Is the field in which psychologists study how people grow and change throughout the life span.

Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Developmental Psychology – the field in which psychologist study how people grow and change throughout the lifespan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Developmental Psychology – the field in which psychologist study how people grow and change throughout the lifespan

2 Stages vs. Continuity Stages – sitting, crawling, standing, walking
Continuous – height, weight

3 In the beginning: Sperm and egg unite to bring genetic material together and form one organism: the zygote [the fertilized cell]. Conception No animation. What does the Michael Phelps cartoon from the book illustrate?...that most sperm do not make it to the egg. Of those that make it, only one sperm is allowed through the protective coating. Then, after several hours, the nuclei fuse, which might be considered the actual moment of conception.

4 Pregnancy Month – 3 Weight 1-1/2ounces 3.5 inches
New Development/distinctive characteristics Can tell sex, eyes move closer together, ears positioning themselves, heartbeat can be heard, buds form for teeth, sucking reflex, fingers and toes have soft nail coverings

5 Month – 4 5 ¼ ounces – 5-7 inches
Finger-foot prints Mother may feel movement Can swallow amniotic fluid More human Temporary hair – Lanugo Bones harder

6 5th month about 1lb – 7-9 inches
Sucking, swallowing motion Mother definitely feels movement Baby is in fetal position [less room] Sweat glands functioning Ears well developed, can recognize sound Makes faces Skin covered with white substance called Vernix Sleeps/wakes

7 6th month 2lbs – over a foot long
Fat develops Eyes well developed – open and close to light Skin wrinkled Vocal cords functioning Hiccups Strong grip – can grab cord

8 7th month 3lbs – 16 inches Fingernails, toenails
Brain and respiratory system have matured – brain growth dramatic Lanugo starts to disappear, on back and shoulders Eyelashes present Skin pink and smooth Lungs begin to function

9 8th month 9th month 5-6 lbs – 18-20 inches - 7-9lbs 19-21inches
Lungs approach maturity Little room Plums, less wrinkled Head settled down More weight gain Skin turns whitish pink Best chance of survival Watch the Baby Grow! Ultrasounds Week by Week During Pregnancy - YouTube

10 After the fetal period, the child is born!
No animation.

11 Newborn Senses Vision least developed – legally blind at birth
20/150 – 4mths 20/20 – 6mths

12 Inborn Skills The Competent Newborn
Reflexes are responses that are inborn and do not have to be learned. Newborns have reflexes to ensure that they will be fed. The rooting reflex--when something touches a newborn’s cheek, the infant turns toward that side with an open mouth. The sucking reflex can be triggered by a fingertip. Crying when hungry is the newborn talent of using just the right sounds to motivate parents to end the noise and feed the baby. Click to reveal bullets. How do we conclude that these abilities are inborn?...because they are evident within hours of birth. The rooting reflex triggers the baby to get in position for breastfeeding.

13 Hearing/ taste/smell/touch
Very acute – sudden noises startle newborns Rhythmic sounds, soothe them, put them to sleep Like sweet taste – respond to strong smells Skin sensitivities, cold sensitivity is more developed than heat Sensitivity to pain is weak the 1st day then improves rapidly

14 Fetal life: Responding to Sounds
Fetuses in the womb can respond to sounds. Fetuses can learn to recognize and adapt to sounds that they previously heard only in the womb. Fetuses can habituate to annoying sounds, becoming less agitated with repeated exposure. Click to reveal bullets. Evidence of learning to recognize sounds from inside the womb: immediately after birth, newborns prefer mother’s voice, and even coo and cry in the tones of her language. Evidence of habituating to annoying sounds: after birth, newborns can ignore sounds that would agitate other newborns.

15 Hunger – fully developed – have hunger contractions every 10 or 15 minutes
Infants usually double their birth weight in about five months and triple it by a year Grow 10 inches in height the first year Second year grow another 4-6 inches and gain 4-7lbs

What developmental psychologists study over the lifespan?

Developmental psychologists study changes in human development across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth.

Which type of development do developmental psychologists study?

Developmental psychologists study the human growth and development that occurs throughout the entire lifespan. This includes not only physical development but also cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality, and emotional growth.

What is the meaning of developmental psychology?

developmental psychology, also called Life-span Psychology, the branch of psychology concerned with the changes in cognitive, motivational, psychophysiological, and social functioning that occur throughout the human life span.

What are the 4 types of psychology?

There are different types of psychology, such as cognitive, forensic, social, and developmental psychology.

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