Remove default app by file type

I somehow have set the default file type association for a file type in Windows 7. It doesn't appear to be possible to delete it from the "Change the file type associated with a file extension" options screen. Is it possible to remove it?


1,2911 gold badge12 silver badges21 bronze badges

asked Oct 1, 2009 at 15:37


4,0675 gold badges23 silver badges14 bronze badges


  1. Find the file extension in question under this key in the registry:


    Deleting the sub-key with the same name as the extension you want to un-associate will delete the default program association. In older Windows versions, you'll have to kill and restart explorer.exe for this to take effect [the change is instant as of Windows 10 64-bit].

  2. In most cases, you will also need to remove the same sub key from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT as well.

answered Oct 1, 2009 at 15:38


4,0675 gold badges23 silver badges14 bronze badges


Even easier method that I found, it just requires the command line.

  1. Open a command prompt with Administrator privileges [right click > Run as Administrator].
  2. Run the command assoc . in the prompt. This will give the file type which is associated with the extension. If this command returns File association not found for extension ., it means the extension is not associated with any file type. If it returns an association value in format .= , then go to Step 3.
  3. Run the command ftype [FileType]= , where FileType is the file type returned in Step 2.

Special thanks go to My Digital Life for the instructions that I used to figure this one out. They also included a step that disassociates the extension from the file type, but based on what you are looking for, that isn't strictly necessary.

answered Jan 9, 2014 at 18:17


In Explorer, go to Tools | Folder Options | File Types, find the extension you're looking for, and click Delete.

Or, if Delete is grayed out, click Restore [to set it back to the defaults], then Delete.

answered Oct 1, 2009 at 15:51


2,0341 gold badge14 silver badges9 bronze badges


Similar to the top answer, but I find it best to only delete the UserChoice sub-key because you don't need to kill all of the info about the file extension [like the open with list], just the "choice the user selected" [aka-UserChoice]. I use a REG file to make it fast to repeat for testing. You can copy paste this, including the version line, and save as a REG file. Just change .ics and .vcs to whatever extensions you want [or just remove one line if you only want to reset one]:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


If you aren't familiar with REG files, the above lines that start with "-" simply delete those keys from the registry.

Also, and the main reason I posted this answer, with this solution I don't have to restart explorer.exe. Maybe something specific to my setup, but I've used on Win7 and Win8 and never had to restart explorer.exe for the change to take effect.

answered Jun 26, 2014 at 0:07


1931 gold badge2 silver badges8 bronze badges

Why not use this method here:


Follow these very easy steps for changing the program that starts when you open a particular kind of file in Windows 7.

Here's How:

  1. Click on Start and then Control Panel.

    Tip: In a hurry? Type associations in the search box after clicking the start button. Choose __Make a file type always open in a specific program_ from the list of results and then skip to Step 4.

  2. Click on the Programs link.

    Note: If you're viewing the Small icons or Large icons view of Control Panel, you won't see this link. Click on the Default Programs icon and then click on the Associate a file type or protocol with a program link. Then proceed to Step 4.

  3. Click on the Make a file type always open in a specific program link under the Default Programs heading.

  4. In the Set Associations window, scroll down the list until you see the file extension that you want to change the default program for.

  5. Click on the file extension to highlight it, once you've found the one you're looking for.

  6. Click the Change program... button above the scroll bar.

    The Open With dialog box should appear.

  7. Look through the options in the Recommended Programs area and choose the application that you want to open the file extension with when you double-click on the particular kind of file on your computer.

    Note: Chances are, the applications listed under Recommended Programs will contain the most applicable programs for this file type but be sure to look at the applications under Other Programs. You may need to click the v to expand the list of these programs.

    Note: Click Browse... to search through your computer for any program not listed that you'd like to use.

  8. Click the OK button on the Open With window. Windows 7 will refresh the list of file associations to show the new default program to open this type of file.

  9. Click the Close button at the bottom of the Set Associations window. You may also close the Control Panel window if it's still open.

  10. From this point forward, when you double-click on any file with this particular file extension, the program you associated it with in Step 7 will launch and load the particular file.

    Important: Whatever program used to automatically open when these types of files were launched will still open these types of files. To use another program, you'll just need to start the program manually and then browse your computer for the particular file.

answered Sep 21, 2013 at 8:09


591 silver badge2 bronze badges


I could not find the correct Windows Registry line, so I used a work around. On my desktop, I created a text file named "deleteable.txt". I changed the extension to .exe. Next, I used the control panel to change the default program assigned to the desired file extension to the new "deleteable.exe". I then closed the control panel, and finally deleted the desktop file.

answered Jan 30, 2013 at 13:40


Safe brute-force method

None of the other answers' methods worked on their own for me when trying to delete the file association for something like .htaccess. This combined method worked [Windows 10]:

  1. Create a new empty file called something like foo.exe.

  2. Go to a file with the extension you want to reset and Open with.... Make sure Always use this app to open . files is ticked. Then Look for another app on this PC and choose the foo.exe you just created.

  3. Delete foo.exe.

  4. Double click the file again and dismiss the Open with box [this might not be necessary].

  5. Now open regedit and delete the following keys:

  6. Log off and in again.

answered Sep 6, 2017 at 17:12


8484 gold badges13 silver badges29 bronze badges

Creative Element Power Tools is a collection of productivity tools for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, and Windows Me. One of the file utility is File Type Doctor which allows user right-click any file and select Edit File Type to modify the applications used to open files of that type. Use File Type Doctor to choose default programs, add or remove file types from Explorer’s New menu, and customize files’ context menus.

More utilities here: Windows Vista File Associations Advanced Editing Management Tools


18.2k14 gold badges56 silver badges68 bronze badges

answered Oct 1, 2009 at 16:19


My Solutions:

  1. Use this method of this question...but for some user it not work
  2. Another Solution:
    Search for php_auto_file in registry and delete entry. after explorer restart's work
  3. Best Solution:
    Download nirsoft file type man[Description Link] , then open it ,click refresh icon,wait for refresh complete , find for example : .php extension ...and double click on this row...and now you see a dialog check show this file type in the 'New' menu of Explorer

answered Nov 8, 2015 at 4:51

I did the brute-force ignorant method. Delete all registry keys that have the extension mentioned in them, as well as delete all the registry keys that have the previous application [bar.exe] mentioned in them.

Assuming the extension is .foo and the application is bar.exe, I think I found stuff here


as well as some other stuff that did not seem helpful to delete [a lot of MRU lists]

And I may have had to logout/login as well, although I'm not sure if that was 100% necessary.

answered Apr 19, 2013 at 22:02

Mark LakataMark Lakata

7,1502 gold badges17 silver badges16 bronze badges


Open a New Text File .txt and save it in desktop by give any name and extension as .exe and close it, open properties of the file which you want to change open with and in general tab click change in open with column click Browse and select your created .exe file and click ok it will change to your new created program and then delete your exe file that's it then when you open your file it will ask for open with.

answered Jul 9, 2015 at 12:24

What does choose default apps by file type mean?

A default program is the program that Windows uses when you open a particular type of file, such as a music file, an image, or a webpage. For example, if you have more than one web browser installed on your computer, you can choose one of them to be the default browser.

How do I change the default app for file types in Android?

Open your phone's Settings app..
Tap Apps. Default apps..
Tap the default that you want to change..
Tap the app that you want to use by default..

How do I disassociate a file type?

bat Now right click any file you want to disassociate and choose 'Open with' - 'Choose another app' -' More Apps' Check the box marked 'Always use this app' Scroll to the bottom and click 'Look for another app on this PC' Navigate to the XXX. bat on your Desktop and select that Finally delete XXX.

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