Pre departure checklist for international students

Pre-Departure Checklist

  • Pre-Departure Webinar
  • Pre-Departure Checklist
  • Student Visa
  • Request a Buddy
  • Medical Insurance
  • Entering Russia

    We strongly recommend you to check information about arrival in Russia in 2021 prior to departure


    [only for citizens of countries subject to the visa regime with the Russian Federation. More information can be found on theHSE University Visa and Registration Centre website]

    After the invitation for receiving a visa appears in the applicants account, submit an application for a student visa at the Russian consulate or visa centre in your country [single-entry study visa; valid for up to 90 days]

    After getting your visa, check it for any mistakes

    Make sure that your arrival date doesnt come before the start of your visa


    Familiarize yourself with Russias migration and customs rules, as well as baggage transport regulations

    Find out how to get to your place of residence from the airport [or train station]: Aeroexpress, metro, or taxi


    If you are planning to live in a dormitory:

    Print out the referral to the dormitory and read Internal Dormitory Regulations

    If you are planning to live in HSE alternative accommodation option:

    Read Rules for Residing and the Procedure of Accommodation


    Obtain a medical insurance policy before entry to Russia, which will cover your entire period of stay and include a medical check-up and testing for HIV, Hepatitis B, and COVID-19 [PCR-method]

    Obtain three days before arrival a medical certificate confirming a negative test result for COVID-19 [using the PCR method] in Russian orin English

    Obtain a certificate confirming inoculations issued by a medical institution


    Keep the contacts of your programme office and programme manager, as well as the International Admissions Office and the International Student Support Centre

    Keep the contacts of the consulate/embassy of your country in Russia

    Follow International Student Support Instagram page and Facebook


    Documents for admission [visit the website of the HSE International Admissions to see a list of the necessary documents]

    Originals of documents necessary for your trip [passport, tickets, etc.]

    Cash funds for initial time in Russia[US dollars or Euro]

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