Members of the training bureau have the greatest effect on which of the following?

coming of age

One of the largest generations in history is about to move into its prime spending years. Millennials are poised to reshape the economy; their unique experiences will change the ways we buy and sell, forcing companies to examine how they do business for decades to come.

Get Started

A larger Cohort

The Millennial generation is the biggest in US history—even bigger than the Baby Boom.

The first digital natives

Millennials have grown up with the internet and smartphones in an always-on digital world.

  • Millennials
  • Gen X
  • Boomers

"Which online activities do you regularly do for fun and entertainment?"

Source: Prosper Insights & Analytics for the Media Behavior and Influence Study

Social and connected

The online world - and social media in particular - have given the Millennials a platform to reach the world.

"After searching online, how do you communicate with others about a service, product, or a brand?"

Source: Prosper Insights & Analytics for the Media Behavior and Influence Study

Less money to spend

Lower employment levels and smaller incomes have left younger Millennials with less money than previous generations.

Mean income for 15–24 year olds as a % of total population

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Encumbered with debt

Student loan payments are taking up a growing chunk of postgraduate Millennials' income.

Mean Student Loan Balance for 25 year olds, in US Dollars

Source: Federal Reserve

different priorities

With less to spend, they're putting off commitments like marriage and home ownerships.

% of adults 18-31 married and living in their own household

Source: Pew Research Center,
Current Population Survey

Snug in the nest...

A growing number of Millennials are choosing to live at home with their parents.

% of 18-34 year olds living with parents

Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

  • Current Population Survey

But waiting to fly

An overwhelming percentage of Millennials say they want to own a home sometime in the future.

% of renters who plan to buy a home some day

Source: Trulia

Marriage can wait

The percentage of young people married and living on their own has dropped by more than 50% since the 1960s.

% of 18-31 year olds married and living in their own household

Source: Pew Research Center,
Current Population Survey

Putting off parenthood

Millennials aren't just putting off marriage. They're also waiting longer to have children.

  • 1970s
  • 1980s
  • 1990s
  • 2000s
  • 2010s

% of women having children by age

Source: IPUMS-CPS and Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Never say never

Millennials may be putting it off, but polls have shown they do want to have their own families some day.

Source: Pew Research Center

The Hierarchy of needs

The must-haves for previous generations aren’t as important for Millennials. They’re putting off major purchases—or avoiding them entirely.

  • 15% Extremely
  • 25% I might purchase
    one if I really need it,
    but indifferent otherwise
  • 5% I do not feel
    strongly about it
  • 30% I do not intend to
    purchase one in
    near future
  • 25% Important,
    but not a big priority

  • 10% Extremely
  • 10% I might purchase
    one if I really need it,
    but indifferent otherwise
  • 25% I do not feel
    strongly about it
  • 30% Important,
    but not a big priority
  • 25% I do not intend to
    purchase one in
    near future

  • 15% Extremely
  • 15% I might purchase
    one if I really need it,
    but indifferent otherwise
  • 20% I do not feel
    strongly about it
  • 30% Important,
    but not a big priority
  • 20% I do not intend to
    purchase in
    near future

  • 7% I might purchase
    one if I really need it, but indifferent otherwise
  • 8% I do not feel
    strongly about it
  • 15% Do not intend to
    purchase in
    near future
  • 40% Extremely
  • 30% Important,
    but not a big priority

"How important is it for you to own the following?"

Source: Goldman Sachs Fortnightly
Thoughts intern survey, 2013

The Renter generation

A growing percentage of older millennials are choosing to rent, not buy.

Renters as a % of total population, 25-34 years

Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Beyond the brand

When marketing to Millennials, a strong brand isn't enough to lock in a sale.

  • Strongly agree
  • Tend to agreee
  • Tend to disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know

"When I shop, I always try to buy branded products"

Source: Ipsos MORI Global Trends 2014;
[16k respondents across 20 countries]

Clicking to Buy

Unsurprisingly, the generation that lives online, buys online.

Purchased something on the internet the last 12 months, UK

  • 16-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44

Source: Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom

Searching for Value

Quality is still key for Millennials, but price is a more important factor than it is for other generations.

"What factors make you loyal to a brand?"

  • Millennials
  • Non-Millennials

Source: AIMIA Inc. "Born this Way: US Millennial Loyalty Survey" ©2012

Defining Healthy

For Millennials, “healthy” doesn’t just mean “not sick.” It’s a daily commitment to eating right and exercising.

  • Millennials
  • Gen X
  • Boomers

"What's your definition of healthy?"

Source: What's Your Healthy Survey, Aetna 2013

Smoking and drinking

As young Millennials pursue wellness, they’re turning away from unhealthy habits like drinking and smoking tobacco.

“Do you disapprove of people [who are 18 or older] doing the following…?"


Fitness Focused

How important is wellness to the Millennials? As their consumption in other areas drop, they’re willing to pay more for athletic gear.

  • Athletic Brands
  • Total industry [PCE]

Year-over-year sales growth of athletic apparel and footwear brands vs growth in total apparel and footwear spending

Source: Company data, Personal Consumption Expenditures [PCE] from Bureau of Economic Analysis, Goldman Sachs Investment Research

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Which of the following terms describes the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance?

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments [Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997].

What is the first priority in aircraft firefighting?

The priority of the first ARFF vehicle is to provide a snapshot to all incoming ARFF vehicles via radio of what is occurring. Once this has been relayed, their task is then to provide a safe exit [rescue path] for all occupants exiting the aircraft.

What are the three ways to look to maintain situational awareness quizlet?

What are the three ways to "look" to maintain situational awareness? Up, down, and around.

What is the acceptable error level when it comes to safety?

Perform it safely. When it comes to safety, the acceptable error level is 0 percent, which is also referred to as what? Zero tolerance.

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