spectator là gì - Nghĩa của từ spectator

spectator có nghĩa là

Orig. Latin: spectare [to watch]

watching without interfering

Ví dụ

Commonly used by the Quake 3 and Counterstrike community: "I am dead and already in specator mode again!"

spectator có nghĩa là

Spectator is a commonly used term to describe the 'odd sheep in the pen' in regards to women and their associates. In other words the 'fatter' of the friends, one who doesn't look after personal figure, the girl who goes and watches her 'fitter' friends play sport, whilst sitting on the side line eating a pie.

Ví dụ

Commonly used by the Quake 3 and Counterstrike community: "I am dead and already in specator mode again!" Spectator is a commonly used term to describe the 'odd sheep in the pen' in regards to women and their associates. In other words the 'fatter' of the friends, one who doesn't look after personal figure, the girl who goes and watches her 'fitter' friends play sport, whilst sitting on the side line eating a pie. 1. "Mate, why did you have to bring the spectator back to ours last night?"

2. "Mate the only way i was going to root the amazing one was if the ugly friend came along"

spectator có nghĩa là

A very small potato

Ví dụ

Commonly used by the Quake 3 and Counterstrike community: "I am dead and already in specator mode again!"

spectator có nghĩa là

Spectator is a commonly used term to describe the 'odd sheep in the pen' in regards to women and their associates. In other words the 'fatter' of the friends, one who doesn't look after personal figure, the girl who goes and watches her 'fitter' friends play sport, whilst sitting on the side line eating a pie.

Ví dụ

Commonly used by the Quake 3 and Counterstrike community: "I am dead and already in specator mode again!"

spectator có nghĩa là

Spectator is a commonly used term to describe the 'odd sheep in the pen' in regards to women and their associates. In other words the 'fatter' of the friends, one who doesn't look after personal figure, the girl who goes and watches her 'fitter' friends play sport, whilst sitting on the side line eating a pie.

Ví dụ

1. "Mate, why did you have to bring the spectator back to ours last night?"

spectator có nghĩa là

A Potato with glasses

Ví dụ

2. "Mate the only way i was going to root the amazing one was if the ugly friend came along"

spectator có nghĩa là

Now-defunct East Bay adult newspaper, originally part of the 'Berkeley Barb' but spun off as an independent weekly in 1978. Ceased publication in 2005. One of the first publications anywhere to print sex-worker advertising. For the last 10 years or so of its life, the weekly 'Spectator' ad was a regular business expense for many Bay Area pimps. Receives a mention in 'Hey Girl' from The Team's 2002 CD, 'Beyond the Glory.' Often called the 'Espectator' by Bay Area TV or TG escorts.

Ví dụ

1. "fair enough then ya pol cat."

spectator có nghĩa là

A very small potato

Ví dụ

I had pot roast and spectators for supper last night! A combination of watching and learning. Observing with intent to gain knowledge of "I see what you did there". "We went to spectate, not to participate." "Spectating" or "social spectating" is stalking people on social websites [MySpace, FaceBook, etc]. This term is less harsh than the word "stalking". Hey man, I was spectating on FaceBook the other day and saw bikini pics of Nick's mom. A Potato with glasses The spectater sat quietly reading the ingredients of french fries in shock Now-defunct East Bay adult newspaper, originally part of the 'Berkeley Barb' but spun off as an independent weekly in 1978. Ceased publication in 2005. One of the first publications anywhere to print sex-worker advertising. For the last 10 years or so of its life, the weekly 'Spectator' ad was a regular business expense for many Bay Area pimps. Receives a mention in 'Hey Girl' from The Team's 2002 CD, 'Beyond the Glory.' Often called the 'Espectator' by Bay Area TV or TG escorts.

spectator có nghĩa là

If Krissy's out of the game, what's her ad doing in this week's 'Spectator'?

Ví dụ

The master of the Undermap and it's third level. He was once Derf's best friend but then stole the secret to winning The Game, therefore giving him great power but making him an obvious jackass so Derf kicked him out of the Emerald Arcade. The Great Spectator then created his own realm to rule where all people go if they are killed in a game after doing something such as ninja looting or screen looking and they have to pass through the 3 Red Rings of the Undermap and endure it's trials then get kicked out with another chance, but, if you are a supreme jackass in life, after you die ,depending on how bad of a jackass you were, you get sent to one of the Red Rings. You could even get sent to the secret 4th Ring [where you'll get pwned by the Great Spectator] if you're bad enough. Through this he now serves a purpose and, his jackass status revoked, him and Derf now hang out again and is actually a pretty cool inter-dimensional being. Player 1: 0h! pwn3d n00b!
Player 2: but dude you screen looked!

spectator có nghĩa là

Player 1: and n00b n00bi3 n00b3r5on?

Ví dụ

Player 2: [Shoots Player 1 in the face]
[the Great Spectator floats up from the Undermap]
The Great Spectator: come with me jackass!

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