Metal gear rex model kit review năm 2024

1/100 REX Black Ver. by Kotobukiya [Available From HobbyLink Japan –]

REX is all dressed up in black, so let’s check it out all put together!

After a straight build, it’s straight on to the front, side and back shots.

The “toes” can stretch out and move in a surprisingly wide range.

The hatches on the knees can open, revealing some color inside.

The cockpit opens up nicely, and reveals a fair bit of detail to go along with the pilot.

The hatches on the back can open too, and again the amount of details pre-etched in are quite good.

And the limbs [radar and railgun] can move all over the place.

Here are some of the poses you can create, taking advantage of all its mobility.

Despite its intentional blockiness, you can actually pull off some pretty cool ready-to-attack poses.

With the help of the stand, its walking mode is nicely supported.

Landing mode looks good too, as it helps bring the detailed parts more into the foreground.

Regarding the size, it’s a little bit smaller than its brother Ray.

And a little shorter than MG Gundam 2.0, but of course a lot more bulked out.

Some final thoughts. For me, right off the hop I think this kit is absolutely worth the price. I enjoyed the build start to finish, and really liked the way the parts are designed and sculpted. Everything feels quite stable together, and even when putting it through its paces for poses, there were no risks of anything coming off. One of my favorite parts though is the details that come right out of the box. They’re deep and incisive, and really add to the war machine look. I feel it’s a great military model for both beginners and pros. For beginners, you can easily get a nice-looking metal gear with a good number of angry poses just with a simple build. And it would be even better if you spend some more time on water slides and a flat coat if you want to go intermediate. For pros, as it states in the manual, the reason why this kit is in black is for people to paint it more easily. For those who like to do military models, and get them all dirty, scraped up and generally looking like something in the field, this seems like it would be a treat. Finally, I think Kotobukiya did a great job on this kit, from the plastic to the waterslides. It would be a cool look for anyone’s shelf. Or above your tube tv where you still play Metal Gear.. Thanks for checking this out!

“Hey Ray, next time you see that Raiden kid, why not try this?”

This is the first model kit I’ve done in 10 months. I’m unsurprisingly excited, as this will be my next big build project since my PG Mk-II. I expected it to take at least 4-5 days to finish the build, seeing how it has 21 runners and 600 pieces.

Putting it together was fun, like most other builds. The legs are always the most entertaining parts to build in a kit because they’re generally more complex & has more parts. This was no different. In fact, I’d say that building the legs on this was more enjoyable than most gunpla legs because the insides just look very aesthetically pleasing.

As expected of a non-bandai kit, there was a piece that didn’t really fit with the others. In this case, the connection from the main body to the backpack didn’t fit at all and I had to trim the part. The only other problem with parts being that the toes were very loose & would come off if you do so much as tilt the model.

I put epoxy glue to tighten the connection part, but I forgot all about its existence and put it on far too early, and ended up with the toes glued still. I initially thought it moved, but the moving was actually the connection piece twisting & breaking so I had to glue it back on with superglue.

This model is fully articulated, so every part you see moving in the game is available on the model. The spiked toes can even extend & retract. The missile lids on the backpack & the knees open up, revealing some detail inside.

Even though the parts separation is very high, I’d gladly fork out 40-50 more dollars for this to have a full inner frame. The only inner frames present are in the legs & the head, which in turn is pretty nicely detailed. The head frame is visible if you look from below.

The least detailed part has got to be the main body which is a little hollow. That isn’t an issue though since it’s barely looked upon anyway. The railgun & the radome had more parts than I expected, which is great.

For the colour separation, can’t say it’s excellent but it was satisfactory to say the least. There were only 3 colours: grey, dark grey & light grey. With 600 parts you’d expect some colour separation in those three, but no, they’re all the same colours. Which is a real, real shame, especially on the legs where we have quite a lot of separate armour parts, but with no colour difference! Can’t see why the hell not.

The kit comes with 4 figures: Liquid Snake as the pilot, Solid Snake, Gray Fox and another, much deader Gray Fox. You’ll have to paint these tiny figures individually, but they already came in a nice skin tone so if you’re only going to paint the pilot you won’t need to paint too much at all.

Onto personal experiences now. I planned to weather the model a bit with some paint chipping effects. I did it on the head, and was pretty satisfied until I wasn’t, and decided to strip everything back to bare plastic.

I also wanted to put on a dark grey wash onto everything. I started out with the side skirts because I thought if anything went wrong that part would be the least damaging. As I applied the paint, I found out that out of all Vallejo product, their model washes suck. They would stain and smear everywhere, and would not come off if my life depended on it. I’ve already put on topcoat on the model so I had to strip the whole section out using alcohol.

Loved this kit. Building it was very fun, probably because I’ve been kit-starved for 10 months before this. A very solid 9/10.

Is Sahelanthropus better than Rex?

In terms of raw power, Sahelanthropus is arguably stronger than REX. It has advanced artificial intelligence that allows it to adapt to combat situations and its weaponry is more advanced than REX's. However, Sahelanthropus has some weaknesses that REX does not have.

How powerful is Metal Gear Rex?

REX was the ultimate Metal Gear, as it was not only capable of delivering a nuclear weapon both to and from any point on the globe, it could do so "undetectably" and "untraceably." All previous Metal Gears were merely mobile ground-based launch systems for nuclear missiles, little more than the land-based equivalent of ...

What is the range of the Metal Gear Rex?

Armaments [Ex] Metal Gear REX's weapons include a set of gatling guns and a missile launcher. The cannons have a range of 120 feet. The missile launcher has a range of 240 feet, but is usable only once every 1d4 rounds.

What is the purpose of the Metal Gear Rex?

The whole point behind constructing Metal Gear REX was to use it's rail gun to launch a nuke from anywhere in the world, to anywhere in the world, without use of a missile, making the nuke invisible.

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