The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows service on Local Computer started and stopped

SOLVED: The Backup Exec Server service on Local Computer started and then stopped. An internal error [-22] occurred in object 11

If you can’t get your Symantec Backup Exec Server Services to start and you see errors like:

The Backup Exec Server service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.

and in the Windows Event Log [Application]:

The Backup Exec Server Service did not start. An internal error [-22] occurred in object 11.

my experience has shown two causes of this:

  1. Symantec’s “Live Update” is stuck on
    1. SOLUTION: look in Task Manager for LUGETUPDATES.EXE on the Processes tab and END TASK on it
  2. Some software is using Backup Exec’s default port of 3527
    1. SOLUTION: in a command line run NETSTAT -B > C:\LOG.TXT and then search that log for 3527 to find out what software is using it

You might find these articles also of use:



Categories: Other Technologies

Tags: 20102012An internal error [-22] occurred in object 11unable to start backup exec server service


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22 Replies

· · ·



Vivek [Symantec] Jul 1, 2014 at 09:00 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec

Are you using BE 2010 R1 or R2 or R3 ?

I would recommend you try these KB articles [especially the first one]:-



If these do not help, the first KB article would help you in generating a debug log. Pls post or PM me the debug log as well.

Hope this helps.



· · ·



Denis Kelley

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Jul 1, 2014 at 12:41 UTC

I think a reboot is going to solve this problem.


· · ·




This person is a verified professional.

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Jul 2, 2014 at 15:32 UTC

I agree with Denis. Can you identify which 'dependency service' won't start, or is it one of the BEWS services you listed?


· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 2, 2014 at 15:35 UTC

As far as I can tell, all the "dependency services" are started. And I went over everything in services.msc with a fine-tooth comb. When I google for an exact list of what dependencies Backup Exec requires I find a ridiculously long list, but they're all running. Everything except the three I mentioned above, are what won't work. Still haven't had an opportunity to reboot...


· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 2, 2014 at 15:44 UTC

@Vivek -

Here is my debug log output from link #1:

C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec>beserver -console
[13156] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Starting beserver console application
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Starting Service: BackupExecRPCService
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Entered RpcXfaceServiceMain.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Sending start status to scm. [hint 300000]..
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 1 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking service rights and pending reboots.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking for pending install reboot.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Pending install reboot not detected.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking to see if start up checks have been disable
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 No start up checks have been disabled.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Opening process token.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Getting token SID.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Got current SID: 'S-1-5-21-4120956914-2668253781-131
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking for local system account.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Got local system SID: 'S-1-5-18'.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Not running as local system account.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking for admin privileges.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Current user does have admin privileges.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking for specific required rights.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking for 'Backup Files and Directories' priv
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking for 'Restore Files and Directories' pri
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking for 'Create a Token Object' privilege.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking for 'Manage Auditing and Security Log'
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Checking for 'Take ownership of files and other
objects' privilege.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Not checking for 'Act as part of the operating s
ystem' privilege as it is not needed for this environment.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Initializing ACE...
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: started.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: complete.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown Ready: started.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:11 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown ready: complete.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 Initializing work queue...
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 Read from Registry: DBTimeoutInSec=30 ServerInternal
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 Server Connection String = Application Name=BEWS Ser
ver;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Ini
tial Catalog=BEDB;Data Source=DJSBS2K8\BkupExec;Locale Identifier=1033;
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 Initializing Persistent Store [DJSBS2K8\BkupExec, BE
DB, Backup Exec Server, 30 seconds]...
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 Attemp to GetMyPartition ComputerName=DJSBS2K8 Parti
tionID=0 PartitionGUID=f83c0f04-4f38-4969-960d-179165400ca5
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 InitializePartition[] Data partition ID from registr
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 GetMyPartition[] Data partition to use for 'DJSBS2K8
' is 0
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 InitializePartition[] returning 0x0
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 Successfully GetMyPartition ComputerName=DJSBS2K8 Pa
rtitionID=0 PartitionGUID=f83c0f04-4f38-4969-960d-179165400ca5 OldComputerName=D
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 InitializePartition[] ok, partitionID=0, oldComputer
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 Creating Business Objects...
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 2 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 00 VSN BO Initialization succeeded.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 3 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 Server Configuration: Getting network configuration.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 ServerName:DJSBS2K8, ActiveNodeName:,
InstanceName:BkupExec, DatabaseName:BEDB.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 01 Server Configuration: BEServer schema version checks
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 01 Server Configuration: Check eval option expiration w
orkitem added.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 01 CServerConfigBO::GetFIPSVersionInfo[] BECryptoGetCry
ptoLibraryVersionText[]=OpenSSL FIPS 1.1.2
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 01 CServerConfigBO::InitVerifyThreatConStatus[]
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 01 Server Configuration: Verify If Threatconstatus upto
date workitem added.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 01 Server Configuration: Initialization Complete.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 4 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 02 Ownership: Initialization Complete.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 5 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 03 JobManBO: starting initialization...
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 03 JobManBO: initialization complete...
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 6 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 04 CAuditLogBO: Initialization completed.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 7 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 05 AdammAdminBO: Initialization Start.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 05 AdammAdminBO: Initialization Complete.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 8 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:12 -1 LoginAccount: Initialization Started. BO=6.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 05 AdammAdminBO::Update[] - Parent = NULL , Entity = CR
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 05 AdammAdminBO::Get[] - Parent = NULL , Entity = DEVIC
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 05 AdammAdminBO::Get[] - hr = 0x0
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 06 LoginAccount: Initialization Complete. BO=6.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 9 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 07 Resource: Initialization Complete.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 10 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 08 ServersBO: Initialization Complete.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 11 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 09 CMediaServerPoolBO: Initialization completed.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 12 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 10 ScriptMgrBO: Initialization Started. BO=10.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Operation: Verify default availability window.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Operation: success.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 10 **** THE SCRIPT MANAGER IS NOT ENFORCING NDMP backup
selection restrictions ****
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 10 ScriptMgrBO: Initialization Complete.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 13 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 MessageQueue: Initialization Started.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 MessageQueue: Shrinking DAT files.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 MessageQueue: Start Dump of Original File.
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1
Entering CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents.
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 There are 1 allocated items in the machine's memory
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the queue's memory po
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the message's memory
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1
The ?? allocator is NOT full.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1
NextMsgID:-240728986, OrigMsgID:-240728986.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 No machine data found.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Leaving CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1
NextMsgID:-240728986, OrigMsgID:-240728986.
Sorted: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 CMsgReader, Rewriting data but no machine records we
re read in.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 MessageQueue: Start Dump of new MODIFIED file.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1
Entering CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents.
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 There are 1 allocated items in the machine's memory
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the queue's memory po
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the message's memory
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1
The ?? allocator is NOT full.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1
NextMsgID:-236599286, OrigMsgID:-240728986.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 No machine data found.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Leaving CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 MessageQueue: Shrinking DAT files Completed.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 01 CServerConfigBO::Query [CBemLicenseInfo] - No archiv
e option installed. EV Embedded status defaults to true.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 MessageQueue: OptionDDMUsable false
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 MessageQueue: Not licensed for DDM.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 MessageQueue: Initialization Complete.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 14 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 Djm: ComputerName:DJSBS2K8, NodeName:DJSBS2K8. CASSe
rver:. ssoState:0, ssoPrimaryServer:.

[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 01 CServerConfigBO::Query [CBemLicenseInfo] - No archiv
e option installed. EV Embedded status defaults to true.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 Djm: pMMSFeature is null, mmsUsable set to FALSE.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 Djm: pCASOFeature is null, casoUsable set to FALSE.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 Djm: mmsUsable is FALSE, so setting DjmEnabled to FA
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 Djm 3: DjmMgr:0, DjmClient:0.

[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 CDjmBO, CreatingMediaServer, Local: DJSBS2K8.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 01 CServerConfigBO::Query [CBemLicenseInfo] - No archiv
e option installed. EV Embedded status defaults to true.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 01 CServerConfigBO::Query [CBemLicenseInfo] - No archiv
e option installed. EV Embedded status defaults to true.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 DjmBO, Initialize, Not a CASO and NOT an MMS, deleti
ng all DJM MsgQ for this machine.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmJRQ] Unknown Error
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8, D
jmJRQ, 0xe00081e4.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmStatQ] Unknown Err
or !!!
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8, D
jmStatQ, 0xe00081e4.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmVsnQ] Unknown Erro
r !!!
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8, D
jmVsnQ, 0xe00081e4.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmJobQ] Unknown Erro
r !!!
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8, D
jmJobQ, 0xe00081e4.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmAlrQ] Unknown Erro
r !!!
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8, D
jmAlrQ, 0xe00081e4.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmMms2Cas] Unknown E
rror !!!
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8, D
jmMms2Cas, 0xe00081e4.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmJobViewQ] Unknown
Error !!!
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8, D
jmJobViewQ, 0xe00081e4.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 12 DjmBO=12. : Initialization Complete.
CASO:0, APPO:0, DjmEnabled:0, Mgr:0, Clt:0, CasoServer:. nRetval=0x0.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check
point: 15 wait hint: 300000
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 13 Reports: Using default language = _EN

[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 13 Reports: Initialize for language = 1

[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 13 Reports: Setting remote server locations.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:13 13 Reports: Loading any new reports.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:14 13 Reports: Report Engine started.
[8472] 07/02/14 11:38:14 13 Reports: Initializing CRF.

C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec>


After that it fails with an error that it was unable to start. Any ideas?


· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 2, 2014 at 15:48 UTC

FYI it is Backup Exec 2010 version 13.0.2896, not able to check if that's "R1, R2, or R3" since the application won't start to give me any sort of "About" window.


· · ·



Vivek [Symantec] Jul 2, 2014 at 18:01 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec

13.0.2896 is BE 2010 R1. The debug seems to match this KB article -


Additionally, if backing up to a tape drive, do ensure a tape isn't stuck in the drive.

Hope this helps.



· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 2, 2014 at 18:29 UTC

Hi Vivek,

Thanks for the link. The problem description in there does appear to match the error messages I'm receiving. I checked the program files/data directory and found a total of 58 XML files, none of them larger than 149 KB, and most only either 1 KB or 48 KB in size. I wasn't sure what the article meant about "delete the large XML file", so I just went ahead and moved all of them to a separate directory on my desktop, so there were no XML files in the data directory anymore, however I still get the same error message when I try to start the service.

Any other suggestions? Thanks! :]


· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 2, 2014 at 18:30 UTC

For reference, I re-ran the "beserver -console" command. I now get the following output, and the message "Backup Exec RPC Server has stopped working".

C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec>beserver -console
[9672] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Starting beserver console application
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Starting Service: BackupExecRPCService
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Entered RpcXfaceServiceMain.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Sending start status to scm. [hint 300000]..
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 1 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking service rights and pending reboots.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking for pending install reboot.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Pending install reboot not detected.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking to see if start up checks have been disabl
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 No start up checks have been disabled.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Opening process token.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Getting token SID.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Got current SID: 'S-1-5-21-4120956914-2668253781-13
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking for local system account.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Got local system SID: 'S-1-5-18'.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Not running as local system account.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking for admin privileges.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Current user does have admin privileges.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking for specific required rights.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking for 'Backup Files and Directories' priv
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking for 'Restore Files and Directories' pri
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking for 'Create a Token Object' privilege.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking for 'Manage Auditing and Security Log'
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Checking for 'Take ownership of files and other
objects' privilege.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue[ ] found privilege.

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Not checking for 'Act as part of the operating s
ystem' privilege as it is not needed for this environment.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Initializing ACE...
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: started.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: complete.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown Ready: started.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:19 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown ready: complete.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 Initializing work queue...
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 Read from Registry: DBTimeoutInSec=30 ServerInterna
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 Server Connection String = Application Name=BEWS Se
rver;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;In
itial Catalog=BEDB;Data Source=DJSBS2K8\BkupExec;Locale Identifier=1033;
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 Initializing Persistent Store [DJSBS2K8\BkupExec, B
EDB, Backup Exec Server, 30 seconds]...
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 Attemp to GetMyPartition ComputerName=DJSBS2K8 Part
itionID=0 PartitionGUID=f83c0f04-4f38-4969-960d-179165400ca5
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 InitializePartition[] Data partition ID from regist
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 GetMyPartition[] Data partition to use for 'DJSBS2K
8' is 0
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 InitializePartition[] returning 0x0
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 Successfully GetMyPartition ComputerName=DJSBS2K8 P
artitionID=0 PartitionGUID=f83c0f04-4f38-4969-960d-179165400ca5 OldComputerName=
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 InitializePartition[] ok, partitionID=0, oldCompute
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 Creating Business Objects...
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 2 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 00 VSN BO Initialization succeeded.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 3 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 Server Configuration: Getting network configuration
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 ServerName:DJSBS2K8, ActiveNodeName:,
InstanceName:BkupExec, DatabaseName:BEDB.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 01 Server Configuration: BEServer schema version check
s OK.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 01 Server Configuration: Check eval option expiration
workitem added.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 01 CServerConfigBO::GetFIPSVersionInfo[] BECryptoGetCr
yptoLibraryVersionText[]=OpenSSL FIPS 1.1.2
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 01 CServerConfigBO::InitVerifyThreatConStatus[]
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 01 Server Configuration: Verify If Threatconstatus upt
odate workitem added.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 01 Server Configuration: Initialization Complete.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 4 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:20 02 Ownership: Initialization Complete.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 5 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 03 JobManBO: starting initialization...
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 03 JobManBO: initialization complete...
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 6 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 04 CAuditLogBO: Initialization completed.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 7 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 05 AdammAdminBO: Initialization Start.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 05 AdammAdminBO: Initialization Complete.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 8 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 LoginAccount: Initialization Started. BO=6.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 05 AdammAdminBO::Update[] - Parent = NULL , Entity = C
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 05 AdammAdminBO::Get[] - Parent = NULL , Entity = DEVI
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 05 AdammAdminBO::Get[] - hr = 0x0
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 06 LoginAccount: Initialization Complete. BO=6.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 9 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 07 Resource: Initialization Complete.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 10 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 08 ServersBO: Initialization Complete.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 11 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 09 CMediaServerPoolBO: Initialization completed.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 12 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 10 ScriptMgrBO: Initialization Started. BO=10.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Operation: Verify default availability window.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Operation: success.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 10 **** THE SCRIPT MANAGER IS NOT ENFORCING NDMP backu
p selection restrictions ****
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 10 ScriptMgrBO: Initialization Complete.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 13 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 MessageQueue: Initialization Started.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 MessageQueue: Shrinking DAT files.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 MessageQueue: Start Dump of Original File.
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1
Entering CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents.
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 There are 1 allocated items in the machine's memory
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the queue's memory p
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the message's memory
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1
The ?? allocator is NOT full.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1
NextMsgID:-236094636, OrigMsgID:-236094636.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 No machine data found.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Leaving CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1
NextMsgID:-236094636, OrigMsgID:-236094636.
Sorted: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 CMsgReader, Rewriting data but no machine records w
ere read in.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 MessageQueue: Start Dump of new MODIFIED file.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1
Entering CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents.
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 There are 1 allocated items in the machine's memory
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the queue's memory p
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 There are 0 allocated items in the message's memory
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1
The ?? allocator is NOT full.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1
NextMsgID:-236091886, OrigMsgID:-236094636.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 No machine data found.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Leaving CMQBO : DumpMsgQContents
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 MessageQueue: Shrinking DAT files Completed.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 01 CServerConfigBO::Query [CBemLicenseInfo] - No archi
ve option installed. EV Embedded status defaults to true.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 MessageQueue: OptionDDMUsable false
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 MessageQueue: Not licensed for DDM.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 MessageQueue: Initialization Complete.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 14 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 Djm: ComputerName:DJSBS2K8, NodeName:DJSBS2K8. CASS
erver:. ssoState:0, ssoPrimaryServer:.

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 01 CServerConfigBO::Query [CBemLicenseInfo] - No archi
ve option installed. EV Embedded status defaults to true.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 Djm: pMMSFeature is null, mmsUsable set to FALSE.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 Djm: pCASOFeature is null, casoUsable set to FALSE.

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 Djm: mmsUsable is FALSE, so setting DjmEnabled to F
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 Djm 3: DjmMgr:0, DjmClient:0.

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 CDjmBO, CreatingMediaServer, Local: DJSBS2K8.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 01 CServerConfigBO::Query [CBemLicenseInfo] - No archi
ve option installed. EV Embedded status defaults to true.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 01 CServerConfigBO::Query [CBemLicenseInfo] - No archi
ve option installed. EV Embedded status defaults to true.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 DjmBO, Initialize, Not a CASO and NOT an MMS, delet
ing all DJM MsgQ for this machine.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmJRQ] Unknown Erro
r !!!
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8,
DjmJRQ, 0xe00081e4.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmStatQ] Unknown Er
ror !!!
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8,
DjmStatQ, 0xe00081e4.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmVsnQ] Unknown Err
or !!!
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8,
DjmVsnQ, 0xe00081e4.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmJobQ] Unknown Err
or !!!
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8,
DjmJobQ, 0xe00081e4.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmAlrQ] Unknown Err
or !!!
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8,
DjmAlrQ, 0xe00081e4.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmMms2Cas] Unknown
Error !!!
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8,
DjmMms2Cas, 0xe00081e4.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 11 CMQBO : Validate[] [DJSBS2K8]-[DjmJobViewQ] Unknown
Error !!!
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 Error[11/77]: -536837656:DJSBS2K8
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 CQueueWrapper: DestroyQ, Failed delete: DJSBS2K8,
DjmJobViewQ, 0xe00081e4.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 12 DjmBO=12. : Initialization Complete.
CASO:0, APPO:0, DjmEnabled:0, Mgr:0, Clt:0, CasoServer:. nRetval=0x0.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING chec
k point: 15 wait hint: 300000
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 13 Reports: Using default language = _EN

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 13 Reports: Initialize for language = 1

[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 13 Reports: Setting remote server locations.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:21 13 Reports: Loading any new reports.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:22 13 Reports: Report Engine started.
[12844] 07/02/14 14:27:22 13 Reports: Initializing CRF.

C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec>


· · ·



Vivek [Symantec] Jul 2, 2014 at 18:41 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec

Would you pls try disconnecting the storage devices from BE and reboot the server. See if the services start up properly or not. If not, I would recommend a formal support case for us to review your environment.


· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 2, 2014 at 18:43 UTC

It's backing up to an external 16TB NAS over the network, not a tape drive.


· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 2, 2014 at 18:57 UTC

I rebooted the NAS, no difference in being able to start the services on the server, however. Hopefully I'll have a chance to reboot it sometime in the next couple days...


· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 6, 2014 at 01:05 UTC

Finally had a chance to reboot the server, Backup Exec services still won't start, same errors as before. Any tips?


· · ·



haultj Jul 6, 2014 at 19:25 UTC

Have you checked to see if the SQL Server for Backup Exec is running?

Are you low on disk space on any of the server partitions?

When was the last time that you checked the partitions for disk corruption?


· · ·



LMosla [Symantec] Jul 7, 2014 at 15:33 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec

check your services in Windows and make sure they are running as the following:

•Backup Exec Agent Browser server: start up type - Automatic and logon as Domain\Username

•Backup Exec Job Engine Service: start up type - Automatic and logon as Domain\Username

•Backup Exec Server Service: start up type - Automatic and logon as Domain\Username

•Backup Exec Device and Media service: start up type - Automatic and logon as Domain\Username

•Backup Exec Remote Agent servicestart up type - Automatic and logon as local system account

•SQL Server [BKUPEXEC] - Automatic startup and log on as Local System account

then verify the password by going to properties click on Log on and re enter the password of the 'Username" [same as the System Default Logon for BackupExec]


· · ·



kurtscheerlinck Jul 8, 2014 at 13:02 UTC

1st Post

Dear, I'm running on Backup Exec 2014 on a windows server 2088 R2 SP1, this morning I installed hotfix 218257 and did a restart of my server. Since then the BEserver service is not starting anymore, error: Backup Exec RPC Server has stopped working.

Any idea ?


· · ·



LMosla [Symantec] Jul 8, 2014 at 17:06 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec


run a repair of Backup Exec through Programs and Features


· · ·

· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 12, 2014 at 01:22 UTC


I've been over those services with a fine-tooth comb and can find no issues. All of the services are running with the correct permissions except the three I listed above, which give me the "Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly"or "Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start"errors when I try to start them.

I also tried a Repair/Reinstall of the application but it failed at "Reinstall SQL Server 2005 Express".

Not really sure what I should try next. I can access the BEDB database from within SQL Server Management Studio, should I try deleting it and recreating it somehow? Might this help? I've tried a few shrink & cleanup utilities ["DBCC CHECKDB", etc.] on the DB, to no effect.




· · ·



Vivek [Symantec] Jul 14, 2014 at 05:08 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec

I wouldn't recommend deleting/recreating the DB. Instead, I would recommend you to log a formal support case & have one of our support engineers work with you.


· · ·

Thai Pepper


Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 14, 2014 at 20:18 UTC

Can you send me an easy link how to "log a formal support case"? I've been trying to create one through, but keep hitting a brick wall on the "for correct handling of your case, please answer the following questions" page... website is very un-user friendly, IMHO. :[


· · ·



Vivek [Symantec] Jul 15, 2014 at 04:58 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec

You could either submit a case online at // or via the phone


If you are running into any difficulties logging a case, please do let me know.


· · ·

Thai Pepper


Best Answer

Oldsmobile_Mike Jul 29, 2014 at 17:00 UTC

Just to follow up on this, my Backup Exec is now working successfully. Managed to file a support case with Symantec online [didn't work in IE 11, had to use Firefox]. Spent about 3 hours over the course of 4-5 days going back & forth, trying different things, eventually they pointed me to where I could download R3 version. Installed that overnight and it fixed my problem. Thanks! That's much better luck than the last time I tried a support case with you guys. For my .02 cents I still wish they were native English speakers [was a bit difficult to understand at times], but no biggie, they still pointed me in the right direction tofix my problem. ;] Thanks again!


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To continue this discussion, please ask a new question.

24 Replies

· · ·



Denis Kelley

This person is a verified professional.

Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.

Jan 22, 2013 at 21:31 UTC

Have 2010 R3 and "played" with 2012. First thing, when you look at the services in Computer Management, and you expand the logon account for the service, are you sure this is the one you are thinking to use? Also, you can use BEUtiltiy to change the service account. Use with caution though, if account is different that what is being used, you may have to recreate your backup jobs.


· · ·



Denis Kelley

This person is a verified professional.

Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.

Jan 22, 2013 at 21:32 UTC

Also ping BE_Elias. He is active online right now.


· · ·



MatthewIT Jan 22, 2013 at 21:39 UTC

Well it's the only account we have on the server, and it's the account we used prior to this incident, so I'm fairly confident it's the correct account. Although, now that you mention it, I notice the "Log on as" account is ".\Administrator", with the period before it and not the server name. The company who provides our PMS software [har har, yes, I get it] had one of their backup specialists take a look at it, but there was only so much he could do since it wasn't an issue with their software.

I tried looking through the BEUtility application, but I didn't feel like poking around any more than I had to. Our hotel isn't a large operation, so recreating the jobs wouldn't be an issue... we just don't want to lose the backups if at all possible. I know a scenario we can attempt is uninstalling/reinstalling but I'd like to stop before going that far.

Edit: Thanks, I'll see if I can guide him over to read this!


· · ·




This person is a verified professional.

Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.

Jan 22, 2013 at 21:54 UTC

You should be able to manually start the services. You can also manually change the credentials that the services use. That might get you to the point of being able to start the software.


· · ·



MatthewIT Jan 22, 2013 at 22:06 UTC

Already have tried to manually restart them, get the message "Error 1068: the dependency service or group failed to start", and that occurs when trying to start the one service that doesn't even have a dependency.

I've tried changing the "Backup Exec Management Service" to log on as "Local System", but with no luck. I've also made sure to double and triple check the credentials.


· · ·



MatthewIT Jan 22, 2013 at 22:07 UTC

I worded that poorly. The main Backup Exec service that doesn't depend on another Backup Exec service doesn't run when its dependencies are running. Sorry, :-P


· · ·



Elias_VTC [Veritas] Jan 22, 2013 at 22:09 UTC

Brand Representative for Veritas Technologies LLC.


I realize that you are not in an upgrade situation as this tech note mentions, but the data provided may still be valid:

Any idea what Windows updates were applied as well?
If you check your services after a reboot, which Backup Exec service is in "starting" or "stopped" mode? Have you attempted to stop all the services for BackupExec manually and restart them one by one?


· · ·



MatthewIT Jan 22, 2013 at 22:13 UTC

Right off the bat, since I have my services window open, I can tell you that "Backup Exec Error Reporting Service" and "Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows" are the only two [of seven] services that will start up. All seven are set to Automatic, though.

I can get back to you in just a minute in regards to the Windows Updates applied.


· · ·



MatthewIT Jan 22, 2013 at 22:18 UTC

There were 18 updates applied: KB2742595, 2757638, 2769369, 2779562, 890830, 2762895, 2770660, 2761465, 2758857, 2785220, 2753842, 2742599, 2736428, 2786400, 2786081, 2778930, 2726535, 2765809.


· · ·



Elias_VTC [Veritas] Jan 22, 2013 at 22:18 UTC

Brand Representative for Veritas Technologies LLC.

If you attempt to start the other Backup Exec services, what message do you get? Is this server the Backup Exec Media server? do you have BE installed on more than 1 server?


· · ·



Donald [Symantec] Jan 22, 2013 at 22:20 UTC


has the password for the system logon account changed recently?

If you go to manage services and restart all service are you able to do so


· · ·



MatthewIT Jan 22, 2013 at 22:26 UTC

Kani just called me, so I may not be able to respond immediately, :-X


· · ·



Best Answer

Donald [Symantec] Jan 22, 2013 at 22:33 UTC


If you're not able to restart services

Please try opening windows services and browsing to the following B.E. services

Backup Exec Agent Browser

Backup Exec Device & Media Service

Backup Exec Job Engine

Backup Exec Management Service

Backup Exec Server

Verifiy that these 5 services are running as Domain\Administrator under "Log On AS" , Further more right click and view the properties of each under the Log On tab verify the password and apply.. then try to restart all services again from the B.E. console.


· · ·



LMosla [Symantec] Jan 22, 2013 at 22:33 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec

Hi MatthewIT, Are you on this server now? Just wondering if any other applications are having trouble opening and if you can connect to the Internet ok . I am wondering if it may have been a conflict with the Windows Updates. Would you be able to uninstall the Windows Update, reboot and then try to open the Backup Exec Console again.


· · ·



MatthewIT Jan 22, 2013 at 22:39 UTC

Elias: it's only installed on one server. I'd check the error message but a tech is on right now.

Donald: if I click "restart all services" I get an error saying "Backup Exec Device & Media Service: Service failed to start. [15] Service logon failure."

Tech has me on hold while she speaks with someone briefly so I got as much info as I could.


· · ·



LMosla [Symantec] Jan 22, 2013 at 22:41 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec

Also, if you cant restart your services,

Open Windows Task Manager
Click on the Processes tab
If the process is present right-click on the LUGETUPDATES.exe and choose "End Process" and click on yes for confirmation
Attempt to restart the Backup Exec Server Service [Beserver.exe] again.


· · ·



MatthewIT Jan 22, 2013 at 22:53 UTC

Oh boy, I'm gonna get a good laugh from this one. It seems that I got myself a bit flustered and let that cloud my troubleshooting. Instead of changing ALL of the services to log on at "Local system", I was only changing the one service that was initially failing to log in that way. It didn't need to be under the domain account.

Kani did a fantastic job at slowing me down to see that I had missed that. All is fixed now... thank you!


· · ·



LMosla [Symantec] Jan 22, 2013 at 22:55 UTC

Brand Representative for Symantec



· · ·



MatthewIT Jan 22, 2013 at 22:56 UTC

Donald: I don't think I refreshed when I posted my other post with all that info. You were absolutely right, and Thatcher was right as well, I was just getting a little too flustered and it got to me... I've learned a lesson from this one.


· · ·



Donald [Symantec] Jan 22, 2013 at 23:00 UTC

Glad to have been of help ;]


· · ·



Elias_VTC [Veritas] Jan 23, 2013 at 02:31 UTC

Brand Representative for Veritas Technologies LLC.

Matthew, glad to hear it is all running well. You have engaged with LMossla and Donald, my two colleagues, and I on this issue...and if you had a good laugh at this - we are laughing with you. :] Glad to be of help. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need any other assistance or have any further questions!


· · ·



BERTHA123 Aug 16, 2013 at 09:02 UTC

1st Post

Thanks a lot. Glad i saw this post. Im laughing with jaoy as well.

Thanks again


· · ·



mohammad sammoudi Feb 12, 2014 at 07:11 UTC

1st Post

Thanks a lot.

This post is really helpful.


· · ·



charlesdcruz Feb 23, 2015 at 06:34 UTC

This post has helped.


This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting.

To continue this discussion, please ask a new question.

Stopping and starting the Remote Agent for Windows Systems

The Remote Agent is automatically started as a service when Windows is started on the remote computer.

To stop or start the Remote Agent for Windows Systems

  1. Do one of the following:

    On Windows 7/Vista/Server 2008 R2/Server 2008 computers

    Right-click Computer.

    On a Windows Server 2003 computer

    Right-click My Computer.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Do one of the following:

    On a Windows Server 2008 R2/Server 2008 computer

    On the Server Manager dialog box, expand Configuration.

    On Windows 7/Vista/Server 2003 computers

    On the Computer Management dialog box, double-click Services and Applications.

  4. Click Services.

  5. In the Results pane, right-click Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems.

  6. Do one of the following:

    To stop the Remote Agent

    Click Stop to stop the Remote Agent.

    To start the Remote Agent

    Click Start to start the Remote Agent.

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