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Soundcloud introduces new feature that saves listening history

October 26, 2016
By Staff Team

Soundcloud recently revamped its product once again by adding a new feature that would tremendously help any constant user. For its latest update on its web browser platform, Soundcloud finally implemented a Listening History section in which listeners can access the tracks and mixes they have checked out from the past.

To access this list, users would need to log in their accounts and this will allow a Listening history box to pop up located on the right side of the home page. More mixes and tracks that users have listened to can be viewed by clicking View All. This page would then show users their recently played artists on top as well as the latest tracks they have played. Additionally, if, for some reason, you would like to delete your listening history, you can do so by clicking Clear all history at the top right area of the screen.

This newly appended feature should definitely get the Soundcloud audience excited as it would make listening much smoother. The annoying days of regularly searching for songs you loved [but did not save] are over, making the overall Soundcloud experience way better. The mobile version of Soundcloud has not yet updated with this brand new feature, but we should expect it to roll out in the near future.

H/T: EDM Tunes

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Tags: Listening History, new feature, Soundcloud

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