Hướng dẫn chơi monster hunter world pc

Добрый день. Представляю вашему вниманию русскоязычный сервер дискорда по игре Monster Hunter World. Наш сервер мал, но мы надеемся, что к релизу игры нас станет намного больше. На нашем сервере вы всегда сможете найти себе команду для игры или простого об...

Monster Hunter World Layered Armour Mod

bởi MonkeyBear

Fashion and Style comes first, and this Mod will help you do just that!...

Monster Hunter World guide: Assigned quests

bởi bratosabra

As you play Monster Hunter: World, you’re never short of things to do. There are people to meet, monsters to hunt, mushrooms to collect and the New World to explore. These activities are associated with activities like investigations, bounties, expeditions...

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne [DLC] - 100% Achievement Guide

bởi Brachragon

DLC "Iceborne" required! - Online Play required [1] - NO Missables...

Monster Hunter World: The Ancient Tree and Pouch Management

bởi Agent Smith

There are a lot of guides out there that talk about how best to take down a monster, how to forge certain weapons, or what are the best skill loadouts for a hunt. This is none of these. Instead I am focusing on something that will streamline your preparati...

Solución a problemas técnicos de Monster Hunter World.

bởi L V 1 S ツ

Soluciones para... Arranque del juego. Jugar sin desconexiones [DCs] ....

Better Colors - Monster Hunter World Redux Reshade

bởi Phoenix17

Simply download my reshade preset complete package [screenshots can also be found] here: //sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/9935/ Extract to installation directory, modify the paths to match your installation directory [in the .ini files!] and restart th...

Monster Hunter: World Basics [Post-Iceborne] [WIP]

bởi dogpond12

A newcomer's guide to weapons, armor skills, playstyles, monster behaviors, etiquette, and more!...

How to Monster Hunter

bởi 1st Drivatar

op strats für monhun...

Monster Hunter World: Mechaniki wyposażenia dla początkujących

bởi CarrotPL

W Monster Hunter World występuje wiele mechanik związanych z wybranym przez gracza wyposażeniem. Większość z nich opiera się na ciągłym zadawaniu ogromnych obrażeń potworom, lub wspomaganiu / wzmacnianiu / leczeniu innych graczy. ...

How to play MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD in 21:9

bởi kitchen towel

You don't :[...

Monster Hunter Etiquette

bởi A Skeleton

If you play Monster Hunter with other players, there are some things that you should and shouldn't do....

Change Controller UI Xbox to PS4 in game Monster Hunter

bởi pikupupu

Change Controller UI Xbox buttons to PS4 in game. Go to Main Menu begin of the game. - Options - Interface - Gamepad Button Icon Selection. - Change it to Style 2...

Monster Hunter: World Başlangıç için Tavsiyeler/Bilinmesi Gerekenler

bởi Corvus

Geçtiğimiz günlerde [9 Ağustos] PC platformu için yerini alan söz konusu oyunu bekleyenler arasında serinin sıkı takipçileri olduğu kadar benim gibi seriyle tanışmak isteyenler de olduğundan eminim. Bu rehber ise benim gibi seriye bu oyunla başlayanlar içi...

Monster Hunter World Crash on Startup [Solved] Win10

bởi Kaser

English version: I write this guide as a solution to the problem: Tested on Windows 10 pro. If the game does not start, it opens a black screen and closes immediately, without giving an error and nothing, try to do the following. Copy the file "dinput8.dll...


bởi 菜菜

【武器及配装已更新至炎妃贝爷版本】太刀是《怪物猎人2 DOS》时新加入狩猎武器。因为太刀帅气的打法,较长的攻击范围和较为轻便的重量,属于一把中规中矩的武器,但是因为其帅气的打法与外观人气一直在各大武器排行榜中居高不下。但是之前的太刀输出大多是依靠普通攻击打出的,少了一份爆发。但是在《怪物猎人世界》中,太刀史无前例的加入了“看破斩”与“气刃突刺”两个全新的招式动作,使得太刀的灵活性、防御性、爆发性都得到了极大的提高。 ...

[PT-BR]Manual do Caçador - Monster Hunter: World + Iceborne

bởi Yazanagi

Um Guia com diversas informações para auxiliar novos players com algumas informações avançadas de forma bastante resumida....


bởi Adixxx

Moja pierwsza styczność z monster hunter world w wersji na pc skończyła się bardzo pozytywnie. Powiem otwarcie – jestem zauroczony samą grą oraz możliwościami taktycznymi jakie gra oferuje. Przede wszystkim bronie, które są tak bardzo zróżnicowane i jednoc...

Monster Hunter World guide: Assigned quests, investigations, bounties and expeditions

bởi bratosabra

Monster Hunter: World has a ton going on. From the crowded HUD to the innumerable crafting items to the giant, roaming monsters, it’s hard to figure out what you’re supposed to be doing at any given point. Understanding your options, though, will help you ...


bởi 菜菜


The Hunter’s Handbook: A Beginner's Guide to the New World

bởi ̧҉ ҉Minorou ꧁💀꧂

Monster Hunter World is meant to be Capcom's attempt at creating a more accessible game in the franchise, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot to learn! This guide tries to lay the groundwork to understanding the basics, from the UI, to preparation for ...


bởi Alea iacta est



bởi RickGenes

多人成就:6 易错过成就:0 至少周目数:1 全成就难度:★★★★★★ 全成就时长:600小时左右...

Поиск напарника для игры discord rus, russian, дискорд, MONSTER HUNTER WORLD

bởi qAlexEyq

//discord.gg/gJRsxtFRHH текст для поисковых запросов MONSTER HUNTER WORLD поиск напарника для игры discord rus, дискорд, russian...

A Scrub's guide to Monster Hunter Za Warudo

bởi FinallyLoading

This is basically the experience of a person who've sorta recently started picking up MHW for the first time. I'll be your poorly written notes made in class to partially help you out on getting things, and also the experiences you'll have to get through t...

How to pick up Chicks in Monster Hunter for dummies

bởi Gregbobjr

This gide will show you the ins and out how toos and stratagys to picking up, pimping, and poping chicks and babes....


bởi Uncle.D[ A.T Field



bởi 叮叮当当当

本人是一个常年混迹救援的太刀玩家,从未刷过片,自认为没有资格指点萌新如何处理怪物的招式和武器的细节,以下指南只针对萌新在初期与人联机和救援时会出现的一些问题,并且对怪猎里面热门话题的一些思考: 1)防卫队问题 这个问题自从防卫队防具和武器出来以后便一直常常有人提起,让萌新谈防卫队色变,好像占了多大便宜。我记得原来人们为什么不让萌新穿防卫队是因为最开始出防卫队时,一些那个时期入坑的萌新穿上防卫队感觉下位怪不痛不痒,所以会发表一些逆天言论才导致后来人们不让萌新用防卫队。实际上防卫队的面板也就刚刚达到上位,其体力...


bởi 放荡不羁全靠浪

【禁止转载】 本指南主要针对刚开始游戏和打算入坑的玩家,来讲解一下游戏中的收集要素,《怪物猎人:世界》里的收集要素其实不算多,其中大部分的食材和衣装&烟筒都是通过完成任务获得的,只要肯去清理任务、多留意地图上的感叹号(调查据点和研究基地)就行了,这些都不难,部分任务我会写上触发任务的方法 食材(肉类30、鱼类30种、蔬菜类30种、酒类12种): 采集超稀有采集品推荐在增殖中的地图里采集,采集点会比平常要多,可以去看「采集点推荐」 外观装备(27件): 穿上后会改变原有防具的外貌,但不会影响防具的属性 噗吱猪...

MHW - Jak wystrzelić potwora w ścianę


Siema, pokażę jak łatwo nauczyć się podstawowej i koniecznej do przyjemniejszego ciachania monstrów - podstawowej mechaniki gry, którą umożliwia - Clutch Claw, dodany w dlc Iceborne....

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