Berver là gì

Photos by: Goh Rhy Yan on Unsplash

"Eager beaver" -> nghĩa là người làm việc chăm chỉ, hăng hái và say mê.

Ví dụ
Its what my Japanese family taught me. I thought everybody was doing it. Now, I feel like an eager beaver sitting securely [an toàn] on my comfortable stock of toilet rolls and noodles. No, Im not selling.

Thats why the video of this eager beaver getting himself ready to guard Zion is so incredibly confusing [bối rối] to me. It seems like this kid wanted these problems all those years ago.

As eager-beaver parents, we pressed forward with ski [trượt tuyết] school for our first daughter before we were sure was ready and she really showed us who was boss when she ran away from ski school that day. We then turned to a very expensive private lesson on our next ski trip to counteract [chống lại] that experience.

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