Slui.exe 0x2a 0xc004fe00 windows 7 sửa lỗi năm 2024

For anyone having trouble with the "Not Genuine" nags, try this.

1. Migrate to windows update and uninstall Update KB971033.

2. Open an elevated command prompt [ie click start, type CMD in seach box, right click cmd, select run as administrator].

3. Type the following in command promt: slmgr -rearm. [Leave a space between the r and the -, but no space between the - and r of rearm].

Hit enter and exit command prompt.

4. Re-boot TWICE.

Works on Win 7 Build 7600 onwards. You can now set desktop backgrounds etc as normal and "not genuine" notices should be a thing of the past.

and it is showing genuine again, for now? BUT it is working.

Recently, I bought a "Windows 8 Pro Media Center Pack" from local store and.. this was a big mistake.

When I got back home, I try to clean install Windows 8 for my new RIG, I found out WMC pack was only for adding feature and not for installing Windows 8 Pro.. dumb me.

Trying hard to find solution in this forum, searching high and low for fix, I came across this thread called " Creating a Windows 8 AIO with Media Center manually".

The part I did was "Create a Windows 8 Pro with media center iso only". Using my friends computer to do it, I got stuck in the part which need to do something with "Data.dat".

I don't really understand what it wrote there.

"Keeping the image mounted and viewing hidden files and folders take ownership of the data.dat file and then delete it in C:\win8\mount\Windows\System32\spp\store\data.dat

and replace with data.dat


After taking some time to think what does it mean, I finally came an idea of doing something that may not be right..

This is what I did.

1. Delete data.dat in C:\win8\mount\Windows\System32\spp\store\data.dat 2. Copy my friend computer "data.dat" in his system and place into C:\win8\mount\Windows\System32\spp\store. [Copy ownership? This is what I think it mean.]

After everything was done, burn into DVD, I manage to get everything work but.. the activation just can't get it work.

Try to run cmd with admin and type slmgr /rearm, i got this message.

Error: 0xC004FE00 On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004FE00' to display the error text.

Try other method like Enter New Key still doesn't work. Check the media boot install still no go. Buy Windows 8 said can't do it in current region.

Please help.


After searching internet about "data.dat" and little understanding of this file, here is some of the info of my friend laptop.

OS:Windows 8 Pro BIT: 64 Other MS product: MS office 2010 with EZ-activation. " Office 2010 Toolkit "

  • Which version of windows 8 was installed before all this mess?

    Is it branded PC\laptop that has windows 8 pre installed?

Method you are using will not work & is not genuine for bought Keys.... Go right way...

No, this PC have not install any OS. Newly build.

If you are asking about the creating of the Windows 8 pro with media center DVD, was done on a laptop which is running Windows 8 pro x64.


Sadly, I got some argument with the local shop. At first, I didn't want to buy this "WMC pack" but the sale claim that it can work even on CLEAN install. I when back to the store and had some argument. He claim that I opened the box. So there's nothing for me to do about it.

Anyway, thanks reohela. By the way, I never touch KMS activation before. Any risk doing that will cause damage to any system file??


Last question what you bought 99$ pack or 9$ pack???

s1ave77 Has left at his own request Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...


I think I will just do clean install again without doing any mod to the image. Oh well. Just want to get things work ended up messing up. Thanks btw.

Haha. Sure. Will update here once got it working. Right now is late here. Will do it next afternoon.

So basically you bought Windows 8 to "windows 8 pro WMC pack".... I will suggest you buy "windows 8" NOT "Windows 8 PRO" upgrade pack online.... That will cost you less & then use your "PRO WMC pack" to upgrade to pro & wmc same time...

Aww. Man.. Too late now. I bought a copy Windows 8 pro from local trusted store. Happy with the system now. But will keep the WMC pack since I don't really use WMC. Maybe soon or later will add into features. Thanks reohela

You are welcome..

But check with M$ or post at M$ blog... I don't think your "windows 8 pro WMC pack" key will work with windows 8 pro to add WMC, as pack is to update "windows 8" to "windows 8 pro with WMC".

Still you will get answer only when you try to add feature....

  • That is correct sir. First you need a Windows 8 [then upgrade to Windows 8 Pro key] or Windows 8 Pro. Then you can update to Windows 8 Pro with Media Center which is kinda crappy in my opinion. I mean there are better software packages you can use hehe.

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