Bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng anh lớp 9 lên 10 năm 2024

  • 1. tuyến Fb www.facebook.com/DayKemQuyNhon Mobi/Zalo 0905779594 Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group ĐỀ THAM KHẢO KÌ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 10 MÔN TIẾNG ANH FORM 50 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM [40 ĐỀ KHÔNG NGHE] WORD VERSION | 2023 EDITION ORDER NOW / CHUYỂN GIAO QUA EMAIL TAILIEUCHUANTHAMKHAO@GMAIL.COM Đ Ề T H I T H Ử V À O 1 0 M Ô N T I Ế N G A N H Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection vectorstock.com/7952556 SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ………... ĐỀ ÔN TẬP SỐ 01 KÌ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 10 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút [không kể thời gian phát đề] Họ tên thí sinh:……………………........... Số báo danh:………………………… I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1. A. insect B. percent C. wetland D. extinct 2. A. agencies B. medicine C. species D. circle 3. A. crisis B. exist C. primary D. fertile Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4. A. weapon B. become C. country D. decade 5. A. never B. follow C. pilot D. reply Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6. According to a team of scientists, there are evidence that Mount Everest is still rising. A B C D 7. There are more potatoes cultivated than any the other vegetable crop worldwide. A B C D 8. Some metals such gold, silver, copper, and tin occur naturally, and are easy to work. A B C D 9. Laser discs provide images of best quality than those of either television A B C D signals or video tapes. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10/ We read newspapers and magazines which have been produced on computers. A. born B. shaped C. begun D. manufactured 11. In the 1920s, amateur theater performances benefited poor families and other charitable causes. A. untrained B. inexperienced C. non-profit D. nonprofessional Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 12. Later that evening, when I was almost asleep, the sound of a crowd brought me back to full consciousness. A. afraid B. tired C. awake D. aware ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO [Đề thi có 03 trang] Mã đề thi 14 D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 2. is very good. I think that you could enhance it by adding some more color. That will tend to attract everyone's attention. A. draw again B. throw away C. make better D. make worse Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 14. There are a lot of people who_______ work in remote and mountainous areas nowadays. A. volunteer B. voluntarily C. volunteers D. voluntary 15. People often_______ the candles after singing “Happy Birthday”. A. blow out B. light up C. put on D. turn off 16. He has a very_______ temper and often says things he regrets later. A. angry B. quick C. warm D. fast 17. You can buy dairy_______ in this shop. A. producers B. production C. productivity D. products 18. If they aren't careful with their money, they'll get into_______. A. loss B. problem C. debt D. missing 19. Patrick must be out of the_______ of arriving late for meetings. A. habit B. custom C. use D. fashion 20. The dinner party went on much longer than John had_______. A. expected B. wondered C. attended D. appeared 21. “Would you like to have_______ coffee?” A. an amount of B. a lot C. some D. little 22. Peter, who is studying Vietnamese at Vinh University, is a friend of ________. A. I B. my C. me D. mine 23: The most disastrous earthquake in Japan, which occurred in 1923, ________ about 150,000 people. A. damaged B. destroyed C. caused D. killed 24: It’s very dark in the room. Please turn ________ the lights, boy. A. up B. down C. on D. off 25: Many plants and animals species are now in ________ of extinction. A. endanger B. danger C. dangerous D. dangerously D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L 26. My uncle and aunt live________ a farm 120 kilometers east of Ha Noi. A. in B. on C. from D. at 27. The boys can't get to sleep. They're wide________. A. waking B. awake C. woken D. awaken 28 The________ at the football match became violent when their team lost. A. observers B. audiences C. spectators D. customers 29. Would you________ a minute, please? I'll try to connect you. A. keep in B. stay on C. hold on D. stop on 30. The patient's progress was very encouraging as he could________ get out of bed without help. A. nearly B. only C. merely D. barely 31. The Mediterranean town of Benidom is one of the biggest holiday________ in Spain. A. resorts B. beaches C. locations D. coasts 32 . I hate________ in exams. I think it is unacceptable. A. cheating B. lying C. deceiving D. tricking Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each of the following exchanges. 33. - “I'm going to the beach with my parents this Saturday!” - “_______” A. It's quite normal. B. Lucky you! I'm having a karate lesson. C. Good luck, and take care! D. I'm waiting for your news. 34.- “Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?” - “_______” A. Yes, you may borrow. B. Yes, come on. C. Yes, help yourself. D. It doesn't matter! Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks In England, there is a traditional belief that whoever first arrives at the threshold of the household will bring good luck to the family for the coming year. The tradition is [35] _______ ‘First Footing’. As part of ‘First Footing’ tradition, English people pray for a young, healthy, handsome, and dark-haired male to be their first footer of the New Year. A woman, a blonde, or a red-colored person is not welcome for the day, [36] _______they are considered to bring bad luck for the entire year. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 3. person carries coal, money, bread, salt, or holy mistletoe with him, then it is considered to be a [37] _______ of good luck and prosperity for the rest of the year. Traditionally, the first footer is meant to follow certain customs and traditions. One of them is that the first footer [38] _______always enter the house from the front door, and exit from the back door. Also, the first footer should place the fuel [as carried along] on the fire, should place the loaf on the table, and should pour water on the head of the householder. Tradition also calls for gifting of the mistletoe by the visitor to any household member. 35. A. called B. known C. thought D. believed 36. A. although B. yet C. whereas D. as 37. A. notice B. sign C. warning D. coming 38. A. may B. would C. should D. could Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 44 There are some unattended level crossings, with gates which road-users have to open themselves, 'Stop' signs, and small red and green lights. Do not cross when the red light is showing, as a train is coming. There is a special railway telephone, and if you are driving a very large or slow moving vehicle, or are on foot with animals, you must first telephone the nearest station to make sure it is safe for you to cross. Open both gates before you cross and close them after you. When you have crossed, telephone the station to let them know you are over. Some other unattended level crossings have gates but have no red lights. At such crossings, stop, look both ways, listen and make sure there is no train coming. If there is a special railway telephone, first telephone to make sure it is safe for you to cross. Before you cross with a vehicle or with animals, open the gates on both sides wide, and then check once again that no train is coming. Drive your vehicle or animals right across and well clear of the crossing and then close both gates. 39. All the level crossings described in the passage have_______. A. flashing lights B. attendants C. telephones D. gates 40. According to the instructions, you should cross level crossings_______. A. without hesitating B. as cautiously as possible C. in vehicle D. as far as possible from the car in front 41. You should never drive onto any level crossing if_______. A. another vehicle is approaching B. the attendant has not operated the lights C. the exit isn't clear D. a green light is flashing 42. At a crossing with gates you open yourself, you are told to telephone the station if_______. A. a red light is showing B. you are driving a very large vehicle C. your car breaks down close to it D. you have not closed the gates 43. Imagine you are going to drive across an unattended level crossing which has no lights at all. What is the final thing you must do before actually crossing? D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L A. Open the near gate wide B. Look to see if a train is coming C. Telephone the nearest station D. Listen for any animals approaching 44. The word “them” refers to: A. Gates B. red lights D. green lights D. railway stations Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 45. Harry no longer smokes a lot. A. Harry now smokes a lot. B. Harry used to smoke a lot. C. Harry didn’t use to smoke a lot. D. Harry rarely smoked a lot. 46. “I’ll call you as soon as I arrive at the airport,” he said to me. A. He objected to calling me as soon as he arrived at the airport. B. He promised to call me as soon as he arrived at the airport. C. He denied calling me as soon as he arrived at the airport. D. He reminded me to call him as soon as he arrived at the airport. 47. You should take regular exercises instead of sitting in front of the television all day. A. Taking regular exercises is better than sitting in front of the television all day. B. Sitting in front of the television all day helps you take regular exercises. C. Sitting in front of the television all day and taking exercises are advisable. D. Don’t take regular exercises, just sit in front of the television all day. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 48. I strongly disapproved of your behavior. However, I will help you this time. A. Despite of my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time. B. Because of your behavior, I will help you this time. C. Although I strongly disapproved of your behavior, but I will help you this time. D. Despite my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time. 49. She tried very hard to pass the driving test. She could hardly pass it. A. Although she didn’t try hard to pass the driving test, she could pass it. B. She tried very hard, so she passed the driving test satisfactorily. C. No matter how hard she tried, she could hardly pass the driving test. D. Despite being able to pass the driving test, she didn’t pass it. 50. They didn’t have the right visas. They couldn’t legally re-enter Thailand. A. If they had had the right visas, they could have re-entered Thailand legally. B. Had they had the right visas, they couldn’t re-entered Thailand legally. C. Were they to have the right visas, they could re-entered Thailand legally. D. If they had the right visas, they could re-enter Thailand legally. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 4. DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ………... ĐỀ ÔN TẬP SỐ 03 KÌ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 10 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút [không kể thời gian phát đề] Họ tên thí sinh:……………………........... Số báo danh:………………………… I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1. A. insect B. percent C. wetland D. extinct 2. A. agencies B. medicine C. species D. circle 3. A. crisis B. exist C. primary D. fertile Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4. A. weapon B. become C. country D. decade 5. A. never B. follow C. pilot D. reply Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6. According to a team of scientists, there are evidence that Mount Everest is A B C still rising. D 7. There are more potatoes cultivated than any the other vegetable crop worldwide. A B C D 8. Some metals such gold, silver, copper, and tin occur naturally, and are easy to work. A B C D 9. Laser discs provide images of best quality than those of either television A B C D signals or video tapes. ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO [Đề thi có 03 trang] Mã đề thi 14 D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10/ We read newspapers and magazines which have been produced on computers. A. born B. shaped C. begun D. manufactured 11. In the 1920s, amateur theater performances benefited poor families and other charitable causes. A. untrained B. inexperienced C. non-profit D. nonprofessional Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 12. Later that evening, when I was almost asleep, the sound of a crowd brought me back to full consciousness. A. afraid B. tired C. awake D. aware 13. Your poster is very good. I think that you could enhance it by adding some more color. That will tend to attract everyone's attention. A. draw again B. throw away C. make better D. make worse Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 14. There are a lot of people who_______ work in remote and mountainous areas nowadays. A. volunteer B. voluntarily C. volunteers D. voluntary 15. People often_______ the candles after singing “Happy Birthday”. A. blow out B. light up C. put on D. turn off 16. He has a very_______ temper and often says things he regrets later. A. angry B. quick C. warm D. fast 17. You can buy dairy_______ in this shop. A. producers B. production C. productivity D. products 18. If they aren't careful with their money, they'll get into_______. A. loss B. problem C. debt D. missing 19. Patrick must be out of the_______ of arriving late for meetings. A. habit B. custom C. use D. fashion D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 5. party went on much longer than John had_______. A. expected B. wondered C. attended D. appeared 21. “Would you like to have_______ coffee?” A. an amount of B. a lot C. some D. little 22. Peter, who is studying Vietnamese at Vinh University, is a friend of ________. A. I B. my C. me D. mine 23: The most disastrous earthquake in Japan, which occurred in 1923, ________ about 150,000 people. A. damaged B. destroyed C. caused D. killed 24: It’s very dark in the room. Please turn ________ the lights, boy. A. up B. down C. on D. off 25: Many plants and animals species are now in ________ of extinction. A. endanger B. danger C. dangerous D. dangerously 26. My uncle and aunt live________ a farm 120 kilometers east of Ha Noi. A. in B. on C. from D. at 27. The boys can't get to sleep. They're wide________. A. waking B. awake C. woken D. awaken 28 The________ at the football match became violent when their team lost. A. observers B. audiences C. spectators D. customers 29. Would you________ a minute, please? I'll try to connect you. A. keep in B. stay on C. hold on D. stop on 30. The patient's progress was very encouraging as he could________ get out of bed without help. A. nearly B. only C. merely D. barely 31. The Mediterranean town of Benidom is one of the biggest holiday________ in Spain. A. resorts B. beaches C. locations D. coasts 32 . I hate________ in exams. I think it is unacceptable. A. cheating B. lying C. deceiving D. tricking Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each of the following exchanges. 33. - “I'm going to the beach with my parents this Saturday!” D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L - “_______” A. It's quite normal. B. Lucky you! I'm having a karate lesson. C. Good luck, and take care! D. I'm waiting for your news. 34.- “Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?” - “_______” A. Yes, you may borrow. B. Yes, come on. C. Yes, help yourself. D. It doesn't matter! Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks In England, there is a traditional belief that whoever first arrives at the threshold of the household will bring good luck to the family for the coming year. The tradition is [35] _______ ‘First Footing’. As part of ‘First Footing’ tradition, English people pray for a young, healthy, handsome, and dark-haired male to be their first footer of the New Year. A woman, a blonde, or a red-colored person is not welcome for the day, [36] _______they are considered to bring bad luck for the entire year. Moreover, if that person carries coal, money, bread, salt, or holy mistletoe with him, then it is considered to be a [37] _______ of good luck and prosperity for the rest of the year. Traditionally, the first footer is meant to follow certain customs and traditions. One of them is that the first footer [38] _______always enter the house from the front door, and exit from the back door. Also, the first footer should place the fuel [as carried along] on the fire, should place the loaf on the table, and should pour water on the head of the householder. Tradition also calls for gifting of the mistletoe by the visitor to any household member. 35. A. called B. known C. thought D. believed 36. A. although B. yet C. whereas D. as 37. A. notice B. sign C. warning D. coming 38. A. may B. would C. should D. could Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 44 There are some unattended level crossings, with gates which road-users have to open themselves, 'Stop' signs, and small red and green lights. Do not cross when the red light is showing, as a train is coming. There is a special railway telephone, and if you are driving a very large or slow moving vehicle, or are on foot with animals, you must first telephone the nearest station to make sure it is safe for you to cross. Open both gates before you cross and close them after you. When you have crossed, telephone the station to let them know you are over. Some other unattended level crossings have gates but have no red lights. At such crossings, stop, look both ways, listen and make sure there is no train coming. If there is a special railway telephone, first telephone to make sure it is safe for you to cross. Before you cross with a vehicle or with animals, open the gates on both sides wide, and then check once again that no train is coming. Drive your vehicle or animals right across and well clear of the crossing and then close both gates. 39. All the level crossings described in the passage have_______. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 6. B. attendants C. telephones D. gates 40. According to the instructions, you should cross level crossings_______. A. without hesitating B. as cautiously as possible C. in vehicle D. as far as possible from the car in front 41. You should never drive onto any level crossing if_______. A. another vehicle is approaching B. the attendant has not operated the lights C. the exit isn't clear D. a green light is flashing 42. At a crossing with gates you open yourself, you are told to telephone the station if_______. A. a red light is showing B. you are driving a very large vehicle C. your car breaks down close to it D. you have not closed the gates 43. Imagine you are going to drive across an unattended level crossing which has no lights at all. What is the final thing you must do before actually crossing? A. Open the near gate wide B. Look to see if a train is coming C. Telephone the nearest station D. Listen for any animals approaching 45. The word “them” refers to: B. Gates B. red lights D. green lights D. railway stations Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 45. Harry no longer smokes a lot. A. Harry now smokes a lot. B. Harry used to smoke a lot. C. Harry didn’t use to smoke a lot. D. Harry rarely smoked a lot. 46. “I’ll call you as soon as I arrive at the airport,” he said to me. E. He objected to calling me as soon as he arrived at the airport. F. He promised to call me as soon as he arrived at the airport. G. He denied calling me as soon as he arrived at the airport. H. He reminded me to call him as soon as he arrived at the airport. 47. You should take regular exercises instead of sitting in front of the television all day. E. Taking regular exercises is better than sitting in front of the television all day. F. Sitting in front of the television all day helps you take regular exercises. G. Sitting in front of the television all day and taking exercises are advisable. H. Don’t take regular exercises, just sit in front of the television all day. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L 48. I strongly disapproved of your behavior. However, I will help you this time. E. Despite of my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time. F. Because of your behavior, I will help you this time. G. Although I strongly disapproved of your behavior, but I will help you this time. H. Despite my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time. 49. She tried very hard to pass the driving test. She could hardly pass it. E. Although she didn’t try hard to pass the driving test, she could pass it. F. She tried very hard, so she passed the driving test satisfactorily. G. No matter how hard she tried, she could hardly pass the driving test. H. Despite being able to pass the driving test, she didn’t pass it. 50. They didn’t have the right visas. They couldn’t legally re-enter Thailand. E. If they had had the right visas, they could have re-entered Thailand legally. F. Had they had the right visas, they couldn’t re-entered Thailand legally. G. Were they to have the right visas, they could re-entered Thailand legally. H. If they had the right visas, they could re-entere Thailand legally. ___The end___ D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 7. VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ………... ĐỀ ÔN TẬP SỐ 02 KÌ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 10 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút [không kể thời gian phát đề] Họ tên thí sinh:……………………........... Số báo danh:………………………… I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1: A. wicked B. watched C. stopped D. cooked 2: A. accent B. factor C. anniversary D. variety 3. A. turned B. moved C. interested D. studied Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4: A. immersion B. dominance C. dialect D. stimulate 5: A. scientific B. imaginary C. advantage D. reviewer Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6: I haven’t visited my friends when I came to live in the city. A B C D 7: Tom asked Peter whether he had gone to Mai’s birthday party last night. A B C D 8. Hoa’s family has moved to this city for last month. A B C D 9. Sleeping, resting, and to drink fruit juice are the best ways to care for a cold. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10: Mr. Gerstein was particularly taken back to hear that sleeping problems are often linked to physical problems. A. surprised B. intended C. determined D. relieved 11: I shouldn’t go outside without a raincoat because it’s raining cats and dogs. A. it’s just started to rain B. it’s raining very heavily C. it’s going to rain D. it’s drizzling Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO [Đề thi có 03 trang] Mã đề thi 32 D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L 12: You should not wear casual clothes to the interview. The first impression is very important. A. new B. informal C. neat D. formal 13: My younger brothers are obedient most of the time, but they are quite mischievous sometimes. A. naughty B. hard-working C. well-behaved D. disruptive Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 14: Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn’t have enough ________. A. confide B. confident C. confidential D. confidence 15: Our new coach is popular ___________the whole team. A. for B. to C. by D. with 16: Don’t go too fast! I can’t _____up with you. A. keep B. go C. walk D. run 17: I have no idea where ___________. A. has she got that information B. she got that information C. did she get that information D. that information has she got 18: That’s___________ story I have ever heard. A. a ridiculous B. the ridiculous C. the more ridiculous D. the most ridiculous 19: We bought some ___________. A. German lovely old glasses B. German old lovely glasses C. lovely old German glasses D. old lovely German glasses 20: ___________non-verbal language is___________ important aspect of interpersonal communication. A. The - a B. ø – an C. A – the D. The – ø 21. _______for bamboo seeds to grow into plants that can be used for commercial purposes. A. It takes several years B. Several years to be taken C. By taking several years D. Although taking several years 22. There's somebody behind US. I think we_______. A. are following B. follow C. have followed D. are being followed 23. The cat was afraid when it saw its_______ in the mirror. A. picture B. lookC. sight D. reflection 24. The doctors say it may take him a long time to get_______ the shock. A. past B. above C. through D. over 25. Do you think there ……… less conflict in the world if all people_______ the same language? A. would be/ spoke B. were/ would speak C. were/ spoke D. would be/ would speak D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 8. a seat on the evening flight to Ho Chi Minh city. A. travelled B. paid C. booked D. made 27. In Con Dao, there are green _______ of forests and fresh meadows and the houses with red roofs, which forms the picture of nature with bright colours. A. lands B. regions C. wilderness D. stretches 28. A _______ is usually necessary when you travel overseas. A. passport B. driving licence C. birth certificate D. degree 29. Our plane arrives in Hanoi at _______ two o’clock in _______ afternoon. A. Ø – the B. the – the C. a – a D. the – an 30. They are going to spend their holiday _______ rural France. A. relaxing B. exploring C. reserving D. searching 31. I’d like to see that football match because I___________ once this year. A. haven’t seen B. don’t see C. weren’t seeing D. didn’t see 32: They always kept on good _________ with their next-door neighbors for the children’s sake. A. will B. friendship C. terms D. relations Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each of the following exchanges. 33: “Would you mind turning down the TV? I’m working!” “________________.” A. Yes, I’m working, too. B. Not at all. I’ll do it now. C. Thank you. I’m pleased. D. No, I wouldn’t be working. 34: “Please, lock the door carefully before you leave the room.” “________.” A. I won’t tell you when I do it. B. I’m thinking of selling the house. C. That’s for sure. D. I’m sorry. I did it last night. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks Last week I went to an International Food Festival taking place in Hai Phong. Because the festival only [35] ___place for one day, hundreds of people crowded into it. It was the biggest food festival I had ever seen. There were thirty countries participating in the festival. They brought with them traditional food specialities which reflected their unique national [36]______. I was really impressed [37] ___the Cobb salad. It is an American garden salad made from chopped salad greens, tomato, bacon, chicken breast, hard-boiled egg, avocado, cheese, and red-wine vinaigrette. [38]___the salad requires quite a few ingredients, it is not quick to make. 35. A. ran B. took C. went D. found 36. A. cooking B. food C. foods D. cuisine 37. A. by B. at C. in D. on 38. A. But B. Although C. Because D. So D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 45 Changes in care giving roles With the burden of financial support reduced, and with a changing concept of a father’s role, modern day fathers tend to be more involved in children’s care giving. They are now spending more time and energy on their children. Psychological research across families from all ethnic backgrounds suggests that the influence of a father’s love and attention is as great as that of a mother’s. Fatherly love helps children develop a sense of their place in the world, which helps their social and emotional development. Moreover, children who receive more love from their fathers are less likely to have behavioural problems. This trend is still increasing and its effects will become clearer and clearer in the future, especially in traditionally male-dominated societies. 39. Which of these is NOT the traditional role of a father? A. financial supporter B. teacher of moral values C. religious educator D. caregiver 40. The “ they ” in the passage refers to …………. A. Father B. mother C. children D. None is correct 41. Social welfare programmes ___________. A. support families financially B. help mothers with domestic abuse C. educate fathers about their responsibilities D. train caregivers 42. The influence of a mother’s love is ___________ that of the father’s. A. more important than B. less important than C. much greater than D. as important as 43. Children who get more fatherly love will _______ behavioural problems. A. never have any B. have more C. have fewer D. have a lot of 44.The changing roles of the father will be seen more clearly in ___________. A. ethnic groups B. developed countries C. economically independent societies D. traditionally male-dominated societies Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 45. “How long have you been in this job?” she asked him. A. She asked him how long he has been in that job. B. She asked him how long has he been in that job. C. She asked him how long he had been in that job. D. She asked him how long had he been in that job. 46. "Why don’t you put a better lock on the door?" said John. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 9. us to put a better lock on the door. B. John asked us why we put a better lock on the door. C. John let us put a better lock on the door. D. John suggested putting a better lock on the door. 47. The captain said to his men: “Abandon the ship immediately!” A. The captain ordered his men to abandon the ship immediately. B. The captain threatened his men to abandon the ship immediately. C. The captain invited his men to abandon the ship immediately. D. The captain suggested his men abandon the ship immediately Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 48. Mr.Smith is a professor. His car was stolen yesterday. A. His car was stolen yesterday, he is a professor. B. Mr.Smith, who his car was stolen yesterday, is aprofessor. C. Mr.Smith, who is a professor, his car was stolen yesterday. D. Mr.Smith, whose car was stolen yesterday, is a professor. 49. Smallpox is a dangerous disease. Malaria is a dangerous disease. A. Smallpox is a dangerous disease, and so is malaria. B. The agreement which was signed yesterday ended six-month negotiation. C. The agreement which ends six-month negotiation was signed yesterday. D. The agreement which lasted six-month was signed yesterday. 50. They didn’t have the right visas. They couldn’t legally re-enter Thailand. A. If they had had the right visas, they could have re-entered Thailand legally. B. Had they had the right visas, they couldn’t re-entered Thailand legally. C. Were they to have the right visas, they could re-entered Thailand legally. D. If they had the right visas, they could re-enter Thailand legally. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L ___The end___ SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ………... ĐỀ ÔN TẬP SỐ 03 KÌ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 10 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút [không kể thời gian phát đề] Họ tên thí sinh:……………………........... Số báo danh:………………………… I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1: A. wicked B. watched C. stopped D. cooked 2: A. accent B. factor C. anniversary D. variety 3. A. turned B. moved C. interested D. studied Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4: A. immersion B. dominance C. dialect D. stimulate 5: A. scientific B. imaginary C. advantage D. reviewer Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6: I haven’t visited my friends when I came to live in the city. A B C D 7: Tom asked Peter whether he had gone to Mai’s birthday party last night. A B C D 10. Hoa’s family has moved to this city for last month. A B C D 11. Sleeping, resting, and to drink fruit juice are the best ways to care for a cold. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10: Mr. Gerstein was particularly taken back to hear that sleeping problems are often linked to physical problems. A. surprised B. intended C. determined D. relieved 11: I shouldn’t go outside without a raincoat because it’s raining cats and dogs. A. it’s just started to rain B. it’s raining very heavily C. it’s going to rain D. it’s drizzling ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO [Đề thi có 03 trang] Mã đề thi 2 D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 10. A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 12: You should not wear casual clothes to the interview. The first impression is very important. A. new B. informal C. neat D. formal 13: My younger brothers are obedient most of the time, but they are quite mischievous sometimes. A. naughty B. hard-working C. well-behaved D. disruptive Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 14: Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn’t have enough ________. A. confide B. confident C. confidential D. confidence 15: Our new coach is popular ___________the whole team. A. for B. to C. by D. with 16: Don’t go too fast! I can’t _____up with you. A. keep B. go C. walk D. run 17: I have no idea where ___________. A. has she got that information B. she got that information C. did she get that information D. that information has she got 18: That’s___________ story I have ever heard. A. a ridiculous B. the ridiculous C. the more ridiculous D. the most ridiculous 19: We bought some ___________. A. German lovely old glasses B. German old lovely glasses C. lovely old German glasses D. old lovely German glasses 20: ___________non-verbal language is___________ important aspect of interpersonal communication. A. The - a B. ø – an C. A – the D. The – ø 21. _______for bamboo seeds to grow into plants that can be used for commercial purposes. A. It takes several years B. Several years to be taken C. By taking several years D. Although taking several years 22. There's somebody behind US. I think we_______. A. are following B. follow C. have followed D. are being followed 23. The cat was afraid when it saw its_______ in the mirror. A. picture B. lookC. sight D. reflection 24. The doctors say it may take him a long time to get_______ the shock. A. past B. above C. through D. over 25. Do you think there ……… less conflict in the world if all people_______ the same language? D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L A. would be/ spoke B. were/ would speak C. were/ spoke D. would be/ would speak 26. David _______ a seat on the evening flight to Ho Chi Minh city. A. travelled B. paid C. booked D. made 27. In Con Dao, there are green _______ of forests and fresh meadows and the houses with red roofs, which forms the picture of nature with bright colours. A. lands B. regions C. wilderness D. stretches 28. A _______ is usually necessary when you travel overseas. A. passport B. driving licence C. birth certificate D. degree 29. Our plane arrives in Hanoi at _______ two o’clock in _______ afternoon. A. Ø – the B. the – the C. a – a D. the – an 30. They are going to spend their holiday _______ rural France. A. relaxing B. exploring C. reserving D. searching 31. I’d like to see that football match because I___________ once this year. A. haven’t seen B. don’t see C. weren’t seeing D. didn’t see 32: They always kept on good _________ with their next-door neighbors for the children’s sake. B. will B. friendship C. terms D. relations Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each of the following exchanges. 33: “Would you mind turning down the TV? I’m working!” “________________.” A. Yes, I’m working, too. B. Not at all. I’ll do it now. C. Thank you. I’m pleased. D. No, I wouldn’t be working. 34: “Please, lock the door carefully before you leave the room.” “________.” A. I won’t tell you when I do it. B. I’m thinking of selling the house. C. That’s for sure. D. I’m sorry. I did it last night. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks Last week I went to an International Food Festival taking place in Hai Phong. Because the festival only [35] ___place for one day, hundreds of people crowded into it. It was the biggest food festival I had ever seen. There were thirty countries participating in the festival. They brought with them traditional food specialities which reflected their unique national [36]______. I was really impressed [37] ___the Cobb salad. It is an American garden salad made from chopped salad greens, tomato, bacon, chicken breast, hard-boiled egg, avocado, cheese, and red-wine vinaigrette. [38]___the salad requires quite a few ingredients, it is not quick to make. 35. A. ran B. took C. went D. found 36. A. cooking B. food C. foods D. cuisine 37. A. by B. at C. in D. on D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 11. B. Although C. Because D. So Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 45 Changes in care giving roles With the burden of financial support reduced, and with a changing concept of a father’s role, modern day fathers tend to be more involved in children’s care giving. They are now spending more time and energy on their children. Psychological research across families from all ethnic backgrounds suggests that the influence of a father’s love and attention is as great as that of a mother’s. Fatherly love helps children develop a sense of their place in the world, which helps their social and emotional development. Moreover, children who receive more love from their fathers are less likely to have behavioural problems. This trend is still increasing and its effects will become clearer and clearer in the future, especially in traditionally male-dominated societies. 39. Which of these is NOT the traditional role of a father? A. financial supporter B. teacher of moral values C. religious educator D. caregiver 40. The “ they ” in the passage refers to …………. B. Father B. mother C. children D. None is correct 41. Social welfare programmes ___________. A. support families financially B. help mothers with domestic abuse C. educate fathers about their responsibilities D. train caregivers 42. The influence of a mother’s love is ___________ that of the father’s. A. more important than B. less important than C. much greater than D. as important as 43. Children who get more fatherly love will _______ behavioural problems. A. never have any B. have more C. have fewer D. have a lot of 44.The changing roles of the father will be seen more clearly in ___________. A. ethnic groups B. developed countries C. economically independent societies D. traditionally male-dominated societies Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 45. “How long have you been in this job?” she asked him. E. She asked him how long he has been in that job. F. She asked him how long has he been in that job. G. She asked him how long he had been in that job. H. She asked him how long had he been in that job. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L 46. "Why don’t you put a better lock on the door?" said John. E. John ordered us to put a better lock on the door. F. John asked us why we put a better lock on the door. G. John let us put a better lock on the door. H. John suggested putting a better lock on the door. 47. The captain said to his men: “Abandon the ship immediately!” D. The captain ordered his men to abandon the ship immediately. E. The captain threatened his men to abandon the ship immediately. F. The captain invited his men to abandon the ship immediately. I. The captain suggested his men abandon the ship immediately Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 48. Mr.Smith is a professor. His car was stolen yesterday. E. His car was stolen yesterday, he is a professor. F. Mr.Smith, who his car was stolen yesterday, is aprofessor. G. Mr.Smith, who is a professor, his car was stolen yesterday. H. Mr.Smith, whose car was stolen yesterday, is a professor. 49. Smallpox is a dangerous disease. Malaria is a dangerous disease. E. Smallpox is a dangerous disease, and so is malaria. F. The agreement which was signed yesterday ended six-month negotiation. G. The agreement which ends six-month negotiation was signed yesterday. H. The agreement which lasted six-month was signed yesterday. 50. They didn’t have the right visas. They couldn’t legally re-enter Thailand. E. If they had had the right visas, they could have re-entered Thailand legally. F. Had they had the right visas, they couldn’t re-entered Thailand legally. G. Were they to have the right visas, they could re-entered Thailand legally. H. If they had the right visas, they could re-enter Thailand legally. ___The end___ D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 12. VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ………... ĐỀ ÔN TẬP SỐ 03 KÌ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 10 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút [không kể thời gian phát đề] I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1.A. campus B. practice C. language D. favorite 2.A. qualify B. scenery C. grocery D. academy 3.A. speak B. need C. heart D. read Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4. A. bilingual B. magnificent C. inacessible D. promote 5. A. touchdown B. package C. sightseeing D. hotel Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6. My sister enjoys read about wild animals and natural mysteries. A B C D 7. Mr. Thach who sing English songs very well is my teacher of English. A B C D 8. The boy was so boring with the film that he couldn’t sleep last night. A B C D 9. Lan was extreme pleased that she got an A for her assignment. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10. Fruit is customarily treated with sulfur prior to drying to reduce any color change. A. previous to B. at the time of C. in front of D. subsequent to 11. There is no thing to make it likely or certain that he will be at the party. A. proof B. promise C. guarantee D. fact Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 12. In remote communities, it's important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in. A. remake B. empty C. refill D. repeat 13. Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region.. A. restrain B. stay unchanged C. remain unstable D. fluctuate ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO [Đề thi có 03 trang] Mã đề thi 3 D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 14. The Louisiana Territory, an area ............. the size of France, was bought by the United States from France for $15,000,000 in 1803. a. than more four times b. more than four times c. four times than more d. is four times more than 15. Despite claims that filters and low-tar tobacco make smoking somewhat safer, in fact they only marginally reduce, ............. eliminate the hazards. a. none b. no c. not d. nor 16. ............. many of the designs for the new capital were considered lost forever, Benjamin Banneker helped reproduce the original plans. a. When b. During c. If as d. How 17. Few natural elements exist in ............. that they are rarely seen in their natural environments. a. such small quantities b. so small quantities c. very small quantities d. small quantity 18. Generally speaking, every person ............. the potential to be a teacher, to some extent. a. has b. to have c. having d. have 19. ............. business, a merger is a combination of two or more corporations under one management. a. The b. At c. On d. In 20. ............. of commodities by air began in the 1920s at the same time as airmail service. a. The shipping b. A ship c. The shipped d. To ship 21. Jan Malzeliger's invention, the shoe-lasting machine, ............. production but it also cut the cost of shoe production by half. a. not only increased b. not increased only c. increased only d. only have increased 22. It can sometimes ............. a home. a. to take months to sell b. take several months to sell c. selling takes several months d. to sell taking several months 23. Jellyfish are probably ............. on Earth. a. most numerous predators b. the most numerous predators c. most numerous of predators d. the most predators 24. In the United States ............. is the most concentrated is New Orleans. a. French influence the city b. the city where French influence c. where the city influences French d. where the French influence the city D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 13. grabber has a long arm ............., which stretches out to pick up logs. a. calls a jib b. calling a jib c. a jib called d. called a jib 26. A home computer ............. an opportunity for convenient and efficient work at home. a. provides b. to be providing c. which provides d. providing it 27. Eli Whitney's milling machine remained unchanged for a century and a half because ............. was so efficient. a. it b. he c. of d. its 28. Some of the rainwater from clouds evaporates before .............. a. reaching the ground b. to reach the ground c. reach the ground d. the ground reaches 29. Once an offending allergen has been identified ............. tests, it is possible for the doctor to give specific desensitizing injections. a. means of b. by means of c. of the means by d. by means 30. Sometimes ............. wears people out and is worse than the lack of sleep itself. a. to sleep the desire b. the desire to sleep c. to desire sleep is d. the desire to sleep who 31. Although dissimilar in almost every other respect, birds and insects have both evolved efficient ............. capabilities. a. fly b. flying c. to fly d. is flying 32. The wheel, ............. has remained important for 4,000 years, is one of mankind's first inventions. a. how b. when c. which d. about Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each of the following exchanges. 33. David :"It's terrible. I don't think I will be able to pass the exam." – Mary : "______" A. Let's try it. B. Don't worry. Everything will be all right. C. Ok. What's that? D. Why not pass it? 34.Sue: "You have read that article on the website, haven't you" – Peter : "_______" A. Sure, thanks. B- Not at all! Go ahead. C. Not yet. Why? D. Yes, of course, I will. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks Britain will soon ban smoking in cars with children. Britain's government wants [35]_________ the harm cigarette smoke does to children. New laws will cut the chances of chilren passive smoking. This is when someone breathes in the [36]_________from other people's cigarettes. Many studies say passive smoking can almost be as [37]__________as actually smoking a cigarette. The British government says that it has looked at search poiting out that children who sit in smoke-filled cars have [38]__________problems. It is particularly bad in cars because there is so little space, so the car fills with smoke very quickly. Not everyone agrees with the new law. Some lawmakers argue that it takes D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L away the freedom for people to smoke in their own car. However, Britain's health minister states that the health of children is more important than the freedom to smoke. 35. A-reduce B-to reducing C-to reduce D-reducing 36. A-gas B-tobacco C-smell D- smoke 37. A-harmful B-heavy C-careless D-tired 38. A-traffic B-housing C-health D-economic Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 44 Mercury is the smallest member of the sun's family. It is only 3.100 miles across. It is also the sun's swiftest planet. Its yearly journey round the sun is only 85 days.Mercury always keeps one side towards the sun. On this side it is always day, on the other side always night. We only see the lighted side. Mercury appears to us like a yellowish orange star. The nearest planet to the sun, it is always seen near the sun, either just before sunrise or soon after sunset. People sometimes call mercury the morning star orevening star. Mercury is half the size of the earth. Because it is much lighter, it has much less gravity. If you can visit Mercury in a spaceship, you will find it a strange world. Its low gravity makes you feel very light. If your weight on earth is 100 pounds, your weight on Mercury is only 27 pounds.Looking at the sun from Mercury, you can see that it's much more brilliant than it is seen from the earth. And the yellow centre of the sun appears three times bigger from Mercury.On its lighted side, Mercury's temperature is about 300 degrees centigrade. But the dark side is extremely cold, but 150 degrees below zero so mercury is probably the coldest as well as the hottest of the planets. 39. Mercury is_______. A. the sun's fastest planet B. the coldest planet C. the hottest planet D. all are correct 40. The word “ swiftest” is best replaced by: A. Nearest B. fastest C. coldest D. None is correct 41. We cannot see the dark side of Mercury because_______. A. it moves very fast B. it always appears just before sunrise or soon after sunset. C. it always keeps one side towards the sun. D. it is too far for us to see. 42. When can we see Mercury? - We can see it_______. A. just before the sunset B. just before sunrise C. after the sunset D. both A and C are correct 43. Why do we weigh much on the earth than on Mercury? - Because_______. A. Mercury is nearer to the sun. B. Mercury has got less gravity than the earth. C. Mercury is much hotter. D. none are correct. 44. Why does the sun look bigger when it is seen from Mercury? - Because_______. A. Mercury is the smallest planet of the sun. B. Mercury is nearer to the sun. C. Mercury is a light planet. D. It only takes Mercury 88 days to move round the sun. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 14. her car yesterday. A. She has someone repair her car. B. She was had someone repair her car. C. She had someone repaired her car. D. She had someone repair her car. 46. You must see the manager tomorrow morning. A. You’ve got to seeing the manager tomorrow morning. B . You’ve got to seen the manager tomorrow morning. C . You’ve got to see the manager tomorrow morning. D. You’ve seen the manager tomorrow morning. 47. There was never any answer when we rang. A. Every time we rang there wasn’t any answer. B . Every time we rang there was any answer. C . Every time we rang there was some answer. D . Every time we rang there wasn’t any answer Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 48. She liked Paris very little, and Rome less. A. She thought Rome was even better than Paris. B. She thought Rome was even worse as Paris. C. She thought Rome was even worse than Paris. D. She thought Rome were even worse than Paris. 49. I can meet you if you arrive before eleven. A. So long so you arrive before 11, I can meet you. B. So long as you arrive before 11, I can't meet you. C. So long as you arrive before 11, I must meet you. D. So long as you arrive before 11, I can meet you. 50. They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight. A. All the prisoners will be caught again by tonight. B. All the prisoners will caught again by tonight. C . All the prisoners will catch again by tonight. 48 D. All the prisoners will be caught again tonight. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L ___The end___ I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1.A. campus B. practice C. language D. favorite 2.A. qualify B. scenery C. grocery D. academy 3.A. speak B. need C. heart D. read Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4. A. bilingual B. magnificent C. inacessible D. promote 5. A. touchdown B. package C. sightseeing D. hotel Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6. My sister enjoys read about wild animals and natural mysteries. A B C D 7. Mr. Thach who sing English songs very well is my teacher of English. A B C D 8. The boy was so boring with the film that he couldn’t sleep last night. A B C D 9. Lan was extreme pleased that she got an A for her assignment. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10. Fruit is customarily treated with sulfur prior to drying to reduce any color change. A. previous to B. at the time of C. in front of D. subsequent to 11. There is no thing to make it likely or certain that he will be at the party. A. proof B. promise C. guarantee D. fact Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 12. In remote communities, it's important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in. A. remake B. empty C. refill D. repeat 13. Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region.. A. restrain B. stay unchanged C. remain unstable D. fluctuate D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 15. A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 14. The Louisiana Territory, an area ............. the size of France, was bought by the United States from France for $15,000,000 in 1803. a. than more four times b. more than four times c. four times than more d. is four times more than 15. Despite claims that filters and low-tar tobacco make smoking somewhat safer, in fact they only marginally reduce, ............. eliminate the hazards. a. none b. no c. not d. nor 16. ............. many of the designs for the new capital were considered lost forever, Benjamin Banneker helped reproduce the original plans. a. When b. During c. If as d. How 17. Few natural elements exist in ............. that they are rarely seen in their natural environments. a. such small quantities b. so small quantities c. very small quantities d. small quantity 18. Generally speaking, every person ............. the potential to be a teacher, to some extent. a. has b. to have c. having d. have 19. ............. business, a merger is a combination of two or more corporations under one management. a. The b. At c. On d. In 20. ............. of commodities by air began in the 1920s at the same time as airmail service. a. The shipping b. A ship c. The shipped d. To ship 21. Jan Malzeliger's invention, the shoe-lasting machine, ............. production but it also cut the cost of shoe production by half. a. not only increased b. not increased only c. increased only d. only have increased 22. It can sometimes ............. a home. a. to take months to sell b. take several months to sell c. selling takes several months d. to sell taking several months 23. Jellyfish are probably ............. on Earth. a. most numerous predators b. the most numerous predators c. most numerous of predators d. the most predators 24. In the United States ............. is the most concentrated is New Orleans. a. French influence the city b. the city where French influence D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L c. where the city influences French d. where the French influence the city 25. A log grabber has a long arm ............., which stretches out to pick up logs. a. calls a jib b. calling a jib c. a jib called d. called a jib 26. A home computer ............. an opportunity for convenient and efficient work at home. a. provides b. to be providing c. which provides d. providing it 27. Eli Whitney's milling machine remained unchanged for a century and a half because ............. was so efficient. a. it b. he c. of d. its 28. Some of the rainwater from clouds evaporates before .............. a. reaching the ground b. to reach the ground c. reach the ground d. the ground reaches 29. Once an offending allergen has been identified ............. tests, it is possible for the doctor to give specific desensitizing injections. a. means of b. by means of c. of the means by d. by means 30. Sometimes ............. wears people out and is worse than the lack of sleep itself. a. to sleep the desire b. the desire to sleep c. to desire sleep is d. the desire to sleep who 31. Although dissimilar in almost every other respect, birds and insects have both evolved efficient ............. capabilities. a. fly b. flying c. to fly d. is flying 32. The wheel, ............. has remained important for 4,000 years, is one of mankind's first inventions. a. how b. when c. which d. about Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each of the following exchanges. 33. David :"It's terrible. I don't think I will be able to pass the exam." – Mary : "______" A. Let's try it. B. Don't worry. Everything will be all right. C. Ok. What's that? D. Why not pass it? 34.Sue: "You have read that article on the website, haven't you" – Peter : "_______" A. Sure, thanks. B- Not at all! Go ahead. C. Not yet. Why? D. Yes, of course, I will. . Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 16. ban smoking in cars with children. Britain's government wants [35]_________ the harm cigarette smoke does to children. New laws will cut the chances of chilren passive smoking. This is when someone breathes in the [36]_________from other people's cigarettes. Many studies say passive smoking can almost be as [37]__________as actually smoking a cigarette. The British government says that it has looked at search poiting out that children who sit in smoke-filled cars have [38]__________problems. It is particularly bad in cars because there is so little space, so the car fills with smoke very quickly. Not everyone agrees with the new law. Some lawmakers argue that it takes away the freedom for people to smoke in their own car. However, Britain's health minister states that the health of children is more important than the freedom to smoke. 35. A-reduce B-to reducing C-to reduce D-reducing 36. A-gas B-tobacco C-smell D- smoke 37. A-harmful B-heavy C-careless D-tired 38. A-traffic B-housing C-health D-economic Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 44 Mercury is the smallest member of the sun's family. It is only 3.100 miles across. It is also the sun's swiftest planet. Its yearly journey round the sun is only 85 days.Mercury always keeps one side towards the sun. On this side it is always day, on the other side always night. We only see the lighted side. Mercury appears to us like a yellowish orange star. The nearest planet to the sun, it is always seen near the sun, either just before sunrise or soon after sunset. People sometimes call mercury the morning star orevening star. Mercury is half the size of the earth. Because it is much lighter, it has much less gravity. If you can visit Mercury in a spaceship, you will find it a strange world. Its low gravity makes you feel very light. If your weight on earth is 100 pounds, your weight on Mercury is only 27 pounds.Looking at the sun from Mercury, you can see that it's much more brilliant than it is seen from the earth. And the yellow centre of the sun appears three times bigger from Mercury.On its lighted side, Mercury's temperature is about 300 degrees centigrade. But the dark side is extremely cold, but 150 degrees below zero so mercury is probably the coldest as well as the hottest of the planets. 39. Mercury is_______. A. the sun's fastest planet B. the coldest planet C. the hottest planet D. all are correct 40. The word “ swiftest” is best replaced by: A. Nearest B. fastest C. coldest D. None is correct 41. We cannot see the dark side of Mercury because_______. A. it moves very fast B. it always appears just before sunrise or soon after sunset. C. it always keeps one side towards the sun. D. it is too far for us to see. 42. When can we see Mercury? - We can see it_______. A. just before the sunset B. just before sunrise C. after the sunset D. both A and C are correct D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L 43. Why do we weigh much on the earth than on Mercury? - Because_______. A. Mercury is nearer to the sun. B. Mercury has got less gravity than the earth. C. Mercury is much hotter. D. none are correct. 44. Why does the sun look bigger when it is seen from Mercury? - Because_______. A. Mercury is the smallest planet of the sun. B. Mercury is nearer to the sun. C. Mercury is a light planet. D. It only takes Mercury 88 days to move round the sun. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 45. Somebody repaired her car yesterday. A. She has someone repair her car. B. She was had someone repair her car. C. She had someone repaired her car. D. She had someone repair her car. 46. You must see the manager tomorrow morning. A. You’ve got to seeing the manager tomorrow morning. B . You’ve got to seen the manager tomorrow morning. C . You’ve got to see the manager tomorrow morning. D. You’ve seen the manager tomorrow morning. 47. There was never any answer when we rang. A. Every time we rang there wasn’t any answer. B . Every time we rang there was any answer. C . Every time we rang there was some answer. D . Every time we rang there wasn’t any answer Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 48. She liked Paris very little, and Rome less. [THOUGHT] A. She thought Rome was even better than Paris. B. She thought Rome was even worse as Paris. C. She thought Rome was even worse than Paris. D. She thought Rome were even worse than Paris. 49. I can meet you if you arrive before eleven. [SO LONG] A. So long so you arrive before 11, I can meet you. B. So long as you arrive before 11, I can't meet you. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 17. as you arrive before 11, I must meet you. D. So long as you arrive before 11, I can meet you. 50. They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight. [BE] A. All the prisoners will be caught again by tonight. B. All the prisoners will caught again by tonight. C . All the prisoners will catch again by tonight. 48 D. All the prisoners will be caught again tonight. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ………... ĐỀ ÔN TẬP SỐ 04 KÌ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 10 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút [không kể thời gian phát đề] Họ tên thí sinh:……………………........... Số báo danh:………………………… I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1.A. astronomy B. astronomer C. astrology D. astronaut 2.A. telescope B. microgravity C. cooperate D. rocket 3.A. mission B. universe C. sense D. space Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4. A. sewage B. simple C. hobby D.describe 5.A. pollution B. visit C. listen D. open Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6. Ha Long Bay is one of the most beautiful natural wonder in the world. A B C D 7. My mother said that she would go to Britain following month. A B C D 8. When he arrived, I talked on the phone with my best friend. A B C D 9. I think Helen is accustomed to work eight hours a day. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10. It will be fine tomorrow. But if it should rain tomorrow, the match will be postponed. A. turned off B. put off C. sold off D. taken off 11. Laws on military service since 1960 still hold good. A. is in good condition B. remains for good C. stands in life D. remains in effect Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 12. He decided not to buy the fake watch and wait until he had more money. A. authentic B. forger C. faulty D. original 13. There has been no rain for a long time, so land is getting more and more barren. ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO [Đề thi có 03 trang] Mã đề thi 4 D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 18. dry C. windy D. hot Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 14. Perspiration increases ............. vigorous exercise or hot weather. a. during b. when c. at the time d. for 15. Goddard developed the first rocket to fly faster ............. a. than sound is b. does sound c. sound d. than sound 16. Even if the unemployment rate ............. sharply, the drop may still be temporary. a. to drop b. dropping c. have dropped d. drops 17. Studies indicate ............. collecting art today than ever before. a. there are that more people b. more people that are c. that there are more people d. people there are more 18. They …… me if I could speak Japanese A. told B. said C. talked D. asked 19. I've been to the theater ................... of times. a. much b. a little c. most of d. few 20. My family loves this house. It …….…thefamily homesincemygrandfatherbuilt it 60years ago. A.was B.is C.has been D.will be 21. We……… in Lenin Park when it rained. A.walked B.have walked C.were walking D.was walking 22. Many tourists enjoy festivals in Viet Nam _______ they don’t speak Vietnamese. A. though B. when C. if D. because 23. She does her homework ________. A. care B. careful C. careless D. carefully 24. He doesn’t enjoy _______ basketball. A. to play B. plays C. played D. playing 25. I congratulate Mai _______ passing the exam. A. about B. in C. for D. on 26. They ................. in New York next week. a. arrive b. will arrive c. has arrived d. have arrived 27. This is the best performance of Hamlet that I ............. in years. a. had seen b. saw c. have seen d. see 28. They .......... that you are going to be late. a. will know b. know c. knew d. have known 29. The people that I ................. here have been very friendly. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L a. to meet b. meet c. have met d. had met 30. The plug has come out of the ....................... a. sock b. socket c. socking d. soccer 31. She says that she .......... the bill next week. a. pays b. will pay c. has paid d. is paying 32. That is the best book that I ......... on that subject. a. had read b. read c. have read d. am reading Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each of the following exchanges. 33. Tom: “How did you get to the airport?" - John: “…………………” A. I came there last night. B. I came there by train. C. The train is so crowded. D. Is it far from there? 34. - “ I think we should use less paper so that we can save trees in the forests.” - “ ________”. A. Congratulations B. Yes, I’d love to C. That’s a good idea D. It’s nice of you to say so Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks The railway system in Viet Nam was first built in 1899, when Viet Nam was still a French colony. The total [36]_____ of the railroad is over 3,000 km, with the main route being the North-South [35]______, which is 1,726 km long. This track was considered the backbone of Indochina at the time. Now, the rail system covers 35 out of the 63 cities and provinces of Viet Nam. However, the system was [37]______ damaged by bombings during the war. In 1975, after the reunification of the north and the south, the Vietnamese government decided to restore the system. In the space of a year, hundreds of bridges, tunnels, and stations were restored, along with 660 km of tracks. The new and improved system was [38]______ the Thong Nhat Express. Thanks to the rail system, travelling from north to south has become much more convenient for tens of thousands of people. In the past, in order to be able to buy train tickets people had to wait in long lines. Now, C. passengers can buy tickets online, or at the central station, without having to wait that long. 35. A. long B. length C. wide D. will 36. A. Railway B. Road C. Route D. Way 37. A. seriously B. importantly C. serious D. very 38. A. recalled B. known C. considered D. renamed Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 44 Do you ever think about what schools will be like in the future? Many people think that students will study most regular classes such as maths, science and history online. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 19. learn these subjects anywhere using a computer. What will happen if students have problems with a subject? They might connect with a teacher through live video conferencing. Expert teachers from learning centres will give students help wherever they live. Students will still take classes in a school, too. Schools will become places for learning social skills. Teachers will guide students in learning how to work together in getting along with each other. They will help students with group projects both in and out of the classroom. Volunteer work and working at local businesses will teach students important life skills about the world they live in. This will help students become an important part of their communities. Some experts say it will take five years for changes to begin in schools. Some say it will take longer. Most people agree, though, that computers will change education the way TVs and telephones changed life for people all over the world years before. 39. What will happen if students meet difficulties with a subject? A. Teachers from learning centres will give them help through live video conferencing. B. They will meet their teachers in person for help with problems with the subject. C. They will telephone the teachers who are staying at the school to seek their help. D. Schools will organise a live video conference for teachers to help students with problems. 40. Students will still go to school to _____ . A. learn all subjects B. play with their friends C. use computers D. learn social skills 41. The main role of teachers in the future will be _____ . A. providing students with knowledge B. guiding students to learn computers C. helping students with group projects D. organising live video conferences 42. Students will learn important life skills through _______ . A. going to school every day B. taking online classes C. working in international businesses D. doing volunteer work 43. The word “ this ” refers to………… A. Taking class in school. B. learning some subjects by computer. C. Volunteer work and working at local business. D. learning how to work together 44. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Kids won’t have to go to school in the future. B. Computers will change education in the future. C. All classes will be taught online in the future. D. Teachers will help students from home in the future. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 45. We arrived too late to see the first film. A.We didn’t arrive enough early to see the first film B.We didn’t arrive early enough to see the first film C.We didn’t arrive late enough to see the first film D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L D.We didn’t arrive too early to see the first film 46. “I’m sorry that I broke the glass” said Peter. A.Peter apologized to breaking the glass B.Peter apologized for breaking the glass C.Peter apologized on breaking the glass D.Peter apologized with breaking the glass 47. I was downing, but he saved me. A.If he hadn’t save me, I would have been downing B.If he had saved me, I would have been downing C.If he hadn’t saved me, I would have been downing D.If he hadn’t saved me, I wouldn't have been downing Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 48. We can’t afford to buy the car. [EXPENSIVE] A. The car is too expensive for me to buy B. The car is so expensive for me to buy C. The car is too expensive for me to buy it. D. The car is too expensive for I to buy 49. His parents made him study hard for the exams. A.He was made study hard for the exams B.He made to study hard for the exams C.He was made to study hard for the exams D.He was made to studying hard for the exams 50. We started cooking for the party four hours ago. A.We have been cooked for the party for four hours B.We have been cooking for the party since four hours C.We have cooking for the party for four hours D.We have been cooking for the party for four hours D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 20. CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1.A. astronomy B. astronomer C. astrology D. astronaut 2.A. telescope B. microgravity C. cooperate D. rocket 3.A. mission B. universe C. sense D. space Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4. A. sewage B. simple C. hobby D.describe 5.A. pollution B. visit C. listen D. open Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6. Ha Long Bay is one of the most beautiful natural wonder in the world. A B C D 7. My mother said that she would go to Britain following month. A B C D 8. When he arrived, I talked on the phone with my best friend. A B C D 9. I think Helen is accustomed to work eight hours a day. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10. It will be fine tomorrow. But if it should rain tomorrow, the match will be postponed. A. turned off B. put off C. sold off D. taken off 11. Laws on military service since 1960 still hold good. A. is in good condition B. remains for good C. stands in life D. remains in effect Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 12. He decided not to buy the fake watch and wait until he had more money. A. authentic B. forger C. faulty D. original 13. There has been no rain for a long time, so land is getting more and more barren. A. wet B. dry C. windy D. hot Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L 14. Perspiration increases ............. vigorous exercise or hot weather. a. during b. when c. at the time d. for 15. Goddard developed the first rocket to fly faster ............. a. than sound is b. does sound c. sound d. than sound 16. Even if the unemployment rate ............. sharply, the drop may still be temporary. a. to drop b. dropping c. have dropped d. drops 17. Studies indicate ............. collecting art today than ever before. a. there are that more people b. more people that are c. that there are more people d. people there are more 18. They …… me if I could speak Japanese A. told B. said C. talked D. asked 19. I've been to the theater ................... of times. a. much b. a little c. most of d. few 20. Myfamily loves this house. It …….…thefamily homesincemy grandfatherbuilt it 60years ago. A.was B.is C.has been D.will be 21. We……… in Lenin Park when it rained. A.walked B.have walked C.were walking D. was walking 22. Many tourists enjoy festivals in Viet Nam _______ they don’t speak Vietnamese. A. though B. when C. if D. because 23. She does her homework ________. A. care B. careful C. careless D. carefully 24. He doesn’t enjoy _______ basketball. A. to play B. plays C. played D. playing 25. I congratulate Mai _______ passing the exam. A. about B. in C. for D. on 26. They ................. in New York next week. a. arrive b. will arrive c. has arrived d. have arrived 27. This is the best performance of Hamlet that I ............. in years. a. had seen b. saw c. have seen d. see 28. They .......... that you are going to be late. a. will know b. know c. knew d. have known 29. The people that I ................. here have been very friendly. a. to meet b. meet c. have met d. had met 30. The plug has come out of the ....................... a. sock b. socket c. socking d. soccer 31. She says that she .......... the bill next week. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 21. will pay c. has paid d. is paying 32. That is the best book that I ......... on that subject. a. had read b. read c. have read d. am reading Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each of the following exchanges. 33. Tom: “How did you get to the airport?" - John: “…………………” A. I came there last night. B. I came there by train. C. The train is so crowded. D. Is it far from there? 34. - “ I think we should use less paper so that we can save trees in the forests.” - “ ________”. A. Congratulations B. Yes, I’d love to C. That’s a good idea D. It’s nice of you to say so Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks The railway system in Viet Nam was first built in 1899, when Viet Nam was still a French colony. The total [36]_____ of the railroad is over 3,000 km, with the main route being the North-South [35]______, which is 1,726 km long. This track was considered the backbone of Indochina at the time. Now, the rail system covers 35 out of the 63 cities and provinces of Viet Nam. However, the system was [37]______ damaged by bombings during the war. In 1975, after the reunification of the north and the south, the Vietnamese government decided to restore the system. In the space of a year, hundreds of bridges, tunnels, and stations were restored, along with 660 km of tracks. The new and improved system was [38]______ the Thong Nhat Express. Thanks to the rail system, travelling from north to south has become much more convenient for tens of thousands of people. In the past, in order to be able to buy train tickets people had to wait in long lines. Now, C. passengers can buy tickets online, or at the central station, without having to wait that long. 35. A. long B. length C. wide D. will 36. A. Railway B. Road C. Route D. Way 37. A. seriously B. importantly C. serious D. very 38. A. recalled B. known C. considered D. renamed Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 44 Do you ever think about what schools will be like in the future? Many people think that students will study most regular classes such as maths, science and history online. Students will probably learn these subjects anywhere using a computer. What will happen if students have problems with a subject? They might connect with a teacher through live video conferencing. Expert teachers from learning centres will give students help wherever they live. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L Students will still take classes in a school, too. Schools will become places for learning social skills. Teachers will guide students in learning how to work together in getting along with each other. They will help students with group projects both in and out of the classroom. Volunteer work and working at local businesses will teach students important life skills about the world they live in. This will help students become an important part of their communities. Some experts say it will take five years for changes to begin in schools. Some say it will take longer. Most people agree, though, that computers will change education the way TVs and telephones changed life for people all over the world years before. 39. What will happen if students meet difficulties with a subject? A. Teachers from learning centres will give them help through live video conferencing. B. They will meet their teachers in person for help with problems with the subject. C. They will telephone the teachers who are staying at the school to seek their help. D. Schools will organise a live video conference for teachers to help students with problems. 40. Students will still go to school to _____ . A. learn all subjects B. play with their friends C. use computers D. learn social skills 41. The main role of teachers in the future will be _____ . A. providing students with knowledge B. guiding students to learn computers C. helping students with group projects D. organising live video conferences 42. Students will learn important life skills through _______ . A. going to school every day B. taking online classes C. working in international businesses D. doing volunteer work 43. The word “ this ” refers to………… A. Taking class in school. B. learning some subjects by computer. C. Volunteer work and working at local business. D. learning how to work together 44. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Kids won’t have to go to school in the future. B. Computers will change education in the future. C. All classes will be taught online in the future. D. Teachers will help students from home in the future. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 45. We arrived too late to see the first film. A.We didn’t arrive enough early to see the first film B.We didn’t arrive early enough to see the first film C.We didn’t arrive late enough to see the first film D.We didn’t arrive too early to see the first film 46. “I’m sorry that I broke the glass” said Peter. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 22. breaking the glass B.Peter apologized for breaking the glass C.Peter apologized on breaking the glass D.Peter apologized with breaking the glass 47. I was downing, but he saved me. A.If he hadn’t save me, I would have been downing B.If he had saved me, I would have been downing C.If he hadn’t saved me, I would have been downing D.If he hadn’t saved me, I wouldn't have been downing Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 48. We can’t afford to buy the car. [EXPENSIVE] A. The car is too expensive for me to buy B. The car is so expensive for me to buy C. The car is too expensive for me to buy it. D. The car is too expensive for I to buy 49. His parents made him study hard for the exams. A.He was made study hard for the exams B.He made to study hard for the exams C.He was made to study hard for the exams D.He was made to studying hard for the exams 50. We started cooking for the party four hours ago. A.We have been cooked for the party for four hours B.We have been cooking for the party since four hours C.We have cooking for the party for four hours D.We have been cooking for the party for four hours ___The end___ D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 23. VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ………... ĐỀ ÔN TẬP SỐ 05 KÌ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 10 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút [không kể thời gian phát đề] I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1.A. please B. peace C. seat D. spread 2.A. deny B. emotion C. respect D. better 3.A. overlooks B. beliefs C. towards D. rights Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4/ A. headmaster B. holiday C. attractive D. internet 5/ A. matter B. happen C. listen D. below Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6. The well from which the villagers used to get water is now near empty. A B C D 7. Can you help me with my homework? – I wish I can but I can’t. A B C D 8. Due to the increased number of visitors we have decided to enlarge the car park.. A B C D 9.The country has significant changed since we came here in 2007. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10/ I don’t really like getting up early but I have to because I often have lessons at 7.15. A. late B. later C. first D. soon 11. The music is what makes the movie so memorable. A. incredible B. unforgettable C. eventful D. remarkable Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 12/ He looks healthy enough. A. sick B. strong C. ugly D. slim 13. Inadequate supply of oxygen to the blood can cause death within minutes. A. Sufficient B. Nonexistent C. Rich D. Useful ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO [Đề thi có 03 trang] Mã đề thi 5 D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 14. He said that he .............. me there at 4.30 this afternoon. a. would meet b. met c. will meet d. meets 15. Maxwell .......... three dollars for the tie he bought at Macy's. a. had paid b. paid c. pays d. would pay 16. The salesman was telling me that he ......... ten cars last week. a. sold b. had sold c. would sell d. has sold 17. Did Bob say that he ............. from Princeton in 1951? a. would graduate b. graduates c. has graduated d. had graduated 18. We bought a used car that had belonged to an old couple who used the car only when they ............ shopping. a. go b. went c. are going d. has gone 19. The man who will replace Mr. Stuart ............... yesterday. a. arrives b. will arrive c. arrived d. has arrived 20. We thought that they .............. to Arizona yesterday. a. would move b. moved c. will move d. had moved 21. We'll wait until she.................. a. arrive b. arrives c. will arrive d. shall arrive 22. Call Jack as soon as you ............. in town. a. get b. gets c. will get d. shall get 23. He knows he has ……………. when he is asked to appear on TV. a. arrived b. arrives c. will arrive d. shall arrive 24. I'll think about your suggestion while I .......... for you. a. am waiting b. will wait c. wait d. waits 25. Before Jack leaves New York, he ............ several new plays. a. see b. saw c. has seen d. had seen 26. They will be very happy when they ............... the news. a. hear b. will hear c. heard d. has heard 27. I always .......... better after I have rested a while. a. feel b. feels c. will feel d. has felt 28. We will have learned many new words before we ................ through this course. a. have got b. got c. get d. will get 29. It is two o'clock, and I .................. my homework yet. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 24. b. didn't finish c. hadn't finished d. don't finish 30. We usually go out to dinner when we ................ late. a. work b. worked c. has worked d. had worked 31. She will be ready when he ..................... here. a. get b. gets c. has got d. will get 32. The child always cries when his mother ........... out of the house. a. go b. goes c. will go d. has gone Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each of the following exchanges. 33. “That’s a beautiful dress you are wearing!” - “___________________” A. Can I have it? B. It’s in the wash C. I’m glad you like it D. Oh, no, not really 34. “Would you like some chocolate?” - “__________________” A. I love it B. Yes, please! C. Here you go D. Here you are Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks Children [35]________ appear intelligent and have normal sight and hearing may nevertheless have learning disability such as dyslexia, difficulty in reading; dysgraphia, difficulty in writing; dyscalculia, difficulty with numbers; and auditory-memory problem that [36]________the child from remembering what has just been said. Considered an "invisible" [37]___________, such learning disabilities can be detected by alert parents before the children go to school. [38]________ the child at about thirty months is not developing normal language skills, something is amiss. A child who cannot do puzzles or put pegs in holes lacks perceptual- motor skills. Kindergarteners should recognize the ABCs. First-graders may commonly reverse their letters, writing a d or a b, but if they are still doing this at the start of second grade, they should be tested for learning disabilities. Proper and early treatment is essential. 35: A. whom B. who C. whose D. they 36: A. avoid B. help C. encourage D. prevent 37: A. barrier B. retard C. disabled D. handicap 38: A. If B. When C. Although D. Because Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 44 Every day on radio, on TV, and in the newspaper, we hear, see or read about many problems in the world, for example, pollution problems. Air pollution is the first kind. It mostly comes from fumes released from motorbikes, cars, airplanes, trains and poisonous gases emitted from factories. Also, waste is dumped anywhere, even in the city where many people are living. The second pollution problem is sea pollution. D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L Many people earn their living from fishing in the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people. But the sea has become so polluted from oil spills and factory wastes that the fish are dying. This is not only killing the fish, but is also affecting those people who eat fish. Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is growing more difficult every day. We must find a good solution that makes the world a better place to live. 39. We hear, see and read about problems in the world _________ A. once a week B. every day C. every week D. every year 40. What causes the air pollution? A. fumes from vehicles. B. poisonous gases from factories. C. waste from everywhere D. All are correct 41. The sea has become polluted because of _________ A. oil spills B. factories wastes C. smoke from factories D. A and B are correct 42. In order to make the world a better place to live, we _________ A. should not prevent pollution B. must find a good solution. C. should kill the fish. D. None is correct. 43. The word “This” in the passage refers to _________ A. pollution B. oil C. factory D. sea 44. The word “ polluted” is best replaced by? A. Harmed B. damaged C. contaminated D. ruined Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 45. She couldn’t afford to buy the car. A.The car is too expensive for her to buy it. B.The car is too expensive for her to buy C.The car is so expensive for her to buy D.The car is such an expensive for her to buy 46. She didn’t say a word as she left the room. A.She left the room without say a word B.She left the room with saying a word C.She left the room without saying a word D.She left the room without to say a word 47. They think the owner of the house is abroad. A.The owner of the house is thought to be abroad D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L
  • 25. the house is thought abroad C.The owner of the house thought to be abroad D.The owner and the house is thought to be abroad Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 48. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night. A.I wish I had finished my homework last night B.I wish I had finish my homework last night C.I wish I didn't finish my homework last night D.I wish I hadn't finished my homework last night 49. She asked John how he liked her new dress. A.“How do you like my new dress, John?”, she asked B.“How did you like my new dress, John?”, she asked C.“How do you like my new dress, John?”, she asks D.“How are you like my new dress, John?”, she asked 50. A train leaves at eight o’clock every morning. A.There is a train leaving on 8 o’clock every morning B.There is a train leaving about 8 o’clock every morning C.There have a train leaving at 8 o’clock every morning D.There is a train leaving at 8 o’clock every morning D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L ___The end___ I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: [8 points] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is different from the other three in pronunciation. 1.A. please B. peace C. seat D. spread 2.A. deny B. emotion C. respect D. better 3.A. overlooks B. beliefs C. towards D. rights Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 4/ A. headmaster B. holiday C. attractive D. internet 5/ A. matter B. happen C. listen D. below Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the following questions. 6. The well from which the villagers used to get water is now near empty. A B C D 7. Can you help me with my homework? – I wish I can but I can’t. A B C D 8. Due to the increased number of visitors we have decided to enlarge the car park.. A B C D 9.The country has significant changed since we came here in 2007. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 10/ I don’t really like getting up early but I have to because I often have lessons at 7.15. A. late B. later C. first D. soon 11. The music is what makes the movie so memorable. A. incredible B. unforgettable C. eventful D. remarkable Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions D Ạ Y K È M Q U Y N H Ơ N O F F I C I A L

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