Lỗi unable to verify account information trên amazon năm 2024

Yes you! This is for You. You are about to Sell on Amazon but for some reason you start going through the process of opening a Seller Account and giving them all the information…BUT it was denied.


1 Signing Up Again After

After you got denied. You tried to register again with all the same information and probably changed something like Business name or something. You got denied again.

2 Opening a Second Seller Account

Amazon doesn’t allow a person to open another Seller Account. Amazon policy 1 account per lifetime rule [without prior authorization]. Why is that? If sellers can just close an account and open a new one, you would have sellers opening a new account every time their feedback rate fell rather than fixing the issues.

HOW TO FIX : 1 Account Per Lifetime Rule

You would need specific and legitimate reasons why you are trying to open another account but you need to do so before opening a second account.

Clearly Stating that this Second Account is under different business name and industry.

In your request, please provide an explanation of the legitimate business needed for a second account. To be considered for approval:

  1. You must have a separate bank account for each Seller Central account. We will not approve multiple Seller Central accounts that use the same bank account within the same region. If you sell across regions [for example in North America and Europe], you may use the same bank account for your Seller Central accounts as long as your accounts are linked though Amazon Global Selling.

2. Each account must have a separate email address.

3. The products and services sold in each account must be different.

4. Your Performance Metrics must be in good standing.

Why is the Verification Process of creating an account difficult for some sellers?

  1. Amazon wants to protect customers from potential “bad sellers” who are focusing on profits rather than quality. Which equals bad customer shopping experience.
  2. Protecting current sellers from “Black Hat” Sellers who manipulate sales by doing give away or heavy discounted items.
  3. Keeping illegal activities like money laundering, counterfeiting, and other illicit practices on Amazon Platform.

What is needed for the Verification Process?

Your business information, including:

Legal business name

Business address

Contact information

Email address for the company account

An internationally chargeable credit card

If the credit card isn’t valid, Amazon will cancel your registration

Phone number

Amazon may need to reach you during the registration process

Also, Amazon uses your phone number to verify your account

Federal Tax ID; this can be:

  • Your social security number
  • Your business’ Federal Tax ID number
  • State Tax ID [if you are a U.S. seller]

What if I don’t have a business entity [LLC, etc.]?

You can still create an account as a sole proprietorship. It is still recommended that you have a business entity down the road if you are going to sell on Amazon long term.


1. Billing & Residence information must match and be the same.

2. The documents you provide must be high resolution scanned. Readable for Amazon to verify. An actual person is viewing your application.

3. The documents you provided are not shown fully. Amazon would like to see the FULL information. Nothing hidden. Full Transparency. Even bank statements, utility bills etc. I know this is personal information and Amazon didn’t publicly state it but there are many sellers failed to pass due to this lack of transparency.

Are you an Amazon seller struggling with account verification challenges like the infamous message “unable to verify account information”? You’re not alone. In recent years, Amazon has become stricter with its account verification process, causing frustrations and headaches for many sellers. In addition, the process can be overwhelming and time-consuming, from providing documentation to answering security questions. But fear not; there are ways to overcome these challenges and verify your account. In this article, we’ll explore some common issues that Amazon sellers face during account verification and provide practical tips on overcoming them.

Whether you’re a new seller or an experienced one, these tips will help you navigate the “unable to verify amazon seller” fix and get back to selling on Amazon. So, let’s dive in and discover how to overcome Amazon seller woes.

Common challenges faced during Amazon account verification

Some common challenges faced by Amazon sellers during account verification and unable to verify amazon seller include the following:

Trying to create a Second Seller Account

It is against Amazon’s policy to create a second account. For that reason, Amazon put in place some rules to stop anyone trying to do so.

To comply with Amazon policies, each Seller Central account must have its bank account. It is not allowed for multiple Seller Central accounts to share the same bank account within a single region. However, if you sell in various regions like North America and Europe, you can link your accounts through Amazon Global Selling and use the same bank account. Additionally, every account must use a unique email address and offer different products from any other accounts.

Lack of documentation

One of the most common challenges Amazon sellers face during account verification is a need for more documentation. Amazon requires sellers to provide various documents, including government-issued IDs, business licenses, and tax identification numbers. If you have these documents readily available, it can be easier to complete the verification process successfully.

The complete list of documents required to complete the verification is as follows:

  • Legal business name
  • Business address
  • Contact information
  • Email address for the company account
  • An internationally chargeable credit card
  • If the credit card isn’t valid, Amazon will cancel your registration
  • Phone number
  • Amazon may need to reach you during the registration process
  • Also, Amazon uses your phone number to verify your account
  • Federal Tax ID; this can be: Your social security number, Your business’ Federal Tax ID number, or your State Tax ID [if you are a U.S. seller]

Failing to answer security questions

Amazon requires sellers to answer a series of security questions during the verification process to verify their identity. Failing to answer these questions correctly can lead to account suspension or termination. In addition, you need to remember the answers to these questions to complete the verification process successfully.

Keeping track of your answers is essential to ensure you answer security questions correctly. Please write down your answers and keep them in a safe place. Then, you can refer to them to remember the answers during the verification process.

Technical issues

Technical issues can also cause challenges during the account verification process. These include slow internet connections, website errors, or Amazon’s verification software issues. Unfortunately, you cannot do many things in this case: wait and try again or contact Client Support.

Best practices for Amazon account verification

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, there are several best practices that Amazon sellers should follow to ensure a smooth verification process. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Be honest and transparent

Amazon values honesty and transparency from its sellers. Therefore, be honest and provide accurate information when completing the verification process. Amazon didn’t publicly state it, but many sellers failed to pass due to this lack of transparency. Please do so to avoid account suspension or termination.

Respond promptly to requests.

Amazon may request additional information or documentation during the verification process. Responding promptly to these requests is essential to ensure the verification process is completed on time.

Maintain accurate records

Maintaining accurate records is essential for Amazon sellers. Keep track of all information related to your business, including financial records, sales records, and customer interactions. This information can be helpful during the verification process and help you avoid future issues with Amazon.

The information must match.

Amazon pays attention to the details, including, for example, the addresses shown in your billing and residence information. The platform will only accept your verification if it is the same.

Better if everything is in high resolution

A human is thoroughly reviewing your application. To ensure a smooth verification process with Amazon, please submit high-resolution scans of your easily readable documents. All information on your records must be displayed clearly.

Tools and resources to help with Amazon account verification

Several tools and resources are available to help Amazon sellers with the account verification process. These include:

Amazon Seller Support

Amazon Seller Support is a valuable resource for sellers facing challenges during the verification process. You can contact Seller Support for assistance with technical issues, security questions, and other verification-related concerns.

Third-Party Services

Several third-party services specialize in helping Amazon sellers with the verification process. These services can help you prepare documentation, answer security questions, and address technical issues. For example, at ESQgo, we have helped more than 1000 Amazon Sellers solve problems stopping them from moving their business forward.

Amazon Seller Forums

The Amazon Seller Forums are an excellent resource for sellers to connect with other sellers and share experiences and tips related to the verification process.


Account verification is an essential process for Amazon sellers to ensure the safety and security of customers and sellers. While the process can be challenging, sellers can use practical tips and strategies to overcome these challenges and verify their accounts. By following best practices, being honest and transparent, and using tools and resources, you can successfully navigate the verification process and return to selling on Amazon. Remember, the verification process is designed to protect you and your customers, so take it seriously and do everything possible to complete it successfully.

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