Khắc phục lỗi uploadmodule is not installed into web.config năm 2024

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Error: The web server is not configured correctly

  • Bài viết
  • 01/12/2024

Trong bài viết này

After taking steps detailed here to resolve the issue, and before trying again to debug, you may also need to reset IIS. You can do that by opening an Administrator command prompt and typing iisreset.

Take these steps to resolve this issue:

  1. If the web app hosted on the server is configured as a Release build, republish as a Debug build, and verify that the web.config file contains debug=true in the compilation element. Reset IIS and retry. For example, if you are using a Publish Profile for a Release build, change it to Debug and republish. Otherwise, the debug attribute will be set to false when you publish.
  2. [IIS] Verify that the physical path is correct. In IIS, you find this setting in Basic Settings > Physical Path [or Advanced Settings in older versions of IIS]. The physical path may be incorrect if the web application was copied to a different machine, manually renamed, or moved. Reset IIS and retry.
  3. If you are debugging locally in Visual Studio, verify that the correct server is selected in the properties. [Open Properties > Web > Servers or Properties > Debug depending on your project type. For a Web Forms project, open Property Pages > Start Options > Server]. If you are using an external [custom] server such as IIS, the URL must be correct. Otherwise, select IIS Express and retry.
  4. [IIS] Make sure that the correct version of ASP.NET is installed on the server. Mismatched versions of ASP.NET on IIS and in your Visual Studio project may cause this issue. You may need to set the framework version in web.config. To install ASP.NET Core on IIS, see or, for ASP.NET, . Also, see IIS 8.0 Using ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5 or, for ASP.NET Core, Host on Windows with IIS.

If the maxConnection limit in IIS is too low, and you have too many connections, you may need to increase the connection limit.

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

I have installed the web adaptor a couple of times on a marketplace arcgis enterprise 11.1 image.

I have edited the permissions so the following should have access, System/Everyone/ISS users/Webadaptor. I have reinstalled the web adaptor and renamed it WA and waportal. Each time i go to the site i get the same error.

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