Sửa lỗi no more connect to this computer năm 2024

in My office, one of the computer is connected with domain environment, suddenly domain users are not able to login, it gives the error "The password is incorrect. Try again". but my password is correct, the same error for all users. Removed the computer name in AD but no use. When I try to login local administrator, its throughs same issue " The number of connections to this computer is limited and all connections are in use right now. Try connecting later or contact your system administrator." This system has critical information, i do not want to reinstall the windows.

I have searched solutions in internet; I could see registry edit options only. Tried to do that but without login to windows how can I edit that.

I tried few steps such as Removing network cable/ tried to login – not working, created windows repair device in USB, repair option did not solve my issue, system not booting in safe mode to restore previous version, even image backup in Veeam also has the same problematic OS.

suspected in two areas and tried to workout.

  1. Replace [system, sam, security, software, default] the registry file located in %SystemRoot%\System32\config from backup in C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\RegBack - Not solved my problem and revert backed this action.
    1. Finally, my second approach was worked out, I wanted to kill the network services running behind in windows, task manager also is not available, then followed the below steps

I have made a Bootable media using Hiran bootable, for windows 20 64 bit Moved all files stored in %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\ to a different folder, no files here. Then

Rebooted the windows system, it goes normally. I could see the critical application and its data. This is saved our company business downtime.

Its the first day of school and we have more computers than ever on the network. In the computer lab, the first 10 computers were able to log on to the server 2008. After that I tried to join a computer to the domain and it gave me the following error: your computer could not joined to the domain because the following error has occurred: No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.

36 Replies

  • Couple thoughts: If you are trying to connect to a share or resource on a desktop OS not a server the max connections are 10. If you are joining computers to the domain by default any user can join 10 computers. You need to have permissions for your account to join computers or be a domain admin to join more than 10. I suspect this is your issue. There may be a threshold manually configured or in GPO on shared resources. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Hmm, not sure why you'd see this from a 2008 Server. Are you sure this message was in response to joining the domain? The reason I ask is that we've only seen this message when our login script was trying to map drives directly to a Workstation with network shares available. In essence a poor mans file server. I know WXP and I'd guess W7 has something like a limit of 10 concurrent network connections. So the machine throws the "No more connections... " error when everyone attempts to connect to workstation file shares. We've gotten around this by creating a Distributed File Share [DFS] from a Windows Server to the \\Workstation\Share and mapping end user drives to the DFS share on the DFS server. Then the DFS Server is the only physical connection to the \\Workstation\Share. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • What kind of windows server is it? Does it have the remote desktop services installed and the correct number of licenses assigned? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • It is a standard Windows 2008 server with no remote desktop running. I do have a windows 2003 server that is a backup up but I checked and the licensing service is disabled. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • In the advanced properties of a share, you can limit the number of connections. That might be worth looking into. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • When you say "the first 10 computers were able to log on to the server 2008", what exactly do you mean? They were able to join the domain, map a drive, connect to a share, remote into a server? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Netlogon is set for maximum allowed. What is the maximum allowed? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Just log on. The student computers log on to the server but don't have access to any shared folders. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Could it be license CALs on the server. I can't remeber without looking if those still come in to play with 2008. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • I'm still a little confused. You said previously that they aren't using remote desktop, but you're saying that they're logging on to the server. Are the student computers having issues logging in with domain credentials? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • What happens if you remove one of the computers that's part of the domain that logged on successfully, then log into one of the computers that previously gave you the error? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • I think we all need more information to judge what's happening. At one read, it does sound like the issue is Remote Desktop logins, and after another read it sounds like that's not the case. Is it correct that your server Server 2008 Standard? Are all of the computers joined to the same domain as the server? What else can you tell us? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • I think this is the correct place for your post, and you will get better responses for server questions here, in case you have not found it yet thee is also an Education area. //community.spiceworks.com/group/show/5-education Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • All the computers log on remotely, yes. I was using the term remote desktop as in roaming. Sorry. Every one logs on to the server when they log into the computer. Yes the server is 2008 standard. They are all on the same domain. I didn't think there were cal licenses on the windows 2008. I configured it along time ago and don't remember adding them. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Q: did this setup work before? If not just so we are all clear, are you adding these machines as new machines to the domain? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Yes I was trying to add them to the domain and students were logging on. I shut down a few computers in the computer lab and was able to join those computers to the domain. It goes back to too many computers on the server issue. I can't figure out what the issue is. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Apparently when I log in multiple new users on the server, it does that. Once they are logged on the first time, there is not an issue. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Sorry but i'm still confused, not too sure what the current state is??? did it work before? whats new, the 2008 server? I think there is a few issues here to look at: If is a license issue then you need to change the licensing on the server that the users are logging on to. if it is joining machines to the domain, check your account has sufficient right to do so domain admin not a normal user account. if it is folder sharing, check share rights, check route to share, check share access using ip address instead of unc name it could be a DNS issue. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Hi, is there any updates? how did you get on? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • No I am still having the same issue. All I can tell is if a student who has not logged on successfully, comes in and logs on to the computer for the first time before the other computers are turned on, they can log in and will log in successfully after that. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Hi, did you get any further with the licencing setup? or changed it? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • No I didn't. The licensing service is not running on the Windows 2008 or Windows 2003 servers. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Sorry about the follow up. The only thing I can figure is that my 3com switch is going bad. Once 18 computers and two wireless adapters get on, it slows down to a stand still. Any thoughts? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Drop on WireShark or your network traffic monitor flavor of choice and look at traffic. If it is a time-out/speed issue, you may be able to diagnose where all the traffic is coming from. Who knows, maybe a teacher put in a wireless router in their classroom and DHCP is enabled or configured incorrectly and it's making the rest of the network slowdown with broacasting storms. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • You can always use: mstsc /admin To get around the issue to manage the server, knock people off, find out if there are duplicate logins for users, etc. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Its only happening on one switch and its in a computer lab. The other computer lab and classrooms are not having this issue. Lisa Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • Antal, I have not seen this command. Use it on the server or the workstation? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down
  • ldavis wrote:

I have not seen this command. Use it on the server or the workstation? A workstation in Run, assuming RDP of course. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down

I also had exactly the same message. After some digging around I noticed the System Clock was 5 minutes out!!! N:\>w32tm /query /source Free-running System Clock N:\>w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:time-a.nist.gov,time.nist.gov The command completed successfully. N:\>net stop w32time The Windows Time service is stopping. The Windows Time service was stopped successfully. N:\>net start w32time The Windows Time service is starting. The Windows Time service was started successfully. N:\>w32tm /query /source Local CMOS Clock N:\>w32tm /query /source time-a.nist.gov,time.nist.gov Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down

No More Connection to a Remote Computer Problem 1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK. 2. Locate and then click to select the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanmanserver\Parameters 3. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. 4. Type MaxMpxCt, and then press ENTER. 5. Right-click MaxMpxCt, and then click Modify. 6. In the Value data box, type the desired value, and then click OK. Note You can set the number of concurrent SMB commands to a value that is between 10 and 255. The default value is 10. In Microsoft Windows Server 2003, you can set the number of concurrent SMB commands to a maximum value of 65,535. 7. Close Registry Edit Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down

Make sure the time on the client computer/server are the same as the domain controller. Also check to make sure the time zone on the client appropriately offsets the time. This can happen if the time is more then 4 minutes different. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down

thanxs ldavis wrote:

Its the first day of school and we have more computers than ever on the network. In the computer lab, the first 10 computers were able to log on to the server 2008. After that I tried to join a computer to the domain and it gave me the following error: your computer could not joined to the domain because the following error has occurred: No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down

This error is caused by the limitation of Windows XP Professional to 10 connection only. To solve this problem, you have to edit your registry. Follow this steps; 1. Click START -> RUN 2. Type regedit 3. Go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon 4. Look for cachedlogonscount 5. Replace its value to your desired number of connection, for example 15. That’s it! Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down

To solve this problem, you can reduce the timeout time of 15 minutes to 1 minutes so that the idle connections are terminated soon and other connection can be established. Follow the below steps to change the default timeout time to 1 minute instead of 15 minutes: 1. Go to Start > Run net config server /autodisconnect:1 and press Ok. You can also do this in CMD. Open CMD and write the following net config server /autodisconnect:1 hit enter. Hope your problem will be solved. Thanks :-] Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down

thanks worked well Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down

Please, I tried all the options on window 7 [64 bit], yet the problem is still the same. Can anyone tell me of other alternatives that worked? Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down

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