Training topics for preschool teachers

Preschool Teacher Training Courses

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By Stacy Zeiger


  • Training for Inexperienced Teachers
  • Career as a Preschool Teacher
  • Professional Development for Employees at a Daycare Center
  • Characteristics of Intentional Teachers
  • Preschool Teacher Requirements

Most students will not remember their preschool teachers' names when they get older, but this doesn't mean a preschool teacher's role is insignificant. Preschool teachers help shape how young children feel about learning and help them build essential skills. Preschool teachers must be trained properly to work with young children in a safe, effective and nurturing way. In childcare centers, preschool teachers are usually required to have a least a high school diploma and certification in early childhood education, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some employers might prefer teachers with some postsecondary education in early childhood education.

Child Safety

Safety is one of the most important issues in a preschool classroom. Most states require preschool teachers to be certified to perform child and infant CPR and they should also receive basic first aid training. In addition, preschool teachers are required to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the authorities and should be trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse in children.


Germs and diseases have the potential to spread like wildfire among preschoolers. Preschool teachers must be trained to help prevent the spread of germs and disease by taking courses that cover basic hygiene practices. This includes learning how to handle blood and other bodily fluids, as well as procedures for disinfecting toys, furniture and other items in the room. With the prevalence of food allergies among children, preschool teachers must also be trained to keep certain foods away from children with allergies and how to use an EpiPen or administer medication should a child have an allergic reaction.

Child Development

Working effectively with preschoolers requires understanding their emotional, intellectual and physical needs and abilities. A few basic courses in child development will help preschool teachers understand their students and ensure they are better prepared to meet those needs. In addition to offering an overview of preschoolers' needs, child development training might focus on providing teachers with age-appropriate activities and best practices to help build essential skills.

Specialized Training

Not all preschool teaching jobs are created equal. A preschool teacher might be required to participate in specialized training related to the type of learning system used in the preschool or the curriculum being taught. For example, teachers working in a Montessori preschool will need special training to understand and implement the Montessori methods of teaching. Teachers working with disabled students will also need training to help understand the students' unique needs and also understand and comply with legislation related to educating those students.


  • How to Become a Preschool Teacher

Writer Bio

Stacy Zeiger began writing in 2000 for "Suburban News Publication" in Ohio and has expanded to teaching writing as an eighth grade English teacher. Zeiger completed creative writing course work at Miami University and holds a B.A. in English and a M.Ed. in secondary education from Ohio State.

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