A breath of fresh air là gì năm 2024

Ventilation ducts set within the floors allow fresh air to flow from perimeter to the heart of the building.North AmericanThey do not breathe fresh air, they rarely view the mountains or the plains.North AmericanAll cattle in the program are raised on the scenic rolling hills and the fresh air of Atlantic Canada.North American


a breath of fresh air

fresh-air fiend

noun [British English, informal] a person who is very keen on outdoor activities and [when indoors] on well-ventilated roomshe was famous for being a fresh-air fiend and opening the windows in his classroom for periods of time, even in the dead of winterExamplesDescribed as a "fresh-air fiend and nudist", she claimed "prophetic powers" of a quasi-religious nature.BritishThough many Americans still enjoy toughing it out in a tent, some fresh-air fiends are taking the outdoor experience up a notch.British

a breath of fresh air

fresh air noun1. an act or brief spell of breathing air that is outside or outdoorsresearchers found that 50 per cent of workers never leave the office for a breath of fresh airExamplesSecond-storey glass walkways connect all the major buildings in the city's downtown core, making it entirely viable to live, eat, work and play without ever taking a breath of fresh air.CanadianTwo ferries offer a great break from driving along with a breath of fresh air and a coffee for the driver.Irish2. a person or thing that constitutes a refreshing changeMike, my present husband, was a breath of fresh airExamplesA breath of fresh air is provided by the arrival of the scandalous Mrs Erlynne [Hunt], whose reputation has preceded her.BritishWhat's even better is how much this show is a breath of fresh air in an era of witless, dumb sitcoms. A breath of fresh air có nghĩa là cái gì đó mới mẻ, nó là một sự thay đổi có hướng tích cực từ những thứ đã cũ kỹ hoặc trở nên quen thuộc hay nhàm chán. Cụm này rất dễ nhớ và tự nhiên được người bản ngữ dùng cực nhiều.

Example: Having these young people living with us is like a breath of fresh air after years on our own.

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From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englisha breath of fresh aira breath of fresh aira] NEWsomething that is new and different in a way you think is exciting and good Osborne’s play brought a breath of fresh air to the British theatre. b] COLDclean air , that you feel you need after being for a long time I’m going outside for a breath of fresh air. → breathExamples from the Corpusa breath of fresh air• I'm going outside for a breath of fresh air.• You really want to turn around and get a breath of fresh air.• Moving to this big apartment was like a breath of fresh air.• As I say, we introduce a breath of fresh air into the inspection system.• Comes to corner of the street for a breath of fresh air.• His condition is fine and he went out for a breath of fresh air.• Steve Forbes is a breath of fresh air to the process.• Undoubtedly to the disappointment of the leakers, Inman came through the whole affair like a breath of fresh air.• We need a breath of fresh air in school inspections.

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