Network marketing secrets review russell brunson

If you're a digital marketer, you likely already own one or more of Russell Brunson's books. The best selling author of DotCom Secrets, Expert Secrets, and now Traffic Secrets has also written the highly anticipated MLM guide - Network Marketing Secrets.

This book is written primarily for the traditional network marketer that might not know how to effectively use the internet… and specifically use online sales funnels to build their MLM business.

Russell’s idea with this book is to take the three most effective traditional MLM strategies – and recreate them on the internet via sales funnels.

This Network Marketing Secrets review will dive into the three “lost funnels,” and look at a few of the “secrets” revealed in the book.

We’ll also link to the three lost MLM funnels so that you can upload them into your account and begin using them today. But first…

What Does the CEO of ClickFunnels Know About MLM?

Russell Brunson’s new book has been the topic of discussion in a few of the ClickFunnels related facebook groups I’m active in… and I realized from reading these facebook comments that many are unaware of Russell’s long history with network marketing…

Russell Brunson has been been the top distributor in several multi-level marketing organizations over the years. At one point he was the top distributor of two different companies… at the same time!

He’s won a Ferrari with one MLM, and helped generate more than $1.5 Million in leads for another company… around 200,000 of those leads were for his own personal downline.

He’s even been asked to step DOWN as a distributor from network marketing companies due to imploding downlines.

Wha? Literally people already in his MLM company were leaving their upline sponsors to join under him… This [as you can imagine] would cause serious problem for an MLM company…

While his main focus today is running ClickFunnels, Russell Brunson is also working with Steve Larsen and actively building an MLM team right NOW.

Steve Larsen joined Russell Brunson in the summer of 2018 with a plan to rock the MLM industry.

If you’d like to learn more about how and why they joined forces on this new venture [and more on how Russell has imploded downlines!] – check out the video below [scroll @ …25 minutes in]

And yes, I’m also in Russell and Steve’s downline team… If you’d like to learn more about how to join our downline, click here.

Network Marketing Secrets… The MLM Traps!

Before diving into the three “lost funnels” and how they work, Russell takes us through some of the biggest challenges in MLM…

While MLM is an effective business model that has produced billions [maybe more] in product sales over the decades, there are certain pitfalls.

There are a set of phases the fledgling MLMer goes through… Russell explains that you don’t have to get stuck in these traps, but can actually bypass them – and build your MLM on a different foundation.

What are some of these challenges?

  • Shaking down your friends and family over and over… and when they say no… continuing to do so!
  • Sending traffic to corporate replicated websites that are not easy to navigate and confusing to make purchases on…
  • Trying to build a business using the same products, same scripts, same websites, same everything as all 100,000 other people in your MLM…

There’s a better way, and it’s revealed in Network Marketing Secrets.

You can do this without chasing friends and family every day, without SPAMMING social media, without using the same cookie-cutter sales pages…

Plus you can set it up in a way that is duplicatable and actually creates residual income…

So what are Russell’s three “lost funnels?”

Again – to the traditional MLMer… Russell Brunson is letting you know that you do not have to deviate from the “plan.” He’s taken the same proven concepts that have worked in network marketing for decades and applied them to the digital age…

The online funnels mimic the effectiveness of person-to-person selling, through automated systems where leads come to US… we can sell to them… and more importantly, we can DUPLICATE.

Let’s look at what Russell Brunson calls the three lost funnels.

Lost Funnel

1 – The Bridge Funnel [aka the three-way call]:

When you first join an MLM, you don’t know the products, the comp plan, how to sell, etc…

The bridge funnel is the equivalent to the old school three-way call.

You simply bring a prospect to your upline leader, they tell their story, explain the offer, and do all of the selling for you…

After going through a few three way calls, you can then plug in your own story or script and share your experience with your prospects…

These three-way calls are an excellent way to duplicate your team. New people can plug in, have a team leader handle the heavy lifting of sales/recruiting, and learn the ropes as they build their downline…

If you’re already a ClickFunnels member, the funnel will upload directly into your account. If not, you can start a 14-day free trial via this link.

Note: The Network Marketing Secrets book really goes into the nuts and bolts of these funnels – if you’re going to USE the lost funnels for your own MLM business, it’s best to also get a copy of the book…

Lost Funnel

2 – The Home Party:

Home parties work because people can see the products and opportunity in a non-pressurized sales setting. Plus when people at the party buy products, it creates fear of missing out [fomo] and encourages others to buy…

This strategy also duplicates, because guests learn they can earn free products for hosting a party… or earn even more benefits by joining the MLM themselves.

\>>Click Here to Get Your Copy of Network Marketing Secrets Now

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