The Bucket List movie psychological analysis

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Analysis of Moral Values and Themes in The Film The Bucket List

  • Subject: Sociology, Entertainment
  • Category: Sociology of the Family, Movies
  • Topic: Family Relationships, Movie Review
  • Pages 3
  • Words: 1179
  • Published: 18 March 2021
  • Downloads: 57
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The Bucket List is a 2007 film starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. To be honest, I felt bored at the beginning of the movie and was about to fall asleep. However, halfway through the movie when Edward Cole [Jack Nicholson] urged Carter Chambers [Morgan Freeman] to complete everything on his bucket list, I started to realize the moral values and the themes that this movie trying to convey to us.

When Edward and Carter knew that both of them have only less than six months to live, they decided to have an around-the-world vacation and finish the tasks which they had written down on their bucket lists. As their journey went on, they started to forget about the fact that they may be dying and becoming more relaxed to travel and explore around the world. Throughout their journey, they tried to challenge their limits and always exchanged their opinions about their own beliefs. Although this is the first time the two men dealt with people from different backgrounds, they began to know each other very well and finally became soulmates. Hence, I have learnt that we must enjoy our life by trying things that we have never done before. Perhaps we will have the opportunity to meet our soulmate once in our life which some people might not get the chance to.

Another theme I derived from The Bucket List is we should learn to cherish the moment as who knows what will happen in the future. When Carter knew that he was about to die, he was convinced by Edward to do a bucket list and complete the list accordingly. He was so determined to follow his heart and even went against her wife, Virginia Chamberss opinion. It was a tough decision for Carter as he needs to live on his own without his family if he starts his journey with Edward. As a cancer patient, his life was full of uncertainties so he decided to live boldly by finishing the bucket list he created with Edward. If Carter listens to his wife and continues his therapy in different hospitals, he will not be able to get a chance to live a life which is totally different. His life will be dull and always suffer in pain by undergoing heavy chemotherapy until the day he dies. Therefore, Carter is cherishing his remaining life by following his desire and choose a way that he wants to live.

When it is drawing to the end of the movie, I was shocked that Carters surgery was unsuccessful and he died in the operating theater since I thought that Carter is an optimist and he will finally be recovered from his illness. Thus, the movie scene of Edward delivering an eulogy at the funeral had touched me because the three month of his life together with Carter had became one of the best moment of his life although they were complete strangers initially. Then, Edward also crossed out help a complete stranger for a common good from their bucket list. Edward had been trying his best to complete their bucket list although Carter has passed away. I think this part of the movie establishes the relationship between Edward and Carter and also explains how incredible the bond is created by these cancer patients. They get to know each other for only three months but this experience had changed their life totally. I feel very touched as it changes my mind to think that it may not be necessarily the case that the longer the time you spent with your friends, the stronger the bond.

After I finish watching the movie, I think that even I know that I am nearing death like Edward and Carter, I will not make the same decision as them. The reason is I have always spent my time studying and getting along with my friends previously, but I do not think that I have spent enough for my family. If I do not have much time left, I will not get a chance to repay my parents and take care of them which have sacrificed a lot for me not only money but also the time they have spent with me. Besides, I would like to spend my remaining days with my siblings since they are the only people in the world whom I share with them my joy, laughter, tears and strife without any misgivings. So, I will try my best giving them all the sweet memories while I can instead of giving them the impression of me suffering as a patient.

One of the thing that I learnt from The Bucket List is everyone should make their own bucket list so as to ensure that we will lead our life to the fullest. Hence, I have created my own bucket list that I wish to accomplish before my life comes to an end. I have set my goal to finish my BDS degree and also PhD degree for orthodontics, then I will work very hard to repay my parents. Another goal of mine will be buying a house and a car using the money that I earned myself. Last but not least, I wish to travel around the world and visit all the places especially Maldives, the Dead Sea, the Great Barrier Reef which I heard that they may be gone in the future. It is because I have always amazed by all the breathtaking views around the world and some of the places are really impressive due to the uncanny workmanships and they are all wonders created by our mother nature. But unfortunately, they may not last forever. Setting goals of my life will make me more determined as I need to put more my efforts studying and working in order to achieve them.

I think one of the main character in this movie, Carter Chambers is always having a positive thinking and spreading his love and care to others so that he can make people happy. This is shown when he tried his best to convince his wife who felt hopeless when she knew that her husband was suffering from cancer. For this reason, I think that he is an optimistic person and I would like to be like him.

Firstly, I think that one of the ways to bring joy to people around me is to be an encourager when they are going through difficulties. It is actually very powerful when someone who is depressed knows that there is still someone who is care for them. It will also make myself happy to see that I am able to put a smile on their faces. Another way for me to bring joy to others is to smile at people when I see them every day. I believe that smiling is just a simple action that all human beings can do and this will actually change and affect others mood and daily life. To sum up everything, I think this movie, The Bucket List is a meaningful and worth watching movie as it taught me lots of life lessons.

Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.

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