Android listview show all items without scroll

listview inside scrollview

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    User141765 posted


    I have created listview inside scrollview and all work right, the listview has it's scroll and work fine, the problem is that listview display only the First item, if i want to see others items i must scroll listview.

    How can i display all listview's items without scroll? Thanks.

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    User103165 posted

    You should not use a ListView inside a ScrollView. A ListView will scroll by itself.

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    User141765 posted

    Yes i know but i used scrollview because the Page has listview and others Controls, if i don't use scrollview how can make Page scrollable?


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    User98607 posted

    @eljallouly Try this, works well.

    ...Other Items...
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    User141765 posted

    Thanks for your response, the listview inside your code can i create it dynamiclly?

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    User98607 posted

    Sure, create an adapter for list view and add some data in activity, then set adapter for list view.

    This line will prevent any focusing problem for list view

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    User141765 posted

    isn't working, this is my code:


    ListView li = new ListView[this];

    li.Adapter = new ArrayAdapter[this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItemMultipleChoice, item.Fields[i].PoolList.ToArray[]]; li.DescendantFocusability = DescendantFocusability.BlockDescendants; li.VerticalScrollBarEnabled = false; li.SetMinimumHeight[300];
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    User98607 posted

    @eljallouly I assure you that xml code is working fine and it's been using for a production code for months.

    You don't need to use

    li.DescendantFocusability = DescendantFocusability.BlockDescendants;

    and li.SetMinimumHeight[300];

    Did you change anything on xml code that I shared ?

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