olmsted falls là gì - Nghĩa của từ olmsted falls

olmsted falls có nghĩa là

A small city where guys think that they are the shit and they are amazing at sports, where girls think that orange is the new tan and they have to be sluts to be popular, and where all we care about is our fucking blue ribbon school system. Oh yeah, there's the fair share of pot-heads. Mostly full of ugly people.


Have you been to Olmsted Falls lately? They're dumbshits.

olmsted falls có nghĩa là

boring, rainy annoying drama filled place where nothing exiting happens. filled with wanna be partyers. wanna be badass kids and wanna be black kids. we are a 99.99 percent white community and NO ONE IS GANGSTER! olmsted falls is a place where no one has the balls to have a party. we do have some partys at the nest these partys are had by TEAM RETARD!


olmsted falls would have the worlds highest seuicide rate if it wasnt for team retard

olmsted falls có nghĩa là

a magical place that consists of fake women, wannabe gangster that listen to 96.5 like god made that shit, gay ass jocks that are obsessed with bulldognation , the ten billion lesbians that arent even real lesbians they're just salty no guy would ever go near them AKA [rick ross], stupid lunch aids that are pissed because their all 50 and work as a lunch aid so they express their authority like they're the fucking law, the library nazi who yells at you for every god damn movement you make, and the really fuggin hot math teacher, decent people that are left gtfo as soon as they finish school oh yeah and all the jocks take creitine to "get BIG bro" they all go to gay ass powerhouse gym and look like idiots


jock: hey Bro man dude man bro you going to power house to get big.
other gay jock: yeah dude i have to pick some muscle milk up first wanna bang in the showers after
jock:hell yeah! example 2 stubid olmsted falls high schoolpreppy girl:you think we should go to tnt im looking kinda light orange.
stupider preppy girl:omfg! get over there now!

olmsted falls có nghĩa là

located in olmsted falls, ohio. parents want their kids to go to school there because they think its a good school system, when really its not. theres at least 1 fight every week, and the cops even have to come sometimes! sometimes theres even a food fight! most of the people at ofhs are preppy wannabes, that act like theyre better than everyone else, when really they only have like 5 friends. everyone stereotypes and judges everyone else, so its impossible to ever make a new friend. people always claim to have huge, awesome parties, when really they just end up sitting in their basement with their dog, watching twilight. so lame that when i went to write olmsted falls, i accidentally wrote olmsted fails. no joke.


person 1: i go to olmsted falls high school
person 2: aw dude that sucks i feel so bad for you

olmsted falls có nghĩa là

Located in olmsted falls ohio. really small lame high school, over controlled by power hungry assistant principles, also tend to hire and accommodate sexual preditors as teachers..The school is filled with your fare share of false preppy kids from medium income families you tan to orange and rock abercrombie....Also has a good number os fake scene kids who dress over eccentricly to gain attenion and think they are very deep into music and hardcore because they listen to such bands as "bring me the horizon" there are also like 4 black kids who live on some farm near the outskirts of town,and theres also like 4 wigger kids who live near there too.


A typical happening at olmsted falls high school....

Real musician from OFHS: Dude are you going to go to the converge show? theyre touring with 3 other really good hardcore bands

"fake sccenester who over hears: yeah arent they comming with bring me the horizon??

Real musicion from OFHS: kill yourself...

olmsted falls có nghĩa là

a place you don't want to move to. new kids beware. you have to be pretty damn tough to go here. this is a place where girls never let you be drama free, guys think they're too cool to pull their pants up, and everyone ends up a backstabber. more than 50% of the teenage population are always high. the other % is either a brainiac, weird, or athletic. Basically, its the crappiest place alive


Dude, my best friend just moved to "Olmsted Falls" , she's gonna get eaten alive!

olmsted falls có nghĩa là

Olmsted Falls is a small town in Ohio where everyone thinks they're the shit. Girls spray tan themselves until they look like an oompa loompa [these girls are very commonly known as the orange girls, creative, huh?], and guys sag their pants so much that their pants actually fall down when they walk. A lot of the guys end up being lying douche bags and friends that you have had for years end up stabbing you in the back. All over, a horrible place to live. Oh, and if you're not popular in Olmsted Falls you may as well just move the hell away cause your life will probably be shit.


1. hey look, the orange girls. what an irregular happening at Olmsted Falls, huh? 2. guy one:hey look, our school won another award for being awesome. guy two: hey look, another fight.

olmsted falls có nghĩa là

It’s honestly not that bad. The people who wrote the other definitions are just negative peices of shit who literally do nothing but complain about how bad school is and choose to hang out with terribly toxic friends . They also don’t do any work and then complain about how hard school is. The school system isn’t bad at all. So honestly if you have a positive outlook actually try and don’t have shitty friends you’ll be fine.


Vape bro: dude my dads so pissed I have an F in Bio like fuck you Mrs.G what the hell Decent person: haha yeah the homework last week was pretty light though.
Vape bro: hahaha omg fuck that I literally don’t do hw or study for this class lmao Bitch: omg I hate my life my teacher dress coded me because she could see my nipple I’m gonna kill my self Friend: I have suicidal thoughts I feel like people are so insensitive Bitch: OMG HOW COULD THIS WORLD BE SO CRUEL AND INSENSITIVE LIKE WHO JOKES ABOUT SUICIDE Olmsted Falls High School

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