Components of listening comprehension

Listening comprehension is the precursor to reading comprehension, so it’s an important skill to develop. Listening comprehension isn’t just hearing what is said—it is the ability to understand the words and relate to them in some way.

For example, when you hear a story read aloud, good listening comprehension skills enable you to understand the story, remember it, discuss it, and even retell it in your own words. You use these same comprehension skills when you read.

How Listening Comprehension Develops

Listening comprehension begins at a young age as babies interact with people around them. It develops as they are read to and as they engage in conversation with their parents. Tone of voice, pauses between words, where the emphasis is placed in a sentence, and the rhythm and pattern of speech all have an impact on the meaning of the words being spoken and the message they are meant to convey.

In the All About Reading Pre-reading program, we foster listening comprehension by discussing stories and characters, expanding vocabulary, and exposing children to a wide variety of listening experiences. In addition, through the poetry in our books, The Zigzag Zebra and Lizard Lou, and through the read-alouds, children absorb language patterns that are not used as frequently in normal conversation, but that are commonly used in books.

In grade school, reading comprehension generally lags behind listening comprehension, so the best way for a child to develop higher levels of comprehension is through non-print sources [read-alouds, discussions, movies, and so on]. Even after a child learns to read, listening comprehension continues to be important.

In the All About Reading program, we intentionally develop listening comprehension through story discussions, vocabulary development, and read-alouds. In this way, kids grow in their knowledge of the world, absorb language structure, and make connections between old and new information.

4 Fantastic Ways to Develop Listening Comprehension

In addition to the activities built into All About Reading, you can help your child develop listening comprehension skills by engaging in the activities below on a regular basis.

Listening Comprehension Is One of the Big Five Skills

Listening comprehension is one of the five critical skills for reading readiness that we call the Big Five Skills. The other four skills are:

  • Print awareness
  • Letter knowledge
  • Phonological awareness
  • Motivation to read

If you’re ready to tackle the rest of the Big Five Skills, be sure to check out the All About Reading Pre-reading program. Your student will enjoy special games, crafts, and story time read-alouds, and you will love the way your student effortlessly learns essential pre-reading skills.

Do you have any questions about listening comprehension? Post in the comments below!


What Is Listening Comprehension and What Does It Take to Improve Listening


Young-Suk Grace Kim1 and Heather Pilcher2

Kim, Y.-S. G., & Pilcher, H. [2016]. What is listening comprehension and what does it take to

improve listening comprehension? In R. Schiff & M. Joshi [Eds.], Handbook of interventions in

learning disabilities [pp. 159-174]. New York: Springer.



One’s ability to listen and comprehend spoken language of multiple utterances [i.e., listening

comprehension] is one of the necessary component skills in reading and writing development. In

this chapter, we review theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence of listening

comprehension development and improvement, and propose a direct and mediated model of

listening comprehension. A review of correlational and intervention studies indicates that many

language and cognitive skills contribute to listening comprehension, including working memory,

attention, vocabulary, syntactic knowledge, inferencing, theory of mind, and comprehension

monitoring. Although limited in number, studies indicate that these skills are malleable. We

conclude that listening comprehension instruction should be an integral part of reading and

writing instruction, incorporating these multiple language and cognitive skills. Instruction on

these components can be incorporated into existing instruction such as bookreading or reading

comprehension instruction.

Keywords: Listening comprehension, vocabulary, language, cognitive, intervention, reading

comprehension, writing



The role of oral language in literacy development is unquestionable in terms of theory and

empirical evidence. Oral language, however, is a broad construct encompassing lexical, sentence,

and discourse-level skills. A lexical-level oral language skill, vocabulary, has received much

attention in terms of theoretical models of reading [e.g., Perfetti, 2007], and empirical studies

[see Chapter 5]. In contrast, our understanding of listening comprehension has been limited.

Recent emerging evidence, however, indicates that listening comprehension is a higher-order

skill that requires multiple language [including vocabulary] and cognitive skills [Florit, Roch, &

Levorato, 2013; Kim, in press; Kim & Phillips, 2014; Lepola, Lynch, Laakkonen, Silven, &

Niemi, 2012; Tompkins, Guo, & Justice, 2013]. In this chapter, listening comprehension is

defined as one’s ability to comprehend spoken language

at the discourse level including

conversations, stories [i.e., narratives], and informational oral texts that involves the processes

of extracting and constructing meaning. In this chapter, we review the role of listening

comprehension in literacy acquisition, theories of text comprehension, and empirical studies. We

close the chapter with a summary of instructional approaches to improve listening

comprehension based on a review of empirical studies.

Why Listening Comprehension for Reading and Writing Development?

One of the widely supported models of reading comprehension, the simple view of

reading, specifies that linguistic comprehension is an essential skill in addition to decoding [or

word reading proficiency] [Gough & Hoover, 1990]. Much evidence has provided support for

the simple view of reading in several languages [Catts, Adlof, Ellis Weismer, 2006; Johnston &

Kirby, 2006; Joshi & Aaron, 2000; Joshi, Tao, Aaron, & Quiroz, 2012; Kendeou, van den Broek,

We acknowledge that comprehension of sign language is listening comprehension, but use spoken language

following conventional use of the term.


White, & Lynch, 2009; Kim, 2015a; Protopapas, Mousaki, Sideridis, Kotsolakou, & Simos,

2013], and showed that oral language skills such as vocabulary and listening comprehension are

critical to reading comprehension, and their importance increases as children develop reading

skills [Foorman, Koon, Petscher, Mitchell, & Truckenmiller, 2015; Kim, 2015b; Kim, Wagner,

& Lopez, 2012; Kim & Wagner, 2015]. Despite its recognized importance, however, what it

takes to develop listening comprehension has been nebulous, which is in stark contrast to our

understanding about skills that contribute to word reading [see Adams, 1990; Bowey, 2005;

National Early Literacy Panel Report, 2008]. Note that according to Gough and Tunmer [1986],

linguistic comprehension is “the process by which given lexical [i.e., word] information,

sentences and discourses are interpreted” [p. 7], and thus includes lexical, sentence, and

discourse skills [i.e., listening comprehension].

Oral language skills including listening comprehension are also important for writing

development. Although oral language skills are not explicitly specified in the developmental

models of writing [i.e., written composition; but see Kim & Schatschneider, in review], they are

nonetheless essential component skills as writing requires generation of ideas, which then need

to be translated into oral language at the lexical, sentence, and discourse levels [Berninger et al.,

2002]. According to the simple view of writing, transcription and ideation are two necessary

skills for writing [Juel, Gough, & Griffin, 1986]. The ideation component includes generation

and translation of ideas, and thus implicates oral language skills. Similarly, oral language is

implicated in the “text generation” component of the not-so-simple view of writing [Berninger &

Amtmann, 2006]. Empirical studies have indeed shown the importance of oral language,

operationalized as sentence comprehension [Berninger & Abbott, 2010], vocabulary, syntactic

knowledge [Kim et al., 2011, 2014; Olinghouse, 2008], and listening comprehension [Kim, Al


Otaiba, Wanzek, & Gatlin, 2015]. Oral language is particularly important to the quality aspect of

writing [idea and organization] relative to productivity [amount of writing; Kim, 2014; Kim et al.,

2014, 2015; Olinghouse, 2008]. These indicate that children’s oral language skills, including

listening comprehension, facilitate the expression of ideas in an appropriate and rich way in their


In summary, theoretical models of reading comprehension and writing as well as

empirical evidence indicate the importance of oral language skills, including listening

comprehension, in reading and writing development. One naturally rising question, then, is what

it takes to develop listening comprehension.

Theoretical Models of Listening Comprehension

In order to understand what it takes to develop and improve listening comprehension, we

need to know what component skills contribute to listening comprehension. Theoretical models

of text comprehension are relevant here as text comprehension includes comprehension of oral

and written texts [i.e., listening and reading; Kintsch, 1988] although text comprehension has

been mostly examined in the context of ‘reading’ comprehension. There are several models of

text comprehension. Although there are differences, at the center of these models is the “situation

model” [Graesser et al., 1994; van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983]. That is, successful text comprehension

ultimately requires construction of the “situation model” [Graesser et al., 1994; Graesser, Millis,

& Zwaan, 1997; van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983] or the mental model [Johnson-Laird, 1983]. The

situation model is the mental representation of what a text is about [Kintsch, 1988] or “the

microworld that the text is about” [Graesser et al., 1997, p. 167], and includes representation of

multiple aspects such as space, time, causation, intentionality [or goals], and characters and

objects [Graesser et al., 1994; Zwaan & Radvansky, 1998]. Below is a description of a few


prominent models of text comprehension: the construction-integration model, the constructionist

model, and the landscape model.

The construction-integration model was proposed and refined by Kintsch and his

colleagues [van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983; Kintsch, 1988, 1998, 2005]. As the name indicates, this

model hypothesizes that text comprehension involves two phases, construction and integration of

propositions. The comprehender constructs initial elementary propositions based on words and

sentences in the text. These initial propositions, then, have to be integrated with propositions

from preceding parts of the text, and ultimately across the text and with background knowledge.

Based on these two phases of processing, the following three hierarchical levels of mental


have been hypothesized with consensus among researchers [Kintsch, 1988;

Graesser, Millis, & Zwaan, 1997]: surface code, textbase, and situation model. The surface code

is the representation of words and phrases in the text. The surface code representation is the

foundation and input for constructing initial, text-based propositions, called textbase

representation. As these propositions are initial, first pass propositions based on linguistic input,

some are potentially incorrect. To establish the situation model, these initial, elementary

propositions have to be cross-checked across the text, and against the comprehender’s

background knowledge, and missing information has to be inferred to establish global coherence.

The constructionist model [Graesser et al., 1994] is largely similar to the construction-

integration model. An important difference, however, is that according to this model, inference

generation occurs primarily due to the comprehender’s search [or effort] after meaning, a goal-

directed, effortful activity, whereas in the construction-integration model, inference generation is

Note that Perfetti and colleagues also had a similar hierarchical representation of

comprehension processes in their reading comprehension models [e.g., Perfetti & Stafura, 2014].


automatic. The search-after-meaning principle is based on the following three assumptions: [1]

the comprehender’s representation of meaning is based on her/his goals, [2] meaning

representation is coherent at local and global levels; and [3] the comprehender wants to know

causal connections in the texts [e.g., actions and events]. Therefore, text comprehension is a

consequence of the comprehender’s engagement in text to achieve construction of coherent

meaning i.e., search after meaning. The constructionist model specifies a variety of different

inferences including referential ones [e.g., what ‘it’ refers to in the text], causal antecedent,

thematic [main idea], character emotional reaction, causal consequence, and state [Graesser et al.,

1994]. Among these, referential inferences are primarily needed for local coherence whereas

thematic and character emotional reaction are needed for global coherence. Not all inferences are

generated or needed during on-line processing.

The landscape model [or interactive view] by van den Broek and his colleagues is an

attempt to integrate memory-based and constructionist frameworks [van den Broek, Rapp, &

Kendeou, 2005]. This model is similar to the construction-integration model, but explicitly

specifies how the construction and integration processes interact and influence each other, and

how they lead to the situation model. The memory-based processes are “autonomous and passive”

whereas the constructionist processes are strategic and effortful. According to the landscape

model, both memory-based and constructionist processes are needed to operate simultaneously

during text comprehension. An important concept in the interaction of memory-based and

constructionist processes is standards of coherence [van den Broek, Lorch, Linderholm, &

Gustafson, 2001]. Standards of coherence refer to the comprehender’s “knowledge and beliefs

about what constitutes good comprehension as well as the reader’s [comprehender’s] specific

goals for … the particular text” [van den Broek, Virtue, Everson, Tzeng, & Sung, 2002, p. 137;


text in parentheses is not in original, but inserted by authors]. Standards of coherence vary across

comprehenders and text types and situations. Depending on the comprehender’s levels of

standards for different types of coherence [e.g., referential, causal], activated information might

be sufficient or insufficient to meet the comprehenders standards of coherence. When sufficient,

there is no further engagement in effortful construction processes. However, when the activated

information is not sufficient, effortful constructionist processes are activated/triggered.

Note that text comprehension models have been primarily studied in the context of

‘reading’ comprehension. Studies indicate that oral language comprehension and reading

comprehension tap into the same processes, particularly for proficient readers [Townsend,

Carrithers, & Bever, 1987], and that reading comprehension component skills for children [e.g.,

grades 2 and above; Cain et al., 2004; Cromley & Azevedo, 2007] are similar to those that

contribute to listening comprehension [Florit et al., 2009; Kim & Phillips, 2014; Kim, 2015a;

Kim, 2016; Lepola et al., 2012]. However, for developing readers, word reading ability

constrains reading comprehension [Perfetti, 2007], and therefore, in the review of literature

below, we draw on studies which focused on oral language comprehension, not reading


Component Skills of Listening Comprehension: Empirical Evidence from Correlational


The theoretical models above inform us about which language and cognitive skills

would be involved in listening comprehension. A few prominent skills that received much

attention across these theoretical models are cognitive skills such as memory [working memory

and long-term memory], inference-making, and comprehension monitoring; and knowledge such

as background or world knowledge [Graesser et al., 1994; Kintsch, 1988; McNamara, &

Note that we use the term, skill, to refer to both processes and knowledge.


Kintsch,1996; van den Broek et al., 2005]. Not explicitly emphasized in these models, but

instead implicitly assumed, is linguistic knowledge [vocabulary, syntactic knowledge] needed for

parsing. Although these language and cognitive have been primarily examined in the context of

reading comprehension, recent studies indicate that these language and cognitive skills are also

related to children’s listening comprehension. Evidence includes working memory [Floit, Roch,

Altoe, & Levorato, 2009; Florit et al., 2013; Kim, 2015a; Was & Woltz, 2007], vocabulary

[Florit et al., 2009; Florit, Roch, & Levorato, 2014; Kendeou et al., 2008; Kim, 2015a, 2016;

Tompkins et al., 2013], syntactic knowledge [Carrow-Woolfolk, 1999; Tunmer, 1989; Kim,

2015a, 2016], inference [Florit et al., 2014; Kendeou et al., 2008; Kim, 2016; Lepola, Lynch,

Laakkonen, Silven, & Niemi, 2012; Tompkins et al., 2013], theory of mind [Kim, 2015a, 2016;

Kim & Phillips, 2014] and comprehension monitoring [Kim, 2015a; Kim & Phillips, 2014]. It is

of note that these theoretical models assume that the same processes are hypothesized to be

involved in text comprehension across languages. Indeed, the empirical studies noted above were

conducted with children from various language backgrounds such as Italian, Dutch, English, and

Korean, and they demonstrated similar magnitudes of relations in bivariate correlations [Kim,


Although informative, the majority of previous studies have provided piecemeal

information about what is involved in listening comprehension as each study included a limited

set of variables aligned with different foci in each study, and they did not systematically examine

the structure or mechanism of these relations. That is, the focus of the majority of these studies

was whether one or more focal skills were independently related to listening comprehension after

accounting for the other variables in the statistical model. However, the fact that one skill is not

independently related to the outcome does not mean that the skill does not make a contribution.


Instead, it means that its contribution is likely shared with other skills included in the statistical

model, and thus its influence on the outcome is likely indirect or mediated. A downside of this

approach [examining unique contributions using multiple regression] is that indirect

contributions of potentially very important skills are easily masked. For instance, working

memory has been hypothesized to be important to listening comprehension [Graesser et al., 1994;

Kintsch, 1988; Daneman & Merikle, 1996; van den Broek et al., 2005] and empirical evidence

supports this hypothesis [Floit et al., 2009; Florit et al., 2013; Was & Woltz, 2007]. Then, a

critical question is whether its influence on listening comprehension direct or its influence is

partly or completely mediated by other skills such as vocabulary and inference [e.g., Florit, Roch,

& Levorato, 2014; Kendeou et al., 2008; Lepola et al., 2012; Tompkins et al., 2013].

Addressing this question is critical to gaining insight about paths of influences. Recently,

we began to address this question of direct and mediated relations among multiple language and

cognitive skills how these various language and cognitive skills are related to each other, and

to listening comprehension. We used the multi-level representation framework surface code,

text-base, and situation model , and hypothesized that different levels of representations would

require different language and cognitive skills. For example, the surface representation is a lower

level representation than the situation model, and therefore, would not require the same language

and cognitive skills as for the situation model. Figure 1 shows our conceptualization about how

foundational cognitive skills [e.g., working memory and attention], foundational oral language

skills [vocabulary and syntactic knowledge], and higher-order cognitive skills [inference, theory

of mind, and comprehension monitoring] map onto the surface code, textbase, and situation

model representations.


Figure 1. Direct and mediated relations model of listening comprehension [adapted from Kim,

2016, reprinted with permission]

In this conceptualization, we hypothesized that working memory, attention, vocabulary,

and grammatical [or syntactic] knowledge are foundational language and cognitive skills needed

for the surface representation, and that they provide input for establishing the textbase

representation. Furthermore, elementary and potentially inaccurate propositions in the textbase

representation have to be evaluated for accuracy and veracity, and inferences are needed to

establish global coherence to ultimately establish the situation model [Kim, 2015a, 2016].

Therefore, comprehension monitoring would be involved to evaluate initial, local propositions,

and inferencing and theory of mind would be involved to cross-check propositions and fill in

missing information. Theory of mind, which is typically defined as the ability to infer others’

mental states and predict behavior, was hypothesized to capture inferences and reasoning about

characters’ intentions, thoughts, and emotions, which are critical aspects in comprehending texts.


When we applied this model to data from Korean kindergartners and first graders,

respectively, we found that the model fit the data very well and large amounts of total variance in

listening comprehension, 74% and 85%, was explained [Kim, 2015a, 2016]. Working memory,

vocabulary, and syntactic knowledge were all directly related to higher-order cognitive skills

comprehension monitoring and theory of mind , which, in turn, were directly related to listening

comprehension. In addition, vocabulary and syntactic knowledge were directly related to

listening comprehension after accounting for theory of mind and comprehension monitoring. In a

follow-up study with children in Grade 1, we found that an inferencing skill [i.e., the ability to

identify missing information in the text drawing on background knowledge] and theory of mind

made independent contributions [Kim, 2016]. A similar pattern was found for English-speaking

children in Grade 2 as well [Kim, under review].

In summary, findings from correlational studies indicate that multiple language and

cognitive skills are involved in listening comprehension. Furthermore, not all the skills make

direct contributions to listening comprehension, and instead some skills are indirectly related to

listening comprehension. Although these studies are informative about potential targets to

improve listening comprehension, they are correlational in nature, and thus, are limited in terms

of causal inferences. Below is evidence from intervention studies.

Component Skills of Listening Comprehension: Empirical Evidence from Intervention


Our literature review turned up only a limited number of empirical studies that targeted

listening comprehension for children, including those with learning disabilities. In addition, the

majority of studies targeted a single skill [e.g., syntactic knowledge] and few targeted multiple

skills. In the review below, we included intervention studies that showed malleability of


language and cognitive component skills of listening comprehension not only for children with

learning disabilities but also for typically-developing children. Given that there is a chapter in

this volume on vocabulary instruction, we focused on studies that targeted other component


Vasilyeva, Huttenlocher, and Waterfall [2006] examined the effects of an intervention on

children’s comprehension of passive voice sentences. Seventy-two four-year-old children were

randomly assigned to conditions in which they listened to stories that contained mainly passive

voice or active voice sentences. The same 10 stories were adapted for use in both groups, and the

stories also had pictures that supported children’s comprehension of the text. The intervention

lasted for two weeks, with groups of 7 to 11 children being pulled from the classroom every day

for 20 to 25 minutes. They found that the group who listened to stories with mostly passive

sentences rather than active sentences scored higher, on average, on a sentence comprehension

task which included passive voice.

Guajardo and Watson [2002] examined the malleability of theory of mind. Preschool

children were randomly assigned to a theory of mind training condition [n = 26] or a control

condition [n = 28]. In the training condition, the story teller told stories and highlighted the main

story line and characters’ thoughts and mental states explicitly. Children were then asked to

explain story characters’ thoughts and emotions, and were taught about the relation between

people’s thoughts and behavior. After 13-15 small group sessions of 10 to 15 minutes over the

span of 5 weeks, children in the training condition outperformed those in the control condition on

theory of mind tasks.

Kim and Phillips [under review] developed an intervention targeting comprehension

monitoring in the oral language context. A systematic and explicit instructional routine for


detecting inconsistency was developed for prekindergartners from low socio-economic families.

Children in the comprehension monitoring condition heard sentences and short stories containing

inconsistent information. One type of story was inconsistent against their background knowledge

[e.g., Sharks live in trees]. The other type was inconsistent within the story [e.g., Jane loves blue.

She loves anything blue. Jane hates blue]. After hearing a sentence or short story, children were

then asked whether the sentence or story made sense to them, and the interventionist provided

explanation and feedback. Sentences and stories had accompanying illustrations to facilitate

comprehension. Instruction was provided in small groups for 5 minutes a day for 4 days a week

for 8 weeks. Results showed that children who received comprehension monitoring instruction

performed better than those in the control condition [business as usual instruction] with a large

effect size [d = .60]. These results suggest comprehension monitoring can be taught in the oral

language context to prereaders.

Gillam, Gillam, and Reece [2012] examined the effects of a decontextualized language

intervention [DLI] and a contextualized language intervention [CLI] compared to a control

condition. The sample included 24 children aged 6 through 9 with language impairment [8

children in each condition]. The CLI group listened to stories that were read aloud by the speech

language therapist, answered questions about the stories, practiced using comprehension

strategies such as comparing and contrasting and generating inferences, discussed narrative story

structure, and discussed Tier 2 vocabulary words from the text. During the first session the

children listened to or read the story and discussed the new vocabulary words. Retelling the story

and practicing specific grammatical targets were the foci for the second session. During the third

session students created a parallel story that followed the story structure of the model text. The

DLI group played card games from the No-Glamour series published by LinguiSystems. They


practiced using similar skills as the CLI group, but the instruction was conducted without the

context of a storybook. The No-Glamour cards focused on vocabulary, sentence complexity, and

social language. The grammar cards were designed to point out specific grammatical targets [e.g.

plurals] and prompt children to use the grammatical target in a discussion activity. The social

language cards were designed to provide socially relevant scenarios for children to discuss as a

group such as “Why do some people slurp milk shakes or other drinks through straws when there

is almost nothing left?” The category/definition cards were designed to help children learn to

detect “categories such as functions, attributes, associations, comparisons, compound words,

synonyms, antonyms, multiple-meaning words, and absurdities.” For example, children might

discuss a prompt such as, “Does this make sense? An angry brush.” Children in the control

condition did not participate in any language interventions during the period of the study. The

CLI and DLI groups met with the clinician three times per week for six weeks. Each session

lasted for 50 minutes and included three to four students. The outcome measures included two

tasks: the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals -4th Edition [CELF-4] recalling

sentences subtest and the Test of Narrative Language [TNL; Gillam & Pearson, 2004]

comprehension subtest. Results showed that the CLI group and the DLI group were not

significantly different on either measure, and the DLI group was not significantly different than

the control group on either measure. However, the CLI group performed significantly better than

the control group with large effect sizes on the CELF-4 recalling sentences subtest [d = 3.08]

and the TNL narrative comprehension subtest [d = 0.93].

Bianco et al. [2010] targeted multiple skills in their study. Their sample included 88

classrooms [in 88 different schools] and 1,273 four-year-old children in France. The intervention

was conducted in small groups of 4 to 7 students. Children were assigned to three different


conditions: explicit instruction of multiple component skills, a story reading condition, and a

phonological awareness training condition. In the component skills condition, children were

explicitly taught component skills of comprehension including detection of inconsistencies,

inferences, situation model, and story structure. Children in the story reading condition heard

stories read aloud multiple times and engaged in discussion of stories. Children in the

phonological awareness condition received explicit instruction in phonological awareness.

Interventions lasted 12-16 weeks per year. Depending on the cohort, some children received

instruction for a year whereas others received two years of instruction. Results revealed that

children in the component skill condition during both preschool and kindergarten outperformed

children in the other two conditions on listening comprehension. The effect size of .40 was

maintained for this group at the 9-month follow up.

Summary and Conclusion: How to Teach Listening Comprehension?

Studies have consistently shown that children’s listening comprehension varies, and this

variation is an important predictor of their reading comprehension and writing skills. The

theoretical models and empirical evidence reviewed in this chapter suggest that listening

comprehension is not a simple skill that children acquire easily. Instead, it requires acquisition

and coordinated application of multiple language and cognitive skills. The good news is that

these skills are malleable. As illustrated and detailed in Chapter 5, studies have shown that

systematic and explicit instruction can improve children’s vocabulary. Our review also suggests

that although the number of studies was limited, grammatical knowledge, comprehension

monitoring, inference-making, and theory of mind can be improved with intervention.

One challenge in listening comprehension instruction is how to teach these multiple

language and cognitive skills in a limited school day. As educators all know very well, school


days are already overloaded. The theoretical models described above and the practical

constraints of school days indicate an integrated approach, incorporating these multiple skills in a

lesson rather than targeting each skill in separate lessons. For instance, good vocabulary

instruction would include information about syntactic features of target words and their uses in

sentences [Carlo et al., 2004]. Existing reading comprehension lessons can easily incorporate

these language and cognitive skills, and some already do incorporate skills such as vocabulary

and inference-making [e.g., asking inference questions]. In the oral language context for readers

and prereaders, a similar approach can be used. For instance, bookreading is widely implemented

in the classroom as a way of improving children’s vocabulary and emergent literacy skills [see,

for example, Justice & Ezell, 2002; Dialogic reading, Whitehurst et al., 1994]. Bookreading can

incorporate and target multiple language and cognitive skills systematically and explicitly. For

instance, teaching a verb would involve not only meaning[s] of the verb, but also whether the

verb requires an object or not, and how it is inflected in the text [third person singular in the

present tense, or past tense form]. Furthermore, implicit or inferential questions requiring

children to infer information either from an earlier part of the story or from their background

knowledge can be asked systematically. For example, after reading the text “It was hot and

humid. Bugs were buzzing around. How annoying, thought Rachel,” the teacher may stop and

ask a question “What season do you think it is in the story?” “How do we know?” Theory of

mind can be also incorporated into bookreading as characters’ and authors’ thoughts and

emotions, and reasoning are an important part of texts. Comprehension monitoring can be easily

taught during bookreading. At an appropriate point in a story, the teacher can stop and ask

children about whether the story makes sense, and if not, why it does not. At other times, the

teacher can stop during reading and ask a silly question that is inconsistent with the story content


thus far. For instance, in the example story above, the teacher can state that “hmm… it must be

winter in the story since it is hot and humid. Does this make sense?” and wait for children’s


As is clear from previous research, creating a language-rich environment is critical for

children’s language development [e.g., Dickinson, 2001; Hart & Risley, 1995] including

listening comprehension. Therefore, targeting multiple language and cognitive skills should not

be limited to planned lessons per se. Instead, language instruction should be embedded

throughout the school day, exploiting teachable moments. For instance, when a child shares

about what he or she did on the weekend, the teacher may find another way of expressing a

sentence to improve syntactic knowledge. In addition, the teacher may ask seemingly silly

questions that are inconsistent with the child’s story, and remind them that stories have to make

sense to the comprehender. In a similar vein, listening comprehension instruction should not be

limited to classrooms. Ideally, these instructional approaches and strategies are shared with

parents and caregivers so that they are implemented and extended in the child’s home and


A critical aspect of teaching these multiple language and cognitive skills is raising

standards of coherence [van den Broek et al., 2005], or search-after-meaning [Graesser et al.,

1994]. Higher-order cognitive skills [e.g., inference-making] are effortful and strategic processes,

and thus, may not be employed, even if the child has the ability, unless the child had a need or a

desire for establishing global coherence. Thus, an important part of higher-order cognitive skill

instruction is raising standards of coherence raising awareness that stories or sentences they

hear should make sense to them,’ ‘it is important to understand character’s or author’s goals,

thoughts, and emotions,’ and ‘stories do not tell us everything and therefore, comprehenders


should fill in information.’ Being aware of these ideas will require instruction for many children

children do not spontaneously monitor their comprehension of oral texts [Kim & Phillips, 2014;

Markman, 1977].

Improving listening comprehension takes a prolonged time, and thus, instruction should

be long-term across multiple years. As multiple language and cognitive skills contribute to

listening comprehension, developing and coordinating these skills are not likely to occur in a

short time span. Like vocabulary [Snow & Kim, 2006], we argue that listening comprehension is

a large problem space. That is, a component skill of listening comprehension such as vocabulary

is expansive, and continues to grow throughout the life time, and so would listening

comprehension skill. This is in contrast to a confined or constrained skill [Paris, 2005] or

mastery skill [D. P. Pearson, 2015, personal communication] such as acquiring alphabet letters,

which has a limited number of units to be learned, and can be taught to mastery in a relatively

short time.

Finally, it is important to note that the involvement of multiple language and cognitive

skills in listening comprehension has important implications for assessment these multiple

language and cognitive skills should be included in an assessment battery diagnosing children’s

difficulty with listening comprehension. This would allow precise diagnosis of potential areas to

be targeted in instruction/intervention.

In closing, evidence indicates that improving listening comprehension is no small task,

but requires explicit and systematic instruction beyond vocabulary. Explicit instructional

attention to vocabulary, syntactic and grammatical structure, inferences, character’s thoughts and

emotions, and comprehension monitoring is needed. Despite emerging evidence, however, our


understanding is limited about the best approaches to teaching these multiple skills to children,

including children with learning disabilities, and thus, future research efforts are needed.



Work on this chapter was supported by NRF-2010-330-B00299 from the National Research

Foundation of Korea, and R305A130131 and R305F100027 from Institute of Education Sciences,

US Department of Education to the first author. The content is solely the responsibility of the

authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the funding agencies. We would

like to thank the funding agencies, and study participants.



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