many different Ubuntu packages that are customized for PC or server use, different microprocessors, RAM levels, hard drive space, and video. Ubuntu is a derivative of the Debian distribution of Linux. It uses the Debian package system [*.deb, dpkg] and repository system [apt-get, aptitude]. Ubuntu is the most viable open source competitor against Windows and Mac OSX to date. Sure, 31337 #4XX0rZ might compile a Linux kernel from scratch or custom configure their own Debian system. A Ubuntu distribution offers a one-stop installation that can be later customized according to user preferences or used as is. Almost everything can be done through the graphical interface rather than through text commands. Ubuntu can be a non-intimidating graphical GUI for casual computer users or a robust Debian-based distribution for computer nerds.


I've been programming computers for twenty years. I use Ubuntu on all of my computers because it's easy to install, easy to customize, and has great user forum support. If you're tired of Windows viruses, crashes, and slowdowns, try Ubuntu. It has the same look and feel of Windows, but is more resistant to buggy programs.

ubuntus có nghĩa là

Microsoft's inside man in the Linux camp. While Canonical [the company behind Ubuntu Linux] appears to be a pro-open source company, in reality they are a Redmondian agent trying to kill Desktop Linux. The Linux crowd, desperate for corporate support as always, fell for the ploy, ignoring all the warning signs: -In their first steps, Canonical tried to be subtle. They just repackaged Debian -UNSTABLE [read: buggy, incomplete code] instead of Debian -STABLE, and adopted a 6 month release schedule, to ensure bugs won't get ironed out. The Linux crowd ignored these little details and cheered for them. -Some time later, they started bundling bleeding edge stuff like PulseAudio, and also made sure that clicking the "upgrade" button will trash your computer. "Have we gone too far and risk of our ploy being exposed?" Shuttleworth [Canonical's CEO] thought. However, the Linux crowd mumbled something about "teething problems" and continued to cheer for Ubuntu and Canonical. Shuttleworth was happy. -Taking it another step too far, Canonical started to mangle the Gnome UI, and then released the worst interface ever [Unity]. Surprisingly, this time 'round, the Linux crowd woke up and abandoned Ubuntu. Instead, they moved to Linux Mint, an Ubuntu-based distro which has all the problems Ubuntu has but lacks the Software Center [for whatever it's worth]. You can't make that stuff up. What about Debian -STABLE? It still exists. If you are smart enough to ignore the Ubuntu/Mint fanboys.


Ubuntu fanboy: Look how cool my Ubuntu is. Wha... Where does this Xserver crash came from? Anyway, I guess I can live with that. [6 months later] Look a new version called Ubuntu 13.04 "Sleeping Skunk" came out, I ll just click the upgrade button and... Oh noo!!! [computer fails to wake up after the upgrade, and after a 3 day expedition on ubuntuforums the computer now boots without WiFi and sound]. I hate Ubuntu and the Linux operating system. Windows foravar! Me: Have you tried Debian? You do know that Ubuntu is based on Debian -UNSTABLE which means buggy and incomplete code? Ubuntu fanboy: But some guys on the internet told me Ubuntu is da shit!

ubuntus có nghĩa là

An operating system for computer illiterate people and wannabe hackers.


Skid1: I just installed ubuntu, I am now an elite hacker
Skid2: Wow, cool you are awesome.
Person who actually knows computers: I installed ubuntu on my grandmothers computer, she can now read her email without calling me five times

ubuntus có nghĩa là

The linux distro that Chuck Norris uses.


Chuck Norris: USE UBUNTU!!!!

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