Mascara maybelline push up angel review năm 2024

Maybelline New York The Falsies Push Up Angel Mascara


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Maybelline New York The Falsies Push Up Angel Mascara is a volumising and curling mascara that helps create a winged lash look by lifting, coating and flaring each lash.

Maybelline New York The Falsies Push Up Angel Mascara


Curls straight lashes with good definition

I purchased the waterproof version of this mascara in black. The first thing I noticed is that the wand is not a cylindrical brush but a curved comb. I am guessing that it is meant to cup the upper lashes from underneath. It took a couple of goes to get used to it, but I can handle it now. The mascara comb does lift the lashes from under to give it a curled effect. It isn't thick or clumpy, and one coat is good for natural definition. I found that I needed two coats for thicker and longer looking lashes. It's one of the best curling effects that I've seen from a mascara without using an eyelash curler. For reference, I have straight asian lashes that point downwards and do not have any natural curl. However, this waterproof mascara still manages to smudge around my eye bags after 3-4 hours wear. This is common with me and I need to use the usual trick of a clear top coat which fixes the problem.

Not the best wand design

The texture of this mascara is great, however, I am not personally a fan of the wand. It is not your typical kind of mascara wand, it only has firm bristles on one side of the tip of the wand, and I find the way it was designed doesn't separate my lashes when applying the mascara, and so I go over my lashes with a different mascara wand that I own. I only recommend this mascara if you have a separate mascara wand to brush over your lashes after application

If I ever find myself stranded on a desert island somehow, I pray that I land there with a tube of mascara tucked away in my bag — and a giant tub of my go-to mascara remover Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser, so I can continue to shellac my lashes every single day without worrying about them falling out. I’m a self-admitted hoarder of many, many things, but mascaras fully take the cake. I even have four empty Birchboxes that I’ve dedicated solely to their storage. What’s worse is that I’m super picky about what constitutes a good mascara. Everything, from the formula to the applicator to the shade of black has to meet my standards. TBH, most fall short.

So when I was first introduced to Maybelline’s The Falsies Push Up Angel Washable Mascara, I took one look at the wand and practically dismissed it as a dud. I [wrongly] assumed that the mascara’s primary purpose was to enhance your lower lashes given its unusual brush shape. For me, a fat, round brush equates with beautiful, plumped lashes, and this long, skinny applicator was the exact opposite of that. But then I ran out of my then-favorite Dior mascara and reluctantly decided to give it a try — and now I haven’t switched mascaras since this happened in September. I’ve gone through two full tubes so far, and you bet I have backups on deck for when the next one runs out.

It turns out the applicator is actually one of the best things about this mascara. It’s kind of like a tiny hairbrush for your lashes, so you can get as close to the roots and/or your eyeballs as you’d like in order to give your lashes a huge lift sans curler. Because of this, you can basically hit each and every individual lash with it. So while it may take you several more careful strokes than you’re used to with a thicker brush, your lashes will look infinitely longer once you’ve finished. And not for nothing, dealing with clumps will soon become a thing of the past, thanks to the design of the flexible, separated bristles. You’ll never have to stick some kind of sharp object near your eyeball again to pull apart mascara chunks [which is never recommended anyway since it’s so dangerous].

The formula comes in three shades of black, and believe it or not, each one is noticeably different: Brownish Black, a solid daytime option with hints of brown in it, Very Black, an essential black, and Blackest Black, a pitch black hue that puts even the deepest, most intense shades of mascara to shame — this one’s my personal fave. No matter which shade you like best, you better believe it won’t leave any sooty mascara tracks under your eyes by the end of the day.

To really capitalize on this mascara’s lengthening abilities, I like to first apply a starter coat, then I switch to buffing foundation into my face and add a few dabs of highlighter. Only then will I turn my attention back to my lashes, since the first coat has had time to dry. A few more swipes of mascara to build my lashes up as much as possible, and I have bonafide Kylie Jenner-like lashes [you know, when she’s wearing a bomb set of falsies]. So after you finish working the formula through your fringe, don’t be surprised if and when all of your friends ask if you’ve recently obtained lash extensions. For less than $10, it’s a fraction of the cost of such a pricey service — and it looks so much more natural.

Is the Maybelline push up Angel mascara waterproof?

The exclusive brush sweeps lashes to the side, while it raises and plumps from the roots. This Maybelline waterproof mascara is made with a styling formula that holds every lash in place.

Which Maybelline mascara is smudge proof?

Snapscara® Waterproof Smudge-Free Mascara - Maybelline.

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