The major american military contribution to germany’s decision to give up fighting was

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The immediate cause of American entry into World War I was

Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

The capstone 14th point of Wilson's declaration of war aims called for

An international organization to guarantee collective security

Wilson and his administration aroused the still divided American people to fervent support of the war by

Proclaiming an ideological war to end war and make the world safe for democracy

George creels committee on public information typified the entire American war effort because it

Relied more on whipped up patriotism and voluntary compliance than on formal laws or government coercion

The two key laws aimed at enforcing loyalty and suppressing antiwar dissent were

Espionage act and the sedition act

Two groups that experience the most direct attacks and suppression during the war were

German-Americans and socialists

The immediate postwar passage of the 19th amendment, granting American women the right to vote

Reflected the General American belief that the war should really lead to an expansion of democracy

The major result of the substantial wartime migration of blacks to northern cities was

A series of vicious race riots in northern cities

Particularly violent strikes irrupt it during and after World War I in

mining and steel industries

A major difference between the World War I selective service act in the civil war draft was that World War I

In WWI is was not possible to purchase an exemption or to hire a substitute

The major American military contribution to Germany's decision to give up fighting was

The U.S. Navy successful destruction of most German submarines

American soldiers were especially needed in France in the spring of 1918 because

a renewed German offensive was threatening to break through to Paris and force France to surrender

Wilson blundered badly when leading the American peace delegation to Paris by

Refusing to include any Republican senators in the American delegation

The European powers and Japan weakened Wilson at the peace conference by

forcing him to compromise his ideals on matters of self-determination and punishment of Germany

Wilson bore considerable responsibility for the failure of the United States to join the league of Nations because he

he ordered Democratic senators to defeat the pro-League treaty with the Lodge reservations

[true/false] Germany responded to Wilson's call for "peace without victory" by proposing a temporary armistice.

[true/false] Wilson's proclamation of the war as a crusade to end all war and spread democracy

[true/false] Among Wilson's Fourteen Points were freedom of the seas, national self-determination for minorities, and an international organization to secure peace

[true/false] The Committee on Public Information used an aroused American patriotism more than formal laws and censorship to promote the war cause.

[true/false] The primary targets of prosecution under the Espionage and Sedition Acts were German and Austrian agents in the United States.

[true/false] Even during the war mobilization, Americans were extremely reluctant to grant the federal government extensive powers over the economy.

[true/false] Despite bitter and sometimes violent strikes, American labor made economic and organization gains as a result of WWI.

[true/false] War-inspired black migration into northern cities led to major racial riots in 1917- 1919.

[true/false] The passage of the 19th Amendment granting women's suffrage guaranteed the permanence of women's wartime economic gains.

[true/false] American troops actually played only a small role in the Allies' final victory.

[true/false] When Woodrow Wilson arrived in Europe, the European public hailed him as a hero and peacemaking savior.

[true/false] Wilson's skillful handling of Republican political opposition strengthened his hand at the Paris Peace Conference.

[true/false] Other Allied leaders forced Wilson to make serious compromises in his Fourteen Points in order to keep the League of Nations in the Treaty of Versailles.

[true/false] Wilson's unwillingness to compromise and accept Republican reservations to the Treaty of Versailles sent the whole treaty down to defeat.

[true/false] In th election of 1920, Republican Harding supported the League of Nations while Democrat Cox tried to evade the issue.

The mobilization for war gave new momentum to the movement for

a constitutional amendment granting women the right to vote

German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmerman had secretly proposed a German-Mexican alliance against the US. When thereto was intercepted and published, it caused an uproar that made some Americans more willing to enter the war.

Woodrow Wilson's proposal to ensure peace after WWI, calling for an end to secret treaties, widespread arms reduction, national self-determination, and a new league of nations

Committee on Public Information

A government office during WWI known popularly as the Creel Committee for its chairman, George Creel, it was dedicated to winning everyday Americans' support for the war effort. It regularly distributed prowar propaganda and sent out an army of four minute men to rally crowds and deliver patriotic pep.

Why did the Germans gain in the men's military advantage during the first months of fighting in 1918?

The Bolsheviks took Russia out of the war, allowing German troops to go to the Western front

What was the primary argument of Senate opponent such a seminar Henry Cabot Lodge against the league of Nations as proposed in the Treaty of Versallies?

The league of Nations stripped Congress of its constitutional were declaring powers

What political goal republican isolationist able to achieve with the election of 1920 of Warren Harding

The death sentence for the league of Nations

Which traditionally American ideal did Wilson rely upon when he declared to tour the country to garner support for the league of Nations?

Members of Congress are meant to represent the people; if Wilson could convince the people, Congress would have to follow

What best characterizes the US government's approach to civil liberties during World War I?

Severely damaged by the political pressures of loyalty and conformity

What best describes America's preparedness for entry into World War I?

Poorly prepared militarily and industrially to leap into a global war

What was the immediate cause of American entry into ww1?

Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson's decision to lead the United States into World War I.

What effect did the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 have on American public opinion of Germany?

The attack on the Lusitania, a passenger ship with civilians on board, by a military submarine signaled the end of the more "civilized" warfare of the 19th century. It also proved to be a powerful propaganda tool for turning American public opinion against Germany and in support of joining the war.

How did Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare affect the United States quizlet?

How did Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare affect the United States? Unrestricted submarine warfare led to American casualties and drew the United States into war. How did Woodrow Wilson win reelection in 1916? He promised Americans that he would keep the nation out of war.

Who did the US fight in ww1?

The United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917. Within a few months, thousands of U.S. men were being drafted into the military and sent to intensive training.

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