carryed là gì - Nghĩa của từ carryed

carryed có nghĩa là

hottest girl ever. always hard to get. sassy and classy at the same time. stunning eyes that draws you in. gorgeous and sexy. usually looks for independence and always good at everything.

a dime piece, the realest bitch. never betrays her friends and always keeps her word.


girl 1: jeremy, david, andy and james tried to get at her. they failed miserably
girl 2: get at who?
girl 1: carrieeeee...

carryed có nghĩa là

She's an independent woman who is always willing to try new things. She's very open minded and adventurous. Very beautiful but doesn't realize it and probably won't believe you when you tell her. She's stubborn like that. Fun to hang out with and easy to get along with, she usually doesn't like conflict and tries her best to avoid it. However, she'll always be the first one willing to defend her friends and family under any circumstance. She very protective of them. She very choosy when it comes to who she chooses to be friends with, but she is extremely loving and fiercely loyal to those she finds worthy. Be grateful if you have a Carrie in your life. You'll never find another like her.


Dude - Carrie you're amazingly awesome . :]
Carrie - No, I'm not. I honestly don't see why you think that.
Dude - Yes you are Carrie
Carrie - No...[interrupted]
Dude - Yes you are. Dude - Wow, did that girl seriously just do that?
Guy - Yeah, she very adventurous. I wouldn't have the guts to do that.
Dude - Yeah she's a total Carrie.

carryed có nghĩa là

to be 'told off' or dissed


After a girl tells off a guy, a bystander might say to the dude, "Oh damn, you got carried!!!"

carryed có nghĩa là

Carrie is someone who is probably someone else like Rose or Belle, Julia or Sabrina. Carrie has dealt with a lot of things in her life that she has never told anyone. She finally found someone she could confide in. A true friend. A best friend. She hides her emotions from everyone except those whom she feels safe with. One day she might be Queen of England. She never gives up and puts everyone above herself. don’t hurt her friends or family. You will regret it. If someone loves a Carrie, she may push him away until she understands that good, true love is something she hadn’t known until he came along. If you know a Carrie, you’ll know that she has one man who would fight until his last breath to protect her. She is the luckiest woman alive.


J: Hey, there’s Carrie!
M: Oh, no, hide! She’s Scarrie.

carryed có nghĩa là

1. In a video game when the team is trash or they die and one of the team members has to put the team on his back and carry them to a win.
2. To put someone on your back and take them


carry: Man, yesterday when we were playing fortnite I had to carry you guys to a win

carryed có nghĩa là

[Note: the girl I'm describing is named Caroline but goes by Carrie]
The sexiest, most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She loves her friends and would do anything for them. She loves to try new things and has the biggest heart EVER. beware, she won't date you if you ask her out before even knowing her. She's the sweetest person ever. she doesn't necessarily enjoy rejecting guys. Just because she has to do often doesnt mean she enjoys it. It's not her fault every guy falls for her within seconds of talking to her. She makes an awesome best friend, always willing to listen and help you with anything you could possibly need. Her friends mean everything to her, and she loves her boyfriend with all her heart. She will always have your back, and tells you everything. She does tend to be a little flirty without meaning to, so don't ask her out until you're sure she likes you. She prefers to be around guys instead of girls because she thinks girls can be catty abd over dramatic. Her favorite thing to do is just to be with her friends having a good time. She doesn't like chick flicks, so you won't ever be forced to go see a movie you don't want to. She's one of those girls that is always happy. Even if she's having a really bad day, she won't let it bring her down. Always smiling, it's impossible not to love her. She's way too much fun too be around. She often won't believe you when you compliment her. She'll almost always either ignore your comment or brush it off.


Kyle: Hey, did you see Carrie today?
James: Yeah. She the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I talk to her everyday.
Kyle: Lucky!

carryed có nghĩa là

When a member of a team does outstandingly well and does most of the work leading his team to victory. Used prevalently in League of Legends.


"Dude you guys wouldn't have won if your ADC didn't get fed. He carried you hard."

carryed có nghĩa là

A beautiful and loving girl that always tries her best to help anyone who needs it. She cares about her family even though they can be douches sometimes, and she is nice to everyone unless they don't deserve it. She often believes she is ugly or annoying but we all know that's not true.


Me: wow carrie you're so amazing
Carrie: no, i'm not! fghfjhfhgfkkggjhfkk
Me: yes you are, i love you

carryed có nghĩa là

This term refer to handle it, go about it or do it. It being what ever the subject is at hand.


Judy and Mary are argueing again. How should we carry it?

carryed có nghĩa là

to be taken advantaged of for gain,


Neil's pissed, that hoe carryed him, left with all his dough.
He got carryed.

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