Sun rise on the beach aerial photo top view

How do you photograph the sunrise?

Sunrise – ISO 100, Shutter Speed 1/2-5seconds depending on the outcome you're looking for, Aperture f/14 [to enable sun stars] or f/6 if you're going for a fast shot. Keep the white balance off auto and use either Shaded or Cloudy to bring out the warm tones.

What lens is best for sunrise photography?

A wide angle lens such as a 16-35mm is a great option for sunrise photography. The large field of view will allow you to capture the expanse of the sky in tandem with the landscape, which can be particularly useful if you use it creatively.

How long before sunrise photography?

Taking pictures at sunrise is great because the light is softer than it will be at midday and the angle of the sun can create interesting shadows to use in your composition. Some photographers also love the sunrise “blue hour”—the 30 minutes or so before sunrise—for its dark and dramatic hue.

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