Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed while getting redirection packet

Remote Desktop Connection Broker failed while getting redirection packet from Connection Broker

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    Ever since I implemented a VDI environment I've been plagued with problems but the most common problem is that at least once a day a user has problems connecting to a Virtual Desktop in the VDI pool. Every server in the environment is Windows 2012 R2 with the latest updates. When I check the Connection Broker an error states "Remote Desktop Connection Broker failed while getting redirection packet from Connection Broker". Usually the fix is restarting the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service.

    Anyone run into this before? I've found a few things online but no resolution.

    Monday, July 7, 2014 1:22 PM

Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed while getting redirection packet from Connection Broker. User : Error: Remote Desktop Connection Broker is not ready for RPC communication.

Posted on 11th October 2016 by

I was getting this in my event log and users could no longer connect to RDS when trialling it –

Event ID – 1296

Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed while getting redirection packet from Connection Broker.
Error: Remote Desktop Connection Broker is not ready for RPC communication.

and then

Event ID – 1306

Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed to redirect the user DOMAIN\USER.
Error: NULL

I found the Fix for me was –

If you edit the properties of your Session Collection, click on the Security on the left. There is a setting for Security Layer. By default it is Negotiate. Try toset it to RDP Security Layer

My users could then connect again, i made the change in group policy for all TS [RDS] servers

– Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Security

– Edit ‘Require use of specific security layer from rermote [RDP] connections to Security Layer-RDP

This entry was posted in Tech Post and tagged 1296, 1306, broker, connection, event id, rds, ts. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Replies

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Mhumphries May 24, 2017 at 14:32 UTC

one more error that we are seeing

Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed to redirect the user domain\user
Error: The RPC server is unavailable.


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May 24, 2017 at 15:33 UTC

Mhumphries wrote:

the last 2 days i have noted that our one beta user, is trying to connect in the morning and it connects to the actual RDCB instead of the farm behind it.

They are likely just opening up the RDP client instead of using an icon file or RDWeb as the client doesn't know that about the LB entry. Which looks like this:


loadbalanceinfo:s:tsv://MS Terminal Services Plugin.1.SesssionHost

Have you watched this user try to login?


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Mhumphries May 24, 2017 at 17:30 UTC

the client is using a thin client so there is a setting for the broker that then shows them the Collection and allows them to log in.


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ericroy2 Jul 14, 2017 at 02:18 UTC

1st Post


i have the same issue. In the morning, i need to restart my RDP server. Im not getting this issue everyday.


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paulvanboerdonk Sep 19, 2017 at 07:46 UTC

1st Post

Hi Michael,

Did you manage to fix this issue? I am running into the same errors at this moment.




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Mhumphries Sep 19, 2017 at 12:00 UTC

Since this was in beta and not production i ended up rebuilding the entire server farm again and i have not had any issues since. i know that is not the answer you are looking for but i never got it working without that.


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gabrielgarza Jan 24, 2018 at 23:54 UTC

We were having similar issue with WSrv 2016 RDHS [single server] after a power outage [dirty shutdown].

As described in//, the error sometimes happens when [1] you haven't configured a collection, or [2] the collection configuration becomes corrupt. Solution is to recreate the collection. If you have a lot of apps [or special settings], could probably make a script based on// persist the RemoteApps list and settings to a CSV , delete it, and then recreate the collection.

In our case, we made some changes to the collection using the UI, and then rebooted the server, and it is now functional.


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Remote Desktop Services failed to join the Connection Broker on server

1 tháng trước

Recently I ran into a problem with an existing Remote Desktop Services 2012 R2 at a client site. The error occurred intermittently and after a number of retries, client could establish connection normally making the issue not always reproducible. This blog summarises the process of identifying the symptoms, possible causes, and the resolution steps.

Some Background

The RDS farm consisted of two connection broker servers and two session hosts. The Remote Desktop Connection Broker is configured in HA mode using two DNS records pointing to two broker nodes for round robin. The session hosts are 2012 R2 based machines. The broker nodes also host the RD Web Access and RD gateway with one of the nodes assuming the RD Licensing role.


The end user encountered the following error when trying to connect:
Your computer cant connect to the remote computer because the Connection Broker couldnt validate the settings specified in your RDP file. Contact your network administrator for assistance.

After further digging, I found the error below [Event ID 802] on the second broker node:
RD Connection Broker failed to process the connection request for user .
Farm name specified in users RDP file [hints] could not be found.
Error: The farm specified for the connection is not present.

Additional errors encountered were:
Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed while getting redirection packet from Connection Broker.
User :
Error: Element not found.

Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed to redirect the user
Error: NULL

One aspect I discovered was that the same error didnt occur on the other broker server. This led me to investigate the RDS configuration: the RDCB was setup in HA mode with a SQL backend however it only has one node configured. We got somewhere. To isolate the issue, we had decided to operate the RDS on a one node configuration to confirm suspicion that whenever a user gets redirected to the broker thats not configured it would cause a redirection failure [RDCB uses Round Robin DNS for HA].

In the server manager console, the following tasks were done:

Connecting to the remote desktop farm from internal network worked fine after we have made this change tested this multiple times and from different machines to confirm that its stable. However we received a different error when connecting from external network but this time the end users error was different:

Remote Desktop cant connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:
1] Remote access to the server is not enabled
2] The remote computer is turned off
3] The remote computer is not available on the network
Make sure the remote computer is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled.

The next port of call was to check RD gateway and we found that the second gateway was still part of the RD gateway farm. From Windows Server 2012, RDS is administered in the Server Manager console which included configuration for Session Collections, RD Web Access, Broker Deployment, and RD Licensing. One aspect that is not fully managed via the console is Remote Desktop Gateway. One key takeaway is after adding or removing RD gateway from the server manager console check if the RD gateway server has been removed from the RD gateway manager.

*Further investigation showed that the configuration had Bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses checked resulting in a different outcome when connectingfrom localnetworks as it bypasses the RD gateway. Unhecking this enforces all connections through the RD gateway.




RDS, troubleshooting, Windows Server 2012

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