Topics about computer technology

30 Great Research Paper Topics for Computer Science

Computer science is science that changes, perhaps, the faster of all. Every month something happens the machines become more powerful, the new languages of programming are invented and the new possibilities are opened before computer scientists. The other side of this progress is that the information that was up to date yesterday can be history today. Sochoosing the topic for your research paper on Computer Science becomes a tricky matter.

Like every other area of human life, computer science has its fashion. Just look through the magazines, the exhibitions announcements, and other related events to see what is trendy now. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality and enhancing the physical modeling of the real world are always a little black dress of computer science, they are always popular and there is a lot of data connected to them but there are dozens of people writing about them and it will be really challenging to compete with them and write something completely new.

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You may abandon the easy way and find something that is not so popular but is very useful for some practical reasons: for example, making the complicated calculations faster or perfectly modeling some tricky bacteria that biologists desperately need. It will be equally interesting for your audience if you give them clear practical reasons why it is great and has to be done.

As with math or physics, the research paper on Computer Science may quickly become boring and hard to understand if it will consist of endless lines of code without any practical example. Try to use them after each major point in your paper. You may add funny commentaries to your code or use interesting problems to solve them in examples. The audience will follow you more attentively if you have such easter eggs inside your work.

You may use our sample topics to get some inspiration, but dont forget to check the last available data about them!

  1. Biotechnology, medicine, and computer science
  2. Neuron networks and machine learning
  3. Big data analysis
  4. Virtual reality and its connection to human perception
  5. The success of computer-assisted education
  6. Computer assistance in support services
  7. Database architecture and management
  8. Human-computer interactions. The importance of usability
  9. The limits of computation and communication
  10. Computers and media. Where is the line between art and math modeling?
  11. Why there are so much programming languages?
  12. Digital security versus private information
  13. Encrypting and decrypting
  14. Quantum computers. Are they the future?
  15. Is the evolution of search algorithms finished?
  16. The importance of open source software
  17. Portable gadgets and the peculiarities of software development for them
  18. Cloud storages: advantages and disadvantages
  19. Computer viruses: the main principles of work and the hazards
  20. DDOS attacks, their danger on the global scale and their prevention
  21. Is SCRUM methodology the best-invented one for computer science?
  22. The online medicine apps: can they sometimes substitute the treatment of real doctors?
  23. 5G Wireless System: is it the future?
  24. Windows, macOS, UNIX what OS is the most perspective now?
  25. Biometric systems and recognizing
  26. Ethical hacking. Who are the white hat hackers?
  27. Cyborgs: is it sci-fi or nearest future?
  28. The ATM and bank security
  29. The evolution of torrents
  30. What is blockchain?

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