johannas là gì - Nghĩa của từ johannas

johannas có nghĩa là

The most loyal person you can meet, she’s very funny, attractive and she would make you laugh at any moment. But has trust issues. She may be rlly hurting on the inside but she will always find out how to make you happy. Johanna is very mysterious and trustful. Please get a friend/gf named Johanna cuz she will be the best you will ever have.


That girl in your class, has a smile that lights up the entire room
That girl in your class, seemingly has amazing friends That girl in your class, doesn’t remember the last time she didn’t cry But hey johanna smiles so she’s okay...

johannas có nghĩa là

One of the most angelic people you can ever meet, she has two sides, one very loving, caring , something that everyguy loves and wants to be with. A person who cares for you more than you would ever imagine. The Other side being very sexually active, once shes loves you she never forgets you. One Hell of an amazing girl.


Duuuude, shes a Johanna

johannas có nghĩa là

The most amazing, beautiful and angelic person you will ever met in your life. If you have the opportunity to come across her during your life, you will be awstruck and fall quickly for her. She's amazing in every sense of the word, from her beauty to her personality and she is someone that cares for you more than you could ever imagine.


To spend time with Johanna will leave you with butterflies in your stomach, and love in your heart.

johannas có nghĩa là

The most loyal person you could meet also very funny she makes you laugh at any moment she is so attractive Please get a friend or girlfriend name Johanna because she will be the best you will ever have


Johanna is so funny and loyal

johannas có nghĩa là

An amazing person who is intelligent, hard-working, and extremely beautiful. She is an outstanding person but does not know it.


Johanna is AWESOME! :D

johannas có nghĩa là

This name can be spelled many different ways but it means: [God is gracious].
It can be spelled 'Johana', 'Joanna', or 'Joana' Nicknames for this name: Joey, Jo, Jo-Jo, Annie, Hanna, Joanne, Anna, Jody, Jodi, Ana, Ona You are honest, benevolent, brilliant and often inventive, full of high inspirations. You are courageous, honest, determined, original and creative. You are a leader, especially for a cause. Sometimes you do not care to finish what you start, and may leave details to others. You can do well in position of authority, and prospers in intellectual and professional fields.You are frank, methodical and believe in law, system and order. You desire to inspire and lead, to control other's affairs. You are giving, courageous and bold, action oriented,energetic and strong willed. You want to make a difference in the world, and this attitude often attracts you to cultural interests, politics, social issues, and the cultivation of your creative talents.


" Johanna is very fun and optimistic!"

johannas có nghĩa là

Johanna- okay how do I explain this? Are you looking for a friend who’s dumb in the best way possible? One who’s ode funny and will make you laugh 24/7? One who is extremely kind? One who you can just rant to about your feelings? I would like to proudly say- That, my friends, is a JOHANNA.
You should really find someone named Johanna to be your girlfriend or your best friend. She may be hard to understand at first, but once you get to know her, there’s so much more to her world. If someone is being an a**hole, she will beat them up 🤬👊 mess with her, she’ll tell you off straight up 👏👏 don’t mess with a Johanna EVER. If you have a problem with a Johanna then you’ve got some serious issues because there’s so much that you’ll be missing out on, PERIODT.


Friend: My bf broke up with me through text 😭😭😭
Johanna: Aw I’m so sorry
Friend: Like, who does that!!!
Friend: I’m so lucky to have a Johanna as a bestie 💕

johannas có nghĩa là

A beautiful girl who, although she is really pretty and funny, doesnt belive it when people tell her that. Is a great friend and is always there for you. Will fight someone if they hurt her friend


Friend- Im really upset
Johanna- its okay you can rant to me

johannas có nghĩa là

Johanna’s are great writer and are really good at taking pictures. They often think their stupid but they truly aren’t,although she struggles she never gives up. Johanna’s are also very weird and have weird obsessions. They also have friends even weirder then them. Some people tend to take advantage of Johanna’s and use them but after a while Johanna will realize they have and fight back! Johanna’s are also really pretty and have the best eyes that guys tend to fall into, but Johanna’s don’t mess with boys she much rather mock them then date them. If you have a Johanna in your life you better treated her like the thriving queen she is.


Sad friend: looks sad Johanna: “are you okay” Sad friend: “no” Johanna: “wanna share my Oreos”?

johannas có nghĩa là

She can hide things really well. She is used to keeping things to herself. Be careful with her. You have to share things with her for her to open up to you. She is usually sensitive. She will try to get you out of a terrible situation. Usually.


1-thats Johanna
2- Isnt she beautiful

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