Exterior house color trends 2023

Reading 15 min Views 1.4k. Published by 02.06.2022

Exterior paint colors 2023 are one of the main  things you have to take into account once you are about to renovate your house

In your landscaping plan, once the general design has been completed, the municipal by-laws validated and the structure of the flowerbeds drawn up, we now find ourselves at the dawn of a most fascinating subject for all those who are about to design the garden of their dreams.

However, just like the sun which wakes up on the horizon, let us immediately lift the veil on this subject: The harmony of exterior paint colors 2023.

Inevitably, the choice of exterior paint colors 2023, both vegetal and mineral, will prove crucial to the creation of a beautiful garden. However, there are a few basic rules that every designer should know and master before doing any color planning.

So, ready? Let’s go: exterior paint colors 2023

First of all, since in landscaping green is an omnipresent color in plants, it will hardly be considered in the range of our choices.

White, on the other hand, will also be excluded, given its association with the spectrum of light composed of all the colors. In addition, white harmonizes perfectly with all colors.

Then, you have to understand the use of exterior paint colors 2023 by their warmth.

First, there is the warm represented by red, yellow and orange, all three associated with the shades of the sun. The warm option will give the human eye the illusion of a larger, flamboyant and warm terrain.

Then there is the cold represented by blue, mauve and pink, colors generally associated with the nuances of glaciers and polar skies.

The choice of these exterior paint colors 2023, regularly found in shade gardens, makes the garden unique, giving it the well-being of an intimate cocoon.

Now, before making a choice, it is important to observe the colors present in the surrounding inert materials, i.e. those of the house, cobblestones, stones, wood and even furniture, in order to arrange, enhance and to integrate our new colors into the garden.

How to choose the right combination? The answer is simple

There is a tool easily found on the internet or at low cost in art and stationery stores called: the chromatic circle.

The latter is a rotating disc suggesting associations of colors and shades that are naturally harmonious to the human eye. Many designers, and this, for several generations, use this circle.

How to use exterior paint colors 2023? In the central equilateral triangle, we find the three primary colors: red, yellow and blue.

The points of the hexagon in the form of an isosceles triangle, result from the mixture between two primary colors [ex: yellow + blue = green].

Then, the outer circle is composed of shades degraded between the primary and secondary color [eg from green to blue = turquoise]. Now, by rotating the central disc, the geometric tips reveal the associations par excellence.

The coulour burst for the most eye catching exteriors

By using the acute angles of the triangle, we unearth the tertiary colors, i.e. a combination of three colors [ex: red, yellow and blue] in return if we want an association of 4 colors, we will use the obtuse angles of the hexagon forming a rectangle [ex: yellow, red, dark purple and green.

For a duo of shades in exterior paint colors 2023, we will use the colors that face each other.

There is also a last possibility, the monochrome regularly found in Japanese or contemporary gardens and exterior paint colors 2023.

The monochrome in summary, is the choice of a single color for example, the red composed of all its gradations starting from dark red to very pale red. So it’s up to you to have fun with the circle and compose the harmony of your choice.

Here is an interesting and practical little rule before finishing  the stuff of exterior paint colors 2023.

Exterior paint colors 2023: Dare to be remembered

The use of golden or variegated foliage. These will lead to an opening and an entrance of light to the garden while the purple or almost black foliage [very trendy for a few years], will generate an enigmatic or even almost spectral depth in the layout.

So, use plants strategically to highlight certain accents in the building or to create atmospheres, to provoke feelings, to deepen or distinguish your garden. Dynamism is the key to success in exterior paint colors 2023.

Think fall colors and winter magnificence by adding fruit, fir and dried flowers. Think of flowers and foliage and have fun varying the general picture of your home according to the flowering periods.

Dare, colors and textures, personalize your land, because the exploration of colors is an almost unfinished quest and each season has its reasons therefore these will never cease to amaze you.

With an increasingly sharp palette of tones, exterior paint colors 2023 are carefully defined for the exterior.

In the smallest exterior choice , from the smallest balcony, to the largest, with a vast garden, the colors are thought out like a long-term project.

If the exterior is now a living room in its own right, the development is done gradually, over the years.

Choosing the color of a dining table in exterior paint colors 2023, a section of wall or a floor, certain criteria must be taken into account to refine your decision.

Discover all the elements to integrate to best define the exterior paint colors 2023 outside and take full advantage of your garden, terrace or balcony!

Exterior paint colors 2023: Facade, blue shutters, blue spray, terrace, Tollens paint

Outdoors, you can indulge yourself and dare to use bright and acid colors, whether it’s small furniture or elements of your home such as shutters, doors or gates.

However, the trend at the moment is more focused on blues and greens.

To create a spirit of escape or a perfect harmony with the surrounding environment, soft tones from nature are preferred.

Choose the color of your house facade according to its architecture and following the exterior paint colors 2023.

One of the first criteria to take into account when choosing the color of its facade walls is the architecture of the house. Most often, homes in the traditional style will allow themselves a wider range of colors.

Conversely, neutral tones [white, beige, black, etc.] are more popular for homes with a contemporary design.

But beyond the exterior paint colors 2023, the material of your facade will also play a big role in the personality of your home.

Roughcast, stamped effect or more sober coatings, cladding: the combination of color and material is a key element of the architectural style, to be combined with care.

Create your own paradise: top exterior paint colors 2023

Just like when you fit out your interior and choose your exterior paint colors 2023, the color of your exterior coating [or your plaster, or your cladding] must also correspond to your desires and your tastes in order to transcribe the desired atmosphere.

If you have a garden, the tones of the facade can also influence the atmosphere felt within your corner of greenery.

We choose warm exterior paint colors 2023  such as red, orange, ochre, pink or yellow to bring a warm and welcoming image to our home.

If, on the contrary, you aspire to live hidden and blend your home into the landscape, colder or neutral colors – grey, beige, taupe – are to be preferred.

Colors such as blue or green will adapt particularly well in a marine environment.

Finally, the contrast between the exterior paint colors 2023  of the walls and the color of the joinery will greatly contribute to the spirit of your facade.

Choose the color of your house facade according to its orientation

The orientation of the house is too often neglected, whether in terms of layout, decoration and painting. However, this parameter is just as important as the others.

Thus, if you live in the south in a dwelling constantly exposed to the sun, it is recommended to opt for a lighter color chart because the dark colors will tend to tarnish in contact with UV.

In addition, this choice also allows you to enjoy thermal comfort in summer because the strong colors naturally absorb the heat transmitted by the sun’s rays.

Conversely, neutral colors will be more appropriate for a north-facing facade in case of exterior paint colors 2023. That being said, avoid white that is too light, messy and tends to dazzle in summer.

Choose the color of your house facade according to the direct environment

When choosing the colors of its facade walls, it is important to take into account the architecture and the colors of the neighboring houses in order to preserve the harmony of a place.

Indeed, wanting to do something radically different – at the risk of obtaining an unattractive result and thereby attracting the wrath of your neighbors – is generally not the wisest choice…

Also, observe the colors facades of your neighbors to connect you more or less to the dominant tone.

Even if you want to bet on originality and in accordance with the exterior paint colors 2023, do not neglect local traditions.

Thus, you observe more bright colors in one region rather than another for example, Toulouse is also known to be the pink city… The regional style is particularly important if you live in a traditional house or in a city center house historical.

The surrounding landscape should also help you make the right choices. Thus, a villa by the sea is perfectly suited to a more or less dark blue; if you want to highlight the greenery in your garden, black is also a bold but compelling choice.

Choose the color of your house facade according to the elements that cannot be painted

The choice of exterior paint colors 2023 for its facade must also match the architectural elements that cannot be painted.

These are the roof, the edges of brick or stone windows, the terrace or even paved paths. For a successful result, the colors of your walls must be selected taking these elements into account.

Regarding the general harmony of the building, it is best to limit yourself to a maximum of 3 tones [shutters, roofs and exterior joinery included].

If your woodwork is dark in color, it will be better to opt for a light shade and vice versa. To bring more colorful touches to your home, you can play on the colors of your curtains, your flower pots or even your mailbox!

Choose the color of your house facade according to the constraints imposed

Finally, the last parameter to take into account and not the least: the rules and obligations in force in your municipality. You have to know that you can’t do everything you want and that you have to take into consideration in most cases some constraints.

The first document to consult before choosing your paint color is the PLU [Local Urban Plan]. This provides you with information relating to the existing rules and constraints and can impose a color chart of possible colors.

On the other hand, this same document informs you about the nature of your property, to know if your house is classified or not, which can suppose additional constraints.

Dont neglect the whole picture of the neigborhood

Another interesting source to consult: the site of the CAUE [Council of Architecture, Urbanism and the Environment] of your region.

He often offers well-illustrated documents that highlight the traditional color charts of local buildings and the relevant color associations to harmonize the facade with other elements such as shutters, doors, balustrades and gates.

Finally, if you live in a housing estate, you must also refer to its regulations to choose your facade color.

In any case, you have the obligation to make a declaration of work to make a change of this nature.

With an increasingly sharp palette of tones, colors are carefully defined for the exterior. In the smallest space, from the smallest balcony, to the largest, with a vast garden, the colors are thought out like a long-term project. If the exterior is now a living room in its own right, the development is done gradually, over the years.

Choosing the color of a dining table, a section of wall or a floor, certain criteria must be taken into account to refine your decision. Discover all the elements to integrate to best define the colors outside and take full advantage of your garden, terrace or balcony!

Facade, blue shutters, blue spray, terrace: exterior trends 2023

Outdoors, you can indulge yourself and dare to use bright and acid colors, whether it’s small furniture or elements of your home such as shutters, doors or gates. However, the trend at the moment is more focused on blues and greens.

To create a spirit of escape or a perfect harmony with the surrounding environment, soft tones from nature are preferred.
Choose the color of your house facade according to its architecture.

One of the first criteria to take into account when choosing the color of its facade walls is the architecture of the house. Most often, homes in the traditional style will allow themselves a wider range of colors. Conversely, neutral tones [white, beige, black, etc.] are more popular for homes with a contemporary design.

Exterior paint trends 2023: Neutrals and brights coming along

But beyond the color between exterior paint trends 2023 , the material of your facade will also play a big role in the personality of your home. Roughcast, stamped effect or more sober coatings, cladding: the combination of color and material is a key element of the architectural style, to be combined with care.

Choose the colour of your house’s facade based on the ambience you want to create.

The colour of your external coating [or plaster, or cladding] must also correspond to your desires and tastes in order to translate the ideal ambiance, just as it does when you fit out your interior and choose your decoration.

If you have a garden, the colours of your home’s exterior can affect the ambience in your green oasis. Warm exterior paint colors 2023 like red, orange, ochre, pink, and yellow are used to create a warm and welcome atmosphere in our home.

Colder or neutral hues, such as grey, beige, or taupe, are suggested if you want to live hidden and merge your home into the scenery.

Colors such as blue or green will adapt particularly well in a marine environment.

Finally, the contrast between the color of the walls and the color of the joinery will greatly contribute to the spirit of your facade.

Choose the color of your house facade according to its orientation

The orientation of the house is too often neglected, whether in terms of layout, decoration and painting. However, this parameter is just as important as the others.

Thus, if you live in the south in a dwelling constantly exposed to the sun, it is recommended to opt for a lighter color chart because the dark colors will tend to tarnish in contact with UV.

In addition, this choice exterior paint colors 2023 also allows you to enjoy thermal comfort in summer because the strong colors naturally absorb the heat transmitted by the sun’s rays.

Conversely, neutral colors will be more appropriate for a north-facing facade.

That being said, avoid white that is too light, messy and tends to dazzle in summer.

Exterior paint trends 2023: the facade according to the direct environment

When choosing the exterior paint trends 2023, it is important to take into account the architecture and the colors of the neighboring houses in order to preserve the harmony of a place.

Indeed, wanting to do something radically different – at the risk of obtaining an unattractive result and thereby attracting the wrath of your neighbors – is generally not the wisest choice…

Also, observe the colors facades of your neighbors to connect you more or less to the dominant tone.

What paint colors will be popular in 2023?

With the latest 2023 color of the year announcement, soft, earthy shades of pink and clay take the lead as the most popular paint colors.

What is the colour for 2023?

Purple will return as a key colour for 2023, representing wellness and digital escapism. Recuperative rituals will become a top priority for consumers who want to protect and improve their mental health, and Digital Lavender will connect to this focus on wellbeing, offering a sense of stability and balance.

What are the most popular exterior house colors for 2022?

Top 10 Exterior Paint Color Trends in 2022.
Warm, Earthy Neutrals..
All-Black Exteriors..
Dusty Charcoal..
Warm Whites and Creams..
Vibrant Greens..
Muted Gray-Greens..
Classic Navy..
Black Exteriors with a Contrasting Door..

What is the best color for 2024?

Apricot Crush, our Color of the Year for 2024, signifies the importance of nourishing the mind and body. It is the perfect hue for a world seeking calm and optimism, bringing a necessary pick-me-up as consumers continue to grapple with a range of emotions and uncertainty about the future.

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