Can you use dark spot corrector everyday?

An anti-spot serum is an intensive treatment concentrated in active ingredients to fight specifically against the problems of spots on the skin. This ally can be used on a daily basis or as a treatment. It removes and prevents brown marks present mainly on the face, neckline and hands. It targets its action on melanin, the source of pigmentation, by normalizing its production. 

The overall objective of this protective and corrective care is to unify the complexion and put an end to irregularities. It also prevents the appearance of new spots. Looking for the best anti-spot treatment? Do you want to regain your initial color on areas that have become darker than others?

The In'Oya laboratory, expert in problems related to hyperpigmentation, guides you in choosing your anti-spot serum and optimizing its use.

Discover the 7 things you need to know about this essential serum for black, matte or mixed race skin... to finally say goodbye to spots! 


An anti-spot serum is an intensive face care product, but it is not a substitute for a moisturizer. Their respective roles are different, so they cannot replace each other.  These two complementary products work in synergy to obtain supple, luminous and spotless skin.

The anti-spot serum is a targeted care, less loaded with water than the cream, its active ingredients are more concentrated. It is specifically designed to treat hyperpigmentation spots. In a curative approach, the cause is not important. Pigmentation defects require cosmetics adapted to the skin type, despite their origin: acne, pregnancy mask, menopause, cellular aging, scars, etc.

The formula of the serums is designed to fight against these imperfections due, in all cases, to an overproduction of melanin. Their fluid texture penetrates quickly. It is therefore quickly absorbed by the skin tissue to facilitate their application in a global protocol. 

For its part, a day cream must above all moisturize the surface layer of the epidermis. Even though it can, of course, have a double action and act simultaneously on the spots. This protective shield will bring comfort and fight against external aggressions [pollution, dust, cold, etc.].

Thus, the anti-spot serum is a true ally of the day care. It also complements the night cream, which is responsible for regenerating the skin in depth.  


It is possible that a serum used on its own can reduce spots. However, to boost its effectiveness and obtain an even complexion, it is strongly recommended to integrate it into a daily beauty routine.

At the same time, a gentle exfoliation followed by a mask will help eliminate dead skin. Once or twice a week, these essential gestures promote cell renewal for a radiant complexion.

The combination of an anti-spot serum from the same cosmetic line as the other treatments is recommended to optimize its effects. This approach also avoids possible problems of incompatibility between the different active ingredients.

Moreover, the gesture is almost as important as the face serum. Therefore, it is essential to master them well at the time of application:

  • Take a few drops then gently warm the serum between your hands
  • Apply the serum with light pressure, from the center to the outside of the face
  • Finish with smoothing movements, without forgetting the neck, the décolleté and the hands - Insisting on the pigmentary spots installed 

A serum must be applied before the treatment cream. The face serum and the cream are complementary. Even combination to oily skin requires a daycare product to moisturize, tighten pores and mattify the complexion. If you're going to be exposed to the sun, don't forget to include SPF 50 sun protection in your ritual.

To effectively erase blemishes, the serum can be integrated into a global synergy called IN & OUT. Taking a unifying food supplement orally is recommended to work from the inside. The powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory active ingredients in this type of formula help to

  • Protect the skin from external aggressions
  • Help cells fight against oxidative stress
  • Correct imperfections and maintain healthy skin

Finally, in a specific composition for pigmented skin, Vitamin D is integrated. Vitamin D deficiencies are common in black, dark and mixed-race skin. Thus, these combined actions will optimize the impact of the anti-spot serum on the epidermis to naturally reveal the radiance of the complexion.

Please note: Brown spots are most often found on the face, but they can appear all over the body. A face serum can therefore be applied to treat these darker areas, in addition to a moisturizing body lotion. 


The effects of an anti-spot serum can only be observed if it is applied daily.

The serum effectively reduces the irregularities already visible to reveal the skin's natural radiance. As a preventive measure, the use of this targeted treatment stops the development of pigmentation spots that may appear. 

To achieve these results, various scientific processes are possible. The In'Oya laboratory, for example, has developed an anti-spot serum that removes inflammatory, solar or hormonal pigmentation spots. Its innovative technology naturally suppresses the first two phases of melanin synthesis. The existing pigmentation is gradually eliminated. 

To make brown spots disappear and regain a radiant complexion, this serum also has a keratolytic action. In concrete terms, it acts as a scrub to rid the skin of dead cells and boost cell renewal. At the same time, the skin is smoothed, unified and radiant. 

Good to know: Want to use a serum or targeted skincare product for another skin issue [anti-aging, blemishes, acne blemishes, etc.]? Overlapping is not always appropriate, especially between products of different brands. It sometimes causes epidermal reactions: redness, dry patches, etc. 

To apply your two serums successively without risk, ask your pharmacist or an expert of the cosmetic range used. 


For curative purposes, the effects of the treatment are visible after several weeks. The spots gradually fade away to make room for a more and more unified skin. This period, which may be longer or shorter depending on the case, generally corresponds to the cellular renewal of the epidermis.  For pigmented skin, this reconstruction time is naturally much longer than for fair skin.  

Depending on the circumstances, the effects of an anti-spot serum are more or less rapid. However, daily use, morning and evening, favors a real evolution.  

As the applications progress, some people will observe clear changes after 4 months like Maryama. Her testimony shows that in 120 days, it is possible to erase pigmentation spots with a serum adapted to her black skin. 

For others, it may take more patience. But with perseverance and consistency, impressive results can be achieved. Sabrina continued to apply her anti-spot serum for 6 months before noticing the disappearance of the spots. Today, she is proud to share her experience to give others hope for a more even skin tone. 

Our advice: To guarantee the effectiveness of an anti-spot serum, it is essential to store it under good conditions, in accordance with the recommendations of the cosmetic laboratory.  Generally, if these precautions are respected, its active ingredients are preserved 3 months after opening. 


The components of an anti-spot serum have the capacity to prevent the appearance of pigmentation spots. However, it is imperative to combine them with preventive measures. In order to fight against this phenomenon, it is necessary to identify the types of existing spots, by their origin: 

- Sun exposure [UV rays].

- Signs of age [age spots].

- Hormonal origin: pregnancy [melasma], menopause, disturbance... 

- Inflammation: acne spots, wounds, cuts, surgery...

- Reaction of the skin exposed to the sun, due to photosensitizing agents [medication, perfumes, vitamin A, etc.]. 

Depending on the case, a targeted preventive action can be considered in addition to the anti-spot serum.

In the case of repeated cuts during hair removal with a razor, for example, another method such as the Nd-Yag laser should be used. If the blemishes are the result of imperfections, this problem should be treated with skin care products adapted to acne-prone skin

Finally, a serum will prove ineffective in preventing the appearance of spots if dermatologists' recommendations regarding hyperpigmentation are not followed: 

  • - Avoid sun exposure and protect yourself if you are [SPF 50 sun cream, hat, glasses]
  • - Avoid factors that accelerate premature skin aging [stress, pollution, tobacco, alcohol, poor diet, etc.]
  • - Stay sufficiently hydrated [1.5 to 2 liters per day]
  • - Consume products rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin E 

The purpose of these basic precautions is to avoid or not accentuate the spots. 


The choice of an anti-spot serum is based on several criteria. First of all, it is recommended to choose natural ingredients, but also active ingredients with recognized virtues on this problem. Then, some serums are more adapted to the particularities of your skin, beyond hyperpigmentation. 

In the case of black, matte or mixed-race skin, the anti-spot serum must take into account the specificities of dark skin. For these often dehydrated skins, whose nature is generally mixed to oily, an aqueous formula is preferable. This light and melting texture, in phase with the type of skin, will favor a regular application of the product. 

To choose the right serum, it is best to choose an anti-spot technology with proven effectiveness for pigmented skin. In'Oya's serum, for example, has a specific patent for black and dark skins*.  

This scientific response to skin fragility stops Tyrosinase. In addition, it inhibits a second enzyme that plays a decisive role in the production of color in black and dark skins: the TYRP 1 enzyme [Tyrosinase-Related-Protein1]. 

This serum is part of a complete program developed specifically to deal with hyperpigmentation and skin tone problems. It is therefore a product widely recommended by specialists such as pharmacists, dermatologists, etc. 

* European patent EP2705830/A1 & international patent WO2014/037111/A2


The formula of a stain removal serum varies from product to product. Inevitably, the results differ between users. Some serums simply provide a brighter, clearer look, but have no effect on brown marks. Others may also neutralize the appearance of new blemishes, but do not remove existing ones.  

In anti-spot serums, there is usually a multiple action. Some components have an anti-oxidant, anti-free radical role. Others have a more or less effective effect on melanin production and cell renewal. 

However, anti-spot serums are rarely unanimously approved by the population. This is especially true when a product is formulated "for all skin types, from the lightest to the darkest". 

So if you have black, matte or mixed skin, it's best to opt for an anti-spot serum that has been developed primarily for pigmented skin. Obviously, you are more likely to find it effective in removing your spots than another product, even a reputable, less specific one. 

Discover our anti-spot ritual andpersonalized supportto regain an even skin tone.

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How often should you use dark spot corrector?

Our dark spot corrector serum can be used as a spot treatment or can be applied to the entire face twice a day, morning and night, before applying a moisturizer. You can also apply the facial serum to help reduce visible discolorations on the hands, neck and chest.

Can you put dark spot corrector all over your face?

When you use the Dark Spot Remover, apply a thin layer to the entire area[s] affected with dark spots. You may also apply an additional small amount to individual dark spots.

When should I use dark spot correcting cream?

"Dark spot correctors are used to lighten and diminish skin hyperpigmentation resulting from acne, sun damage or an otherwise uneven skin tone," says Alan J.

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