Among us sus Tier List

Ok I'm just writing this thread to definitively list the power rankings of various popular Among Us Twitch Streamers. I will need the forums input on Disguised Toast because I don't watch their games, but other than that I think I have a good grasp on the relative power levels of the streamers. I'm going to divide this into 2 separate tier-lists, because some players are better as crew than imposter and vice versa. However, preference for S-ranked status in either role will be given to the players whose crew range enhances their imposter game.

Crewmate Tier-list

It'sHafu- After much consideration Hafu comes in as undoubtedly the best crew player on twitch. She attains S+ ranked status because her crew style enhances her imposter game. The signature feature of Hafu's crew game is pushing the ejection vote on 8 as crew, which is typically taken to be a safe time to skip as there is little information to drive a safe ejection vote. Hafu can use the same play, pushing on 8, when imposter to maximize value to her overall game. Another feature of Hafu's crew play is her god-like cold reads of the imposter pair. It is very common for her to announce at the end of a round of discussion that exactly 'x and y are imposter' and she is correct a very high percentage of the time. Hafu's crew game has no downsides which is why she is S+, edging out 5-up, yorbs [Jorbs], and yetiapoc.

YetiApocalypse- Yetiapoc is the top detective style crew player by most of the other top players' evaluations. Yeti really shines in the voting discussions with their sharp questions and quickness to catch inconsistencies. Yetiapoc organizes the village consistently and can turn their skill at catching out inconsistencies in other players' stories on the crew when playing imposter. Yetiapoc is a top target for imposters if they hope to advance in the game and will usually be a priority kill for Hafu 5-up and Yorbs.

Jorbs and 5up
These two share similar crew characteristics. Both prioritize sleuthing over tasks and both inspire fear in opposing imposters due to their strong analytic abilities. However, both of these players try to maximize their crew range to throw off suspicion when playing imposter, which this has the downside of often leading them to sus themselves when playing crew leading to them being unnecessarily voted off. In addition, since they prioritize sleuthing over tasks, it is fairly common for them to be killed early and easily by the imposter with no gain to show for it. Now, it is perfectly fine to die as crew if it will advance suspicion on the imposter, but it prevents any contribution to leading the crew in discussions. This is not to underrate these players abilities to organize crew discussions, they are each formidable and deserve to be S-ranked crew, along with Yetiapoc, as imposters know to prioritize kills on these players to prevent their strong analytic skills from defeating them in the endgame.

A+ -There are no A+ crew players at this time

A Scott Seiver- Scott is strong analytical player who really shines when playing imposter, where he is unmatched even by 5-up, Hafu, and Yorbs. As a crew, he can still use his unmatched skill at 50-50 discussions to lead the village to victory and clutch late games, although this talent is more devastating as imposter. His aforementioned analytical skills and extremely calm demeanor make him an excellent leader of the village that deserves to be A-ranked.

BK [Andrew Baeckstrom]- I really like watching BK play fsr. He's a pretty quiet lone wolf type of dude who is pretty much always sus. There have been plenty of games that I watched from Jorbs stream where I thought BK was imposter and he turned out to be crew. As BK is quiet and doesn't lead discussions he doesn't demand to be killed ASAP in order to progress as imposter which is why he isn't in S tier. Nonetheless he is an excellent analyst who can clutch many late games for crew. He is also the winningest player overall period [combined imposter +crew win rate in the lobby he plays in most often that tracks stats], which indicates his crew style despite its tendency to gather sus is not detrimental to town.

LSV - LSV are really just a slightly less good version of BK, while LSV is slightly stronger at discussions than BK. LSV tries to maximize his crew range often to an even greater extent than Jorbs, but not as much as BK, leading to LSV gathering sus early and not trusted other crew. Where as 5-up will usually find a way to unsus himself if allowed to survive [Jorbs does to, but he never survives to unsus himself, he discards sus by dying], LSV, like BK will often be sus late into the game. Still, LSV deserve to be in A-tier and should not be ignored by imposters aspiring to victory.

B Tier

Coop, Honk, TomM, DumbDog, Ben Weitz- DumbDog and Ben Weitz are all around good players that are probably slightly better as imposter. DumbDog is good at avoiding being killed as crew while also keeping a low profile as imposter, demonstrating a balanced range. He is also above average at leading the crew. TomM is not great at leading the crew, but his idiosyncratic style of play ['guarding lights'] will trip up inexperienced imposters. Honk is also very worthy of B-tier, she rarely makes errors and is also adapt at keeping a low profile. She is active in discussions but doesn't lead the village in the early game too often which is why she doesn't rank higher. Coop is similar to Honk but better at leading the village and worse at keeping. a low profile.

B- Tides- Tides main talent is emotional and vocal analysis, which allows him to correctly guess the imposters based of off cues that most analytic players will miss. However, he can also be wildly off when attempting analysis, which makes him unconvincing to others and puts him in danger of becoming a 3rd imposter, especially against players who are able to remain calm and tell-free in the style of Scott Seiver.

C Tier

Bloody - I hate to be that person that puts only women in C-tier, but bloody is pretty error prone and has misevaluated the value of various elements in the Among Us meta, particularly cams. Imposters will try to keep Bloody safe the whole game in the hopes that she will 'mis-clear' suspicion from them or accuse a fellow crew.

Imposter Tier list

S+ 5up and Scott Seiver- There are many star imposter players and it breaks my heart to not put Yorbs and Hafu at S+, but they just don't have the special qualities of 5up and Scott. 5-up is the hands down most skilled and daring imposter player, he can do every move including the stack kill and give convincing explanations when bodies are discovered. Scott is the goat 50-50 player and often avoids being killed on the next ejection meeting even after winning a 50-50 against a crew, it's the sort of thing you have to watch to believe. If I had to choose I'd rank scott above 5-up just because 5-up plays a lot of games in shit lobbies with players like SouljaBoy, but Scott plays in extremely analytical environments which only makes his 50-50 chat game that much more impressive.

S It'sHafu- Hafu is a consumate professional killer who is very patient and avoids getting sus on herself. She has demonstrated consistent ability to play 1v7s through her excellent understanding of sabotage and intelligent use of the admin panel to plan her rounds.

BK- Since BK plays in a very suspicious imposter like way even when he isn't imposter it is very difficult to grasp onto a pattern than could indicate he's imposter. As I already said, BK is the winningest player overall [crew+town win rate, and the lobby he plays in is very strong on the crew side] according to available stats, although there are no stats on 5-up and Hafu that I am aware of at this time. I have observed many games played by BK and I believe he is a very accurate player who is patient enough to avoid making bad kills.

Jorbs is a fun and daring imposter player who just can't quite make it with the rest of the S-tier due to his tendency to get impatient and make ill-advised kills. He attempts stack kills and other high-level plays but isn't quite as good at them as 5-up. Obviously none of the S-tier has Scott's 50-50 skills and Yorbs is no different.

A Tier

A+ YetiApocand LSV- YetiApoc leverages the same skills they use to lead the crew in discussions as an imposter to make the town implode and might actually be more dangerous than Jorbs sometimes due to his tendency not to be auto-sus. LSV relies on clean killing and patience in his imposter games rather than town implosion, their sheer efficiency is what gets them A+ rank. The fact that LSV's crew style tends to be a magnet for sus makes it difficult to distinguish them as imposters.

A DumbDog and YazyBug- DumbDog is very patient and knows how to make kills without getting sus, but he tend to have some obvious tells that distinguish his imposter game from his crew game. YazyBug is a player more in the vein of Scott, who relies on her strong personality in discussions to keep sus off herself.

B-tier under construction [feel free to suggest]- to me there are no noteworthy players to put into B-tier imposter, you have to stand out more to get a mention in my tier list

C-tier under construction for the same reason as B-tier

3rd imposter tier list

S Tier

S+ Bloody- see my discussion of Blooby's crew game

A Tier

Tides- see my discussion of Tides' crew game

B Tier
Yorbs style players- this type of player often makes themselves sus as crew due to not trying to be seen by other crew and prioritizing sleuthing over tasks. Even 5up can become a 3rd imposter in certain lobbies where players are afraid of getting duped by him and thus are overzealous about voting him out.

thank you for coming to my Tedxtalk, smash the like button if you like my post. Post a comment if you have someone you want to add and follow up with a video of them playing so we can make an informed decision on where they fall in the tier list.
I get this is not serious but it's hard to really rank people in this game when they don't all play in the same lobbies because of the player skill levels. Regardless, guessing that the rankings are based on the streams you watch and the lobbies they play in, trainwreckstv should be somewhere in there:

Other people that play in lobbies with these people that you might wanna check out and rank are: xqc, moxy

Re: toast, he plays in lobbies that are a lot more casual so it's really hard to rank him with these people until they play together. In those lobbies, toast, moistcritical and corpsehusband do pretty well as well.

Not suggesting any ranks because imo tierlists like this is supposed to be based on individual preferences. Maybe this thread could be used as like a bunch of users giving their own tierlists for fun instead of trying to get an objective tierlist.

I've really enjoying among us in both streams and playing with irl friends, it's a lot of fun. I think it works better than any other mafia type games i've tried because being imposter is just a ton of fun with the freedom to kill whenever and the sabotage system.
imas said:
I get this is not serious but it's hard to really rank people in this game when they don't all play in the same lobbies because of the player skill levels. Regardless, guessing that the rankings are based on the streams you watch and the lobbies they play in, trainwreckstv should be somewhere in there:

Other people that play in lobbies with these people that you might wanna check out and rank are: xqc, moxy

Re: toast, he plays in lobbies that are a lot more casual so it's really hard to rank him with these people until they play together. In those lobbies, toast, moistcritical and corpsehusband do pretty well as well.

Not suggesting any ranks because imo tierlists like this is supposed to be based on individual preferences. Maybe this thread could be used as like a bunch of users giving their own tierlists for fun instead of trying to get an objective tierlist.

I've really enjoying among us in both streams and playing with irl friends, it's a lot of fun. I think it works better than any other mafia type games i've tried because being imposter is just a ton of fun with the freedom to kill whenever and the sabotage system.
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ill look at some other games from train but im not super impressed. sure this dude knows how to play among us, the clip you linked features [8:40] a well known kill play that most of the ppl I mentioned [call lights kill near cams fix lights] don't do very often so they can use it when they really need it [as it is a known imposter play and someone like Jorbs will always call for an ejection on the 2nd person at lights in that situation]. it is also good to win 1 v7, but lets be real town was just imploding, especially at 1v 3 not going back out of decontamination to double back and see if something happened to the idiot hanging out at the admin panel on 4. also the dude is crazy and likely on the bad drugs so I doubt he can hang w the good players. His partner helped him in this game by trading for 5-up, and the real good play in that vid was killing yeti and self reporting not the kill going on at the time you linked to which was only possible cause of town being slow to fix lights and being unaware of that extremely known kill routine.
Myzozoa said:
ill look at some other games from train but im not super impressed. sure this dude knows how to play among us, the clip you linked features [8:40] a well known kill play that most of the ppl I mentioned [call lights kill near cams fix lights] don't do very often so they can use it when they really need it [as it is a known imposter play and someone like Jorbs will always call for an ejection on the 2nd person at lights in that situation]. it is also good to win 1 v7, but lets be real town was just imploding, especially at 1v 3 not going back out of decontamination to double back and see if something happened to the idiot hanging out at the admin panel on 4. also the dude is crazy and likely on the bad drugs so I doubt he can hang w the good players. His partner helped him in this game by trading for 5-up, and the real good play in that vid was killing yeti and self reporting not the kill going on at the time you linked to which was only possible cause of town being slow to fix lights and being unaware of that extremely known kill routine.
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I didn't link the vid based on plays or anything, it was just one with both 5up and yeti that shows he plays in lobbies with them. I don't really have any input on where he should place, just that he should probably be in there somewhere.
SlowAndBruh said:
Since Alpharad isn't in this list...

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Alpharad Unranked ---> A or A-

Alpharad is a strategic player that has played a ton of this game so far. There is a slight problem, as he uses Discord chat, which means he can pop up anywhere and say "OMG THIS PLAYER'S THE KILLER" which he doesn't do, he's a friendly guy, so he knows how to act without looking kinda sus. As Imposter, he can do good things as imposter, such as making blatant lies everyone will believe, since they are too dumb to actually know who the imposter is [as a crewmate only.] He does his crewmate tasks and he doesn't get mad when he's killed, but if he can't stop using Disc chat he may have to rank down, sorry bud.
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yah i cant rank him cause i cant really analyze his games due to the way they're presented on youtube, he does seem very fun to watch tho.

returning to the topic of trainwreckstv, yesterday i watched him lose 3 straight imposter games in a yeti and 9 bad players lobby [train is a bad player who gets C- on my tier list as I will explain below, but hes not going in the op because hes a nutjob]. so yah despite tweeting about being the best among us player all day on twitter, train can only come up with a good vid every couple weeks, even a blind squirrel will find a 1v7 victory if they play enough. if you watch Hafu play you'd see something worthy of youtube multiple times each day. example: I watched her play town today in 5-up lobby, there were 4 kills on day 1 and Hafu lead the village in voting out both imposters in successive meetings, using the button to prevent kills in between [imposters were 5-up and wolfabelle].

on trains play style: as village he just doesn't say hardly anything and as imposter he just spews misinformation in some type of vague attempt to talk over people/derail the meetings, it's incredibly obvious when he's imposter as such and he contributes very little as crew. i continue to be really unimpressed.
*Sighs* it is once again time to return to the unfortunate topic of trainwrecks tv, since he did in fact win a 10k among us tournament yesterday. The reason why he won is because his among us style of play is specifically rewarded by the tournaments point system [which is itself problematic].

firstly: the among us tournament scoring uses a points system which rewards being crew more than imposter [last I checked] this is a deep flaw. crew is favored because crew get points for each correct vote and you are most likely to get crew, therefore an uneven distribution of the crew role is a disadvantage for the people who get imposter most often.

this by itself does not explain why trainwrecks tv was successful in this tour. this has to do with the one thing train is actually real good at, which is not dying as crew. where as some people move like a mad men when they play imposter, trainwreckstv moves like a mad men as crew in a pattern that makes him tricky to kill. I have seen imposters try to kill trainwrecks when he's on cams for example, only to be frustrated by train quickly switching to a safe position and avoiding being killed by an imposter coming out of the vents at cams.

I still do not rate train that much, the lobby in the among us tour was frankly toxic and unwatchable [not because of train actually], I guess train thrives in such an environment and combined with his talent for not dying as crew, allowed him to amass points by surviving to vote in meetings.

once again thank you for reading my tedx talk.
Myzozoa said:
*Sighs* it is once again time to return to the unfortunate topic of trainwrecks tv, since he did in fact win a 10k among us tournament yesterday. The reason why he won is because his among us style of play is specifically rewarded by the tournaments point system [which is itself problematic].

firstly: the among us tournament scoring uses a points system which rewards being crew more than imposter [last I checked] this is a deep flaw. crew is favored because crew get points for each correct vote.

this by itself does not explain why trainwrecks tv was successful in this tour. this has to do with the one thing train is actually real good at, which is not dying as crew. where as some people move like a mad men when they play imposter, trainwreckstv moves like a mad men as crew in a pattern that makes him tricky to kill. I have seen imposters try to kill trainwrecks when he's on cams for example, only to be frustrated by train quickly switching to a safe position and avoiding being killed by an imposter coming out of the vents at cams.

I still do not rate train that much, the lobby in the among us tour was frankly toxic and unwatchable, I guess train thrives in such an environment and combined with his talent for not dying as crew, allowed him to amass points by surviving to vote in meetings.

once again thank you for reading my tedx talk.
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either rank him up cuz he won a tournament, or rank him down due to his problematic gameplay style.
V3S said:
Any update to this, since Trainwrecks has now won 3x Among us tournaments, and 1 2nd place at the Twitch Rivals tournament [hosted by hafu]?
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nah, the among us tournament scoring system leaves a lot to be desired in terms of making crew much better than imposter, meaning if you get crew more than other players you have a big advantage. Since train's big talent is not dying as crew he gets to earn maximum points from voting at meetings so he is favored by the scoring system. This element does not translate into the best possible among us play, as dying as crew is good when you are sus, but the tournament scoring system discourages dying as crew. In addition, a lot of the lobbies are really crappy. I won't mention specifically which players turn these tournament lobbies to shit except for to say it is not related to train at all. I am generally not interested in highlighting train in the op due to his recent and past weird monologues that are pretty misogynistic, I think I have discussed him enough in the comments.
So the latest 2 tournaments have featured different scoring systems then the first two [even the second one kinda had a different scoring system to the first but the changes were minor]. In these recent tournaments, players are actually preferring to get imposter, and can be heard on stream wishing that they got imposter [5up], compare to the earlier tournaments where players would want to stay as crew [Yeti's tournament win, although he played very well as imposter. Kills are now worth 2 points instead of 1, and crewmates lose -2 for voting an incorrect crewmate, balancing out past issues with scoring. Furthermore, in the recent twitch rivals tournament [hosted by Hafu], players were also giving points for completing tasks, with the first person to finish them gaining bonus points, which punishes stacking [credits to Hafu for this rule]. If you watch the that tournament, it is unrecognizable to the tournament where being in a group of 5+ was normal. However, I respect your decision to not place him in a tier if you personally feel his view are disrespectful. There are still a lot of players missing from this list though [ludwig, moxy, masterfien, jelly, ...]. I suggest you watch some of the recent tournaments to evaluate them, things have changed from the first one!
I'm bumping this thread for a few more, and because I found out this thread is page one for google "Among Us tier list".

Disguised Toast
S+ Imposter
S+ Crewmate

I provided some video evidence of his top plays beforehand, but even when he is not firing on all cylinders for Youtube, DisguisedToast is a force to be reckoned with. He figures out the tells of the whole lobby, and isn't afraid to mix up his strategies to win. As an imposter he knows the right amount of information to fake, and when to let the other crewmates self-sabotage the round. As a crewmate, he keeps track of every piece of information available, and his thought process during the games is fun to watch.

Overall I think DisguisedToast, Hafu, and 5up are the top Among Us players, in that order.

A+ Imposter
C Crewmate

One of the more glaring players to have a difference between Imposter and Crew. Corpse can low talk his way out of a ton of situations and is incredibly difficult to read as an imposter. He knows how to play on the heartstrings of the players. In turn, however, I don't think he's that great as a crewmate, and he only rarely susses and makes calls in discussions.

B+ Imposter
B Crewmate

Wolf is quite the ruthless killer and was known for a while to infamously kill on cooldown. She got sussed a lot for rounds with a lot of kills, and she's put the work in to throw that suss off when innocent and be a better crewmate. She isn't a game-changing crewmate, but she is solid and good to have on.

B Imposter
C Crewmate

DK is a chaotic individual, known for being petty, and causing a fair bit of chaos. He is also a great imposter when he throws just enough sus on the other imposter partner so that they can win the round by voting him off. His pettiness and chaos as a crewmate however will result in him going tunnel vision and want to vote off the wrong people.

Steven Suptic
D- Crewmate

I consider this to be one of the worst streamers. His Polus gameplan of pre-jacking lights and sitting on cams can be endlessly abused by a half-decent imposter who can play around it. It also sabotages his imposter play when he doesn't do exactly that. He constantly makes bad calls, and even when he is right, has a terrible time at explaining his logic, or convincing anyone else. The worst is he self declares himself as smart. Rat boy indeed.

C+ Imposter
D Crewmate

A one-trick pony if there ever was one. He is slightly ahead of Steven Suptic on the bad player scale though. If you watch him at first, he seems nice and okay enough. But after watching him enough you'll realize he never changes up his strategy and is one-note ["Oh Jesus, I can't believe you actually killed them!"]. He streams more to be liked than to be good, and that's fine. As an imposter, I've only seen him luck out on wins, and as crew, he willingly puts suss on himself and trolls a lot. Because he is well-liked by many streamers, he gets in a number of games. It would probably be better to vote Sykunno off early, because you either off an imposter early, or you don't have to worry about him as a sabotaging crewmate in the final four.

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