mistakened là gì - Nghĩa của từ mistakened

mistakened có nghĩa là

many, many people dipleased me. somedays, i choose a topic and read all about it on UD, trying to gather as much public influence on it as possible. one night, i wanted to look up information on the scene culture, as it is a rather varied and interesting subculture. what i found were definition after definition of hates and criticism toward the scene culture. i myself am semi-scene. i wear eyeliner the whole way around my eye, flat shoes, patterned shirts, and i go to venues. but, my hair is long and natural blonde, and i type regularly. i find that i can easily fit into the scene crowd without having a myspace thats got 47893890349 profile veiws. and so what if i like dinosaurs? i've played with them since i was five. so did you, dont lie.

and all this rambling does in fact have a point.

that UD is very confused and judgemental on this subject. it appears that a set dress code and mindset are stamped to scensters, in your minds anyway. please, reconsider this? that emo ALL wear argyl, plaid, converse, ect. goths? tripp pants, conbat boots, the like. no matter what you are, you have a basic way of dressing. there is no scene uniform. scenes are just as individual as everyone else.

also, scenes seemed to be veiwed as arrogant, concieted, and hypocritical. any person could be that way. often, preps are seen as snotty and stuck up. does that make THEM scene? being rude and self-centered is not a scene quality, its human.


scene mistaken. read nearly ANY of the other scene definitions for a completely wrong and misguided veiw.

mistakened có nghĩa là

Commonly misused new word that has made it into the internet! Congrats, mistakened. You're not a word, but you've fooled a lot of people into thinking you are! People add on the -ed to the end thinking that it makes it more past tense than "mistaken" which is what it's supposed to be. *head-desk*


I'm sorry, sir, you seem to have me mistakened for someone else.

mistakened có nghĩa là

when someone is assumed to be high because of their ridiculous antics or blood shot eyes.


"i thought my roommate was smacked yesterday when he ate a dozen donuts but it was just a case of mistaken highdentity"

mistakened có nghĩa là

adjective trippin'/ratchet


Girl you be mistaken!

mistakened có nghĩa là

A useful phrase when you are ending a relationship with a particularly Triflin Mother Fucker.


TMF: I'm busy working all week. And next week too.
Woman: That shit ain't gonna fly. I'm sorry but you must have me mistaken for some other bitch who will put up with that nonsense. See ya!

mistakened có nghĩa là

To make a mistake except it is a really big one.


Mahir: Hey Leo I think I was mistakening when we did anal.
Leo: Yeah maybe we should just give blow jobs next time.

mistakened có nghĩa là

Similar to a Stakin' Bar but instead on looking back and or regretting terrible decisions they are looked at as a high once had. One who makes poor choices and gains pleasure for others inconvenience or suffering . Someone who is a low-life.


I'm mistaken bar sweetheart, so telling everyone your slutty secret to spite you was mere enjoyment .

mistakened có nghĩa là

To think you've sent an IM to a friend complaining about someone when actually you sent it to the person you were complaining about.


Jane had a bad case of Mistaken IMendity yesterday - to her horror she accidentally sent an IM to her boss complaining about what a crazy freak he was, instead of sending it to her friend Matt. Total career limiting move!

mistakened có nghĩa là

When a "friend" believes you originated from Texas when infact you lived in Oregon and are English


Hey, didn't you come from Texas? No! I think this is a case of Redneck Mistaken Identity!

mistakened có nghĩa là

*Sixty-nine [69]


Hell, damn, penis, vagina, butt, ass, crap, bitch, nigger, boob, fag, bastard, bugger, and prick are not swear words or cuss words. Often, they are common words mistaken for profanities. In fact, Hell and damn refer to evil predictions and theories. Penis and vagina are anatomically correct terms, and doctors use them; so are you kidding me?! Butt refers to the end of a cigarette, and ass means donkey. Crap and bitch are most legendary words ever, as they refer to a poker dice and a female dog, respectively, while mistaken for being profane or vulgar. Nigger is technically an insult, but it also means an Australian fish also known as a luderick. Boob, being short for booby, refers to a seabird. Fag means fountain alley goat. Bastard refers to a child born to unmarried parents, so how is that even 1% a profanity? Bugger and prick don't mean anything; bugger is simply a term to refer to an annoying, stalking person [alas "bugging one"], and prick refers to making a small hole with a sharp point. Suck and swallow are just normal terms; we all suck air and on lollipops, and swallow our food! And 69 is just a number, nothing vulgar about it! Freaking is actually short for "freaking out" and is not even a minced oath of a swear word.

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