Stop to meaning

  1. verb

    have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical

    “Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other”

    synonyms: cease, end, finish, terminate

  2. verb

    come to a halt, stop moving

    “the car stopped

    “She stopped in front of a store window”

    synonyms: halt

  3. stop a car”

    stop the thief”

  4. verb

    put an end to a state or an activity

    synonyms: cease, discontinue, give up, lay off, quit

  5. stop the project”

    synonyms: break, break off, discontinue

  6. “we stopped at Aunt Mary's house”

    “they stopped for three days in Florence”

    synonyms: stop over

  7. verb

    stop from happening or developing

    synonyms: block, halt, kibosh

  8. synonyms: intercept

  9. verb

    stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments

  10. verb

    hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of

    synonyms: arrest, check, contain, hold back, turn back

  11. noun

    the event of something ending

    “it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill”

    synonyms: halt, kibosh

  12. noun

    the act of stopping something

    “the third baseman made some remarkable stops

    synonyms: stoppage

  13. noun

    a spot where something halts or pauses

    “his next stop is Atlanta”

  14. noun

    a brief stay in the course of a journey

    synonyms: layover, stopover

  15. noun

    the state of inactivity following an interruption

    “he spent the entire stop in his seat”

    synonyms: arrest, check, halt, hitch, stay, stoppage

  16. verb

    render unsuitable for passage

    stop the busy road”

    synonyms: bar, barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade block, obstruct

    shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight

  17. noun

    an obstruction in a pipe or tube

    synonyms: block, blockage, closure, occlusion, stoppage

  18. noun

    a restraint that checks the motion of something

    “he used a book as a stop to hold the door open”

    synonyms: catch

  19. noun

    a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it

    “his stop consonants are too aspirated”

    synonyms: occlusive, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, stop consonant

  20. noun

    a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens

    synonyms: diaphragm

  21. noun

    [music] a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes

    “the organist pulled out all the stops

  22. noun

    a punctuation mark [.] placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations

    synonyms: full point, full stop, period, point

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishldoce_753_zstopstop1 /stɒp $ stɑːp/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [stopped, stopping]    1 not continue a] [intransitive, transitive] to not continue, or to make someone or something not continue  By midday the rain had stopped.  This is where the path stops.  The referee stopped the fight.  The doctor advised me to stop the medication.  People are fighting to stop the destruction of the rain forests.stop somebody doing something  I couldn’t stop her crying. b] [intransitive, transitive] if you stop doing something, you do not continue to do itstop doing something  I stopped digging and looked at him.  What time do you stop work?  I’ve been smoking for over ten years, and I can’t stop.stop it/that [=stop doing something annoying]  Come on, you two! Stop it!  Right, stop what you’re doing and come over here. 2 prevent [transitive]PREVENT to prevent someone from doing something or something from happening  The government tried to stop publication of the book.  I’m leaving now, and you can’t stop me.stop somebody/something [from] doing something  Lay the carpet on paper to stop it sticking to the floor.  The rain didn’t stop us from enjoying the trip.stop yourself [from] doing something  I couldn’t stop myself laughing.  She grabbed the rail to stop herself from falling.there’s nothing to stop somebody [from] doing something  There’s nothing to stop you applying for the job yourself. 3 not moveSTOP MOVING[intransitive, transitive] to not walk, move, or travel anymore, or to make someone or something do this  He stopped suddenly when he saw Ruth.  Stop! Come back!  He stopped the car and got out.  I was worried that the security guards would stop us at the gate.stop at/outside/in etc  She stopped outside the post office.  A car stopped behind us.stop to do something  Sam stopped to give me a lift.stop and do something  He stopped and looked into her face.stop for  I need to stop for a rest.stop dead/short/in your tracks [=stop walking suddenly]  Sally saw the ambulance and stopped short.stop on a dime American English [=stop very quickly – used about cars]  This truck can stop on a dime! 4 pause [intransitive]PAUSE to pause in an activity, journey etc in order to do something before you continuestop for  We stopped for a drink on the way home.stop to do something  I stopped to tie my shoe.stop to think/consider etc  It’s time we stopped to think about our next move.5 stay [intransitive] British English informalSTAY WITH SB, IN A HOTEL ETC to stay somewhere for a short time, especially at someone’s house  I won’t sit down – I’m not stopping.stop for  Will you stop for a cup of tea? 6 will/would stop at nothing [to do something]7 stop short of [doing] something8 moneyPAY somebody FOR WORK# [transitive] if you stop an amount of money, you prevent it from being paid to someone  Dad threatened to stop my pocket money.stop something from something  £200 will be stopped from your wages next month to pay for the damage.  I phoned the bank and asked them to stop the cheque [=not pay a cheque that I had written].  My mother called the bank to stop payment on the check. 9 block [transitive] [also stop up]SHUT/CLOSE to block a hole or pipe so that water, smoke etc cannot go through itGRAMMAR: Patterns with stopstop doing somethingIf you stop doing something, you do not continue doing it: Stop writing and put your pens down. Don’t say: Stop to write and put your pens down.stop to do somethingIf you stop to do something, you stop moving or stop what you are doing for a short time, in order to do something else: She stopped to look at the map.stop something/sth stopsStop belongs to a group of verbs where the same noun can be the subject of the verb or its object. You can say: He stopped the car. In this sentence, ‘the car’ is the object of stop.You can also say: The car stopped. In this sentence, ‘the car’ is the subject of stop.THESAURUSto stop doing somethingstop to not do something any longerI wish she would stop talking.He waited for them to stop.quit especially American English informal to stop doing somethingShe needs to quit complaining about her life.It’s too late for him to quit now.give something up to stop doing something, especially something that you have been doing for a long timeIt’s so hard to give up smoking.She wants to give up her job.I’ve given up trying to tell my son to clean his room.pack something in informal to stop doing something, especially because you feel tired or annoyedSometimes I feel like packing in my job and starting again somewhere else. Pack it in, will you! [=used when telling someone to stop doing something, because they are annoying you]pull out of something to stop taking part in something that you have agreed to take part inThe unions have pulled out of the negotiations.The US decided to pull out of the competition.cease formal to stop doing somethingThe company has decided to cease production of its film cameras.The US government ceased talks with North stop for a short timestop to stop for a short timeShall we stop for coffee now?I stopped to have a look at the map.pause to stop speaking or doing something for a short time before starting againHe paused for a moment to consider the question.‘I think it’s going to rain, ’ she said, pausing to look up at the sky.have/take a break to stop working, studying, or driving for a short time in order to restOkay, everyone. Take a ten-minute break.If you’re feeling tired, you should have a break.break to stop working, studying etc in order to rest or eat something – used about a group of people who are doing something together After a couple of hours the committee broke for stop happeningstop to stop happeningThe noise suddenly stopped.We waited for the rain to stop.come to an end to stop – used about something that has continued for a long timeThe war finally came to an end in 1918. wear off to gradually stop – used about a pain, a feeling, or the effects of somethingThe pain will soon wear off.The excitement was beginning to wear off.The anaesthetic took a long time to wear off. peter out to gradually stop happening or existingThe campaign petered out after only a few weeks.cease formal to stopThe fighting has ceased.Production at the factory has stop movingstop to stop movingCan we stop soon? I’m tired.The bus stops right in front of the hotel. come to a halt especially written to move more slowly and then stop – used about a vehicleThe train slowly came to a halt just outside the station. The plane came to a halt less than twenty yards away from the limousines. pull over to move to the side of the road and stop – used about a vehicle or its driverThe bus pulled over to the side of the road, with smoke coming out of its engine. The police officer was waving at him to pull over.pull up to stop close to something – used about a vehicle or its driverThe taxi pulled up outside her house. He pulled up next to our car. come to a standstill to go slower and then stop moving completelyThe road was blocked by an accident, and the traffic quickly came to a standstill. stop back stop by [something] stop in stop off stop out stop over stop up→ See Verb tableExamples from the CorpusstopHe wrote quickly, but from time to time he stopped and looked out of the window.When Jack put a foot on the dance floor, some, then all couples stopped and the band trailed off.Can we stop at the next services and get something to eat?I want to reclaim it - so I can stop being a casualty of this war that has no name.All the staff are determined to stop bullying in the school.I got stopped by a policeman for having a broken headlight.So eventually I stopped even going for the tests.I stopped going to church after I left home.I gave my little brother some chocolate to stop him crying.When I asked Jasper what had stopped him from accepting these large offers, the question startled him.He wanted to quit college, and no one could stop him.I'm not stopping, I've just popped in to pick up some books.The emperor himself could not stop it now.Could you stop just here on the left?Could you stop making that noise for a moment?A man stopped me in the street and asked if I knew where the theatre was.I've made up my mind to leave home, and you can't stop me.A yellow car stopped outside the house.I stopped reading and turned out the light.Catherine stood watching the rain, hoping it would stop soon.George stopped the engine and got out of the car.I stopped to rest for a few minutes.Our tanks and tracks kept going a little bit and stopped to return fire immediately.I saw Maria and stopped to say hello.Could you stop what you are doing and pay attention, please? stop doing somethingWe couldn't stop laughing.stop yourself [from] doing somethingBut I stopped myself and said something ordinary, wishing them a good trip.He stopped himself, his choppy words disjointed.He was half unconscious and trying to stop himself crying.I have to stop myself from skipping.In his heart he felt he was betraying something very new and delicate, but he could not stop himself.It was all I could do to stop myself breaking into a run.Laimonis laughs self-deprecatingly, and I just barely stop myself from comforting him.The coincidence is too much, I can't stop myself.stop at/outside/in etcWe stop in front of a tiny ranch-style bungalow in which Mrs Nishimae, the head priestess, lives.Clinton, during a campaign stop in Michigan, said he would welcome the Perot at the debates.Quickly, silently, he moved round the corner and down the corridor, stopping outside the door beside the dragon.He is stopped at the door by an emaciated woman with a grotesque burn injury, whom I have not seen before.At Third Avenue, two turning busses were stopped in the middle of the intersection.So this girl says you and your wife stopped in the other day, had a little dispute at the counter.A Metropolitan train roared up non-stop to Wembley Park and a slower Jubilee passed it, stopping at the platform below.stop to do somethingIn a small village on the way to Baabara we had stopped to buy sweets for the children.I stop to investigate a mushroom.Alice had stopped to listen to them because this man, this kind-faced fair one, was quite a good performer.The licence enables Chambers coaches to stop to pick up and set down passengers at several towns along the way.At the mouth of the Umpqua River, they stopped to rest.When the man did not stop to spit or wipe his forehead, each row took him approximately two minutes.He actually got the adrenalin going, forced the pendulum which had almost stopped to swing again.He stopped to wipe away the excrement, which blinded his eyes and coated his lips. stop ... chequeHe gets cold feet and phones his bank manager asking him to stop the cheque.This will stop the cheque being paid into anyone else's account.Linguisticsstopstop2 ●●● S2 W3 noun [countable]    1 come/roll/jerk/skid etc to a stop2 come to a stop3 bring something to a stop4 during journeySTOP something THAT IS HAPPENING a time or place when you stop during a journey for a short time  Our first stop was Paris.  We’ll make a stop at the foot of the hill.  The trip includes an overnight stop in London.5 bus/trainTT a place where a bus or train regularly stops for people to get on and off  Our next stop will be York.  This is your stop, isn’t it?6 put a stop to something7 pull out all the stops8 money the action or fact of telling your bank not to pay an amount of money to someone  I put a stop on that check to the store.9 music a handle that you push in or out on an organ to control the amount of sound it produces10 consonantSL a consonant sound, like /p/ or /k/, that you make by stopping the flow of air completely and then suddenly letting it out of your mouth full stop1Examples from the CorpusstopOur trip to Africa included a stop in the Serengeti.An unshaven old man in a stained jacket comes to a stop beside us.The crystal ensures that the interval between reset and stop is stable and accurate.At Freeport, the Jones Beach stop, was the mad dash for the bus.If you're looking for ground-breaking mayhem, you got off at the wrong Greyhound stop.We need to get off at the next stop.I'm getting off at the next stop.Excuse me, could you tell me what the next stop is?Having reached Aulef and taken on water, that night was a pit stop.make ... stopIt was launched last February amid great fanfare and made stops in six cities, staying at least a month in each.He runs, he scores and he makes stops.The company has yet to determine whether the buses also would make stops in Tempe, Coolidge or anywhere else.put a stop onBy the time they finally put a stop on her account, she was almost £20,000 in the red.I'll have to put a stop on that check.From Longman Business Dictionarystopstop1 /stɒpstɑːp/ verb [stopped, stopping] [transitive]1to prevent someone from doing something or something from happeningThe government should intervene to stop the takeover.How can we stop the decline in sales?stop somebody/something [from] doing somethingThis latest crisis did not stop the Bank of France cutting its key interest rates.News of the takeover immediately stopped the company’s shares from sliding.2to no longer continue to do somethingWhat time do you stop work?Lack of funds forced us to stop production.stop doing somethingJapan’s four leading brokerages agreed to stop issuing new shares for a month.You can stop paying premiums at any time.3stop a cheque British English, stop payment on a check American EnglishBANKING to tell a bank not to pay a cheque you have writtenStaff are failing to charge customers for such services as stopping cheques or returning standing orders unpaid.4to prevent money from being paid after you agree to pay itstop something from somethingMoney for breakages will be stopped from your wages.→ See Verb tablestopstop2 noun1come to a stop to stop happeningProduction came to a virtual stop during the two-week strike.2put a stop to something to prevent something from continuing or happeningThese quotas put a stop to further export growth.3put a stop on a chequeBANKING to tell a bank not to pay a cheque you have writtenOrigin stop1 Old English stoppian to block up

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