Why is it important for children to develop aesthetic sensitivity?

How does the child benefit from the aesthetic experience?

· Personal development: artistic activities provide opportunities to express one's own creativity, to discover oneself; They enhance self-esteem and self-concept. Each work of art generates in the child who creates it the feeling of having achieved an achievement.

What are the contributions of aesthetic education?

Aesthetic education helps people achieve, effortlessly, the rules of diversity and fullness; it helps them to conceive beauty not as merchandise; it dissolves the divisions that can be found within the aesthetic and, also, within society, if men and women create a life together…

How important is art education?

Artistic training contributes to the comprehensive development of children, youth and adults; enriches cognitive development and develops abilities and skills such as creativity and curiosity. During the first years of life, children play, sing, dance and draw naturally.

What are the benefits that art provides for children?

Benefits of art in children

  • First of all, it fosters their creative and transformative activity. …
  • They form an opinion about the world. …
  • They develop a collective consciousness. …
  • They improve your self-esteem. …
  • They develop their motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  • Concentration. …
  • Relaxation. …
  • Fun.

What is the development of aesthetics in children?

Developing aesthetic awareness means educating children's sensitivity to perceptual, intellectual and emotional experiences, so that they become deeper and integrate into a harmoniously organized whole.

What is aesthetics and how is it implemented in art education?

Educational process oriented to the formation and/or development of an aesthetic attitude in man, towards everything that has aesthetic value in the world, which contributes to the integral development of the personality in correspondence with its sociocultural context.

What are the benefits of cultural and artistic education?

Arts education is a teaching method that develops skills, attitudes, habits and behaviors, enhances abilities and skills, and is also a means of interaction, communication and expression of feelings and emotions that allows comprehensive training for all individuals.

The amplitude of the light that defines the color is called value; the closer to black, the lower the value. There are only two values: white and black. Grays, which are shades of black and white, are not colors, they are values ​​used to darken and lighten other colors.

What is art education for me?

Art education is defined as engaging in artistic and creative activities, such as dance, theatre, music, painting or sculpture. It can be part of both the curriculum and an extra-curricular activity.

What generates artistic education?

Art Education is a subject that can significantly help the development of creativity, by promoting through art a mechanism of expression, creativity and learning.

What are the benefits of art?

Different studies emphasize the multiple benefits of artistic practices such as strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence, reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing our memory and improving concentration.

What does teaching art bring to children and young people?

Increases enthusiasm and interest in children and young people. They increase the perception of the environment and generate a flexibility of thought. Generates security and autonomy in students. It stimulates cognitive abilities and allows communication.

How important is art in early childhood?

Art is a good strategy for education in all areas. In early childhood it enhances creative, reflective and critical thinking. It is a learning tool that stimulates to create and innovate.

ERIC Number: EJ1249635

Record Type: Journal

Publication Date: 2020

Pages: 8

Abstractor: As Provided


ISSN: ISSN-2311-6897


Investigating the Aesthetic Domain of the "Early Childhood Education and Care Curriculum Framework" for Young Students in Taiwan

Shih, Yi-Huang

International Journal of Education and Practice, v8 n1 p37-44 2020

Aesthetic education is fundamental to young children's holistic development and future lives. The development of aesthetic sensibility has been promoted in early childhood education in various countries and is an important issue in Taiwan's current educational practice. This paper aims to examine the aesthetic domain of the "Early Childhood Education and Care Curriculum Framework," promulgated by the Taiwan's Ministry of Education, highlighting the importance of aesthetic education for young children in Taiwan. The objective of this research study is to better understand the aesthetic education of Taiwan's young children, and provide insight for preschool teachers who implement aesthetic education. The findings are as follows: [1] the goals of aesthetic domain in the curriculum framework is to help young children enjoy aesthetic experience and artistic creation, and develop rich imagination, and respond to feelings and preferences for artistic creation of young children; [2] the aesthetic domain includes the development of "exploration and awareness", "performance and creation", and "response and appreciation"; [3] the learning aspect of the aesthetic domain is divided into two parts: "affection" and "artistic media"; [4] teachers should also pay attention to appropriate arts and cultural activities so the young children can experience their own local culture. If preschool teachers open their eyes and ears, they can guide young children to share in the beauty and joy of life. This paper provides discourses of preschool teachers who design an aesthetic education curriculum and offers practical, concrete suggestions that can support the aesthetic education of young children in Taiwan.

Descriptors: Early Childhood Education, Aesthetic Education, Foreign Countries, Child Development, Educational Practices, Preschool Curriculum, Child Care, Preschool Teachers, Educational Objectives, Imagination, Preferences, Teaching Methods, Art Activities, Cultural Activities, Teacher Attitudes, Instructional Design

Conscientia Beam. 19-C, Sunset Lane 3, DHA Phase 2 extension Karachi, Pakistan. e-mail: ; Web site: //www.conscientiabeam.com/journal/61

Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports - Research

Education Level: Early Childhood Education; Preschool Education

Audience: N/A

Language: English

Sponsor: N/A

Authoring Institution: N/A

Identifiers - Location: Taiwan

Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A

What are the benefits of aesthetic sensitivity in children?

List five benefits of aesthetic sensitivity in children. They are more able to be creative, they can experience a higher quality of learning, they have more insight, they can be more tolerant, they can be more independent.

What is the importance of aesthetic sensitivity?

Aesthetic sensitivity is the ability to see and appreciate beauty, as well as to judge art based on its aesthetic value. Responses to art and beauty are also a key component to the definition of aesthetic sense, meaning that it is not just an analysis on art, but rather the reaction of the individual to the art.

Why aesthetics are an important part of children's development?

Aesthetics, or a set of values relating to nature and the appreciation of beauty, should be incorporated into early childhood development. In doing this, young children will see the connection and importance of music, visual arts, and pretend play in their education.

Why aesthetic development is important?

Aesthetic qualities induce feelings of excitement, joy and optimism. Such emotional states enable the individual and encourage to also produce art themselves. The ability to experience aesthetically must also be developed and nurtured.

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