Always on top app

Since its launch in mid-2015, Windows 10 has won over many Microsoft-skeptics. A host of new features and an improved user interface have helped make it the best Microsoft operating system since Windows XP.

But it's not perfect. There are still some glaring missing features-- features which you feel should be included by default. For example, pinned apps. There's no way to make sure an app is always "on top" without resorting to third-party tools.

Luckily, the third-party tools are excellent. Case in point:WindowsTop.

At its core, WindowsTop is a way to keep apps pinned to the front of your screen on top of other windows. It's useful if you're constantly jumping between programs but need to keep a particular app -- like a calculator -- handy at all times.

But the app's features go much deeper.

Once you've installed the app, each window will have a new drop-down arrow in the center of the title bar. Click it and choose Set Top to pin the windows. You also have three more options:

  1. Opacity-- You can adjust the visibility so you can see through the top window. Click Enable Click Through if you want the window to be "invisible" to your mouse.
  2. Shrink-- Rather than minimizing windows to the taskbar, the Shrink function reduces them in size on your desktop. It's like Sticky Notes, but for apps.
  3. Dark Mode-- Dark Mode instantly inverts the colors on your screen. It's perfect if you're working late at night.

Best of all, WindowsTop is entirely free to use!

Which apps do you use when you want to pin a Windows 10 app to be "always on top"? Have you found a better alternative to WindowsTop?You can leave your suggestions in the comments below.

Image Credit: Hari Syahputra via Shutterstock

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