Retin a 0.025 cream review

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.

Choosing skin care products can be overwhelming. There are so many ingredients and so many claims of benefits.

But there is one ingredient that has stayed the course since its introduction in the 1960s. Retin-A is a form of vitamin A used to rejuvenate skin and, in some cases, treat skin spots that may be precancerous.

“Retin-A is a great product,” says dermatologist Anisha Patel, M.D. “The active ingredient is tretinoin and the main thing it does is regulate your skin cycle, so it makes your skin look brighter.”

Here are six things she wants you to know about Retin-A.

1. Retin-A works by refreshing skin cells.

Retin-A’s active ingredient, tretinoin, was created as a treatment for acne. It works by normalizing skin cell turnover. It also stimulates collagen and helps reduce dark spots and wrinkles.

“Because it regulates the skin cycle, you don’t have a layer of dead skin and that gives you a more even texture to your skin,” says Patel. “It also decreases the size of your oil glands so you’re less likely to get clogged pores or clogged hair follicles.”

2. There are over-the-counter options.

Retin-A typically requires a prescription, but you may find it is not covered by insurance for cosmetic use. There is an over-the-counter option you can consider.

“Look for brands that contain adapalene,” says Patel. “That ingredient was previously only available with a prescription, and now it’s available over-the-counter.”

You could also look for retinol, which is a milder form of Retin-A that can be found in many over-the-counter skin care products. But the effectiveness of retinol products is not as well-proven.

3. Sun protection is especially important when using Retin-A or retinol.

Sunscreen with at least SPF 30 should be used every day to protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays. This is especially important when you’re using Retin-A or retinol products because these make your skin more sensitive to the sun.

4. Retin-A isn’t right for everyone.

Some people should not use Retin-A. “People who are on photosensitizing medications should avoid it because it does have that sun sensitivity side effect,” says Patel. “I would also not recommend it for people with inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea or for cancer patients on active chemotherapy.”

Photosensitizing medications include some antibiotics, blood pressure medicines as well as other medicines. Let your doctor know if you are using Retin-A. If you are pregnant, avoid Retin-A, as it can cause fetal defects.

5. Irritation is normal when you start using Retin-A.

Retin-A can cause redness and irritation as your skin gets used to it, so it’s important to start slowly.

Start by using a small amount every third night for a week, and then start using a small amount every other night. Once your skin is comfortable, try every night and drop back to every other night if you notice redness or irritation on your skin. If you use Retin-A, your dermatologist can adjust the strength of your prescription cream.

6. Use Retin-A consistently to get the best results.

Retin-A does not necessarily produce instant results, so patience is required. Stick with it, and incorporate it into your routine to get the best results.

“Retin-A can be a nice medication to use as long as you are mindful of the potential side effects,” says Patel. “Pay special attention to sun safety because if you use Retin-A and keep getting damaging sunburns, it will be counterproductive.”

I think a lot of people should know although this drug worked wonders for my acne and my skins appearance, it can change hormones. Both topical and oral forms can have this effect. I have had a difficult time with my hormones and I believe I could have something to do with this product. I have been on topical tretinoin for 3 years now and have developed an undiagnosed condition 2 years ago. It took me one year for this product to have a full effect on my skins appearance. Upon a very deep research, people who have used this product developed tumors, pcos, and can cause miscarriages in pregnant women. After developing strange medical issues over time, I realize I should not only look at what I’m putting in my body, but what I’m putting on it as well.


5 Stars

Posted 32 months ago [4/30/2021] 5

Rated for Skin care Report

Just amazing!


5 Stars

Posted 32 months ago [4/30/2021] 5

Rated for Acne Report

Tretinoin is strong indeed! Few side effects are normal. And also you need a lot of patience. Because any kind of acne and pigmentation treatment at first makes skin worse and then makes the skin fine gradually making it better than before. So at first use it once a week, yes only once. For first 2 weeks I used it only once a week. Then I started using it once every 3 night. [ Like if u use it on Sunday then next u would use it on Wednesday] For the 2nd month I used it every 2nd night [ Like: Sunday and then Tuesday giving a gap of monday] After 2nd month my skin improved a lot. In 1st month my skin became dry, was peeled off, zits showed up but I didn't loose patience. And voila! After 2nd month my skin became really great. So, from 3rd month I started using it every night and now I can use it every night. But I would tell If u have sensitive skin then use in every other night, that is, giving one night gap. [ Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and like this]. Keep patience! Your skin would take time to adjust and don't get scared with its side effects, They are normal.


4 Stars

Posted 34 months ago [3/7/2021] 4

Rated for Acne Report

Retin-A is an amazing product i should say. I started applying it almost a year back and wow my skin is just the opposite of what it was before. I undertook birth control pills and then after that my face was just uff too full of pimples and blemishes. I went to a dermatologist and she recommended me this product. In starting it tend to make my skin worser than before[it is quite normal don't worry] i thought of quitting it but then did research and decided to stick up to it. And now almost after a year my face is awesome. I had extremely oily face and hence i took 0.025 version. I normally use cetaphil cleanser with it as it tends to moisture my face everytime. So cetaphil and retin-A is just a great combo people. Stick to it!


5 Stars

Posted 35 months ago [1/20/2021] 5

Rated for Skin care Report

You have to have A LOT of patience! I used this about 10 years ago, but had no patience!!! It will make sure skin dry, peel, red and everything else!! Build up a tolerance! Start with 2 nights and go from there! You have to wear a SPF or you will burn!! I use to get Botox, but haven’t since I have been on this! I am 48 and my skin looks AMAZING


1 Stars

Posted 36 months ago [1/10/2021] 1

Rated for Acne Report

Before starting topical Tretinoin cream, my skin was basically clear. I just wanted to get rid of the last bit of minor scaring i had so i started this product as suggested by my dermatologist. It has been 21 weeks [5 months] and my skin has done nothing but get worse. I now have awful scars all over my cheeks and chin. I have never had skin like this. I am going to stop taking it and go back to the classic CeraVe facial cleanser and moisturizer that did me well. An important thing to note is that [if it even works for you] you have to be on it forever to keep clear skin. It doesn't treat your skin, it will put a bandaid on it.


1 Stars

Posted 41 months ago [8/11/2020] 1

Rated for Acne Report

Worst mistake I ever Made using this cream I had only minor breakout and this cream made my skin 20x worse and never stoped purging after 5 months I was left with so much scaring and regret that I ever used this product if you are not seeing results after several moths and are contemplating on stoping this cream do it my skin got better instantly and a year later it has never been better after I started using the ordinary products.


5 Stars

Posted 44 months ago [5/12/2020] 5

Rated for Acne Report

I can't fail to praise this product enough. I use .05 . It's the only thing that i have had real results with. I had got a bad breakout after I stopped using it[It had turned my skin from bad to amazing,of which I have very bad and clogged skin] and it made me panic alot that I purchased different creams that made my skin get to the worst it had ever been at; and it's not until I remembered that I had it that I ran back to it. P.S- that was last week. I restarted it immediately and have been on it for a week now and although I'm having a purge,my skin is actually turning around and i feel so bad for having not trusted it /forgetting about it. But please keep in mind that even if your skin clears, don't stop using it ofcourse unless you are mummying. Good luck


5 Stars

Posted 46 months ago [2/17/2020] 5

Rated for Skin care Report

So many negative reviews, so let me shine a light on this. Retin-A is strong stuff. You cannot put it on your face like a moisturizer and call it a day. You need to take precautions. If you are going to use this product, please do your research FIRST, start slowly, and work your way up. It's been wonderful for me!


1 Stars

Posted 50 months ago [10/30/2019] 1

Rated for Skin care Report

I used it 3 days and it burned my skin badly. It's painful and made red blotches. I hate it. I only used it because my dermatologist said it's a great anti aging skin treatment. Definitely sorry I ever used it. I do NOT recommend it


1 Stars

Posted 51 months ago [9/27/2019] 1

Rated for Acne Report

The most terrible acne product. I used it for only three days and it gave my face a wierd look. I stopped as soon as i experience it. Very very very terrible product. Not buying again.


2 Stars

Posted 56 months ago [5/12/2019] 2

Rated for Acne Report

I did not see results. The entire time I was on Retin-A [5 months], I had continuous breakouts. My face got worse than it already was prior to taking the treatment. I had acne in places where I hardly get acne including my forehead, temples, and cheeks. I had friends and family ask me what was wrong with my face. Not only did I get dry, peeling skin, I also experienced redness, discomfort, and dark spots/marks on my face. When I stopped using Retin-A, I noticed that these symptoms started getting better. As much as I would have liked, Retin-A did not work for me.


5 Stars

Posted 58 months ago [3/17/2019] 5

Rated for Acne Report

I love Retin A I have been using it for 32 yrs I'm olive skin and can tolerate the 05% cream know how to use this product with no side effects just use your brain!


2 Stars

Posted 58 months ago [3/8/2019] 2

Rated for Acne Report

I wish I had never used this product. Before starting Retin-A I had moderate acne. My dermatologist prescribed me Retin-A 0.08% gel. I started immediately, applying once following my nightly face wash with cetaphil for acne prone skin. I was warned to wear sun screen and moisturizer while using this, and always have. Almost immediately after starting use of this product, i got the worst, most severe acne of my life which lasted for a good six months at least. All the while I continued to use this product as directed by my dermatologist. It's been almost a year since I began my Retin-A use, and now my acne is somewhat under control, but no better than before I started! Not to mention now I have HUGE scars all over my face from the horrible breakout, which I've never gotten before in my life. Using this product was a huge mistake. Also, the red dry skin is a very real issue. I use too moisturizers and have to re-apply multiple times a day.


1 Stars

Posted 58 months ago [3/5/2019] 1

Rated for Acne Report

I started using Retin-A after switching my birth control pills to progesterone only due to severe migraines thought to be caused by estrogen. I am now 23 and never struggled this bad with acne. Before Retin-A I had a few cystic acne spots on my chin and jawline and small blemishes on my forehead, occasionally. After using Retin-A my face got way worse. The first week it caused my face to be red, flaky and BURN. This wasn't the typical burning feeling I would get from a topical acne cream. This was a burn that would hurt when I would step outside. It made the cystic acne spots really dry, red and very sore. I called my dermatologist and they said those are typical side effects and to mix my moisturizer with the Retin-A. This helped but didn't help enough. I went another 5+ weeks dealing with peeling, flaking, red, irritated, dry, sore skin. I finally decided to stop using it. The next day my skin was feeling a lot less sore and irritated. This was not the medication for me.


1 Stars

Posted 58 months ago [2/26/2019] 1

Rated for Acne Report

I hate this acne medication because it leaves you with the most embarrassing dry skin. I even would apply several layers of moisturizer. I do not recommend for sensitive skin like me.


5 Stars

Posted 60 months ago [1/17/2019] 5

Rated for Acne Report

I started taking Retin-A 0.025%. At first, I was peeling very badly and my skin got soooo dark. It was almost blue as I am already naturally dark skinned. During this experience, I was using every day and also rubbing in the cream into my skin. However, the Dermatologist informed me to use this cream every other day and also moisturize properly. I get results by washing with white gentle soap only and moisturize my face when it's slightly damped. After about 10 mins, I put the Retin-A over the surface of the skin and leave it there. Two minutes later, I put more moisturizer on the skin. I used Aveeno moisturizer but I guess a good moisturizer is all that is needed. I love this product and would recommend same.


5 Stars

Posted 60 months ago [1/13/2019] 5

Rated for Skin care Report

Well this took quite a bit of trial & error to get comfortable with. If you can hold out in the first six weeks, then you will start seeing some progress. Watch your sun and wind exposure & also try to stay away from any harsh facial washes. This has really helped dark spots and fine lines along with acne. Sun screen is just vital with this. For me the side effects are worth the benefits.


1 Stars

Posted 60 months ago [1/2/2019] 1

Rated for Acne Report

I began using the Retin- A after being prescribed it by my doctor for my acne, he said “this will clear you right up”. The doctor never told me what I was in for , I used it the first night I had it. The next day it seemed like it was working but the day after that my skin began to turn tomato red and flake off so bad I didn’t even want to go to class because it looked so bad. I researched seeing this could be side effects, I kept using the product for about 3 weeks only to have it make my skin 10 times worse. I had a red, flaky face with white heads EVERYWHERE. I have discontinued the use of Retin-A for 3 weeks now and I still after 3 weeks have red marks and white heads that refuse to go away. This product was terrible. Do not use it if you aren’t ready for 6 months of the worse skin you’ve ever had in your life.


5 Stars

Posted 88 months ago [9/16/2016] 5

Rated for Rosacea Report

At first when I took Retin A I was very skeptical. I had been prescribed it many years but never seemed to use it regularly. It was only until my mid thirties which I am now that I decided to give it a good try. My skin was uneven, discolored and dull. I have been using Retin A regularly for about two weeks and can already see a big difference. My skin has become very smooth. The discoloration has faded some and along with hydroquinone and cocoa butter I am achieving maximum results. I did experience some mild side effects of peeling but this is just the medication doing its job. I lightly exfoliate three times a week and everything is kosher.


5 Stars

Posted 92 months ago [5/10/2016] 5

Rated for Skin care Report

I am on my 8 th week on tretinoin gel, to be honest definitely you need have patience. I start using Retin-a micro cream while m taking birth control pill [ Levonorgestrel ], that pill having negative side effect on my body. I asked to my doctor she recommend retin- a cream, now i'm quit satisfied.


5 Stars

Posted 92 months ago [5/3/2016] 5

Rated for Acne Report

Doctor first prescribed another topical acne medication that DID NOT help. It was horrific. After a couple months on tretinoin my face is clear, bright and smooth. I swear it has given me a whole new younger looking face that seems to glow.


5 Stars

Posted 182 months ago [10/22/2008] 5

Rated for Acne Report

First of all i need to say, my skin is extremely OILY and not sensitive at all, which makes me a perfect candidate for retinol treatment. I have suffered from bad acne since i was 9, been to several dermatologist whom had given me no hope and told me I would " grow out of it". I am not almost 21 with acne still. When first using this, It does make your skin worse because it "extracts" the acne that is underneath your skin. It does peel my skin where blemishes are, but after using it for a couple of months my skin began to clear up and i get fewer pimples. This stuff will make your whole face "glow", makes skin smoother, and firmer. I hear it works well for wrinkles, and I can also say it DOES work well on stretch marks. I would reccomend retinol treatment for people with severe acne that do not have sensitive skin.


4 Stars

Posted 207 months ago [9/27/2006] 4

Rated for Acne Report

Does not completely cure but does control acne I used Retin-A for a long time as a teenager, and I've returned to Tretinoin, the generic version, in my late twenties/early thirties. It works as well as ever. I still get pimples here and there, but they don't occur as often and they go away more quickly. My skin does get dry on occasion, but it's not too bad. I am using Tretinoin in conjunction with Stridex Power Pads [benzoyl peroxide 2.5%] and Tetracycline [500 mg]. I also changed my contraceptive to Ortho Tricyclen Lo at my dermatologist's request.


3.5 Stars

Posted 207 months ago [9/24/2006] 3

Rated for Acne Report

Was somewhat helpful. I read a lot of information about how it BURNS or leaves your skin reddish. I think that my face is way too oily. It has never burned or turn my skin red. I don't have to avoid the sun. But most people do, and should. The cream and gel both worked the same for me. It was somewhat effective at preventing the severity of outbreaks. More effective that OTC medicines. However be aware: most people hate it and it dries them out TOO MUCH. I would recommend this only if you have oily skin and large pores! Also stick with it. Isotretinoin [accutane] take a couple of weeks to see results. Tretinoin [Retin-A] is the same, at least for me. It seems like those with the best success are those with nodular acne, or acne that causes small dents in the skin. In other words if you have the occasional break out and nothing else, don't use this stuff.


3.5 Stars

Posted 210 months ago [7/11/2006] 3

Rated for Skin care Report

Works better than anything else I've tried. Don't expect it to clear your skin up right away. You have to be patient: I was blotchy and peeling for a while before my skin began to look better. You have to stick with it. STAY OUT OF THE SUN.


3.5 Stars

Posted 210 months ago [7/11/2006] 3

Rated for Acne Report

Works better than anything else I''ve tried. Don't expect it to clear your skin up right away. You have to be patient: I was blotchy and peeling for a while before my skin began to look better. You have to stick with it. STAY OUT OF THE SUN.


2.5 Stars

Posted 211 months ago [6/1/2006] 2

Rated for Acne Report

NO! OW and EW! This destroyed my face!!! It burns, drys out your skin, makes it raw and makes it peel. I couldnt stand it!


3 Stars

Posted 211 months ago [5/29/2006] 3

Rated for Acne Report

Good Treatment If you can persevere through the first 6-8 weeks where your acne worsens and your skin looks horrible, you will be encouraged with the good results. My son and I both used Retin A, my daughter's sensitive skin couldn't tolerate it. The thing I notice with Retin A is that it quits working after about a year and you need to take a month or two off. I have switched over to Avene Diacneal which contains AHA and retinaldehyde for the summer. I may go back on the Retin A later. It is also a good antiaging product if you can tolerate the side effects. I am 50 years old and no wrinkles [yet].


3 Stars

Posted 211 months ago [5/29/2006] 3

Rated for Skin care Report

Good Treatment If you can persevere through the first 6-8 weeks where your acne worsens and your skin looks horrible, you will be encouraged with the good results. My son and I both used Retin A, my daughter's sensitive skin couldn't tolerate it. The thing I notice with Retin A is that it quits working after about a year and you need to take a month or two off. I have switched over to Avene Diacneal which contains AHA and retinaldehyde for the summer. I may go back on the Retin A later. It is also a good antiaging product if you can tolerate the side effects. I am 50 years old and no wrinkles [yet].


1 Stars

Posted 211 months ago [5/27/2006] 1

Rated for Acne Report

retin a hurt my face I never had any blemishes on my skin. The skin on my face became sensative recently, while in my early 20's. I got a few cysts and instead of surgically removing them all, this dermatologist gave me 4 different medications to use. The most recent was Retin-A. I used it on my close to "perfect" skin, and not only did the cysts remain, my entire face has been fire red, burning, and peeling for the past 2 weeks. I haven't even used it in one week, yet the embarassing redness persists. I am very worried for my face. I am in the wrong industry to have this problem. This is the worst product, seeing as it brought out major pimples elsewhere that I don't know how to deal with. I am discontinuing my usage and am extremely upset.


1.5 Stars

Posted 212 months ago [4/30/2006] 1

Rated for Acne Report

Traumatizing I hate this stuff. Hate. Hate. Hate. It made my sking raw and scaly. I had so much dry skin along with the acne make-up looked freakish when I tried to apply it. I used to take strips of shipping tape and put pieces on my face. Then I'd rip if off so it would take most of the dry skin with it. Then make up could begin. I would do this everyday before going to middle school. Needless to say I spent three years never looking a person in the face because they would see how I ugly I am. Only plus to this cream is I found an old tube of it after I had my son. It helped very well with stretch marks.


3.5 Stars

Posted 213 months ago [4/18/2006] 3

Rated for Skin care Report

Retin a has kept my skin looking younger I am now 48 years old, and started using retin a 11 years ago. I started with a lower dose and now use the strongest. It will cause redness and peeling in the beginning. That usually subsides within a few weeks. I really feel it has helped to keep my face smoother and free of wrinkles. However, I have been a faithful user of sunscreen for many years, as that is a must for preventing aging skin. I have started using other products along with retin a in the past couple years, a product called tns[from skin medica], and topical vitamin c, both of which I purchase from a plastic surgeons office. All 3 combined has definitely helped my skin.


5 Stars

Posted 213 months ago [3/20/2006] 5

Rated for Acne Report

No long term scarring-now have beautiful skin Worked wonderfully, was relatively knew drug back in the '80s. I had the dark cysts that make pits, and thankfully my Mom got me to the dermatologist at an early age. Used Retin-A in a combination with topical and oral antibiotics for several years. I now have clear skin, with very minor blemishes of any kind.


2 Stars

Posted 213 months ago [3/19/2006] 2

Rated for Acne Report

burned my face I absolutely hated this stuff. It did nothing to cure my acne had a burning sensation when I put it on. I do not have overly sensitive skin...but I hated this. I ended up changing dermatologists because he would not listen to my complaints. Best decision I ever made.

What does Retin

Retin-A works by refreshing skin cells. Retin-A's active ingredient, tretinoin, was created as a treatment for acne. It works by normalizing skin cell turnover. It also stimulates collagen and helps reduce dark spots and wrinkles.

How long does tretinoin .025 take to work?

You may notice tretinoin starting to work within 2 to 3 weeks, but it can take 6 weeks or more to experience the full benefit. This is in the context of acne, just don't expect tretinoin to erase your wrinkles. Retinol & retinoids are best used in the context of prevention, rather than reversal.

Is 0.025% tretinoin strong enough?

In general a lower tretinoin strength [0.025%] may be used for mild to moderate acne, while higher strengths [0.05% or 0.1%] may be used for more severe or stubborn acne,” says Dr. Anna Chacon, dermatologist.

Does Retin

However, as a general rule, a low to moderate strength of tretinoin [0.025% to 0.05%] is often recommended for anti-aging purposes, because it tends to be effective while minimizing the risk of irritation.

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