Controversial science research topics

Science research topics are always interesting when it comes to writing, especially when there is a wide range of reputable sources online. Moreover, if you aim to pursue a course related to science, you will have to deal with numerous writing tasks. You will be required to write essays, project evaluation reports, lab reports, project proposals, and a lot of other assignments.

Some of these papers come with instructions on what subject is required, while others let students select the topic themselves. It can be challenging for you to choose a topic because there is a wide range of areas to pick from. At the same time, it will be easier for you if there is an item that you like most; consequently, you should select a subject interesting to you. It is also a good idea to pick a topic you are an expert in. This way you will be able to get a good mark.

In this article, you will find topics, listed by professional science experts. You can use these ideas to choose the best options possible. Also, there are tips on what you should and should not do while writing your science research paper.

Writing a Science Research Paper: The Dos and Donts

There are a few things you should do when writing a science research paper, and there are some things you should never do. Being aware of them, you have more chances to succeed.

The Dos:

You should deliver your ideas precisely and clearly.

  • It is crucial to highlight the methods and ideas applied in research. Thus, you will justify it with certain reasons.
  • You should always make sure that the data you present is accurate and correct. This is an essential step because your work on one of the science research paper topics may turn out to be the basis of future research in the chosen area.
  • It is necessary to cite all references appropriately. For this purpose, you need to make notes to remember where the information was taken from. All the sources for your citations must be reliable.
  • The last step is to proofread your research paper several times before you submit it to avoid any possible mistakes.

The Don`ts:

  • You should never include anything that does not solve problems or is not related to the topic of your research.
  • You should never exceed the recommended word limit. It might mean that there is no respect for guidelines.
  • You should never include absurd or incomplete reasons for carrying out the research.
  • You should avoid too many generalizations. There must be your own voice in the paper because it may seem that you have nothing to say if your work is full of overviews.
  • You should not use other`s papers without the sentences being rephrased or mention Wikipedia as a reference source.

If you follow the above tips, you will not only make the writing process easier, but you will also keep up with the ethics of scientific writing.

Tips on Choosing Science Research Topics

There are a few pieces of advice that can be used when choosing the best topic for your research. Below, you can find a few tips:

  1. Brainstorming ideas is a must. Before getting acquainted with your teacher`s prompt, you need to check whether you are supposed to write on a certain topic, or you can choose one of the science essay topics. If you are free to pick what you like, then you should start brainstorming for things you have learned during the course. You should remember what you know about this subject and put it down. There can be more than one idea, so you need to select the one you like best.
  2. You should go for a concept that you are interested in. When all the ideas are written down, you should check the criteria of the assignment. Therefore, all the topics that do not meet the requirements of the project or do not intrigue you should be excluded. After that, you need to analyze the others and choose the one that can inspire you.
  3. It is essential to find resources to support the topic. When you have selected what you want to write about, you need to see whether there are reliable resources and information to use. In this case, you will not get stuck in the middle of work because of a lack of data.

Interesting Science Research Paper Topics for Students

It is definitely interesting to write on these topics, but you might find it hard to come up with ideas. Below, you can find a list of the best science topics for research paper, which can be helpful. All you need to do is to pick the most inspiring one:

  1. Evaluation of the science role in the film industry.
  2. The role of science in current warfare.
  3. Explain how important it is to recycle products.
  4. Does microbiology influence medicine?
  5. Explain how GMO products affect environmental conservation.
  6. Specify scientific solutions to assist industries in energy conservation.
  7. Discuss the impact of science on meteorological studies.
  8. Are science museums important for modern education?
  9. Provide the Ebola epidemic explanation and possible solutions.
  10. Discuss how advantageous nanotechnology is when it comes to medical studies.

Social Science Research Topics

Sociology is a part of social science because it studies human society. It is focused on everything connected with society, let it be ethical issues or familial relations. There is a wide variety of topics, which means that there are numerous options to choose from:

  1. Marriage customs in different countries.
  2. Is population control ethical?
  3. Are minority groups provided with opportunities?
  4. Should same-sex marriage be made legal?
  5. Which education is better: the government or private?
  6. The regulation of food.
  7. Adopting children is it a good idea?
  8. Racism: the unending war.
  9. Positive and negative role models throughout history.
  10. Federal vs State power.

Robotics and Computer Science Research Topics

The modern world keeps moving forward, so there are more and more innovations.Political science research paper topics are interesting, but it can be more inspiring for you to write about robotics and computer science. Here, you can also pick from numerous options:

  1. Is it possible to use robots to kill invasive species?
  2. In what way will robots enhance medicine?
  3. Is hacking always bad?
  4. Computing and artificial intelligence what is its future?
  5. Robotic exosuits and their use in business and industry. Can they be used to train people and increase production?
  6. Are self-driving cars able to change people's lives?
  7. The use of drones for warfare: a good or bad idea?
  8. What can help protect against identity theft? Can bitcoin be a great solution?
  9. How can computer science games and programs help people understand the brain?
  10. Will our mail and pizza be delivered by drones?
  11. What are the major problems connected with big data and privacy?
  12. Can research on the artificial intelligence improvement in robots help us learn more about ourselves?

Physics and Astronomy Research Paper Topics

Another interesting part of science research topics for college students is physics and astronomy. This field is very exciting and inspiring because it seems that there are no borders. Hence, there is a wide variety of options here:

  1. What is the importance of exploring our solar system? Is it really necessary?
  2. What is the approximate age of the universe?
  3. Why is Pluto not regarded as a planet?
  4. What do we understand under dark energy?
  5. What are black holes?
  6. Will people be able to live on other planets in the future?
  7. Mars: Was there ever life?
  8. What impact do sunspots have on us?
  9. Higgs Boson what is it and will it destroy the Universe?
  10. What future does commercial space flight have?
  11. Can the problem of space junk be solved? How?
  12. Is it really necessary for humanity to find a way to inhabit other planets?
  13. Will the future of space exploration be changed due to private space flight companies? How?
  14. What have meteorites made us learn about the Universe?
  15. Can a comet strike the earth? Are there any ways to detect and stop this?
  16. Asteroid Belt What caused it?

Genetics and Microbiology Science Research Topics

The modern world keeps developing every day, so people are learning more and more about genetics and microbiology. Thus, you should definitely choose one of the topics if you are interested in these fields. Below, you can find a few topics:

  1. Can microbial factories solve the raw materials shortage issue?
  2. Will research in genetics help people remain healthy and live longer?
  3. Did prehistoric people really follow the paleo diet? Is this diet good for us?
  4. Does stem cell treatment have a future?
  5. Is the opposition to GMO crops in Europe connected with economics and science?
  6. If males exercise, will it have a positive impact on the DNA traits they pass on their kids?
  7. If they research rare genetic disorders, we will have keys to understanding illnesses, such as cancer. True or not?
  8. As males age, do their children get genetic abnormalities?
  9. Is epigenetics true, and how can this idea be applied?
  10. Does personalized medicine based on the human genome have a future?

Math Essay Topics

If you are interested in math, you can pick this topic for your assignment. Here are a few ideas for you:

  1. Is it important to study math if you want to learn physics?
  2. Can math research illuminate physics research?
  3. What mathematical issues are the most interesting these days?
  4. Is it possible for physics researchers and mathematicians to cooperate to solve major issues?
  5. How can one make math more interesting for students?
  6. If there are flipped classrooms, will it be easier for students to learn match?
  7. What is the best way of doing mathematical modelling of 2D materials?
  8. Is it necessary to use a calculator? When?
  9. Is there a link between math and philosophy?
  10. Do people need the Pythagoras theorem? What for?

Radiology Research Paper Topics

When you are selecting a topic for your research paper, it is important to go for a unique one. At the same time, there should be enough information so that you do not get stuck somewhere in the middle of the writing process. Below, you can find a list of some good topics for your assignment:

  1. Diagnostic imaging What are the harmful effects?
  2. What is it like to work in the radiology field?
  3. Level of radiation safety awareness among people.
  4. How to reduce risk in the z-ray department?
  5. Is radiology different from nuclear warfare? How?
  6. Will artificial intelligence change medical imaging?
  7. How can this field be useful for curing cancer?
  8. The reliability of the Exposure Index when it comes to patient dose.
  9. Is x-ray more efficient than CT in skull examinations?
  10. Does radiography play an important role in the early detection of UTIs?
  11. Are x-rays crucial when it comes to the COVID-19 diagnosis?
  12. How safe is radiation in the operating theatre?
  13. What effect does radiation have on pediatric patients?
  14. Top trends in medical imaging technology.
  15. What challenges do they face in pediatric imaging? What solutions are there?
  16. How significant is radiology? How has it changed our lives?

Geography Research Paper Topics

These topics are some of the most interesting and easy science research questions. There is always a lot of information, and you can choose any of the following options:

  1. Cartography history.
  2. Rainforests and their influence on people`s lives.
  3. Volcanoes that exist in the modern world.
  4. What measures are there to prevent floods?
  5. Global warming: Impacts, causes, and measures to prevent it.
  6. What human activities contribute to climate change.
  7. Soil erosion: What causes it and how we can mitigate it.
  8. Eco-friendly food production.
  9. Does volcanic action affect land fertility? How?
  10. Fossil fuels: What they are, their use, and impacts.

Agriculture Essay Topics

Here are a few ideas for this kind of research:

  1. How can they reduce antibiotic use in agriculture?
  2. Is using high tech to improve agriculture a good idea?
  3. What can be done to solve the honeybee colonies weakening issue?
  4. How can farmers in your country be more productive and successful?
  5. Are smaller farms better for ecology compared to large ones?
  6. Native crops: Are they better? How to encourage farmers to use them?
  7. Can food waste be prevented due to the food distribution system?
  8. How can they prevent harmful algal blooms?
  9. Is there a successful planting strategy for small rice farms? What is it?
  10. Global food production is rising. Why are there still hungry people?

Chemistry & Biochemistry Paper Ideas

Chemistry and biochemistry are also interesting to write about, so you can pick any of the below chemistrytopics for research:

  1. What are the major five chemistry careers?
  2. What is the most significant technological advance in medicinal chemistry?
  3. Are chemists able to help in preventing allergies?
  4. What challenges do they face in the development of environmentally-friendly plastics?
  5. Can metal oxides improve smartphones? How?
  6. Chemists aim to develop a way of making plastics from non-petroleum products. What are the most successful experiments?
  7. What is the best way to capture and utilize carbon dioxide?
  8. Are biocomputing and big data significant for the future of chemical research?
  9. Biomacromolecules: What they are and why they are important.
  10. Is it possible for spun sugar strands to be used for medical purposes?

Nanotechnology Science Topics for Research Paper

Nanotechnology is one of the new and fast-growing fields. Nonetheless, there are a lot of sources that you can tale information from, and it is inspiring to write on any topic connected with nanotechnology. Here are a few ideas for you:

  1. What nanotechnology developments are they making for medical applications these days?
  2. Is microelectronics able to help individuals with chronic ailments? How?
  3. Smart clothes: What they are and how they can help medical patients?
  4. Are there any risks in developing nanotechnology in medicine? What are they?
  5. Can nanomaterials help in reducing CO2 emissions?
  6. Should people utilize nanotechnology to feed themselves?
  7. Nanomaterial: What is it? Should they regulate it?
  8. Can nanomedicine help people live longer?
  9. Is it possible to use nanotechnologies to clean up toxic waste?
  10. Is it possible to utilize nanotechnology for cancer patients` treatment?

Nanotechnology Sources to Help You Research

Below, you can see a few sources, which can be used for writing on nanotechnology:

  • American Vacuum Society. There is a web page that belongs to the Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Division of AVS, and you can find a lot of useful information there.
  • CMP Cientifica. CMP Cientifica happens to be the first integrated solutions provider in Europe. Its goal is to help businesses come up with rational decisions about nanotechnology.
  • Chemical and Engineering News NanoFocus. It was created as a single source for news about nanotechnology. Both chemists and non-chemists are welcome to explore the website where they can find ground-breaking news. The website is divided into two main parts, which are the Archive and Top Stories. All of them are available to everyone free of charge. However, you need to become a member of the society to access the Archive.
  • Foresight Institute. It happens to be a nonprofit educational organization, which is developed to help people with advanced technologies. The main focus is on molecular nanotechnology.
  • The Institute of Nanotechnology. It includes articles on all the up-to-date developments. There are also links to information connected with nanotechnology.

Health Science Research Topics

When deciding which one of science research topics is the most suitable, you should not forget about health science research options. Below, you can see a list of the most interesting ones:

  1. The history of health.
  2. Is it possible to say that stem cell research is ethical?
  3. Leukaemia: Which treatment is the best? Why?
  4. Why do some individuals not go for the COVID vaccine? How can they be convinced?
  5. What can cause skin cancer?
  6. Why is breast cancer so common?
  7. Are lockdowns helpful when it comes to the prevention of coronavirus transmission?
  8. Is it possible to build new organs to cure diseases?
  9. Is COVID-19 related to other viruses? How?
  10. The flu vaccine does not work all the time. why?
  11. Can they predict the next pandemic?
  12. Is Alzheimer's disease caused by microbes?

Psychology and Neurobiology Issues

This field is the last in this article, but it is equally interesting. If you think that you want your research paper to be on psychology and neurobiology issues, then here is a list of topics for you:

  1. Is it possible to state that autism is a type of brain damage?
  2. Are sleep and memory connected? How?
  3. In what way does language disclose stress responses?
  4. Is it possible to help autistic savants become a part of society? How?
  5. What does mental illness imply? Can we learn something from these various kinds of mental states?
  6. Why do people sleep? How much sleep do human beings really need?
  7. Why do mothers protect their children?
  8. Human brain: How does it really work?
  9. How do people remember things? How reliable are these memories?
  10. Human speech: How did it develop?


Writing on science research topics is not an easy task. At the same time, it is exciting and inspiring if you are writing about what you are interested in. That is why it is crucial to choose something you really like because you will have to get acquainted with and analyze loads of information before you complete your assignment. Use this article to pick the best topic for yourself, look through the provided tips, and you will definitely succeed.

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