How many steps are there in Organisational development interventions process?

Organizational Development [OD] is a process of making an organization more efficient in achieving its desired goals. The purpose of OD interventions is to enhance productivity, performance or behaviors via a set of organized individual and team activities. Interventions may be introduced by a change agent as part of a development program or employed by a client following a process to check out the condition of the organization’s health.

Organizational Development: Steps in OD Interventions

The following eight steps in any OD intervention program are in accordance with those in action research.

Step 1 Entry: The requirement for change within a company becomes apparent. An issue is identified. Somebody, or a group of individuals within the organisation, search for a person who is skilled enough to examine the problem or facilitate change.

Step 2 Start-up: The change agent gets into the  scene. He works to describe issues surrounding the problem and tried to secure commitment to a  change attempt.

Step 3 Assessment and Feedback: The change  agent collects details about the  situation and provides decision makers as well as those having a  stake in the change process feedback with regards to the  information.

Step 4 Action Planning: The change  agent works jointly with management and other stake holders to formulate a  corrective-action plan.

Step 5 Intervention: The change agent helps in implementing the action plan and the change process is carried out.

Step 6 Evaluation: The change agent assists the management and other stakeholders to evaluate the change effort’s progress.

Step 7 Adoption: Members of the company acknowledge ownership of the change, and the change is implemented throughout the organisation.

Step 8 Separation: The change agent prepares to leave the organization. As part of the process, the change agent works to disengage while making certain that development will proceed after his or her departure. This step is achievable due to the fact that the knowledge and skills of the change agent have been transferred to the organisation.

Watch a video on OD Interventions

Even though the length and depth of the steps in OD Interventions could differ across interventions, the steps are generally found in one form or another.

  • Organizational Development [OD] Process
    • Step #1 Identification of Problems
    • Step #2 Collection of Data and Information
    • Step #3 Feedback and Confrontation
    • Step #4 Preparation of Action Plans
    • Step #5 Intervention
    • Step #6 Evaluation

Organizational development is a long-run plan which motive is to improve the overall efficiency of the organization. To complete the organizational development process a series of steps need to follow. The steps of the OD process are:

  • Identification of problems
  • Collection of data and information
  • Feedback and confrontation
  • Preparation of action plans
  • Intervention
  • Evaluation

Step #1 Identification of Problems

The initial stage of the organizational development process is to identify the problems which are necessary to change. For identification of the real cause of problems, the top-level management can take support from consultants having expertise in the concerned area of knowledge. The identification of the root cause reason of problems in performance helps to take remedial measures.

Step #2 Collection of Data and Information

Management needs to collect data and information about working environments and problems in organizational performance. The method of collecting information may be an interview, questionnaire, or direct observation of behavior and perception of employees. It helps to find out the gap between actual activity and standard expected.

Step #3 Feedback and Confrontation

After collecting data and information relating to problems and prospects another important part of the organizational development process is to analyze data systematically. A summary of data should prepare to know about the feedback of the study. The summary of data should manage constructively to minimize confrontation among the related members.

Step #4 Preparation of Action Plans

A detailed plan is to be prepared to solve problems. A team should involve in managing the problems in the course of planned change. The team is involved in generations of alternatives, evaluation of impacts, and recommendations for a change in the organization. For this purpose, detailed plans need to prepare.

Step #5 Intervention

Organizational development focuses on human and social interactions to overcome resistance to change. Managers can use various techniques to bring change to organizational performance. These activities involve sensitivity training, survey feedback, process consultation, the formation of the team, intergroup development, counseling, and coaching. Such activities help to develop the attitude and behavior of employees from accepting change.

Step #6 Evaluation

Evaluation is the last step in the OD process. Organizational development is the continuous process up to the functioning of the organization. The outcome of OD efforts needs to be evaluated to review their impact on organizational performance and its effectiveness. It is helpful for further action planning and interventions for better performance in the future.

How many steps are there in organizational development intervention process?

Organizational development intervention techniques are designed to assess information, process new strategies, and effectively integrate new approaches. Following the eight steps for organizational development process interventions helps leaders remain focused on specifics as they proceed through organizational change.

What are 4 basic types of OD intervention?

As stated above, there are four main groups of OD interventions: human process interventions, techno-structural interventions, human resource management interventions, and strategic change interventions.

What are the 5 stages of Organisational development?

The 5 Phases of the Organizational Development Process.
Entry. The entry stage represents the first interaction between the consultant and a client to assess the situation & identify the problem. ... .
Diagnosis. ... .
Feedback. ... .
Solution. ... .

What are the 7 steps in industrial/organizational system?

Organizational Development Process: 7 Steps.
Initial Diagnosis of the Problem: ... .
Data Collection: ... .
Data Feedback and Confrontation: ... .
Planning Strategy for Change: ... .
Intervening in the System: ... .
Team Building: ... .

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